29 research outputs found

    Síndrome de burnout ou estafa profissional e os transtornos psiquiátricos

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    BACKGROUND: Burnout syndrome is consequent of prolonged levels of stress in the works environment. OBJECTIVE: The aims of this article are to obtain information about the syndromes prevalence in Brazil and in other countries, the risk factors responsible for its development, its association with psychiatric disorders and consequences for the individual and for the organization. METHODS: It was carried out a review using database from MedLine, Scielo, American Psychiatry Association, Evidence-Based Mental Health, American College of Physicians, Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality, National Guideline Clearinghouse and from World Health Organization, between 1985 and 2006. CONCLUSION: The prevalence is still uncertain, but data suggest that it could affect a significant number of individuals, range from aproximately 4% to 85.7% according to the studied population. It could be presented as a comorbidity with some psychiatric illnesses like depressive disorder. The effects of burnout could interfere negatively in the individual level (physical, mental, professional and social); professional level (slow and negligent service to the patient/customer, impersonal contact with colleagues and/or patient/customers); and organizational level (conflict with the teams members, turnover, absenteeism, diminishing of services quality). More researches should be carried out to organizations make positive changes based in scientific evidences.CONTEXTO: A síndrome de burnout é conseqüente a prolongados níveis de estresse no trabalho e compreende exaustão emocional, distanciamento das relações pessoais e diminuição do sentimento de realização pessoal. OBJETIVO: O objetivo deste artigo foi realizar uma revisão bibliográfica a respeito da síndrome no Brasil e em outros países, considerando sua prevalência, possíveis fatores de risco para seu desenvolvimento, sua associação com outros transtornos psiquiátricos e conseqüências para o indivíduo e a organização em que trabalha. MÉTODOS: Realizou-se uma revisão bibliográfica utilizando-se a base de dados da MedLine, Scielo, American Psychiatry Association, Evidence-Based Mental Health, American College of Physicians, Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality, National Guideline Clearinghouse e da Organização Mundial da Saúde no período compreendido entre 1985 e 2006. CONCLUSÃO: A prevalência da síndrome de burnout ainda é incerta, mas dados sugerem que acomete um número significativo de indivíduos, variando de aproximadamente 4% a 85,7%, conforme a população estudada. Pode apresentar comorbidade com alguns transtornos psiquiátricos, como a depressão. Os efeitos do burnout podem prejudicar o profissional em três níveis: individual (físico, mental, profissional e social), profissional (atendimento negligente e lento ao cliente, contato impessoal com colegas de trabalho e/ou pacientes/clientes) e organizacional (conflito com os membros da equipe, rotatividade, absenteísmo, diminuição da qualidade dos serviços). Mais pesquisas devem ser realizadas para que mudanças positivas nas organizações de trabalho sejam baseadas em evidências científicas

    Espectroscopia de próton por ressonância magnética de lobo frontal em esquizofrênicos: revisão crítica da metodologia

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    Schizophrenic patients undergoing proton magnetic resonance spectroscopy show alterations in N-acetyl aspartate levels in several brain regions, indicating neuronal dysfunction. The present review focuses on the main proton magnetic resonance spectroscopy studies in the frontal lobe of schizophrenics. A MEDLINE search, from 1991 to March 2004, was carried out using the key-words spectroscopy and schizophrenia and proton and frontal. In addition, articles cited in the reference list of the studies obtained through MEDLINE were included. As a result, 27 articles were selected. The results were inconsistent, 19 papers reporting changes in the N-acetyl aspartate levels, while 8 reported no change. Methodological analysis led to the conclusion that the discrepancy may be due the following factors: (i) number of participants; (ii) variation in the clinical and demographic characteristics of the groups; (iii) little standardization of the acquisition parameters of spectroscopy. Overall, studies that fulfill strict methodological criteria show N-acetyl aspartate decrease in the frontal lobe of male schizophrenics.Pacientes esquizofrênicos submetidos à espectroscopia de próton por ressonância magnética demonstram alterações nos níveis de N-acetilaspartato em diversas regiões cerebrais, suportando a hipótese de disfunção neuronal nestas áreas. Objetiva-se apresentar uma revisão da literatura, sobre os principais estudos de espectroscopia de próton por ressonância magnética na região frontal em esquizofrênicos. Utilizou-se o indexador MEDLINE, no período entre 1991 e março de 2004, com o cruzamento dos termos spectroscopy, schizophrenia, proton e frontal. Foram selecionados 27 artigos originais, cujos resultados mostram-se discordantes quanto à alteração nos valores de N-acetilaspartato (19 artigos apresentaram alterações nos níveis de N-acetilaspartato e oito estudos não apresentam alterações). A presente revisão sugere que esta diversidade de resultados pode ser atribuída aos seguintes fatores: 1-número de participantes; 2- variação nas características clínicas e demográficas dos grupos; 3- pouca padronização dos parâmetros de aquisição dos espectros. Os artigos que satisfazem os critérios metodológicos mais rígidos sugerem diminuição de NAA no lobo frontal de esquizofrênicos do sexo masculino

