38 research outputs found


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    Otros caribes: de las Antillas al continente (sudamérica, centroamérica y norteamérica

    El suicidio público del artista

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    Acababa de terminar una investigación de cerca de dos años sobre la obra de Raúl Gómez Jattin, uno de los más interesantes poetas colombianos desde el nadaísmo, cuando recibí la noticia terrible de su muerte. No me tomó por sorpresa la noticia. El caso de Gómez es el de un suicidio público

    Urolithins Are the Main Urinary Microbial-Derived Phenolic Metabolites Discriminating a Moderate Consumption of Nuts in FreeLiving Subjects with Diagnosed Metabolic Syndrome

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    Walnuts (Juglans regia L.), hazelnuts (Corylus avellana L.), and almonds (Prunus dulcis Mill.) are rich sources of ellagitannins and proanthocyanidins. Gut microbiota plays a crucial role in modulating the bioavailability of these high molecular weight polyphenols. However, to date there are no studies evaluating the capacity to produce nut phenolic metabolites in subjects with metabolic syndrome (MetS), a pathology associated with an altered gut bacterial diversity. This study applied a LC-MS targeted approach to analyze the urinary excretion of nut phenolic metabolites in MetS subjects following 12 weeks of nut consumption, compared to sex- and age-matched individuals given a nut-free control diet. Metabolites were targeted in both hydrolyzed and nonhydrolyzed urine by LC-PDA-QqQ-MS/MS analysis, and identification of metabolites lacking available standards was confirmed by LC-ESI-ITD-FT-MS. Ellagitannin-derived urolithins A and B significantly increased after the nutenriched-diet, urolithins C and D were also detected, and a complex combination of urolithin-conjugated forms was observed in nonhydrolyzed urine, confirming an extensive phase II metabolism after absorption. In contrast, no significant increases in proanthocyanidin microbial metabolites were observed in urine following nut consumption. Because the intestinal microbiota of the subjects in this study could catabolize ellagitannins into a wide range of urolithins, further research is strongly warranted on the in vivo potential of these microbial metabolites in reducing cardiometabolic risk

    Acute Stress in Health Workers during Two Consecutive EpidemicWaves of COVID-19

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    The COVID-19 pandemic has provoked generalized uncertainty around the world, with health workers experiencing anxiety, depression, burnout, insomnia, and stress. Although the effects of the pandemic on mental health may change as it evolves, the majority of reports have been web-based, cross-sectional studies. We performed a study assessing acute stress in frontline healthworkers during two consecutive epidemic waves. After screening for trait anxiety/depression and dissociative experiences, we evaluated changes in acute stress, considering resilience, state anxiety, burnout, depersonalization/derealization symptoms, and quality of sleep as cofactors. During the first epidemic wave (April 2020), health workers reported acute stress related to COVID-19, which was related to state anxiety. After the first epidemic wave, acute stress decreased, with no increase during the second epidemic wave (December 2020), and further decreased when vaccination started.During the follow-up (April 2020 to February 2021), the acute stress score was related to bad quality of sleep. However, acute stress, state anxiety, and burnout were all related to trait anxiety/depression, while the resilience score was invariant through time. Overall, the results emphasize the relevance of mental health screening before, during

    Left hepatic lobe herniation through an incisional anterior abdominal wall hernia and right adrenal myelolipoma: a case report and review of the literature

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Introduction</p> <p>Herniation of the liver through an anterior abdominal wall hernia defect is rare. To the best of our knowledge, only three cases have been described in the literature.</p> <p>Case presentation</p> <p>A 70-year-old Mexican woman presented with a one-week history of right upper quadrant abdominal pain, nausea, vomiting, and jaundice to our Department of General Surgery. Her medical history included an open cholecystectomy from 20 years earlier and excessive weight. She presented with jaundice, abdominal distension with a midline surgical scar, right upper quadrant tenderness, and a large midline abdominal wall defect with dullness upon percussion and protrusion of a large, tender, and firm mass. The results of laboratory tests were suggestive of cholestasis. Ultrasound revealed choledocholithiasis. A computed tomography scan showed a protrusion of the left hepatic lobe through the anterior abdominal wall defect and a well-defined, soft tissue density lesion in the right adrenal topography. An endoscopic common bile duct stone extraction was unsuccessful. During surgery, the right adrenal tumor was resected first. The hernia was approached through a median supraumbilical incision; the totality of the left lobe was protruding through the abdominal wall defect, and once the lobe was reduced to its normal position, a common bile duct surgical exploration with multiple stone extraction was performed. Finally, the abdominal wall was reconstructed. Histopathology revealed an adrenal myelolipoma. Six months after the operation, our patient remains in good health.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>The case of liver herniation through an incisional anterior abdominal wall hernia in this report represents, to the best of our knowledge, the fourth such case reported in the literature. The rarity of this medical entity makes it almost impossible to specifically describe predisposing risk factors for liver herniation. Obesity, the right adrenal myelolipoma mass effect, and the previous abdominal surgery are likely to have contributed to incisional hernia formation.</p

