2,111 research outputs found
Is There Any Role of Technological Inputs? A District-wise Analysis of Output Differential in Crop Sector
An investigation is performed to analyse the impact of technological inputs accompanied with traditional inputs over different periods of time on the output differential of four major crops including Wheat, Rice, Cotton and Sugarcane. Data related to different districts of the Punjab province have been used to conduct the study. A multivariate statistical analysis is applied for this purpose, in which principal component (factor) analyses is carried out as a first step to reduce the dimensionalities in the data and to obtain the ranking of districts in two phases of time i.e., 1971-75 and 2001-05. Further analysis is made by developing indices on the basis of few selected top and low ranked districts four each; along with one more district as a special case due to pronounced improvement in its ranking. Technological inputs showed consistency and significant contribution towards crop output over the time with some district wise differentials.Technological Inputs, Crop Output, Index, District
The political economy of the Malaysian subnational governments' fiscal behavior
This article attempts to shed light on the political economy of the Malaysian state governmentsâ budgetary behaviour by tailoring hypotheses drawn from recent theoretical literature to the Malaysian institutional context and testing them empirically. The main objective here was to examine whether state governmentsâ fiscal behaviour can partly be explained by the political attributes and the institutional characteristics of the government, and of the legislature. In particular, the study analysed whether the incentives for the state governments to observe a prudent spending behaviour have not been undermined by the fact that they have been able to influence relevant central government decisions regarding their finance. The estimation results showed that states that are over-represented at the executive level tend to have higher spending and deficits. However, no correlation was found between over-representation at the parliament and state governmentsâ fiscal outcomes. This can be explained by
the fact that in Malaysia, as is frequently the case in developing nations, the legislature is peripheral to the executive in terms of decision-making power
The political economics of the Malaysian subnational governmentsâ fiscal behavior
This paper attempts to shed light on the political economy of the Malaysian state governmentsâ budgetary behavior by tailoring hypotheses drawn from recent theoritical literature to the Malaysian institutional context and testing them empirically. Our main objective here is to examine whether state governmentsâ fiscal behavior can partly be explained by the political attributes and the institutional characteristics of the government and of the legislature. In particular, we will try to analyze whether the incentives for the state governments to observe a prudent spending behavior have not been undermined by the fact that they have been able to influence relevant central government decisions regarding their finance. Our estimations results show that states that are overrepresented at the executive level tend to have higher spending and deficits. However, we donât find any correlation between overrepresentation at the Parliament and states governmentsâ fiscal outcomes. This can be explained by the fact that in Malaysia as is frequently the case in developing nations, the legislature is peripheral to the executive in terms of decision making power.State governments, Fiscal behavior, Political Economy
The importance of precautionary saving motive among Indonesian households
In the developing world, the population is frequently faced with numerous natural, economic, institutional and market risks. Because of these uncertainties, many individuals and households experience difficult periods of unexpected reduction in income. Using panel data from the Indonesian Family Life Survey (IFLS), this paper tests the existence of precautionary saving associated with income risk in Indonesia. The results of the estimation show that the uncertainty variable is not significantly related to the growth of consumption which signifies that Indonesian households do not constitute precautionary saving to smooth their consumption. The finding may be explained by the fact that Indonesian households have in their possession other type of support mechanisms based particularly on inter-generational and -communal solidarity.Uncertainty; Income Risks; Precautionary Savings
Using monthly data on foreign exchange reserves from June 1995 through June 2005, we find that in line with other country-specific studies the opportunity cost of holding reserves played a greater role than reserve volatility in determining the level of reserves in Pakistan. Our finding is in contrast with the hypothesis of increased capital mobility that is commonly set forth in explaining the precautionary motive for reserve holdings. As also pointed by Ramachandran (2004), this result could perhaps be attributed to the fact that capital outflow in Pakistan (as also in India) is not as free as capital inflow and a large part of the recent reserve accumulation is due to non-debt reserve inflows.Foreign Exchange Reserves, Optimal Demand, GARCH, Pakistan
Analisa Faktor-Faktor Yang Mempengaruhi Tingkat Produktivitas Tenaga Kerja Karyawan Pada Pt. Danar Hadi Di Surakarta Tahun 2005
Abdul Jalil, B 100 950 409. âAnalisa Faktor-Faktor Yang
Mempengaruhi Tingkat Produktivitas Tenaga Kerja Karyawan Pada PT. Danar Hadi di Surakarta Tahun 2005. Fakultas Ekonomi Manajemen Universitas Muhammadiyah Surakarta. 2006.
