237 research outputs found

    Impaired Coenzyme A metabolism affects histone and tubulin acetylation in Drosophila and human cell models of pantothenate kinase associated neurodegeneration

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    Pantothenate kinase-associated neurodegeneration (PKAN is a neurodegenerative disease with unresolved pathophysiology. Previously, we observed reduced Coenzyme A levels in a Drosophila model for PKAN. Coenzyme A is required for acetyl-Coenzyme A synthesis and acyl groups from the latter are transferred to lysine residues of proteins, in a reaction regulated by acetyltransferases. The tight balance between acetyltransferases and their antagonistic counterparts histone deacetylases is a well-known determining factor for the acetylation status of proteins. However, the influence of Coenzyme A levels on protein acetylation is unknown. Here we investigate whether decreased levels of the central metabolite Coenzyme A induce alterations in protein acetylation and whether this correlates with specific phenotypes of PKAN models. We show that in various organisms proper Coenzyme A metabolism is required for maintenance of histone- and tubulin acetylation, and decreased acetylation of these proteins is associated with an impaired DNA damage response, decreased locomotor function and decreased survival. Decreased protein acetylation and the concurrent phenotypes are partly rescued by pantethine and HDAC inhibitors, suggesting possible directions for future PKAN therapy development

    Generation of pralatrexate resistant T-cell lymphoma lines reveals two patterns of acquired drug resistance that is overcome with epigenetic modifiers

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    While pralatrexate (PDX) has been successfully developed for the treatment of T-cell lymphoma, the mechanistic basis for its T-cell selectivity and acquired resistance remains elusive. In an effort to potentially identify synergistic combinations that might circumnavigate or delay acquired PDX resistance, we generated resistant cells lines over a broad concentration range. PDX-resistant cell lines H9-12 and H9-200 were developed, each exhibiting an IC50 of 35 and over 1000 nM, respectively. These lines were established in vitro from parental H9 cells. Expression analysis of the proteins known to be important determinants of antifolate pharmacology revealed increase expression of dihydrofolate reductase (DHFR) due to gene amplification, and reduced folate carrier1 downregulation, as the putative mechanisms of resistance in H9-12 and H9-200 cells. Cross resistance was only seen with methotrexate but not with romidepsin, azacitidine (AZA), decitabine, gemcitabine, doxorubicin, or bortezomib. Resistance to PDX was reversed by pretreatment with hypomethylating agents in a concentration-dependent fashion. Comparison of gene expression profiles of parental and resistant cell lines confirmed markedly different patterns of gene expression, and identified the dual specificity phosphatase four (DUSP4) as one of the molecular target of PDX activity. Reduced STAT5 phosphorylation following exposure to PDX was observed in the H9 but not in the H9-12 and H9-200 cells. These data suggest that combination with hypomethylating agents could be potent, and that DUSP4 and STAT5 could represent putative biomarkers of PDX activity

    Veratridine produces distinct calcium response profiles in mouse Dorsal Root Ganglia neurons.

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    Nociceptors are a subpopulation of dorsal root ganglia (DRG) neurons that detect noxious stimuli and signal pain. Veratridine (VTD) is a voltage-gated sodium channel (VGSC) modifier that is used as an "agonist" in functional screens for VGSC blockers. However, there is very little information on VTD response profiles in DRG neurons and how they relate to neuronal subtypes. Here we characterised VTD-induced calcium responses in cultured mouse DRG neurons. Our data shows that the heterogeneity of VTD responses reflects distinct subpopulations of sensory neurons. About 70% of DRG neurons respond to 30-100 μM VTD. We classified VTD responses into four profiles based upon their response shape. VTD response profiles differed in their frequency of occurrence and correlated with neuronal size. Furthermore, VTD response profiles correlated with responses to the algesic markers capsaicin, AITC and α, β-methylene ATP. Since VTD response profiles integrate the action of several classes of ion channels and exchangers, they could act as functional "reporters" for the constellation of ion channels/exchangers expressed in each sensory neuron. Therefore our findings are relevant to studies and screens using VTD to activate DRG neurons

    SFRS7-Mediated Splicing of Tau Exon 10 Is Directly Regulated by STOX1A in Glial Cells

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    Background: In this study, we performed a genome-wide search for effector genes bound by STOX1A, a winged helix transcription factor recently demonstrated to be involved in late onset Alzheimer’s disease and affecting the amyloid processing pathway. Methodology/Principal Findings: Our results show that out of 218 genes bound by STOX1A as identified by chromatinimmunoprecipitation followed by sequencing (ChIP-Seq), the serine/arginine-rich splicing factor 7 (SFRS7) was found to be induced, both at the mRNA and protein levels, by STOX1A after stable transfection in glial cells. The increase in SFRS7 was followed by an increase in the 4R/3R ratios of the microtubule-associated protein tau (MAPT) by differential exon 10 splicing. Secondly, STOX1A also induced expression of total tau both at the mRNA and protein levels. Upregulation of total tau expression (SFRS7-independent) and tau exon 10 splicing (SFRS7-dependent), as shown in this study to be both affected by STOX1A, is known to have implications in neurodegeneration

