57 research outputs found

    Zaznavanje strategij pouka med učenci in učitelji v osnovni šoli

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    The quality of educational work is inextricably linked to many factors at the system, school, teacher, and student levels. This research was carried out within the project \u27Education of Teachers as a Factor of Providing High-quality Life-long Learning in the Learning Society/The Society of Fast Socio-economic Changes and Unsure Future\u27, funded by the Slovenian Research Agency. This paper provides a basic overview of the characteristics of open instruction, an umbrella term that combines active and learner-centred didactic strategies. The empirical section focuses on the use of didactic strategies. The survey was carried out with 1,536 primary school [1] pupils in Grades 7 and 9 and 263 of their teachers. Both pupils and teachers cited problem-based learning and research-based learning as the most commonly used didactic strategies, while project-based learning was the least frequently used. Despite the agreement on the most and least frequently used didactic strategies, there are statistically significant differences between pupils\u27 and teachers\u27 perceptions of all selected didactic strategies. Teachers reported that they used these strategies more often than was perceived by their pupils. The authors also found a statistically significant impact of better learning performance on the perception of certain didactic strategies. The results of the study raise new research questions, especially in the design of more detailed analyses of the use of didactic strategies in pedagogical practice. [1] Slovenian basic education lasts nine years. Students enter primary school at the age of 6 and complete it at the age of 15. (DIPF/Orig.


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    The first part of the article deals with the characteristics of ability grouping and its impact on pupils’ learning outcomes, the importance of teaching differentiation and individualization as well as their advantages and limitations. The second part of the article presents the results of a study that attempted to examine the organizational characteristics of ability grouping in Slovenian and Mathematics in Slovenian primary schools, call attention to the role of the sociocultural environment when dividing pupils into levels and analyze the performance of ability-grouped pupils, on the one hand, and pupils from heterogeneous groups, on the other, on the National Assessment of Knowledge. The research comprised 1,454 ninth-grade pupils from 41 Slovenian primary schools. The study has shown that approximately three-quarters of schools implement ability education; the majority offer classes at three and the rest at two difficulty levels. Pupils’ school grades and socio-cultural background play an important role in the ranking of pupils into levels. The results showed a medium-to-high grade statistical correlation between pupils’ levels in Mathematics and Slovenian language, on the one hand, and their mother’s and father’s education and their average grades for Slovenian and Mathematics in the 7th , 8 th and 9th grades, on the other hand. This result indicates that social background significantly influences pupils’ learning performance. In addition, the study has shown that ability grouping can be effective only if teachers adjust both the teaching methods and learning materials to the pupils at each individual level.Prvi dio članka opisuje značajke grupiranja učenika prema sposobnostima i učinak grupiranja na ishode učenja, važnost diferencijacije i individualizacije nastave, kao i njihove prednosti i ograničenja. Drugi dio članka prikazuje rezultate istraživanja kojim su se pokušale ispitati organizacijske značajke grupiranja prema sposobnostima u Slovenskom jeziku i Matematici u slovenskim osnovnim školama, skrenuti pozornost na ulogu društvenokulturnog okruženja na podjelu učenika prema sposobnostima i analizirati uspjeh na državnoj maturi učenika grupiranih prema sposobnostima s jedne strane i učenika iz heterogenih skupina s druge strane. Istraživanjem je obuhvaćeno 1,454 učenika devetih razreda iz 41 slovenske osnovne škole. Rezultati su pokazali da se u otprilike tri četvrtine škola provodi obrazovanje prema sposobnostima; većina škola nudi nastavu diferenciranu prema tri, a ostale prema dvije razine težine. Ocjene učenika i društveno-kulturno okruženje imaju značajnu ulogu u rangiranju učenika prema razinama. Rezultati su pokazali srednju do visoku statističku korelaciju između učeničkih razina u Matematici i Slovenskom jeziku s jedne strane te obrazovanja njihovih majki i očeva kao i njihove prosječne ocjene iz Slovenskog jezika i Matematike u 7., 8. i 9. razredu s druge strane. Dobiveni rezultati pokazuju da društveno okruženje značajno utječe na uspješnost učenja kod učenika. Osim toga, istraživanje je pokazalo da grupiranje prema sposobnostima može biti djelotvorno samo ako učitelji usklade metode poučavanja i učenja, kao i materijale prema svakoj individualnoj razini učenika

