256 research outputs found

    Equidistribution of Heegner Points and Ternary Quadratic Forms

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    We prove new equidistribution results for Galois orbits of Heegner points with respect to reduction maps at inert primes. The arguments are based on two different techniques: primitive representations of integers by quadratic forms and distribution relations for Heegner points. Our results generalize one of the equidistribution theorems established by Cornut and Vatsal in the sense that we allow both the fundamental discriminant and the conductor to grow. Moreover, for fixed fundamental discriminant and variable conductor, we deduce an effective surjectivity theorem for the reduction map from Heegner points to supersingular points at a fixed inert prime. Our results are applicable to the setting considered by Kolyvagin in the construction of the Heegner points Euler system

    Potassium limitation of forest productivity – Part 2: CASTANEA-MAESPA-K shows a reduction in photosynthesis rather than a stoichiometric limitation of tissue formation

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    Potassium (K) availability constrains forest productivity. Brazilian eucalypt plantations are a good example of the K limitation of wood production. Here, we built upon a previously described model (CASTANEA-MAESPA-K) and used it to understand whether the simulated decline in C source under K deficiency was sufficient to explain the K limitation of wood productivity in Brazilian eucalypt plantations. We developed allocation schemes for both C and K and included these in CASTANEA-MAESPA-K. Neither direct limitations of the C-sink activity nor direct modifications of the C allocation by K availability were included in the model. Simulation results show that the model was successful in replicating the observed patterns of wood productivity limitation by K deficiency. Simulations also show that the response of net primary productivity (NPP) is not linear with increasing K fertilisation. Simulated stem carbon use and water use efficiencies decreased with decreasing levels of K availability. Simulating a direct stoichiometric limitation of NPP or wood growth was not necessary to reproduce the observed decline of productivity under K limitation, suggesting that K stoichiometric plasticity could be different to that of N and P. Confirming previous results from the literature, the model simulated an intense recirculation of K in the trees, suggesting that retranslocation processes were essential for tree functioning. Optimal K fertilisation levels calculated by the model were similar to nutritional recommendations currently applied in Brazilian eucalypt plantations, paving the way for validation of the model at a larger scale and of this approach for developing decision-making tools to improve fertilisation practices.</p

    Potassium limitation of forest productivity – Part 1: A mechanistic model simulating the effects of potassium availability on canopy carbon and water fluxes in tropical eucalypt stands

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    The extent of the potassium (K) limitation of forest productivity is probably more widespread than previously thought, and K limitation could influence the response of forests to future global changes. To understand the effects of K limitation on forest primary production, we have developed the first ecophysiological model simulating the K cycle and its interactions with the carbon (C) and water cycles. We focused on the limitation of the gross primary productivity (GPP) by K availability in tropical eucalypt plantations in Brazil. We used results from stand-scale fertilisation experiments as well as C flux measurements in two tropical eucalypt plantations to parameterise the model. The model was parameterised for fertilised conditions and then used to test for the effects of contrasting additions of K fertiliser. Simulations showed that K deficiency limits GPP by more than 50 % during a 6-year rotation, a value in agreement with estimations in K-limited eucalypt stands. Simulations showed a decrease of modelled canopy transpiration of around 50 % and a decrease in modelled water-use efficiency WUEGPP of 10 %. Through a sensitivity analysis, we used the model to identify the most critical processes to consider when studying K limitation of GPP. The inputs of K to the stands, such as the atmospheric deposition and weathering fluxes, and the regulation of the cycle of K within the ecosystem were critical for the response of the system to K deficiency. Litter leaching processes were of lower importance, since residence time of K in litter was low. The new forest K-cycle model developed in the present study includes multiple K processes interacting with the carbon and water cycles, and strong feedbacks on GPP were outlined. This is a first step in identifying the source or sink limitation of forest growth by K.</p

    Thermodynamic and Transport Properties of CeMg2Cu9 under Pressure

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    We report the transport and thermodynamic properties under hydrostatic pressure in the antiferromagnetic Kondo compound CeMg2Cu9 with a two-dimensional arrangement of Ce atoms. Magnetic specific heat Cmag(T) shows a Schottky-type anomaly around 30 K originating from the crystal electric field (CEF) splitting of the 4f state with the first excited level at \Delta_{1}/kB = 58 K and the second excited level at \Delta_{2}/kB = 136 K from the ground state. Electric resistivity shows a two-peaks structure due to the Kondo effect on each CEF level around T_{1}^{max} = 3 K and T_{2}^{max} = 40 K. These peaks merge around 1.9 GPa with compression. With increasing pressure, Neel temperature TN initially increases and then change to decrease. TN finally disappears at the quantum critical point Pc = 2.4 GPa.Comment: 10 pages, 6 figure

