601 research outputs found

    Strong Magnetic Limit of String Theory

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    We show that there exists a certain limit in type I and type II superstring theory in the presence of a suitable configuration of magnetic U(1) fields where all string excitations get an infinite mass, except for the neutral massless sector and for the boson and fermion string states lying on the leading Regge trajectory. For a supersymmetric configuration of magnetic fields in internal directions, the resulting theory after the limit is a 3+1 Lorentz invariant supersymmetric theory. Supersymmetry can be broken by introducing extra components of the magnetic field or else by finite temperature. In both cases we compute the one-loop partition function for the type I string model after taking the limit, which turns out to be different from the Yang-Mills result that arises by a direct αâ€Č→0\alpha'\to 0 limit. In the case of finite temperature, no Hagedorn transition appears, in consistency with the reduction of the string spectrum. In type II superstring theory, the analogous limit is constructed by starting with a configuration of Melvin twists in two or more complex planes. The resulting theory contains gravitation plus an infinite number of states of the leading Regge trajectory.Comment: 10 pages. Minor correction

    The string spectrum on the horizon of a non-extremal black hole

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    We investigate the conformal string σ\sigma -model corresponding to a general five-dimensional non-extremal black hole solution. In the horizon region the theory reduces to an exactly solvable conformal field theory. We determine the modular invariant spectrum of physical string states, which expresses the Rindler momentum operator in terms of three charges and string oscillators. For black holes with winding and Kaluza-Klein charges, we find that states made with only right-moving excitations have ADM mass equal to the black hole ADM mass, and thus they can be used as sources of the gravitational field. A discussion on statistical entropy is included.Comment: 17 pages, harvmac (minor corrections

    Wormhole phase in the RST model

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    We show that the RST model describing the exactly soluble black hole model can have a dynamical wormhole solution along with an appropriate boundary condition. The necessary exotic matter which is usually negative energy density is remarkably produced by the quantization of the infalling matter fields. Then the asymptotic geometry in the past is two-dimensional anti-de Sitter(AdS2_2), which implies the exotic matter is negative. As time goes on, the wormhole eventually evolves into the black hole and its Hawking radiation appears. The throat of the static RST wormhole is lower-bounded but in the presence of infalling matter it collapses to a black hole.Comment: v1. REVTeX3, 12 pages and 1 figure; v2. JHEP3, 10 pages and 1 figure, version published in JHE

    Fundamental Strings as Black Bodies

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    We show that the decay spectrum of massive excitations in perturbative string theories is thermal when averaged over the (many) initial degenerate states. We first compute the inclusive photon spectrum for open strings at the tree level showing that a black body spectrum with the Hagedorn temperature emerges in the averaging. A similar calculation for a massive closed string state with winding and Kaluza-Klein charges shows that the emitted graviton spectrum is thermal with a "grey-body" factor, which approaches one near extremality. These results uncover a simple physical meaning of the Hagedorn temperature and provide an explicit microscopic derivation of the black body spectrum from a unitary SS matrix.Comment: some changes in the Discussion section and in the reference list. 11 pages, Late

    Decay Modes of Intersecting Fluxbranes

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    Just as the single fluxbrane is quantum mechanically unstable to the nucleation of a locally charged spherical brane, so intersecting fluxbranes are unstable to various decay modes. Each individual element of the intersection can decay via the nucleation of a spherical brane, but uncharged spheres can also be nucleated in the region of intersection. For special values of the fluxes, however, intersecting fluxbranes are supersymmetric, and so are expected to be stable. We explicitly consider the instanton describing the decay modes of the two--element intersection (an F5-brane in the string theory context), and show that in dimensions greater than four the action for the decay mode of the supersymmetric intersection diverges. This observation allows us to show that stable intersecting fluxbranes should also exist in type 0A string theory.Comment: 19 pages, 6 figures. References adde

    Consequence of Hawking radiation from 2d dilaton black holes

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    We investigate the CGHS model through numerical calculation. The behavior of the mass function, which we introduced in our previous work as a ``local mass'', is examined. We found that the mass function takes negative values, which means that the amount of Hawking radiation becomes greater than the initial mass of the black hole as in the case of the RST model.Comment: 17pages, 5 figures (three of them are attached, the other 2 figures are available on request. Some mistakes including typographic errors have been correcte

    Entropy in the RST Model

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    The RST Model is given boundary term and Z-field so that it is well-posed and local. The Euclidean method is described for general theory and used to calculate the RST intrinsic entropy. The evolution of this entropy for the shockwave solutions is found and obeys a second law.Comment: 10 pages, minor revisions, published version in Late

    A Quantum Bousso Bound

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    The Bousso bound requires that one quarter the area of a closed codimension two spacelike surface exceeds the entropy flux across a certain lightsheet terminating on the surface. The bound can be violated by quantum effects such as Hawking radiation. It is proposed that at the quantum level the bound be modified by adding to the area the quantum entanglement entropy across the surface. The validity of this quantum Bousso bound is proven in a two-dimensional large N dilaton gravity theory.Comment: 17 page

    T-duality in M-theory and supermembranes

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    The (q_1,q_2) SL(2,Z) string bound states of type IIB superstring theory admit two inequivalent (T-dual) representations in eleven dimensions in terms of a fundamental 2-brane. In both cases, the spectrum of membrane oscillations can be determined exactly in the limit g2→∞g^2\to \infty , where g2g^2 is the type IIA string coupling. We find that the BPS mass formulas agree, and reproduce the BPS mass spectrum of the (q1,q2)(q_1,q_2) string bound state. In the non-BPS sector, the respective mass formulas apply in different corners of the moduli space. The axiomatic requirement of T-duality in M-theory permits to derive a discrete mass spectrum in a (thin torus) region where standard supermembrane theory undergoes instabilities.Comment: harvmac, 9 page

    Conformal Field Theory for the Superstring in a Ramond-Ramond Plane Wave Background

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    A quantizable worldsheet action is constructed for the superstring in a supersymmetric plane wave background with Ramond-Ramond flux. The action is manifestly invariant under all isometries of the background and is an exact worldsheet conformal field theory.Comment: 13 pages harvma
