404 research outputs found

    Selecting molecules in the vibrational and rotational ground state by deflection

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    A beam of diatomic molecules scattered off a standing wave laser mode splits according to the rovibrational quantum state of the molecules. Our numerical calculation shows that single state resolution can be achieved by properly tuned, monochromatic light. The proposed scheme allows for selecting non-vibrating and non-rotating molecules from a thermal beam, implementing a laser Maxwell's demon to prepare a rovibrationally cold molecular ensemble.Comment: 11 pages, LaTeX. To appear in the European Physical Journal

    General criterion for oblivious remote state preparation

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    A necessary and sufficient condition is given for general exact remote state preparation (RSP) protocols to be oblivious, that is, no information about the target state can be retrieved from the classical message. A novel criterion in terms of commutation relations is also derived for the existence of deterministic exact protocols in which Alice's measurement eigenstates are related to each other by fixed linear operators similar to Bob's unitaries. For non-maximally entangled resources, it provides an easy way to search for RSP protocols. As an example, we show how to reduce the case of partially entangled resources to that of maximally entangled ones, and we construct RSP protocols exploiting the structure of the irreducible representations of Abelian groups.Comment: 5 pages, RevTe

    Phonon Squeezed States Generated by Second Order Raman Scattering

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    We study squeezed states of phonons, which allow a reduction in the quantum fluctuations of the atomic displacements to below the zero-point quantum noise level of coherent phonon states. We investigate the generation of squeezed phonon states using a second order Raman scattering process. We calculate the expectation values and fluctuations of both the atomic displacement and the lattice amplitude operators, as well as the effects of the phonon squeezed states on macroscopically measurable quantities, such as changes in the dielectric constant. These results are compared with recent experiments.Comment: 4 pages, REVTE

    Continuous variable remote state preparation

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    We extend exact deterministic remote state preparation (RSP) with minimal classical communication to quantum systems of continuous variables. We show that, in principle, it is possible to remotely prepare states of an ensemble that is parameterized by infinitely many real numbers, i.e., by a real function, while the classical communication cost is one real number only. We demonstrate continuous variable RSP in three examples using (i) quadrature measurement and phase space displacement operations, (ii) measurement of the optical phase and unitaries shifting the same, and (iii) photon counting and photon number shift.Comment: 7 pages, RevTeX

    Teleportation: from probability distributions to quantum states

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    The role of the off-diagonal density matrix elements of the entangled pair is investigated in quantum teleportation of a qbit. The dependence between them and the off-diagonal elements of the teleported density matrix is shown to be linear. In this way the ideal quantum teleportation is related to an entirely classical communication protocol: the one-time pad cypher. The latter can be regarded as the classical counterpart of Bennett's quantum teleportation scheme. The quantum-to-classical transition is demonstrated on the statistics of a gedankenexperiment.Comment: 11 pages, 1 figure, accepted for publication in J. Phys. A (Math. Gen.

    The Interference of the Dynamically Squeezed Vibrational Wave Packets

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    An electronic excitation of a molecule by a sequence of two femtosecond phase-locked laser pulses is considered. In this case the interference between the vibrational wave packets induced by each of the subpulses within a single molecule takes place. It is shown that due to the dynamical squeezing effect of a molecular vibrational state the interference of the vibrational wave packets allows one to measure the duration of a femtosecond laser pulse. This can be achieved experimentally by measuring the dependence of the integral fluorescence of the excited molecule on the delay time between the subpulses. The interference can lead to a sharp peak (or to a down-fall) in that dependence, the width of which is equal to the duration of the laser pulse. It is shown that finite temperature of the medium is favorable for such an experiment

    Incomplete quantum state estimation: a comprehensive study

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    We present a detailed account of quantum state estimation by joint maximization of the likelihood and the entropy. After establishing the algorithms for both perfect and imperfect measurements, we apply the procedure to data from simulated and actual experiments. We demonstrate that the realistic situation of incomplete data from imperfect measurements can be handled successfully.Comment: 11 pages, 10 figure

    One dimensional representations in quantum optics

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    The possibility of representing the quantum states of a harmonic oscillator not on the whole alpha-plane but on its one dimensional manifolds is considered. It is shown that a simple Gaussian distribution along a straight line describes a quadrature squeezed state while a similar Gaussian distribution along a circle leads to the amplitude squeezed state. The connection between the one dimensional representations and the usual Glauber representation is discussed

    Vibrational Schroedinger Cats

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    The optical Schroedinger cat states are simple realizations of quantum states having nonclassical features. It is shown that vibrational analogues of such states can be realized in an experiment of double pulse excitation of vibrionic transitions. To track the evolution of the vibrational wave packet we derive a non-unitary time evolution operator so that calculations are made in a quasi Heisenberg picture