3,603 research outputs found

    Baseline Survey on Reproductive Health Needs in Preparation of a CBD Program in Lushoto Division,Lushoto District

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    \ud This community based household study was designed to collect baseline data on reproductive health Lushoto division of Lushoto District, selected as a pilot area for a community Based Distribution program. The study focused on main reproductive health indicators (fertility, fertility regulation, maternal health and on knowledge about sexually transmitted diseases). The study design originates from the MoH-GTZ project on reproductive health in Kenya where rapid assessment tool was adapted according to the needs of the field of reproductive health. 478 randomly selected women in reproductive age (15-49) from 6 villages were interviewed with a questionnaire. The main findings are: In Lushoto division the contraceptive prevalence is 29%. 77% of the study population know at least one modern method of family planning. Regarding provision of services 79% of women preferred women of their or any age 18% did not mind at all who offers the service. 86% of the women could at least name one STDs. Asked what they currently do not prevent themselves or their partner from being at risk for STDs 60% answered “nothing”. The percentage of institutional deliveries (in Health Centre, Dispensary or Hospital) was 22% however 98 % of the women had received antenatal care including tetanus vaccination. The survey revealed that 47% of the women had initiated to live with a male partner before attaining 19 years of age. The final conclusion is that there is a considerable unmet need for family planning services in Lushoto division. Out of those who do not want a pregnancy in the following years only 33% prevent pregnancy 30% with modern methods. \u

    Development summary of a sympathetic discharge CO2 laser for lidar use

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    A commercial pulsed sympathetic discharge laser has been characterized and modified for use as a potential lidar. This report summarizes the initial findings and modifications made to the baseline system. The new laser performance is then checked with theory and operational results are presented. The laser has inherent mode instability and high chirp. Several solutions were tried and their results are presented

    Follow-up Reproductive Health Needs Assessment for Evaluation of a CBD Program in Maramba Division,Muheza District

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    This is the report of a follow up household survey conducted in 8 villages of Maramba Division, Muheza District 1.5 years after starting a CBD program. The main findings are; The contraceptive prevalence for modern methods was 33% compared to 24% in 1999. Among clients of oral contraceptives compliance to pill use can be estimated to be about 77%. Delivery indicators show that the rate of professionally assisted deliveries decreased from 55% in 1999 to only 33% in 2001. Knowledge on how to prevent STDs has improved. More women mention the use of condoms 16%(against 10% in 99) and having only one sexual partner 43% (against 27% in 99). It is concluded that CBD activities have a measurable impact on the contraceptive prevalence rate. If established at large scale the contraceptive prevalence of a whole region or even the whole country could increase considerably... Delivery indicators showed that the rate of home deliveries is increasing. Especially alarming is the increase in birth only attended by untrained people. There is an urgent need to further explore the reason and to react with appropriate measures. This rapid assessment methodology is very useful to provide at low cost population based data. This is especially important as long as reliable population data are missing. In selected area this type of survey should accompany a CBD program on regular basis

    Spatial Voting with Data Modeling

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    Aspectos de biosseguridade para plantéis de matrizes de corte.

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    Technical Challenges in Using Human Induced Pluripotent Stem Cells to Model Disease

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    Reprogramming of human somatic cells uses readily accessible tissue, such as skin or blood, to generate embryonic-like induced pluripotent stem cells (iPSCs). This procedure has been applied to somatic cells from patients who are classified into a disease group, thus creating “disease-specific” iPSCs. Here, we examine the challenges and assumptions in creating a disease model from a single cell of the patient. Both the kinetics of disease onset and progression as well as the spatial localization of disease in the patient's body are challenges to disease modeling. New tools in genetic modification, reprogramming, biomaterials, and animal models can be used for addressing these challenges.National Institutes of Health (U.S.) (Grant RO1-HD045022)National Institutes of Health (U.S.) (Grant R37-CA084198)National Institutes of Health (U.S.). (Grant RO1-CA087869

    Procedimentos de biosseguridade na criação de frangos no sistema agroecológico.

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    On-farm surveys and field experiments identify genotype and management practices to increase dryland winter wheat grain yield

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    Doctor of PhilosophyDepartment of AgronomyRomulo P. LollatoWheat yields are variable in dryland environments due to the erratic weather regime and the consequent conservative management practices adopted by producers, leading to large yield gaps. Our objectives were to disentangle management × genotype interactions and identify management practices associated with increased wheat yield in dryland Kansas environments. Producer-reported yield and management data were collected from 656 commercial fields during the 2016-18 harvest seasons, including 43 management practices, five weather, and two soil variables. Grain yield ranged from 0.3 to 7.1 Mg ha-1 with yield gap averaging 44%. Foliar fungicide, nitrogen (N) rate, and method were the most common management strategies to affect yield. Two field experiments were conducted during 2018, 2019, and 2020 in several Kansas environments. In experiment one, we evaluated the grain yield response of four commercial wheat varieties to six different management intensities in six environments. Across environments and genotypes, managing for the yield potential increased yield by 1.4 Mg ha-1 (30%) as compared to the farmer practice. Aboveground biomass and kernel number related more strongly to yield than harvest index and kernel weight. Experiment two evaluated the colimitation of nitrogen (N) and sulfur (S) to wheat yield and its effects on N and S use efficiencies (and its components of uptake and utilization) in eight environments. Across environments, wheat grain yield increased with increases in N rate; however, S application only increased grain yield at two environments. Minimum N and S uptake to maximize yield at 5.7 Mg ha-1 was 120 and 7 kg ha-1. Nitrogen limitation impacted S use efficiency and vice versa, and the limitation of both nutrients increased the wheat yield gap. This research identified several genotype × management practices associated with wheat yield in commercial and experimental settings, and reinforced the need for integrated management practices according to site-specific limitations to improve wheat yields

    Biosseguranca e cuidados sanitarios para frangos.

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    Conscientizacao; Aquisicao dos pintos; Localizacao do aviario; Limpeza e desinfeccao; Manejo sanitario.bitstream/item/79739/1/CNPSA-INST.TEC-06-98.pd

    Induced Pluripotent Stem Cells Meet Genome Editing

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    It is extremely rare for a single experiment to be so impactful and timely that it shapes and forecasts the experiments of the next decade. Here, we review how two such experiments - the generation of human induced pluripotent stem cells (iPSCs) and the development of CRISPR/Cas9 technology - have fundamentally reshaped our approach to biomedical research, stem cell biology, and human genetics. We will also highlight the previous knowledge that iPSC and CRISPR/Cas9 technologies were built on as this groundwork demonstrated the need for solutions and the benefits that these technologies provided and set the stage for their success.National Institutes of Health (U.S.) (Grant 1R01NS088538-01)National Institutes of Health (U.S.) (Grant 2R01MH104610-15