60 research outputs found

    Le trafic d’ êtres humains de la Bulgarie vers la Belgique – un apprentissage proactif : développements 2002–2009

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    The paper discusses the mechanisms of proactive learning in the Bulgaro-Belgian human trafficking business between 2002 and 2007 through three profiles, starting each time with a case study. The profiles and cases are the result of an in-depth study of 16 Belgian court files. The study reveals three profiles: post-violent entrepreneurship in prostitution (2002–2005), international and inter-ethnic entrepreneurship in prostitution (2004), and labour exploitation (2004–2005). Each time one can identify learning processes in the minds of the entrepreneurs when comparing their activities with those of their predecessors, as described in previous articles by the same researchers. The image that comes to the fore from our analysis is one of organisations that are successful in all sorts of ways at covering themselves against police and judicial investigations, and that at the same time in many places and many ways – both in the regions of origin and in the country in which the activities take place – manage to infiltrate the economy.U radu se raspravlja o mehanizmima proaktivnog učenja u bugarsko-belgijskom trgovanju ljudima između 2002. i 2007. putem tri profila, svaki put počinjući studijom slučaja. Profili i slučajevi rezultat su dubinske analize šesnaest belgijskih sudskih spisa. Analiza otkriva tri profila: naknadno nasilno poduzetništvo u prostituciji (2002. – 2005.), međunarodno i međuetničko poduzetništvo u prostituciji (2004.) i izrabljivanje rada (2004. – 2005.). Svaki se put u poduzetnikâ može primijetiti napredak u učenju usporedimo li njihove aktivnosti s onima njihovih prethodnika opisanim u prijašnjim radovima istih istraživača. Iz te se analize izdvaja predodžba da je riječ o jednoj od organizacija koje se na sve načine uspješno štite od policijskih i sudskih istraga, a da se istodobno na mnogim mjestima i na mnogo načina – kako u regijama porijekla tako i u zemlji u kojoj se odvijaju te aktivnosti – uspijevaju infiltrirati u gospodarstvo.L’article explique les mécanismes d’apprentissage proactif au sein des trafics bulgaro-belges produits entre 2002 et 2007, à travers trois profils découlant chacun d’une étude de cas. Les données de l’article reposent sur une étude approfondie de seize dossiers judiciaires belges. L’on distingue trois profils: un entrepreneuriat violent développé dans la prostitution (2005–2005), un entreprenariat international et interethnique lié à la prostitution (2004) et un entreprenariat d’exploitation nette du travail (2004–2005). Dans chacun des cas est visible l’évolution des entrepreneurs par rapport aux activités de leurs prédécesseurs, décrites par les mêmes chercheurs dans des articles antérieurs. Dits profils laissent transparaître de véritables mécanismes d’apprentissage et donnent l’image d’organisations très performantes ayant appris à s’assurer une protection efficace contre toutes sortes d’actions policières et judiciaires. Elles y parviennent de diverses façons, aussi bien dans leur pays d’origine que de destination – là où elles opèrent – et réussissent à infiltrer l’économie locale

    Creative Adaptive Criminal Entrepreneurs from Africa and Human Trafficking in Belgium: Case Studies of Traffickers from Nigeria and Morocco

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    Abstract: The article is based on 48 Belgian judicial files (27 Nigerian and 21 Moroccan ones), that concern the practices that created victims of human trafficking from Nigeria and Morocco in Belgium and some neighbouring countries. We discover that the most efficient criminal entrepreneurs are the very flexible ones, who continuously adapt, learn, dare to diversify, and sometimes also to internationalize (but mostly with African partners). An important difference with the Eastern European criminals whom we studied in former research, is that the Africans most of the time do not look for coverage of their practices through legal firms. Their learning practice remains re-active; until 2012 it does not really become pro-active. There is no pro-active longer term vision and no intention to create legal structures that hide their praxis

    Analiza nekih visoko strukturiranih mreža krijumčarenja ljudi i trgovanja ljudima iz Albanije i Bugarske u Belgiju