    Associations between chronic pelvic pain and psychiatric disorders and symptoms

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    Background Chronic pelvic pain (CPP) is a complex condition wich is associated with emotional factors, specially depression and anxiety. Objectives To make a systematic review to provide a detailed summary of relevant literature on the association between CPP and different psychiatric disorders/symptoms. Methods A systematic review of articles in the international literature published between 2003 and 2014 was performed in the electronic databases PubMed, PsycINFO, LILACS, and SciELO using the terms (chronic pelvic pain) AND (psychiatry OR psychiatric OR depression OR anxiety OR posttraumatic stress OR somatoform). The searches returned a total of 529 matches that were filtered according to predefined inclusion and exclusion criteria. A total of 18 articles were selected. Results The investigations focused mainly on the assessment of depression and anxiety disorders/symptoms, with rather high rates (17-38.6%). Depression and anxiety symptoms were more prevalent among women with CPP compared to healthy groups. Comparisons between groups with CPP and with specific pathologies that also have pain as a symptom showed that depression indicators are more frequent in CPP. Depressive symptoms tend to be more common in CPP and have no particular association with pain itself, the core feature of CPP. Discussion Other aspects of CPP seem to play a specific role in this association. Anxiety and other psychiatric disorders require further investigation so that their impact on CPP can be better understood

    Tratamentos farmacológicos para o transtorno de ansiedade social: existem novos parâmetros na atualidade?

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    BACKGROUND: Social anxiety disorder (SAD), despite its low detection rates and high level of associated comorbidities, is considered a treatable condition. Although the condition's response to several drug classes is well established, the algorithms for the treatment of SAD require regular updating. OBJECTIVE: To perform a systematic literature review on the efficacy of pharmacological treatments for SAD based on controlled trials published between 2005 and 2010. METHOD: Searches were performed in the electronic databases PsycInfo, Lilacs, and Medline using the search terms "social phobia or social anxiety and treatment". RESULTS: In accordance with the inclusion criteria adopted, 29 articles were included and analyzed. The following drugs, grouped according to class, proved efficient to treat SAD: a) SSRIs: escitalopram, fluvoxamine, citalopram, GR205171, and sertraline; b) SNRI: venlafaxine; c) MAOIs: phenelzine, moclobemide; d) amino acids: f-cycloserine; and (e) anticonvulsants: tiagabine. DISCUSSION: The use of SSRIs and SNRIs to treat SAD is well established and these are still considered the first-line treatment for the condition; however, evidence suggests the future potential of D-cycloserine and anticonvulsants, whose efficacy must be confirmed by further controlled trials. The action profiles of the different medications used to treat SAD at the neurobiological level, as well as that of associated treatments, need to be explored in greater depth.CONTEXTO: O transtorno de ansiedade social (TAS), apesar da baixa taxa de detecção e do alto índice de comorbidades associadas, é considerado uma condição tratável. Apesar da resposta estabelecida a diversas classes de medicamentos, os algoritmos para o tratamento do TAS necessitam de atualização constante. OBJETIVO: Realizar revisão sistemática da literatura no que diz respeito à eficácia dos tratamentos farmacológicos relativos ao TAS, a partir de estudos controlados, conduzidos no período de 2005 a 2010. MÉTODO: Foram utilizados os indexadores eletrônicos PsycoInfo, Lilacs e Medline, utilizando-se as palavras-chave: "social phobia or social anxiety and treatment". RESULTADOS: De acordo com critérios de inclusão adotados, 29 artigos foram incluídos e analisados. Mostram-se eficazes para o tratamento do TAS as seguintes drogas, de acordo com a classe: a) ISRSs: escitalopram, fluvoxamina, citalopram, GR205171 e sertralina; b) ISRSN: venlafaxina; c) IMAOs: fenelzina, moclobemina; d) aminoácidos: d-cicloserina; f) anticonvulsivantes: tiagabina. CONCLUSÃO: Os ISRSs e os ISRSNs têm seu uso estabelecido e ainda continuam sendo considerados primeira opção de tratamento. Porém, destaca-se o potencial futuro da d-cicloserina e dos anticonvulsivantes, com necessidade de um número maior de estudos controlados que confirmem os achado iniciais. A ação das diferentes drogas em nível neurobiológico, bem como dos tratamentos associados, necessita ainda ser mais explorada

    A comparison of consultative psychiatric services in two Brazilian university hospitals using a standardized protocol for recording liaison consultations