    Donde comienza la sustentabilidad o ¿dónde comienza la sustentabilidad?”: la experiencia PDTS en Santa Fé ciudad

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    Hemos presentado en reuniones anteriores algunas experiencias de transferencia tecnológica que nuestro equipo realiza desde tanto Laboratorios y Cátedras donde la tarea universitaria ha sido vista como hecho integral, intentando potenciar el círculo virtuoso de retroalimentación entre docencia, investigación y extensión. Siempre hemos considerado a la extensión como la forma de transferir conocimientos al medio y a la vez la forma de detectar problemas que tiene la sociedad, hacerlos luego objetos de investigación y posteriormente también incorporarlos a la tarea docente. Así, toda nuestra tarea está enmarcada por una visión filosófica de la vida universitaria y del porqué de la Universidad Pública. Esta afirmación demás está decirlo tiene mayor vigencia en los momentos como el actual en que los gobiernos agobiados por problemas económicos, echan frecuentemente mano para cuestiones que entiende de mayor urgencia, a los recursos que deberían servir para alimentar el sistema. En el momento de presentar ante CONICET el PDTS, en conjunto constituido por la Universidad Nacional de La Plata, Universidad Nacional del Litoral y la Municipalidad de Santa Fe tuvimos claro que los objetivos del mismo debían exceder, casi obligatoriamente, la mera experiencia de transferencia. Era necesario intentar ideas que pudieran servir de base para iniciar a futuro trabajos direccionables a la resolución de los grandes temas detectados. Particularmente el hábitat carenciado y el mundo del trabajo. Desarrollándose entonces una pregunta conductora: ¿es posible con la utilización de tecnología adecuada la resolución simultánea de hábitat y trabajo de personas con poca o nula capacitación específica? Nuestro eje fue la exploración y la realización de experiencias que demostraran la viabilidad a futuro de una fábrica social de casa-partes. Nuestros encuentros en Congresos anteriores CRETA han posibilitado exponer algunos avances. Por lo dicho la revisión en torno al momento de inicio del proceso de la sustentabilidad creemos es pertinente ya que el trabajo presenta implícitamente la hipótesis: ¿es sostenible o siquiera posible vivir en un lugar donde no se tiene trabajo? El trabajo, aún en curso, intenta explorar y debatir lo antes dicho.We have presented in previous meetings some experiences of technology transfer that our team carries out from both Laboratories and Chairs where the university task has been seen as an integral fact, trying to strengthen the virtuous circle of feedback between teaching, research and extension. We have always considered extension as the way to transfer knowledge to the environment and at the same time how to detect problems that society has, then make them objects of research and then also incorporate them into the teaching task. Thus, all our work is framed by a philosophical vision of university life and why the Public University. This affirmation, in other words, is more valid at times like the current one in which governments, overwhelmed by economic problems, frequently make use of issues that they deem most urgent, of the resources that should serve to feed the system. At the time of presenting the PDTS to CONICET, jointly constituted by the National University of La Plata, the National University of the Litoral and the Municipality of Santa Fe, we were clear that its objectives should exceed, almost compulsorily, the mere experience of transfer. It was necessary to try ideas that could serve as a basis to start future works that can be directed to the resolution of the big issues detected. Particularly the deprived habitat and the world of work. Developing a conductive question then: is it possible with the use of appropriate technology the simultaneous resolution of habitat and work of people with little or no specific training? Our axis was the exploration and the realization of experiences that demonstrate the future viability of a social factory of house-parties. Our meetings at previous CRETA Congresses have made it possible to present some advances. For what has been said, the review around the moment of beginning of the process of sustainability we believe is pertinent since the work implicitly presents the hypothesis: is it sustainable or even possible to live in a place where there is no work? The work, still in progress, tries to explore and debate what was said before.Laboratorio de Tecnología y Gestión Habitaciona