1,137 research outputs found

    No Increase of the Red-Giant-Branch Tip Luminosity Toward the Center of M31

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    We present observations with the Hubble Space Telescope Wide Field Planetary Camera 2 of three fields centered on super-metal-rich globular clusters in the bulge of M31. Our (I,V-I) color-magnitude diagrams reach as faint as I ~ 26.5 mag and clearly reveal the magnitude of the first ascent red giant branch (RGB) tip. We find that the apparent I magnitude of the RGB tip does not become brighter near the center of M31 as concluded by previous investigators. Our observations and artificial star experiments presented in this study strongly support the idea that previous very bright stars were likely the result of spurious detections of blended stars due to crowding in lower resolution images. On the contrary, our observations indicate that, at a mean projected galactocentric distance of 1.1 kpc, the RGB tip is some 1.3 magnitudes fainter than it is at 7 kpc. An analysis of this difference in RGB tip magnitude suggests that the M31 bulge stellar population has a mean metallicity close to that of the Sun.Comment: Accepted for publication in ApJ, June 20, 1999 issu

    Characterization of separability and entanglement in (2Ă—D)(2\times{D})- and (3Ă—D)(3\times{D})-dimensional systems by single-qubit and single-qutrit unitary transformations

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    We investigate the geometric characterization of pure state bipartite entanglement of (2Ă—D)(2\times{D})- and (3Ă—D)(3\times{D})-dimensional composite quantum systems. To this aim, we analyze the relationship between states and their images under the action of particular classes of local unitary operations. We find that invariance of states under the action of single-qubit and single-qutrit transformations is a necessary and sufficient condition for separability. We demonstrate that in the (2Ă—D)(2\times{D})-dimensional case the von Neumann entropy of entanglement is a monotonic function of the minimum squared Euclidean distance between states and their images over the set of single qubit unitary transformations. Moreover, both in the (2Ă—D)(2\times{D})- and in the (3Ă—D)(3\times{D})-dimensional cases the minimum squared Euclidean distance exactly coincides with the linear entropy (and thus as well with the tangle measure of entanglement in the (2Ă—D)(2\times{D})-dimensional case). These results provide a geometric characterization of entanglement measures originally established in informational frameworks. Consequences and applications of the formalism to quantum critical phenomena in spin systems are discussed.Comment: 8 pages, 1 figur

    Carbon and nitrogen abundances of individual stars in the Sculptor dwarf spheroidal galaxy

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    We present [C/Fe] and [N/Fe] abundance ratios and CH({\lambda}4300) and S({\lambda}3883) index measurements for 94 red giant branch (RGB) stars in the Sculptor dwarf spheroidal galaxy from VLT/VIMOS MOS observations at a resolving power R= 1150 at 4020 {\AA}. This is the first time that [N/Fe] abundances are derived for a large number of stars in a dwarf spheroidal. We found a trend for the [C/Fe] abundance to decrease with increasing luminosity on the RGB across the whole metallicity range, a phenomenon observed in both field and globular cluster giants, which can be interpreted in the framework of evolutionary mixing of partially processed CNO material. Both our measurements of [C/Fe] and [N/Fe] are in good agreement with the theoretical predictions for stars at similar luminosity and metallicity. We detected a dispersion in the carbon abundance at a given [Fe/H], which cannot be ascribed to measurement uncertainties alone. We interpret this observational evidence as the result of the contribution of different nucleosynthesis sources over time to a not well-mixed interstellar medium. We report the discovery of two new carbon-enhanced, metal-poor stars. These are likely the result of pollution from material enriched by asymptotic giant branch stars, as indicated by our estimates of [Ba/Fe]> +1. We also attempted a search for dissolved globular clusters in the field of the galaxy by looking for the distinctive C-N pattern of second population globular clusters stars in a previously detected, very metal-poor, chemodynamical substructure. We do not detect chemical anomalies among this group of stars. However, small number statistics and limited spatial coverage do not allow us to exclude the hypotheses that this substructure forms part of a tidally shredded globular cluster.Comment: 18 pages, 14 figures, 3 tables. Accepted to A&