    Otvorena nastava i sudjelovanje u donošenju odluka u razredu

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    The article focuses on the problem of students involved in the education process. The study comprised students aged 10-11, 13-14 and 16-17. The total number comprises 322 students attending schools in Austria and 458 students from Slovenia. The data were collected with a questionnaire and processed on the level of descriptive and inferential statistics. We determined that student participation in practice has not fully developed yet. The students who are attending schools in Austria detected more opportunities to participate in the decision-making process than their peers in Slovenia. The majority of the students wish to participate. We also determined a statistically significant positive impact of open class on student participation. The students who see their classes as open detect more opportunities to participate in the decision-making process.Rad se fokusira na problem inkluzije učenika u procesu obrazovanja. U studiji su sudjelovali učenici starosti 10-11, 13-14 i 16-17 godina. Od toga 322 učenika pohađaju škole u Austriji , a 458 u Sloveniji. Za prikupljanje podataka koji su obrađeni na razini deskriptivne i inferencijalne statistike koristio se upitnik. Utvrdili smo da učeničko sudjelovanje u praksi još nije dovoljno razvijeno. Učenici koji pohađaju škole u Austriji uočili su više prilika za sudjelovanje u procesu donošenja odluka od svojih vršnjaka u Sloveniji. Većina učenika želi sudjelovati. Također smo utvrdili statistički značajan učinak otvorene nastave na učeničku participaciju. Učenici koji nastavu percipiraju kao otvorenu primjećuju više prilika za sudjelovanje u procesu donošenja odluka

    Participation as a School Dimension

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    Eines der wichtigsten fachübergreifenden Lernziele im Unterricht ist der Erwerb von demokratischen Werten und Kompetenzen, wobei die Schülerpartizipation einen bedeutenden Baustein bei der Verwirklichung dieses Ziels darstellt. In der vorliegenden Studie werden Partizipationsmöglichkeiten der Schüler bedingt durch die Klassenstufe und das Land untersucht. Die Stichprobe bestand aus 322 Schülern, die eine österreichische und aus 458 Schülern, die eine slowenische Schule besuchen. 283 Schüler/innen besuchen die 5., 268 die 8. und 229 die 11. Klassenstufe. Die vorliegende Studie zeigt, dass die Partizipationsmöglichkeiten der Schüler/innen noch immer sehr beschränkt sind. Die Ergebnisse zeigen signifikante Unterschiede in der Wahrnehmung der Partizipationsmöglichkeiten (p = 0,000) zu Gunsten der Schüler/innen, die eine Schule in Österreich besuchen. Zwischen den Klassenstufen konnten dagegen keine signifikanten Unterschiede in der Wahrnehmung der Schülerpartizipation nachgewiesen werden. Die Untersuchungsergebnisse lassen erkennen, dass sich aktive Schülerpartizipation – trotz der bewiesenen Vorteile, formal gegebenen Beteiligungsrechten und ständiger Forderung danach – im Schulalltag noch immer nicht etabliert hat.Razvoj demokratskih kompetencija i vrijednosti smatra se najvišim ciljem u učionici. Važan element za postizanje ovoga cilja participacija je učenika. U ovom istraživanju participacije učenika uvjetovane su ocjenom i zemljom. Istraživanje je provedeno na uzorku od 322 učenika iz austrijskih škola i 458 iz slovenskih škola. 283 učenika pohađa peti, 268 osmi i 229 jedanaesti razred. Rezultati pokazuju značajne razlike u percepciji participacije učenika (p = 0,000) u korist učenika austrijskih škola. Nije bilo značajnih razlika među ocjenama vezano uz percepciju participacije učenika. Rezultati pokazuju da unatoč dokazanim prednostima, formalnom uključivanju i zahtjevom za aktivnim sudjelovanjem učenika, ono još uvijek nije pronašlo svoje mjesto u školskoj praksiAcquiring democratic values and competences is considered to be of the most importance objective in the classroom. An important element for reaching this objective is student participation. In this study student participation options are conditioned by grade and country. The survey was done on a pattern of 322 students from Austrian schools and 458 from Slovenian schools. 283 students attended the 5th, 268 the 8th and 229 the 11th grade. The results show significant differences of student participation perception (p = 0,000) in favor of students from Austrian schools. No significant differences between grades occurred, based on the students’ perception of participation. The results show that despite proven advantages, formally given equities and constant demand for an active student participation, it still hasn’t found its place in the school routine