    New Alzheimer Amyloid β Responsive Genes Identified in Human Neuroblastoma Cells by Hierarchical Clustering

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    Alzheimer's disease (AD) is characterized by neuronal degeneration and cell loss. Aβ42, in contrast to Aβ40, is thought to be the pathogenic form triggering the pathological cascade in AD. In order to unravel overall gene regulation we monitored the transcriptomic responses to increased or decreased Aβ40 and Aβ42 levels, generated and derived from its precursor C99 (C-terminal fragment of APP comprising 99 amino acids) in human neuroblastoma cells. We identified fourteen differentially expressed transcripts by hierarchical clustering and discussed their involvement in AD. These fourteen transcripts were grouped into two main clusters each showing distinct differential expression patterns depending on Aβ40 and Aβ42 levels. Among these transcripts we discovered an unexpected inverse and strong differential expression of neurogenin 2 (NEUROG2) and KIAA0125 in all examined cell clones. C99-overexpression had a similar effect on NEUROG2 and KIAA0125 expression as a decreased Aβ42/Aβ40 ratio. Importantly however, an increased Aβ42/Aβ40 ratio, which is typical of AD, had an inverse expression pattern of NEUROG2 and KIAA0125: An increased Aβ42/Aβ40 ratio up-regulated NEUROG2, but down-regulated KIAA0125, whereas the opposite regulation pattern was observed for a decreased Aβ42/Aβ40 ratio. We discuss the possibilities that the so far uncharacterized KIAA0125 might be a counter player of NEUROG2 and that KIAA0125 could be involved in neurogenesis, due to the involvement of NEUROG2 in developmental neural processes

    Noninvasive estimation of tumour viability in a xenograft model of human neuroblastoma with proton magnetic resonance spectroscopy (1H MRS)

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    The aim of the study was to evaluate proton magnetic resonance spectroscopy (1H MRS) for noninvasive biological characterisation of neuroblastoma xenografts in vivo. For designing the experiments, human neuroblastoma xenografts growing subcutaneously in nude rats were analysed in vivo with 1H MRS and magnetic resonance imaging at 4.7 T. The effects of spontaneous tumour growth and antiangiogenesis treatment, respectively, on spectral characteristics were evaluated. The spectroscopic findings were compared to tumour morphology, proliferation and viable tumour tissue fraction. The results showed that signals from choline (Cho)-containing compounds and mobile lipids (MLs) dominated the spectra. The individual ML/Cho ratios for both treated and untreated tumours were positively correlated with tumour volume (P<0.05). There was an inverse correlation between the ML/Cho ratio and the viable tumour fraction (r=−0.86, P<0.001). Higher ML/Cho ratios concomitant with pronounced histological changes were seen in spectra from tumours treated with the antiangiogenic drug TNP-470, compared to untreated control tumours (P<0.05). In conclusion, the ML/Cho ratio obtained in vivo by 1H MRS enabled accurate assessment of the viable tumour fraction in a human neuroblastoma xenograft model. 1H MRS also revealed early metabolic effects of antiangiogenesis treatment. 1H MRS could prove useful as a tool to monitor experimental therapy in preclinical models of neuroblastoma, and possibly also in children

    D-Ribose Induces Cellular Protein Glycation and Impairs Mouse Spatial Cognition

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    BACKGROUND: D-ribose, an important reducing monosaccharide, is highly active in the glycation of proteins, and results in the rapid production of advanced glycation end products (AGEs) in vitro. However, whether D-ribose participates in glycation and leads to production of AGEs in vivo still requires investigation. METHODOLOGY/PRINCIPAL FINDINGS: Here we treated cultured cells and mice with D-ribose and D-glucose to compare ribosylation and glucosylation for production of AGEs. Treatment with D-ribose decreased cell viability and induced more AGE accumulation in cells. C57BL/6J mice intraperitoneally injected with D-ribose for 30 days showed high blood levels of glycated proteins and AGEs. Administration of high doses D-ribose also accelerated AGE formation in the mouse brain and induced impairment of spatial learning and memory ability according to the performance in Morris water maze test. CONCLUSIONS/SIGNIFICANCE: These data demonstrate that D-ribose but not D-glucose reacts rapidly with proteins and produces significant amounts of AGEs in both cultured cells and the mouse brain, leading to accumulation of AGEs which may impair mouse spatial cognition

    Importance of the difference in surface pressures of the cell membrane in doxorubicin resistant cells that do not express Pgp and ABCG2

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    P-glycoprotein (Pgp) represents the archetypal mechanism of drug resistance. But Pgp alone cannot expel drugs. A small but growing body of works has demonstrated that the membrane biophysical properties are central to Pgp-mediated drug resistance. For example, a change in the membrane surface pressure is expected to support drug–Pgp interaction. An interesting aspect from these models is that under specific conditions, the membrane is predicted to take over Pgp concerning the mechanism of drug resistance especially when the surface pressure is high enough, at which point drugs remain physically blocked at the membrane level. However it remains to be determined experimentally whether the membrane itself could, on its own, affect drug entry into cells that have been selected by a low concentration of drug and that do not express transporters. We demonstrate here that in the case of the drug doxorubicin, alteration of the surface pressure of membrane leaflets drive drug resistance