16 research outputs found

    The sugar beet gene encoding the sodium/proton exchanger 1 (BvNHX1) is regulated by a MYB transcription factor

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    Sodium/proton exchangers (NHX) are key players in the plant response to salinity and have a central role in establishing ion homeostasis. NHXs can be localized in the tonoplast or plasma membranes, where they exchange sodium ions for protons, resulting in sodium ions being removed from the cytosol into the vacuole or extracellular space. The expression of most plant NHX genes is modulated by exposure of the organisms to salt stress or water stress. We explored the regulation of the vacuolar NHX1 gene from the salt-tolerant sugar beet plant (BvNHX1) using Arabidopsis plants transformed with an array of constructs of BvHNX1::GUS, and the expression patterns were characterized using histological and quantitative assays. The 5′ UTR of BvNHX1, including its intron, does not modulate the activity of the promoter. Serial deletions show that a 337 bp promoter fragment sufficed for driving activity that indistinguishable from that of the full-length (2,464 bp) promoter. Mutating four putative cis-acting elements within the 337 bp promoter fragment revealed that MYB transcription factor(s) are involved in the activation of the expression of BvNHX1 upon exposure to salt and water stresses. Gel mobility shift assay confirmed that the WT but not the mutated MYB binding site is bound by nuclear protein extracted from salt-stressed Betavulgaris leaves

    Genetic analysis of Na+ and K+ concentrations in leaf and stem as physiological components of salt tolerance in Tomato

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    International audienceThe sodium and potassium concentrations in leaf and stem have been genetically studied as physiological components of the vegetative and reproductive development in two populations of F 8 lines, derived from a salt sensitive genotype of Solanum lycopersicum cv. Cerasi-forme, as female parent, and two salt tolerant lines, as male parents, from S. pimpinellifolium, the P population (142 lines), and S. cheesmaniae, the C population (116 lines). Genetic parameters of ten traits under salinity and Wve of them under control conditions were studied by ANOVA, correlation, principal component and QTL analysis to understand the global response of the plant. Two linkage maps including some tomato Xowering time and salt tolerance candidate genes encoding for SlSOS1, SlSOS2, SlSOS3, LeNHX1, LeNHX3, were used for the QTL detection. Thirteen and 20 QTLs were detected under salinity in the P and C populations, respectively, and four under control conditions. Highly signiWcant and contributing QTLs (over 40%) for the concentrations of Na + and K + in stems and leaves have been detected on chromosome 7 in both the populations. This is the only genomic position where the concentration QTLs for both the cations locate together. The proportion of QTLs signiWcantly aVected by salinity was larger in the P population (64.3%, including all QTLs detected under control) than in the C population (21.4%), where the estimated genetic component of variance was larger for most traits. A highly signiWcant association between the leaf area and fruit yield under salinity was found only in the C population, which is supported by the location of QTLs for these traits in a common region of chromososome C1. As far as breeding for salt tolerance is concerned, only two sodium QTLs (lnc1.1 and lnc8.1) map in genomic regions of C1 and C8 where fruit yield QTLs are also located but in both the cases the proWtable allele corresponds to the salt sensitive, cultivated species. One of those QTLs, lnc1.1 might involve LeNHX3