    Photometry and the Metallicity Distribution of the Outer Halo of M31

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    We have conducted a wide-field CCD-mosaic study of the resolved red-giant branch (RGB) stars of M31, in a field located 20 kpc from the nucleus along the SE minor axis. In our (I, V-I) color-magnitude diagram, RGB stars in the top three magnitudes of the M31 halo are strongly present. Photometry of a more distant control field to subtract field contamination is used to derive the `cleaned' luminosity function and metallicity distribution function (MDF) of the M31 halo field. From the color distribution of the foreground Milky Way halo stars, we find a reddening E(V-I)= 0.10 +/- 0.02 for this field, and from the luminosity of the RGB tip, we determine a distance modulus (m-M)_o = 24.47 +/- 0.12 (= 783 +/- 43 kpc). The MDF is derived from interpolation within an extensive new grid of RGB models (Vandenberg et al. 2000). The MDF is dominated by a moderately high-metallicity population ([m/H]~ -0.5) found previously in more interior M31 halo/bulge fields, and is much more metal-rich than the [m/H]~ -1.5 level in the Milky Way halo. A significant (~30% - 40%, depending on AGB star contribution) metal-poor population is also present. To first order, the shape of the MDF resembles that predicted by a simple, single-component model of chemical evolution starting from primordial gas with an effective yield y=0.0055. It strongly resembles the MDF recently found for the outer halo of the giant elliptical NGC 5128 (Harris et al. 2000), though NGC 5128 has an even lower fraction of low-metallicity stars. Intriguingly, in both NGC 5128 and M31, the metallicity distribution of the globular clusters in M31 does not match the halo stars; the clusters are far more heavily weighted to metal-poor objects. We suggest similarities in the formation and early evolution of massive, spheroidal stellar systems.Comment: to appear in the Astronomical Journal; 43 pages, including 15 figure

    WFPC2 Observations of Massive and Compact Young Star Clusters in M31

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    We present color magnitude diagrams of four blue massive and compact star clusters in M31: G38, G44, G94, and G293. The diagrams of the four clusters reveal a well-populated upper main sequence and various numbers of supergiants. The U-B and B-V colors of the upper main sequence stars are used to determine reddening estimates of the different lines of sight in the M31 disk. Reddening values range from E(B-V) = 0.20 +/- 0.10 to 0.31 +/- 0.11. We statistically remove field stars on the basis of completeness, magnitude and color. Isochrone fits to the field-subtracted, reddening-corrected diagrams yield age estimates ranging from 63 +/- 15 Myr to 160 +/- 60 Myr. Implications for the recent evolution of the disk near NGC 206 are discussed.Comment: 17 pages, Latex, ApJ, in Pres

    The Pristine survey II: a sample of bright stars observed with FEROS

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    Extremely metal-poor (EMP) stars are old objects formed in the first Gyr of the Universe. They are rare and, to select them, the most successful strategy has been to build on large and low-resolution spectroscopic surveys. The combination of narrow- and broad band photometry provides a powerful and cheaper alternative to select metal-poor stars. The on-going Pristine Survey is adopting this strategy, conducting photometry with the CFHT MegaCam wide field imager and a narrow-band filter centred at 395.2 nm on the CaII-H and -K lines. In this paper we present the results of the spectroscopic follow-up conducted on a sample of 26 stars at the bright end of the magnitude range of the Survey (g<=15), using FEROS at the MPG/ESO 2.2 m telescope. From our chemical investigation on the sample, we conclude that this magnitude range is too bright to use the SDSS gri bands, which are typically saturated. Instead the Pristine photometry can be usefully combined with the APASS gri photometry to provide reliable metallicity estimates.Comment: AN accepte

    The early days of the Sculptor dwarf spheroidal galaxy

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    We present the high resolution spectroscopic study of five -3.9<=[Fe/H]<=-2.5 stars in the Local Group dwarf spheroidal, Sculptor, thereby doubling the number of stars with comparable observations in this metallicity range. We carry out a detailed analysis of the chemical abundances of alpha, iron peak, light and heavy elements, and draw comparisons with the Milky Way halo and the ultra faint dwarf stellar populations. We show that the bulk of the Sculptor metal-poor stars follows the same trends in abundance ratios versus metallicity as the Milky Way stars. This suggests similar early conditions of star formation and a high degree of homogeneity of the interstellar medium. We find an outlier to this main regime, which seems to miss the products of the most massive of the TypeII supernovae. In addition to its value to help refining galaxy formation models, this star provides clues to the production of cobalt and zinc. Two of our sample stars have low odd-to-even barium isotope abundance ratios, suggestive of a fair proportion of s-process; we discuss the implication for the nucleosynthetic origin of the neutron capture elements.Comment: Replacement after language editio

