10 research outputs found

    Porosities and dimensions of measures

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    We introduce a concept of porosity for measures and study relations between dimensions and porosities for two classes of measures: measures on RnR^n which satisfy the doubling condition and strongly porous measures on RR.Comment: Jarvenpaa = J\"arvenp\"a\"

    Hausdorff dimension of limsup sets of rectangles in the Heisenberg group

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    Abstract The almost sure value of the Hausdorff dimension of limsup sets generated by randomly distributed rectangles in the Heisenberg group is computed in terms of directed singular value functions

    Random affine code tree fractals:Hausdorff and affinity dimensions and pressure

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    Abstract We prove that for random affine code tree fractals the affinity dimension is almost surely equal to the unique zero of the pressure function. As a consequence, we show that the Hausdorff, packing and box counting dimensions of such systems are equal to the zero of the pressure. In particular, we do not presume the validity of the Falconer-Sloan condition or any other additional assumptions which have been essential in all the previously known results

    On dimensions of visible parts of self-similar sets with finite rotation groups

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    Abstract We derive an upper bound for the Assouad dimension of visible parts of self-similar sets generated by iterated function systems with finite rotation groups and satisfying the weak separation condition. The bound is valid for all visible parts and it depends on the direction and the penetrable part of the set, which is a concept defined in this paper. As a corollary, we obtain in the planar case that if the projection is a finite or countable union of intervals then the visible part is 1-dimensional. We also prove that the Assouad dimension of a visible part is strictly smaller than the Hausdorff dimension of the set provided the projection contains interior points. Our proof relies on Furstenberg’s dimension conservation principle for self-similar sets

    Hausdorff dimension of limsup sets of random rectangles in products of regular spaces

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    Abstract The almost sure Hausdorff dimension of the limsup set of randomly distributed rectangles in a product of Ahlfors regular metric spaces is computed in terms of the singular value function of the rectangles

    Dimensions of random covering sets in Riemann manifolds

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    Abstract Let 𝐌, 𝐍 and 𝐊 be d-dimensional Riemann manifolds. Assume that 𝐀 := (An)n∈ℕ is a sequence of Lebesgue measurable subsets of 𝐌 satisfying a necessary density condition and 𝐱 := (xn)n∈ℕ is a sequence of independent random variables, which are distributed on 𝐊 according to a measure, which is not purely singular with respect to the Riemann volume. We give a formula for the almost sure value of the Hausdorff dimension of random covering sets 𝐄(𝐱, 𝐀) := lim supn→∞An(xn) ⊂ 𝐍. Here, An(xn) is a diffeomorphic image of An depending on xn. We also verify that the packing dimensions of 𝐄(𝐱, 𝐀) equal d almost surely

    Fractal percolation is unrectifiable

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    Abstract We show that there exists 0 < α₀ < 1 (depending on the parameters) such that the fractal percolation is almost surely purely α-unrectifiable for all α > α₀

    Visible parts and dimensions

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    We study the visible parts of subsets of n-dimensional Euclidean space: a point a of a compact set A is visible from an affine subspace K of Rn, if the line segment joining PK(a) to a only intersects A at a (here PK denotes projection onto K). The set of all such points visible from a given subspace K is called the visible part of A from K. We prove that if the Hausdorff dimension of a compact set is at most n−1, then the Hausdorff dimension of a visible part is almost surely equal to the Hausdorff dimension of the set. On the other hand, provided that the set has Hausdorff dimension larger than n − 1, we have the almost sure lower bound n − 1 for the Hausdorff dimensions of visible parts. We also investigate some examples of planar sets with Hausdorff dimension bigger than 1. In particular,we prove that for quasi-circles in the plane all visible parts have Hausdorff dimension equal to 1