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    The first part of the article presents the role of mentors in the practical educational training of students who are offered gradual and controlled access to teaching and mentors’ help in teacher training and school practice. In the process students develop various skills. It is therefore extremely important that student teaching programmes are well planned and implemented to the highest possible standards by the appropriately experienced and educated mentors. In the second part of the article the results of a qualitative study involving twenty-six mentors are presented. In the academic year 2009/2010, these mentors offered mentorship to the fourth-year students of the Elementary Education academic programme at the Faculty of Education, University of Maribor. The study focuses on how mentor teachers evaluate their work and roles. The study further explores how the mentors evaluate the work of the students as teachers, what mentors gain from students, and the relationship between mentors and students. The results indicate that the majority of mentors are neither sufficiently intrinsically motivated to take on the mentorship, nor are they professionally ready. The mentors believe that the mentorship support offered to students is not a burden and that the relationship between them and the students is professional. The mentors believe that students have limited teaching experience and their questions refer mostly to the preparation and implementation of the class. The mentors appreciate novelties and motivational games introduced by the students who thus indirectly affect the mentors’ professional development.U prvom dijelu rada predstavljamo ulogu mentorstva u praktičnom pedagoškom osposobljavanju studenata. Pedagoška praksa omogućuje studentu postupno uvođenje u pedagoški rad i osposobljavanje za poučavanje pod stručnim vodstvom mentora, a to je istodobno i kontakt s praktičnim radom. Veoma je važno dobro planirati pedagošku praksu, kao i da je kvalitetno provode mentori s odgovarajućim obrazovanjem i iskustvom, kako bi student pri tome razvijao različite sposobnosti. Drugi dio izlaganja iznosi rezultate kvalitativnog istraživanja u kojem je sudjelovalo 26 mentora. Oni su u studijskoj godini 2009./2010. bili mentori studentima 4. godine sveučilišnog studijskog programa Razredna nastava na Pedagoškom fakultetu Sveučilišta u Mariboru. U istraživanju nas je zanimalo kako učitelji mentori ocjenjuju svoj rad i ulogu mentorstva. Također nas je zanimalo kako se ocjenjuje rad studenata tijekom pedagoške prakse, što dobivaju od studenata te kakav se odnos razvija između mentora i studenata. Rezultati istraživanja pokazuju kako većina mentora, zapravo, nije dovoljno motivirana te je i nedovoljno stručno pripremljena za mentorstvo. Mentori smatraju da mentorstvom nisu preopterećeni te kako ih ono potiče na razvoj međusobnog profesionalnog odnosa. Studenti koji, prema mišljenju mentora, imaju skromna pedagoška iskustva obraćaju im se s različitim pitanjima, a najčešće ih zanima kako pripremiti i izvesti nastavni sat. Mentori kod studenata cijene različite novine, motivacijske igre koje uvode u nastavu i time posredno utječu na profesionalni razvoj mentora