    Evaluating the Potential of Using 5-Azacytidine as an Epimutagen

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    A number of early flowering lines were induced when 5-azacytidine was applied to germinating flax (Linum usitatissimum L.) seed. The genetics of these lines indicate that the induced changes are epigenetic and probably result from demethylation of the genomic DNA at loci that affect flowering age. Although the growth and development of three stable early flowering lines are altered and the percentage of filled seed was reduced in all three lines compared with controls, measures of seed productivity demonstrated that harvest index was unaffected in two of the lines. In the third, harvest index was lower than normal and both seed set per capsule and seed mass per 100 seed were reduced. Furthermore, six generations after induction this line began to display relatively high levels of polyembryony. The late appearance of this twinning and other aspects related to working with lines induced by 5-azacytidine and using 5-azacytidine as an epimutagen are discussed

    Spectral Energy Distributions and Age Estimates of 172 Globular Clusters in M31

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    In this paper we present CCD multicolor photometry for 172 globular clusters (GCs), taken from the Bologna catalog (Battistini et al. 1987), in the nearby spiral galaxy M31. The observations were carried out by using the National Astronomical Observatories 60/90 cm Schmidt Telescope in 13 intermediate-band filters, which covered a range of wavelength from 3800 to 10000A. This provides a multicolor map of M31 in pixels of 1.7"*1.7". By aperture photometry, we obtain the spectral energy distributions (SEDs) for these GCs. Using the relationship between the BATC intermediate-band system used for the observations and the UBVRI broad-band system, the magnitudes in the B and V bands are derived. The computed V and B-V are in agreement with the values given by Battistini et al. (1987) and Barmby et al. (2000). Finally, by comparing the photometry of each GC with theoretical stellar population synthesis models, we estimate ages of the sample GCs for different metallicities. The results show that nearly all our sample GCs have ages more than 10^{9} years, and most of them are around 10^{10} years old. Also, we find that GCs fitted by the metal-poor model are generally older than ones fitted by the metal-rich model.Comment: 38 pages, 7 figures will appear in the February 2003 issue of A

    VLT/FLAMES spectroscopy of red giant branch stars in the Fornax dwarf spheroidal galaxy

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    Fornax is one of the most massive dwarf spheroidal galaxies in the Local Group. The Fornax field star population is dominated by intermediate age stars but star formation was going on over almost its entire history. It has been proposed that Fornax experienced a minor merger event. Despite recent progress, only the high metallicity end of Fornax field stars ([Fe/H]>-1.2 dex) has been sampled in larger number via high resolution spectroscopy. We want to better understand the full chemical evolution of this galaxy by better sampling the whole metallicity range, including more metal poor stars. We use the VLT-FLAMES multi-fibre spectrograph in high-resolution mode to determine the abundances of several alpha, iron-peak and neutron-capture elements in a sample of 47 individual Red Giant Branch stars in the Fornax dwarf spheroidal galaxy. We combine these abundances with accurate age estimates derived from the age probability distribution from the colour-magnitude diagram of Fornax. Similar to other dwarf spheroidal galaxies, the old, metal-poor stars of Fornax are typically alpha-rich while the young metal-rich stars are alpha-poor. In the classical scenario of the time delay between SNe II and SNe Ia, we confirm that SNe Ia started to contribute to the chemical enrichment at [Fe/H] between -2.0 and -1.8 dex. We find that the onset of SNe Ia took place between 12-10 Gyrs ago. The high values of [Ba/Fe], [La/Fe] reflect the influence of SNe Ia and AGB stars in the abundance pattern of the younger stellar population of Fornax. Our findings of low [alpha/Fe] and enhanced [Eu/Mg] are compatible with an initial mass function that lacks the most massive stars and with star formation that kept going on throughout the whole history of Fornax. We find that massive stars kept enriching the interstellar medium in alpha-elements, although they were not the main contributor to the iron enrichment.Comment: Resubmitted to A&A (18/09/2014) after Referee's comment
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