Latar belakang masalah, âPengaruh pengalaman kerja, pendidikan dan absensi terhadap produktivitas tenaga kerja, dan faktor manakah yang paling berpengaruh terhadap tingkat produktivitas tenaga kerja pada PT. Danar Hadi di
Surakarta ?â. Tujuan penelitian adalah mengetahui seberapa jauh pengaruh variabel variabel pengalaman kerja, pendidikan dan absensi terhadap produktivitas
karyawan pada PT. Danar Hadi di Surakarta. Hipotesa penelitian ini adalah tingkat pengalaman kerja, Pendidikan dan absensi mempunyai pengaruh yang kuat terhadap peningkatan produktivitas dan variabel tingkat penglaman kerja merupakan faktor paling berpengaruh terhadap peningkatan produktivitas pada PT. Danar Hadi di Surakarta.
Analisa pengaruh variabel dependen dan independen menggunakan analisa regresi berganda dengan uji hipotesa dan Determinan (R2). Dengan persamaan regresi adalah lnY = a + b1lnX1 + b2lnX2 + b3lnX3 + e yang hasilnya lnY = 13,785
+ 0,298 X1 + 0,363 X2 - 0,336 X3, yang berarti ada pengaruh pengalaman kerja (X1), pendidikan (X2), dan absensi (X3) dengan produktivitas kerja karyawan secara simultan dengan nilai Fhitung>Ftabel dengan tingkat akurasi 95% pada tingka
tidak mempunyai kebebasan seperti masyarakat pada umumnya, baik kebebasan bersosialisasi maupun melakukan hal-hal produktif lainnya karena ruang gerak yang terbatas hanya di dalam Lembaga Pemasyarakatan sehingga hal ini menjadi tanggung jawab Lembaga Pemasyarakatan untuk memberikan pembinaan kepada narapidana, agar mengenal jati diri, sadar akan kesalahan yang lalu dan mengarah ke hal yang positif yakni berkelakuan baik dengan berhenti melakukan hal-hal yang temasuk dalam perbuatan pidana namun disisi lain tetap mengembangkan diri agar menjadi seseorang yang tetap berguna bagi keluarga, agama, negara, dan bangsa. Sehingga narapidana saat kembali dapat diterima di masyarakat meskipun narapidana identik dengan pelaku kejahatan meskipun seorang narapidana telah menjalani proses pembinaan di lembaga pemasyarakatan. Narapidana yang masuk dalam kategori lanjut usia dalam menjalani hidupnya sudah sangat rentan dan bisa mengalami rentah yang tergolong dalam individu geriatri yang pola hidup dan kekuatan fisiknya sangat berbeda dengan narapidana lain pada umumnya karena telah mengalami penurunan pada semua fungsi kehidupan. Dalam  UU No. 13 (1998) terkait kesejahteraan. Pada PP No. 31 disebutkan bahwa warga binaan wajib mendapatkan pembinaan yang terdiri atas pembinaan kemandirian dan pembinaan kepribadia
Donât Fall in Love with Parity: Understanding Exchange Rate Depreciation
Key Takeaways from Global Research Exchange rate is like
temperature in a human body: It merely reflects underlying weaknesses.
Like the human body artificially holding the temperature down for long
periods without addressing the causes is likely to lead to grievous
consequences. There is no such thing as an active devaluation policy
for boosting exports. Holding the exchange rate at an artificially
appreciated rate is only possible through reserve loss. These losses
cannot be incurred over the long run as reserves are finite and market
participants know that reserves can be attacked to their advantage.
Bolstering the exchange rate through exchange and import controls serves
only to disrupt supply chains and eventually weaken the domestic
economy. At best it is a short-run painful solution
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