80 research outputs found

    Lean Maturity, Lean Sustainability

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    Hvordan motiveres videnmedarbejdere? Et eksempel på reorganisering af HRM i en videntung virksomhed

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    Denne artikel bygger på resultaterne fra et pilotprojekt i en mellemstor videntung virksomhed, der oplevede problemer med medarbejdermotivationen. Som konsekvens heraf ønskede virksomheden at omstrukturere sine initiativer på Human Resource Management (HRM)-området og ved samme lejlighed tydeliggøre koblingen mellem disse aktiviteter og organisationens strategiske målsætning. Casen er interessant, da der oftest er fokus på produktionsvirksomheder i forbindelse med medarbejdermotivation. Artiklen indledes med en kort gennemgang af litteratur om HR og medarbejdermotivation, og ved brug af en action research metodologi udvikles derefter en innovativ tilgang til at designe de HR-initiativer, som blev implementeret i virksomheden. Herved bidrager artiklen med et praktisk eksempel på en procesmodel, som en ledelse kan benytte ved reorganisering af HR-initiativer i en videntung organisation.This article builds on the findings of a pilot project in a medium-sized, knowledge-intensive enterprise which had experienced problems with staff motivation. The enterprise therefore wanted to restructure its initiatives in Human Resource Management (HRM) and, simultaneously, clarify the coupling between these activities and the strategic goal of the organisation. The case is interesting in that focus, in connection with staff motivation, more often is on manufacturing enterprises. The introduction offers a short review of literature on HR and staff motivation, and the use of an action research methodology then develops into an innovative approach to design the HR-initiatives implemented by the enterprise. This contributes a practical example of a process model to be used by management in the restructuring of HR-initiatives in a knowledge-intensive organisation

    The influence of organizational culture on the use of quality techniques and its impact on performance

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    Exports and Productivity: Comparable Evidence for 14 Countries

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    We use comparable micro level panel data for 14 countries and a set of identically specified empirical models to investigate the relationship between exports and productivity. Our overall results are in line with the big picture that is by now familiar from the literature: Exporters are more productive than non-exporters when observed and unobserved heterogeneity are controlled for, and these exporter productivity premia tend to increase with the share of exports in total sales; there is strong evidence in favour of self-selection of more productive firms into export markets, but nearly no evidence in favour of the learning-by-exporting hypothesis. We document that the exporter premia differ considerably across countries in identically specified empirical models. In a meta-analysis of our results we find that countries that are more open and have more effective government report higher productivity premia. However, the level of development per se does not appear to be an explanation for the observed cross-country differences.exports; productivity; micro data; international comparison