3,293 research outputs found


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    Ethical vegetarians maintain that vegetarianism is morally required. The principal reasons offered in support of ethical vegetarianism are: (i) concern for the welfare and well-being of the animals being eaten, (ii) concern for the environment, (iii) concern over global food scarcity and the just distribution of resources, and (iv) concern for future generations. Each of these reasons is explored in turn, starting with a historical look at ethical vegetarianism and the moral status of animals

    Electronic filters, repeated signal charge conversion apparatus, hearing aids and methods

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    An electronic filter for filtering an electrical signal. Signal processing circuitry therein includes a logarithmic filter having a series of filter stages with inputs and outputs in cascade and respective circuits associated with the filter stages for storing electrical representations of filter parameters. The filter stages include circuits for respectively adding the electrical representations of the filter parameters to the electrical signal to be filtered thereby producing a set of filter sum signals. At least one of the filter stages includes circuitry for producing a filter signal in substantially logarithmic form at its output by combining a filter sum signal for that filter stage with a signal from an output of another filter stage. The signal processing circuitry produces an intermediate output signal, and a multiplexer connected to the signal processing circuit multiplexes the intermediate output signal with the electrical signal to be filtered so that the logarithmic filter operates as both a logarithmic prefilter and a logarithmic postfilter. Other electronic filters, signal conversion apparatus, electroacoustic systems, hearing aids and methods are also disclosed

    Electronic filters, signal conversion apparatus, hearing aids and methods

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    An electronic filter for filtering an electrical signal. Signal processing circuitry therein includes a logarithmic filter having a series of filter stages with inputs and outputs in cascade and respective circuits as GOVERNMENT SUPPORT This invention was made with U.S. Government support under Veterans Administration Contract VA KV 674P857 and National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) Research Grant No. NAG10-0040. The U.S. Government has certain rights in this invention

    High Magnetic Field Microwave Conductivity of 2D Electrons in an Array of Antidots

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    We measure the high magnetic field (BB) microwave conductivity, Reσxx\sigma_{xx}, of a high mobility 2D electron system containing an antidot array. Reσxx\sigma_{xx} vs frequency (ff) increases strongly in the regime of the fractional quantum Hall effect series, with Landau filling 1/3<ν<2/31/3<\nu<2/3. At microwave ff, Reσxx\sigma_{xx} vs BB exhibits a broad peak centered around ν=1/2\nu=1/2. On the peak, the 10 GHz Reσxx\sigma_{xx} can exceed its dc-limit value by a factor of 5. This enhanced microwave conductivity is unobservable for temperature T0.5T \gtrsim 0.5 K, and grows more pronounced as TT is decreased. The effect may be due to excitations supported by the antidot edges, but different from the well-known edge magnetoplasmons.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figures, revtex

    Speciesistic Veganism: An Anthropocentric Argument

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    The paper proposes an anthropocentric argument for veganism based on a speciesistic premise that most carnists likely affirm: human flourishing should be promoted. I highlight four areas of human suffering promoted by a carnistic diet: (1) health dangers to workers (both physical and psychological), (2) economic dangers to workers, (3) physical dangers to communities around slaughterhouses, and (4) environmental dangers to communities-at-large. Consequently, one could ignore the well-being of non-human animals and nevertheless recognize significant moral failings in the current standard system of meat production

    Coupling molecular spin states by photon-assisted tunneling

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    Artificial molecules containing just one or two electrons provide a powerful platform for studies of orbital and spin quantum dynamics in nanoscale devices. A well-known example of these dynamics is tunneling of electrons between two coupled quantum dots triggered by microwave irradiation. So far, these tunneling processes have been treated as electric dipole-allowed spin-conserving events. Here we report that microwaves can also excite tunneling transitions between states with different spin. In this work, the dominant mechanism responsible for violation of spin conservation is the spin-orbit interaction. These transitions make it possible to perform detailed microwave spectroscopy of the molecular spin states of an artificial hydrogen molecule and open up the possibility of realizing full quantum control of a two spin system via microwave excitation.Comment: 13 pages, 9 figure

    Neutrinoless Double Beta Decay within QRPA with Proton-Neutron Pairing

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    We have investigated the role of proton-neutron pairing in the context of the Quasiparticle Random Phase approximation formalism. This way the neutrinoless double beta decay matrix elements of the experimentally interesting A= 48, 76, 82, 96, 100, 116, 128, 130 and 136 systems have been calculated. We have found that the inclusion of proton-neutron pairing influences the neutrinoless double beta decay rates significantly, in all cases allowing for larger values of the expectation value of light neutrino masses. Using the best presently available experimental limits on the half life-time of neutrinoless double beta decay we have extracted the limits on lepton number violating parameters.Comment: 16 RevTex page

    Photoproduction off Nuclei and Point-like Photon Interactions Part I: Cross Sections and Nuclear Shadowing

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    High energy photoproduction off nuclear targets is studied within the Glauber-Gribov approximation. The photon is assumed to interact as a qqˉq\bar{q}-system according to the Generalized Vector Dominance Model and as a ``bare photon'' in direct scattering processes with target nucleons. We calculate total cross sections for interactions of photons with nuclei taking into account coherence length effects and point-like interactions of the photon. Results are compared to data on photon-nucleus cross sections, nuclear shadowing, and quasi- elastic ρ\rho-production. Extrapolations of cross sections and of the shadowing behaviour to high energies are given.Comment: 15 pages, 12 figure

    Development status and potential program for development of proliferation-resistant molten-salt reactors

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    Preliminary studies of existing and conceptual molten-salt reactor (MSR) designs have led to the identification of conceptual systems that are technologically attractive when operated with denatured uranium as the principal fissile fuel. These denatured MSRs would also have favorable resource-utilization characteristics and substantial resistance to proliferation of weapons-usable nuclear materials. The report presents a summary of the current status of technology and a discussion of the major technical areas of a possible base program to develop commercial denatured MSRs. The general areas treated are (1) reactor design and development, (2) safety and safety related technology, (3) fuel-coolant behavior and fuel processing, and (4) reactor materials. A substantial development effort could lead to authorization for construction of a molten-salt test reactor about 5 years after the start of the program and operation of the unit about 10 years later. A prototype commercial denatured MSR could be expected to begin operating 25 years from the start of the program. The postulated base program would extend over 32 years and would cost about 700million(1978dollars,unescalated).AdditionalcoststoconstructtheMSTR,700 million (1978 dollars, unescalated). Additional costs to construct the MSTR, 600 million, and the prototype commercial plant, 1470million,wouldbringthetotalprogramcosttoabout1470 million, would bring the total program cost to about 2.8 billion. Additional allowances probably should be made to cover contingencies and incidental technology areas not explicitly treated in this preliminary review