2,441 research outputs found

    Acute alcohol administration dampens central extended amygdala reactivity.

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    Alcohol use is common, imposes a staggering burden on public health, and often resists treatment. The central extended amygdala (EAc)-including the bed nucleus of the stria terminalis (BST) and the central nucleus of the amygdala (Ce)-plays a key role in prominent neuroscientific models of alcohol drinking, but the relevance of these regions to acute alcohol consumption in humans remains poorly understood. Using a single-blind, randomized-groups design, multiband fMRI data were acquired from 49 social drinkers while they performed a well-established emotional faces paradigm after consuming either alcohol or placebo. Relative to placebo, alcohol significantly dampened reactivity to emotional faces in the BST. To rigorously assess potential regional differences in activation, data were extracted from unbiased, anatomically predefined regions of interest. Analyses revealed similar levels of dampening in the BST and Ce. In short, alcohol transiently reduces reactivity to emotional faces and it does so similarly across the two major divisions of the human EAc. These observations reinforce the translational relevance of addiction models derived from preclinical work in rodents and provide new insights into the neural systems most relevant to the consumption of alcohol and to the initial development of alcohol abuse in humans

    U-251MG Spheroid Generation Using Hanging Drop Method Protocol

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    The use of 3D cell culture has been a major step in developing cellular models that can mimic physiological tissues. Traditional 2D cell cultures are often unable to accurately represent the cellular functions and responses that are present in tissues, as a result, research findings based on 2D cultures tend to be skewed with limited predictive capability. 3D cell cultures can be grown from cells obtained from cancer organoids in patients. These models are useful for understanding disease mechanisms and exploring drug therapeutics in areas such as toxicity and efficacy. In order to gather more physiologically relevant data, a variety of 3D cell culture techniques have been developed to mimic the in vivo characteristics of physiological tissues. This protocol describes in vitro generation of U-251MG spheroids using the hanging drop method. Advantages of using hanging drop plate method are, able to produce uniform size spheroids, low cost, comfortable to handling and suitable for short term culture. The main downside of this method is medium change, different drug treatment at different time points are impossible and labor intensive. This method uses the Perfecta3D hanging drop plate, a novel cell culture device that simplifies the process of spheroid formation, testing and analysis. Rather than having to invert the plates which often results in spillage or detachment, these plates are designed to create hanging drops using a plateau structure at the bottom of the plate

    U-251MG Spheroid generation using a scaffold based method protocol

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    3D cell culture is a technique that is used to grow cells in vitro that will mimic an in vivo environment. 3D cell models are a helpful learning tool for researchers to better understand disease mechanisms and to explore different therapeutic properties of drugs. 3D cell cultures can be developed using patient derived cancer cells. Once they have been grown, these 3D cells can be used to screen for small molecule drugs or for genetic modification in for analysis of disease pathways or to predict drug treatments toxicity or efficacy. 3D cell cultures are a big step towards the more ethical testing of drug toxicity and efficacy as they decrease the need to use animals in research as well as providing more reliable results as the cells used are of human physiology. Cellusponge are 3D porous hydroxipropylcellulose scaffolds that are designed for use with cells that do not require specific ligands. As well as the standard non-coated cellusponge, there are two more of the same type of scaffold available for use that are made with two different coatings to allow for improved adaptation of different cell types, these are called Cellusponge-Gal and Cellusponge-Col. Cellusponge is a no-coating approach that is intended for use in the development of general soft tissue 3D culture. It has been used as soft matrix for 3D cell culture and 3D tumour model

    U-251MG Spheroid generation using low attachment plate method protocol

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    3D cell culture is a process used to grow cells in vitro to mimic an in vivo environment. 3D cell models are very useful for understanding disease mechanisms and exploring drug therapeutics. 3D cultures can be grown from cells taken from cancer organoids in patients. Once grown, they can be used to screen for small molecule drugs or they can be genetically modified in order to analyse disease pathways or predict the toxicity or efficacy of a drug treatment. These cultures decrease the need to use animals in research and provides more reliable results as it uses human physiology. This protocol describes the in vitro generation of spheroids using the low attachment plate method. This method uses low-adhesion plates that are coated with hydrophilic polymer to allow cells to cluster together, forming their own extracellular matrix, rather than sticking to the plate surface. The scaffold-free 3D cell culture models produced can more accurately reflect an in vivo microenvironment making them useful in the study of oncology, hepatotoxicity, neurology, nephrology and stem cell biology

    Pegylated liposomal doxorubicin (PLD): enhanced skin toxicity in areas of vitiligo

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    Pegylated liposomal doxorubicin (PLD, Doxil, Caelyx) is widely used for the treatment of ovarian cancer. It is a stable formulation encapsulating doxorubicin in a ‘Stealth’ (i.e., pegylated) liposome with a half-life of about 72 hours. This drastically altered pharmacology confers on it a considerably lower risk of cardiotoxicity, no acute emesis, and near absence of alopecia or problems with extravasation necrosis. On the other hand, PLD's dose-limiting toxicity is cutaneous. Since the original phase I report, cutaneous toxicities reported with PLD fall into four common categories: the well known hand-foot syndrome (also called palmoplantar erythrodysesthesia, or PPE), a diffuse follicular rash, intertrigo-like eruption, and hyperpigmentation including melanotic macules

    Advances in 3D culture systems for therapeutic discovery and development in brain cancer

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    This review focuses on recent advances in 3D culture systems that promise more accurate therapeutic models of the glioblastoma multiforme (GBM) tumor microenvironment (TME), such as the unique anatomical, cellular, and molecular features evident in human GBM. The key components of a GBM TME are outlined, including microbiomes, vasculature, extracellular matrix (ECM), infiltrating parenchymal and peripheral immune cells and molecules, and chemical gradients. 3D culture systems are evaluated against 2D culture systems and in vivo animal models. The main 3D culture techniques available are compared, with an emphasis on identifying key gaps in knowledge for the development of suitable platforms to accurately model the intricate components of the GBM TME

    Plasma induced reactive oxygen species-dependent cytotoxicity in glioblastoma 3D tumourspheres

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    The aim of this study was to determine the effects of a pin‐to‐plate cold atmospheric plasma (CAP) on U‐251 MG three‐dimensional (3D) glioblastoma spheroids under different conditions. 3D tumorspheres showed higher resistance to the CAP treatment compared to 2D monolayer cells. A single CAP treatment was able to induce cytotoxicity, while multiple CAP treatments augmented this effect. CAP was also able to induce cytotoxicity throughout the tumoursphere, and we identified that reactive oxygen species(ROS) plays a major role, while H2O2plays a partial role in CAP‐induced cytotoxicity in tumour-spheres. We conclude that ROS‐dependent cytotoxicity is induced uniformly throughout glioblastoma and epidermoid tumourspheres by direct CAP treatment