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    The authors examine the logistic ecology of 30 large-scale networks that were active in human smuggling and trafficking from Albania and Bulgaria to Belgium (1995–2003). Ten networks were studied in greater detail in order to determine three final profiles of networks, based on their use of structural and operational intermediary structures. They are called the “individual infiltration” and the “structural infiltration” human smuggling patterns, and the “violent-control prostitution” trafficking pattern. It should be noted that the business is organized in such a way that the organizers of the logistical support are never inculpated.Autori istražuju logističku ekologiju 30 opsežnih (masovnih) mreža koje su sudjelovale u krijumčarenju ljudi i trgovanju ljudima iz Albanije i Bugarske u Belgiju (1995–2003). Detaljnije je istraženo deset mreža kako bi se odredila tri konačna profila mreža na temelju uporabe strukturnih i operativnih posredničkih struktura. One su nazvane obrascem »individualne infiltracije« i »strukturne infiltracije« krijumčarenja ljudima te obrascem trgovanja »nasilno kontroliranom prostitucijom«. Valja primijetiti da je biznis organiziran na taj način da organizatori logističke podrške nikad nisu optuženi

    Krijumčarenje ljudi na istočnobalkanskoj ruti i ruti na istočnim granicama Europe

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    The authors propose an analysis of the developments in migrants’ smuggling (and indirectly also in transit migrations) on the Eastern Balkan (Bulgaria–Romania) and Eastern Borders (Moldova, Ukraine, Belarus) routes from around 2015. For some transit migrants (and migrants’ smugglers), with the severe controls on the Western Balkan route and after the EU–Turkey deal of April 2016, the new routes, each with its own already decennia-long smuggling tradition, have become a possible alternative for the Western Balkan route. Starting from the statistics, the authors show that there surely is a partial integration of both new routes, but that it is not very clear in which proportion and how it may happen. They provide the figures about what is already known today. But at the same time, one discovers that, due to the problems of official labelling and to a lack of an all-inclusive approach, for which only partial pieces of the routes are taken in consideration, it is difficult to come to a good understanding of the processes and of the complexity of the Smuggling of Migrants (SoM) business. Instead of only putting partial findings together, it should be possible to follow the processes from the destination to the arrival countries. In most cases, the countries on the Eastern Balkan and Eastern Borders routes only function as transit countries. The structure as a whole remains out of sight. To show the importance of this all-inclusive approach, the authors analyse some files from one of the possible destination countries (Belgium). They conclude with suggestions for further research.Autori predlažu analizu zbivanja povezanih s krijumčarenjem migranata (a neposredno i s tranzitnim migracijama) na istočnobalkanskoj ruti (Bugarska – Rumunjska) i ruti na istočnim granicama (Moldavija, Ukrajina i Bjelorusija) otprilike od 2015. godine. S obzirom na ozbiljne kontrole na zapadnobalkanskoj ruti i nakon dogovora EU-a i Turske iz travnja 2016., nove rute, od kojih svaka ima vlastitu desetogodišnju tradiciju krijumčarenja, za određene migrante u tranzitu (i krijumčare migranata) predstavljaju moguću alternativu zapadnobalkanskoj ruti. Počevši od statističkih podataka, autori pokazuju da će se nove rute sigurno djelomično integrirati, ali i da nije dovoljno jasno u kojoj se mjeri i kako to događa. Navode podatke o dosadašnjim spoznajama. Istodobno postaje jasno da je teško shvatiti procese i složenost aktivnosti krijumčarenja migranata uslijed problema povezanih sa službenim označivanjem i nedostatka sveobuhvatnog pristupa, zbog kojeg se u obzir uzimaju samo određeni dijelovi ruta. Umjesto povezivanja djelomičnih podataka trebalo bi omogućiti praćenje procesa od odredišnih do polazišnih zemalja. U većini slučajeva zemlje u okviru istočnobalkanske rute i rute na istočnim granicama samo su tranzitne zemlje. Cijela struktura ostaje izvan dosega. Kako bi istaknuli važnost sveobuhvatnog pristupa, autori analiziraju određene dokumente iz jedne od mogućih odredišnih zemalja (Belgije). U zaključku iznose prijedloge za buduća istraživanja

    Analiza nekih visoko strukturiranih mreža krijumčarenja ljudi i trgovanja ljudima iz Albanije i Bugarske u Belgiju

