43 research outputs found

    Parkbuddy – Find My Car Android Mobile Application

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    As a result of technological progress, smartphones become an excellent choice for the user to make their life easier. This paper discussed how to locate parked vehicle using mobile application. The situation of forgetting where last vehicle location was parked and trying to remember it can become problem to some people especially to those who are having deterioration of memory such as a short term memory and dementia. This mobile application helps these users to locate their vehicle by utilising the global positioning system (GPS) system. This paper presents and critically analyses the system developed to solve the problem

    SambaKodiPi A Personal File Server and Media Center

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    Conventional file sharing and media viewing usually involve slow and tedious data transfer. This project aims to provide access convenience for sharing data and directviewing of media files by having file server (FS) and media center (MC) capability using Raspberry Pi (RPi). The system consists of several functionalities that were developed through iterative and incremental development. The resulting system has its FS function catered by Samba program and its MC function catered by Kodi program. Direct MC output is on highdefinition television (HDTV). The web-based user interface (WebUI) provides administrative functions for the system, its FS and users management and indirect access to its MC function through web player for all registered users. The system has undergone several testing processes, and it is a working prototype of an economical and feasible file server and media center using RPi. The system can still be improved with other functions and features in the future

    e-Nelayan the Fishery Marketplace App

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    Smartphones have become an essential device that not only acts as a communication media, but it is also able to assist its user to do multiple tasks. A fisherman is an example of a community member that uses a smartphone. If a smartphone is fully utilised, it can be a huge help for the fishermen to sell their catch and fishery products. However, there is no proper medium, such as an mobile application, for this group of people to sell their catch. Hence, the e-Nelayan Marketplace App is introduced. This app enables the fishermen mainly in Kota Samarahan to sell their catch and other fishery products more effectively. The functionalities of this app include the ability to advertise the catch and let customers and fishmongers know the type of fish being sold. In addition, an interactive graphical user interface was designed to display the output of each functional module. In order to evaluate the user acceptance towards the app, several tests were conducted, such as the performance, portability, compatibility, and usability testing. With the development of this project, it is hoped that the application will benefit not only fishermen but also customers and fishmongers

    e-Nelayan the Fishery Marketplace App

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    Smartphones have become an essential device that not only actsas a communication media, but it is also able to assist its user to do multiple tasks. A fisherman is an example of a community member that usesa smartphone. If a smartphone is fully utilised, it can be a huge help for the fishermen to sell their catch and fishery products. However, there is no proper medium, such as anmobile application,for this group of people to sell their catch. Hence, the e-Nelayan Marketplace App is introduced. This app enables the fishermen mainly in Kota Samarahan to sell their catch and other fishery products moreeffectively. The functionalities of this app include the ability to advertise the catch and let customersand fishmongersknow the type of fish being sold. In addition, an interactive graphical user interfacewas designed to display the output of each functional module. In order to evaluate the user acceptance towards the app, several tests were conducted, such as the performance, portability, compatibility, and usability testing. With the development of this project, it is hoped that the application willbenefit not only fishermen but also customers and fishmongers

    Developing an Evaluation Framework for Immersive Learning Experiences for Software Engineering Project Course

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    Most of the principles and concepts that need to be taught in Software Engineering courses are hard to share the realistic experiences because it is difficult to give the student practical exposure to the insight and processes involved. There is a non-existent approach to conveying the concepts of applying Agile Scrum and Team Software Process (TSPi) that involve learner, instructor and business stakeholder. This paper will explain the concept of a framework for efficiently building an immersive learning environment for both learner and instructor of Software Engineering Project course with the involvement of business stakeholder. This provides an opportunity for learning to be more focused on learning design through the prism of immersive environments rather than the collection of information. The online surveys were disseminated to third-year students who took the Software Engineering Laboratory course and the projects' stakeholders. This study aims to gain feedback from both sides on the effectiveness and suitability of the framework and concept in teaching and learning the course. Our experience in the creation, conduct and iteration of the course is outlined in this paper. It ends by assessing the degree to which we were able to achieve the course objectives established by the students and stakeholders

    Agent-Oriented Methodology for Designing 3D Animated Characters

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    Agent Oriented Methodology (AOM) has been used as an alternative tool to modelling the production of 3D animated characters. Besides allowing strong engagement between production team members, the agent models also drive effective communication among them. This paper explores the adoption of AOM to model the cognitive capability of 3D animated characters. We extend and demonstrate how AOM can be used to model a BDI (Belief/Desire/Intention) cognitive architecture for 3D animated characters in a fire fighting and evacuation scenario. The contribution of this work is that it turns the AOM into a detailed design tool for a 3D production team. Although the AOM can serve as an engagement tool among various stakeholders, we further showcase the use of AOM as a tool for production design and development

    Modeling Emotion Oriented Approach through Agent-Oriented Approach

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    eLearning is introduced to promote self-learning anytime and anyway. To date, various components have been added into an eLearning platform to produce an interactive and engaging eLearning platform. Among an interest, component is embedded emotion into the eLearning system. While emotion is paying much attention nowadays, there is lacking a systematic way to model emotion-based eLearning. Without the systematic approach, it is hard to debug, design and develop an emotion-based e-learning system. This paper introduces emotion goals through the agent-oriented approach. Besides, we demonstrate how to design an emotion-based quiz master as an embedded emotion element for the eLearning system through the proposed modeling approach. This thesis suggests a standardized way to model an emotion-oriented application through Agent-Oriented Modelling (AOM). The AOM is extended to guide the elicitation, analysis, design and implementation of an emotion-oriented application, a kind of interactive application. With the emotion model, it can serve as a guide to design, redesign, discuss the emotional elements among the software development team. This is important for better debugging and project management, especially for emotion, led applications

    eMarket for Local Farmers

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    The Covid-19 pandemic is a global health crisis that has brought an impact on everyone. A negative impact has made local farmers struggle to find their means of income other than selling their crops to their customers. The customers have had difficulties searching for good quality fresh produce other than from the supermarket. The purpose of this paper is twofold: firstly, to assess the manual and existing system on how consumers acquire their fresh produce during the Covid-19 pandemic, to design and implement a delivery system for local farmers to vend their fresh produce through a mobile application; and secondly, to test and evaluate the usability and functionality of the online farmers' market application. The existing mobile applications have changed everyone's approach in acquiring the daily essentials that the pandemic has brought. Therefore, the idea of developing an online marketplace for local farmers resulted in the proposed application, which will be explained in this paper. Rapid Application Development (RAD) was used as the methodology for the development of the eMarket application. A survey was conducted via Google form for twenty local farmers and another twenty potential customers during the pre-development stage. It was to collect data on the users' opinions regarding the proposed application. We then conducted the usability testing through Google form to collect the users' feedback on the eMarket application. Ten local farmers from Matang's market have participated in the testing phase. Additionally, ten students from a local university participated as potential customers in the usability testing. As a result of these testings, we have developed a usable farmer's market application that has been well-received by local farmers and customers