40 research outputs found

    In Vivo Preclinical Assessment of β-Amyloid–Affine [11C]C-PIB Accumulation in Aluminium-Induced Alzheimer’s Disease-Resembling Hypercholesterinaemic Rat Model

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    Aluminum (Al) excess and hypercholesterinaemia are established risks of Alzheimer’s disease (AD). The aim of this study was to establish an AD-resembling hypercholesterinaemic animal model—with the involvement of 8 week and 48 week-old Fischer-344 rats—by Al administration for the safe and rapid verification of β-amyloid-targeted positron emission tomography (PET) radiopharmaceuticals. Measurement of lipid parameters and β-amyloid–affine [11C]C-Pittsburgh Compound B ([11C]C-PIB) PET examinations were performed. Compared with the control, the significantly elevated cholesterol and LDL levels of the rats receiving the cholesterol-rich diet support the development of hypercholesterinaemia (p ≤ 0.01). In the older cohort, a notably increased age-related radiopharmaceutical accumulation was registered compared to in the young (p ≤ 0.05; p ≤ 0.01). A monotherapy-induced slight elevation of mean standardised uptake values (SUVmean) was statistically not significant; however, adult rats administered a combined diet expressed remarkable SUVmean increment compared to the adult control (SUVmean: from 0.78 ± 0.16 to 1.99 ± 0.28). One and two months after restoration to normal diet, the cerebral [11C]C-PIB accumulation of AD-mimicking animals decreased by half and a third, respectively, to the baseline value. The proposed in vivo Al-induced AD-resembling animal system seems to be adequate for the understanding of AD neuropathology and future drug testing and radiopharmaceutical development

    PET Probes for Preclinical Imaging of GRPR-Positive Prostate Cancer: Comparative Preclinical Study of [68Ga]Ga-NODAGA-AMBA and [44Sc]Sc-NODAGA-AMBA

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    Gastrin-releasing peptide receptors (GRPR) are overexpressed in prostate cancer (PCa). Since bombesin analogue aminobenzoic-acid (AMBA) binds to GRPR with high affinity, scandium-44 conjugated AMBA is a promising radiotracer in the PET diagnostics of GRPR positive tumors. Herein, the GRPR specificity of the newly synthetized [44Sc]Sc-NODAGA-AMBA was investigated in vitro and in vivo applying PCa PC-3 xenograft. After the in-vitro assessment of receptor binding, PC-3 tumor-bearing mice were injected with [44Sc]Sc/[68Ga]Ga-NODAGA-AMBA (in blocking studies with bombesin) and in-vivo PET examinations were performed to determine the radiotracer uptake in standardized uptake values (SUV). 44Sc/68Ga-labelled NODAGA-AMBA was produced with high molar activity (approx. 20 GBq/µmoL) and excellent radiochemical purity. The in-vitro accumulation of [44Sc]Sc-NODAGA-AMBA in PC-3 cells was approximately 25-fold higher than that of the control HaCaT cells. Relatively higher uptake was found in vitro, ex vivo, and in vivo in the same tumor with the 44Sc-labelled probe compared to [68Ga]Ga-NODAGA-AMBA. The GRPR specificity of [44Sc]Sc-NODAGA-AMBA was confirmed by significantly (p ≤ 0.01) decreased %ID and SUV values in PC-3 tumors after bombesin pretreatment. The outstanding binding properties of the novel [44Sc]Sc-NODAGA-AMBA to GRPR outlines its potential to be a valuable radiotracer in the imaging of GRPR-positive PCa

    Homogeneous Catalytic Hydrogenation of Poorly Water-Soluble Carbonates with Transition Metal Complexes

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    Ebben a munkában a vízben rosszul oldódó karbonátok homogénkatalitikus hidrogénezését tanulmányoztuk [RhCl(mtppms)3] és [{RuCl2(mtppms)2}2] komplexekkel. A képződő formiátsók szintetikus és energiatárolási szempontokból értékes anyagok. A redukció környezetbarát, vizes közegben játszódik le, miközben a CaCO3, a bázisos MgCO3, a dolomit a szén-dioxiddal egyetemben a természetben való nagy mértékű előfordulásukból kifolyólag jelentős mennyiségben állnak rendelkezésre vagy éppen ipari forrásokból könnyen hozzáférhetőek. A homogénkatalitikus folyamatok vizsgálatával az alábbi új tudományos eredményeket kaptuk