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    The authors examine the logistic ecology of 30 large-scale networks that were active in human smuggling and trafficking from Albania and Bulgaria to Belgium (1995–2003). Ten networks were studied in greater detail in order to determine three final profiles of networks, based on their use of structural and operational intermediary structures. They are called the “individual infiltration” and the “structural infiltration” human smuggling patterns, and the “violent-control prostitution” trafficking pattern. It should be noted that the business is organized in such a way that the organizers of the logistical support are never inculpated.Autori istražuju logističku ekologiju 30 opsežnih (masovnih) mreža koje su sudjelovale u krijumčarenju ljudi i trgovanju ljudima iz Albanije i Bugarske u Belgiju (1995–2003). Detaljnije je istraženo deset mreža kako bi se odredila tri konačna profila mreža na temelju uporabe strukturnih i operativnih posredničkih struktura. One su nazvane obrascem »individualne infiltracije« i »strukturne infiltracije« krijumčarenja ljudima te obrascem trgovanja »nasilno kontroliranom prostitucijom«. Valja primijetiti da je biznis organiziran na taj način da organizatori logističke podrške nikad nisu optuženi

    Waar een wil is, is een (uit)weg? Exit in de gevangenis: processen, programma’s en aanbevelingen

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    One of the priorities on the political agenda in Belgium is the approach of radicalization in prison. With a modified prison policy and the implementation of disengagement and de-radicalization programs during detention, the government tries to prevent detainees from radicalizing. The question is what the concrete content is and/or should be of such disengagement programs and to what extent they are effectively achieving their goal? In order to answer these questions, we look at the disengagement programs of three European countries: Denmark, the Netherlands and Germany. Based on these international insights and expertise, we identify a number of ‘good practices’ for the Belgian situation. Although the Belgian federal and Flemish government have taken a number of initial steps, it is clear that there is still much work to be done

    Study of the hybrid controller electronics for the nano-stabilization of mechanical vibrations of CLIC quadrupoles

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    In order to achieve the required levels of luminosity in the CLIC linear collider, mechanical stabilization of quadrupoles to the nanometre level is required. The paper describes a design of hybrid electronics combining an analogue controller and digital communication with the main machine controller. The choice of local analogue control ensures the required low latency while still keeping sufficiently low noise level. Furthermore, it reduces the power consumption, rack space and cost. Sensitivity to radiation single events upsets is reduced compared to a digital controller. The digital part is required for fine tuning and real time monitoring via digitization of critical parameters. © 2011 IOP Publishing Ltd and SISSA

    An Analysis of Some Highly-Structured Networks of Human Smuggling and Trafficking from Albania and Bulgaria to Belgium

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    The authors examine the logistic ecology of 30 large-scale networks that were active in human smuggling and trafficking from Albania and Bulgaria to Belgium (1995–2003). Ten networks were studied in greater detail in order to determine three final profiles of networks, based on their use of structural and operational intermediary structures. They are called the “individual infiltration” and the “structural infiltration” human smuggling patterns, and the “violent-control prostitution” trafficking pattern. It should be noted that the business is organized in such a way that the organizers of the logistical support are never inculpated

    Human Smuggling on Europe’s Eastern Balkan and Eastern Borders Routes

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    Human Trafficking and Migrant Smuggling in Southeast Europe and Russia. Learning Criminal Entrepreneurship and Traditional Culture

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    Through unprecedented access to over 100 court files and sentences and interviews with police and security personnel in both origin and destination countries, this book provides the most comprehensive exploration to date of human trafficking and migrant smuggling in Eastern Europe and Russia. Human Trafficking and Migrant Smuggling in Southeast Europe charts the development and organization of the complex criminal networks involved in trafficking and smuggling, paying particular attention to: the entrepreneurship of criminals; social control mechanisms; the 'intermediate' structures, (such as transport modalities, safe houses, and embassies); financial modalities, and; the perspectives and agency of victims. Enriched with many case studies informed by police and judicial information, the book draws on interdisciplinary perspectives and will be of great interest to both criminologists and anthropologists studying international organized crime.nrpages: 172status: publishe