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    O objetivo do presente estudo foi comparar pedidos de interconsulta psiquiátrica realizados para dois hospitais gerais universitários brasileiros e avaliar a aplicabilidade de um protocolo de registro de interconsulta psiquiátrica (PRISMe). Foi realizada análise dos pedidos de interconsulta, do PRISMe anexado a eles e o número total de pedidos de interconsulta incluídos na amostra foi 541 (438 pedidos de interconsulta do HCFMRP-USP e 103 pedidos de interconsulta do HU-UFSC). Observou-se maior freqüência de solicitação para pacientes do sexo feminino, caucasianos, entre 31 a 60 anos e casados. Os diagnósticos psiquiátricos mais freqüentes foram depressão, transtornos de adaptação e de personalidade. Os resultados estão de acordo com a literatura nacional e internacional e as diferenças encontradas podem ser atribuídas às diferenças na infra-estrutura das instituições e nos contextos sócio-econômicos nos quais estão inseridas. Achados do presente estudo demonstram a aplicabilidade do PRISMe e sugerem que podem facilitar a sistematização da obtenção de achados clínico-demográficos e a comparabilidade entre as diferenças.The objective of the present report was to compare consultative psychiatric services in two Brazilian university hospitals and to evaluate the applicability of a standardized protocol (PRISMe) for recording psychiatric liaison consultations. Analyses of psychiatric consultations and the attached protocol were performed. 541 consecutive liaison consultations were included in the final sample (438 consecutive consultations from the Federal university hospital in São Paulo and 103 from the Federal university hospital in Santa Catarina). In both hospitals, the majority of patients were female, married, white, and 31 to 60 years of age. Depression and adjustment and personality disorders were the most common psychiatric diagnoses, which could explain the higher referral of female patients. The results are consistent with the Brazilian and international literature, and the differences between the two hospitals could be related to both logistical differences between the consultative psychiatric services and the socioeconomic contexts. The findings confirm the applicability of the PRISMe and suggest that systematization of clinical and demographic information is important for future comparative studies.Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)USP - Fundação de Apoio ao Ensino, Pesquisa e Assistência (FAEPA) do HCFMR

    Modelos animais em psiquiatria: avanços e desafios

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    Objetivos: Discutir os avanços e limitações do uso dos modelos animais nos transtornos psiquiátricos. Método: Uma revisão narrativa de artigos. Resultados: Diferentes modelos animais atualmente demonstram validade adequada para características específicas de determinados transtornos mentais. Conclusão: Resguardadas as devidas limitações que impossibilitam mimetizar sintomas psicopatológicos complexos em modelos animais, estes seguem como úteis ferramentas de estudo na psiquiatria

    Using overdenture on implants and complete dentures: effects on postural maintenance of masticatory musculature

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    Aims: Thanks to advances in osseointegration, oral rehabilitation specialists have had the option of using implants to improve retention and stability in treatments with complete dentures. This study compared the masticatory muscle electromyographic activity in implant-supported overdenture wearers, complete denture wearers and dentate individuals. The electromyographic activity of the right and left masseter muscles, and the right and left anterior temporalis muscles was analyzed in 10 implant-supported overdenture wearers (Group 1), 10 conventional complete denture wearers (Group 2), and 10 dentate individuals (Group 3), with mean age of 65 years, at rest and during postural position maintenance. The analysis was performed using the MyoSystem-Br1 electromyographer with differential active electrodes. Analysis of variance tests were carried out to compare the groups and muscles and revealed different electromyographic values that were statistically significant at 1% significance level. Duncan s pos-hoc test showed that Group 3 presented the smallest values (pd 0.01). The electromyographic contraction pattern was similar between Groups 1 and 3 (p>0.01), and hyperactivity of anterior temporalis muscles was observed in Group 2 (pd 0.01). Conclusions: dentate individuals had smaller electromyographic values of masticatory muscles and the overdenture use caused electromyographic contraction patterns similar to those of dentate individuals in both positions

    Human experimental anxiety: actual public speaking induces more intense physiological responses than simulated public speaking

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    Objectives: a) To perform a systematic and meta-analytic review to verify whether the Simulated Public Speaking Task (SPST) leads to a greater increase in self-rated anxiety than in physiological correlates of anxiety; and b) to compare the results obtained with the SPST with an actual public speaking task involving healthy volunteers. Methods: a) The PubMed and ISI Web of Knowledge databases were searched for studies involving the SPST prior to 2012. Eleven publications were eligible and provided data from 143 healthy volunteers for meta-analysis; b) 48 university students without somatic or psychiatric disorders were divided into three experimental groups of 16 subjects to undergo one of the following: SPST, real-world public speaking task (real-world), and control situation (control). Results: The meta-analysis showed that the SPST induced a significant increase in the Visual Analogue Mood Scale (VAMS) anxiety factor, but no significant increases in systolic blood pressure or heart rate. The empirical study showed that the real-world public speaking task increased heart rate, systolic blood pressure and diastolic blood pressure significantly more than the control and SPST conditions. Conclusions: These results suggest that real public speaking might be better than SPST in inducing experimental anxiety