    Magnetocrystalline Anisotropy in a Single Crystal of CeNiGe2

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    We report measurements on single crystals of orthorhombic CeNiGe2, which is found to exhibit highly anisotropic magnetic and transport properties. The magnetization ratio M(H//b)/M(H^b) at 2 K is observed to be about 18 at 4 T and the electrical resistivity ratio r//b/r^b is about 70 at room temperature. It is confirmed that CeNiGe2 undergoes two-step antiferromagnetic transition at 4 and 3 K, as reported for polycrystalline samples. The application of magnetic field along the b axis (the easy magnetization axis) stabilizes a ferromagnetic correlation between the Ce ions and enhances the hopping of carriers. This results in large negative magnetoresistance along the b axis.Comment: 24 pages, including 9 figure

    Word reading strategies: A replication and follow up intervention

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    The first stage of this study involved a replication of the cluster analysts procedures used by Freebody and Byrne (1988) to classify Year 2 readers according to their word reading strategies based on lists of irregular and pseudowords. A four-cluster-solution produced three groups similar to those reported by Freebody and Byrne (1988), and a fourth group which could not be classified using their criteria. A three-cluster-solution produced a more parsimonious interpretation, with these groups meeting the criteria for LB (low on both Irregular and pseudowords), HB (high on both), and Phoenician readers (average or above on pseudoword, low on irregular words). There was no evidence of a discrete group of Chinese readers (low on pseudowords, average or above average on irregular words). These results were interpreted in the context of stage models of reading development. A replication was carried out of Freebody and Byrnes (1988) examination of differences in the phonemic awareness abilities of the subjects grouped on the basis of the four-cluster-solution. Subjects were tested using the initial-consonant-elision and the final-consonant-matching tasks. Three additional phonemic awareness tasks were also used: telescoping, segmenting and rhyming. Results showed unacceptable reliability of the telescoping, segmenting and final consonant-matching tasks, coupled with ceiling effects for telescoping and segmenting. Consequently, only the results from the combined initial-consonant-elision and final-consonant matching tasks, and the rhyming tasks were used. Consistent with the findings of Freebody and Byrne (1988), the LB group showed significantly lower phonemic awareness than the other groups combined, the HB group showed the reverse outcome. This finding is consistent with previous research that has shown a relationship between phonemic awareness and reading achievement. There was a significant difference for the remaining two groups, but only on the rhyming task in favour of the Phoenician readers, reflecting their ability to recognise sound patterns within words. The second stage of the study consisted of a single subject design investigation in which baseline data was collected for six (LB) subjects. As the requirement of stable and level baselines was not met for five of the six subjects, the decision was made to implement a changing criterion design with the other subject. He was given explicit Instruction In which he was taught to discriminate between the letters he previously confused, and the strategy of sounding out regular word types without stopping between sounds. His daily data showed that by the end of the Intervention phase, consisting of 16 half-hour teaching sessions, he had reached criteria in reading mixed regular word types. In addition, his post-test score on the pseudoword list indicated that he would now qualify as a Phoenician reader. Further research is required to investigate the extent to which changes In word reading strategy can be brought about by Instruction

    Specific heat of Ce_{0.8}La_{0.2}Al_{3} in magnetic fields: a test of the anisotropic Kondo picture

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    The specific heat C of Ce_{0.8}La_{0.2}Al_{3} has been measured as a function of temperature T in magnetic fields up to 14 T. A large peak in C at 2.3 K has recently been ascribed to an anisotropic Kondo effect in this compound. A 14-T field depresses the temperature of the peak by only 0.2 K, but strongly reduces its height. The corresponding peak in C/T shifts from 2.1 K at zero field to 1.7 K at 14 T. The extrapolated specific heat coefficient C/T(T->0) increases with field over the range studied. We show that these trends are inconsistent with the anisotropic Kondo model.Comment: 4 pages, 5 figures, ReVTeX + eps

    Kondo engineering : from single Kondo impurity to the Kondo lattice

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    In the first step, experiments on a single cerium or ytterbium Kondo impurity reveal the importance of the Kondo temperature by comparison to other type of couplings like the hyperfine interaction, the crystal field and the intersite coupling. The extension to a lattice is discussed. Emphasis is given on the fact that the occupation number nfn_f of the trivalent configuration may be the implicit key variable even for the Kondo lattice. Three (P,H,T)(P, H, T) phase diagrams are discussed: CeRu2_2Si2_2, CeRhIn5_5 and SmS

    Signatures of valence fluctuations in CeCu2Si2 under high pressure

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    Simultaneous resistivity and a.c.-specific heat measurements have been performed under pressure on single crystalline CeCu2Si2 to over 6 GPa in a hydrostatic helium pressure medium. A series of anomalies were observed around the pressure coinciding with a maximum in the superconducting critical temperature, TcmaxT_c^{max}. These anomalies can be linked with an abrupt change of the Ce valence, and suggest a second quantum critical point at a pressure Pv≃4.5P_v \simeq 4.5 GPa, where critical valence fluctuations provide the superconducting pairing mechanism, as opposed to spin fluctuations at ambient pressure. Such a valence instability, and associated superconductivity, is predicted by an extended Anderson lattice model with Coulomb repulsion between the conduction and f-electrons. We explain the T-linear resistivity found at PvP_v in this picture, while other anomalies found around PvP_v can be qualitatively understood using the same model.Comment: Submitted to Phys. Rev.
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