469 research outputs found

    Palinología Ibérica. Fam 1 a 20 Cupressaceae a Betulaceae

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    A Linked Data Approach to Sharing Workflows and Workflow Results

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    A bioinformatics analysis pipeline is often highly elaborate, due to the inherent complexity of biological systems and the variety and size of datasets. A digital equivalent of the ‘Materials and Methods’ section in wet laboratory publications would be highly beneficial to bioinformatics, for evaluating evidence and examining data across related experiments, while introducing the potential to find associated resources and integrate them as data and services. We present initial steps towards preserving bioinformatics ‘materials and methods’ by exploiting the workflow paradigm for capturing the design of a data analysis pipeline, and RDF to link the workflow, its component services, run-time provenance, and a personalized biological interpretation of the results. An example shows the reproduction of the unique graph of an analysis procedure, its results, provenance, and personal interpretation of a text mining experiment. It links data from Taverna, myExperiment.org, BioCatalogue.org, and ConceptWiki.org. The approach is relatively ‘light-weight’ and unobtrusive to bioinformatics users

    Acute Malnutrition and Under-5 Mortality, Northeastern Part of India.

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    We assessed the prevalence of childhood acute malnutrition and under-five mortality rate (U5MR) in Darbhanga district, India, using a two-stage 49-cluster household survey. A total of 1379 households comprising 8473 people were interviewed. During a 90-day recall period, U5MR was 0.5 [95% confidence interval (CI), 0.2-1.4] per 10 000 per day. The prevalence of global acute malnutrition among 1405 children aged 6-59 months was 15.4% (NCHS) and 19.4% (2006 WHO references). This survey suggests that in Darbhanga district, the population is in a borderline food crisis with few food resources. Appropriate strategies should be developed to improve the overall nutritional and health status of children

    The elements of a computational infrastructure for social simulation

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    Applications of simulation modelling in social science domains are varied and increasingly widespread. The effective deployment of simulation models depends on access to diverse datasets, the use of analysis capabilities, the ability to visualize model outcomes and to capture, share and re-use simulations as evidence in research and policy-making. We describe three applications of e-social science that promote social simulation modelling, data management and visualization. An example is outlined in which the three components are brought together in a transport planning context. We discuss opportunities and benefits for the combination of these and other components into an e-infrastructure for social simulation and review recent progress towards the establishment of such an infrastructure

    Rotational dynamics of a soft filament: wrapping transition and propulsive forces

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    We analyze experimentally the shape of a long elastic filament rotating in a viscous liquid. We identify a continuous but sharp transition from a straight to an helical shape, resulting from the competition between viscous stresses and elastic forces. This induced helicity generates a propulsive force along the axis of rotation. In addition, we show that the shape transition is associated with an unstable branch in the force-torque relation. A linearized model of the fluid-structure interaction is proposed to account for all the features of the non-linear filament dynamics

    Requirements for In-Situ Authoring of Location Based Experiences

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    In this paper we describe an investigation into the requirements for and the use of in-situ authoring in the creation of location based pervasive and UbiComp experiences. We will focus on the co-design process with users that resulted in a novel visitor experience to a historic country estate. This has informed the design of new, in-situ, authoring tools supplemented with tools for retrospective revisiting and reorganization of content. An initial trial of these new tools will be discussed and conclusions drawn as to the appropriateness of such tools. Further enhancements as part of future trials will also be described

    A Semantically Enabled Service Architecture for Mashups over Streaming and Stored Data

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    Sensing devices are increasingly being deployed to monitor the physical world around us. One class of application for which sensor data is pertinent is environmental decision support systems, e.g. good emergency response. However, in order to interpret the readings from the sensors, the data needs to be put in context through correlation with other sensor readings, sensor data histories, and stored data, as well as juxtaposing with maps and forecast models. In this paper we use a good emergency response planning application to identify requirements for a semantic sensor web. We propose a generic service architecture to satisfy the requirements that uses semantic annotations to support well-informed interactions between the services. We present the SemSor-Grid4Env realisation of the architecture and illustrate its capabilities in the context of the example application

    The Combechem MQTT LEGO microscope: a grid enabled scientific apparatus demonstrator

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    Grid computing impacts directly on the experimental scientific laboratory in the areas of monitoring and remote control of experiments, and the storage, processing and dissemination of the resulting data. We highlight some of the issues in extending the use of an MQ Telemetry Transport (MQTT) broker from facilitating the remote monitoring of an experiment and its environment to the remote control of an apparatus. To demonstrate these techniques, an Intel-Play QX3 microscope has been "grid-enabled" using a combination of software to control the microscope imaging, and sample handling hardware built from LEGO Mindstorms. The whole system is controlled remotely by passing messages using an IBM WebSphere Message Broker. <br/