    Domaće poticanje mladih učenika stranog jezika u Sloveniji

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    The main aim of the present research was to determine the kinds of encouragement that young learners receive at home from their parents for foreign language (FL) learning, and highlight any differences between the domestic environment and foreign language learning in terms of the socio-economic status of the family. Furthermore, the study offers some general recommendations to parents and primary school authorities to encourage FL learning in the domestic environment, thereby avoiding socio-economic differences. The study was conducted on a sample of ninth-grade pupils (14 years of age) attending Slovene primary schools (N = 600). A questionnaire with the closed-type questions was designed in accordance with the measurement characteristics (validity, reliability, objectivity). The data were analysed by using descriptive and inferential statistics. The results show that in general, parents almost never or rarely encourage their children in foreign language learning. A detailed analysis of the results, however, shows that there are statistically significant differences in the support given to foreign language learning in terms of the socio-economic status of the family (e.g., through books, literature, DVDs, songs in foreign languages, homework, language courses abroad, travelling). Parents with a higher level of education support their children in learning foreign languages more than parents with a lower level of education.Glavni je cilj ovog istraživanja bio utvrditi vrste poticaja koje mladi učenici koji uče strani jezik (SJ) primaju kod kuće, a koje im pružaju njihovi roditelji, te naglasiti razlike između domaćeg okruženja i učenja stranog jezika u smislu socijalno-ekonomskog statusa obitelji. Nadalje, istraživanje nudi neke opće preporuke roditeljima i autoritetima u osnovnoj školi da potaknu učenje stranog jezika u domaćem okruženju te izbjegnu socijalno-ekonomske razlike. Istraživanje je provedeno na uzorku učenika devetih razreda (starost 14 godina) koji pohađaju slovenske osnovne škole (N=600). Upitnik s pitanjima zatvorenog tipa osmišljen je u skladu s mjernim karakteristikama (valjanost, pouzdanost, objektivnost). Podaci su analizirani upotrebom deskriptivne i inferencijalne statistike. Rezultati pokazuju kako roditelji gotovo nikad ne potiču ili vrlo rijetko potiču svoju djecu na učenje stranog jezika. Međutim, detaljna analiza rezultata pokazala je kako postoje statistički značajne razlike u potpori učenja stranog jezika povezane sa socijalno-ekonomskim statusom obitelji (npr. knjige, literatura, DVD, pjesme na stranim jezicima, domaća zadaća, tečajevi stranih jezika u inozemstvu, putovanje). Visokoobrazovni roditelji potiču svoju djecu na učenje stranih jezika više od roditelja nižeg stupnja obrazovanja

    Spodbujanje aktivnega študija, kot ga zaznavajo študenti

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    In recent decades, the importance of student-centred teaching, reflected in the promotion of the student’s active role in the process of his own learning, has been increasingly emphasized in higher education. However, to promote meaningful knowledge construction, it is necessary to understand the learning process from the student perspective. The aim of our quantitative study is to investigate how students perceive higher education in terms of encouragement towards active knowledge construction, the connection between theories and research findings on the one hand and practical application on the other, and support in ICT use. 212 students from different undergraduate and postgraduate study programmes at the University of Maribor participated in the study. In order to examine different aspects of higher education as perceived by students, we used two sets of items. The results indicated that the students perceive a high level of active learning encouragement, especially in terms of connecting new learning content and their existing knowledge, being encouraged to self-organise their learning, and incorporating a variety of examples to promote deeper learning. There were some minor differences in the perception of higher education among undergraduate and postgraduate students, with undergraduate students perceiving instruction more favourably. We also found some differences in the perceptions of students pursuing different courses of study.V zadnjih desetletjih se tudi v visokem šolstvu vse bolj poudarja pomen na študenta usmerjenega poučevanja, ki se kaže predvsem v spodbujanju študentove aktivne vloge v procesu lastnega učenja. Za spodbujanje smiselnega grajenja znanja pa je treba razumeti učni proces s perspektive študenta. V ta namen smo v kvantitativni raziskavi želele ugotoviti, kako študenti zaznavajo visokošolski pouk tako z vidika spodbujenosti k aktivnemu osmišljanju učnih vsebin kot tudi z vidika povezovanja teorij in raziskovalnih ugotovitev s prakso in urjenja v uporabi informacijsko-komunikacijske tehnologije (IKT). V raziskavi je sodelovalo 212 študentov različnih študijskih programov prve in druge bolonjske stopnje Univerze v Mariboru. Z namenom preveriti različne vidike visokošolskega pouka, kot ga zaznavajo študenti, smo uporabile dva sklopa trditev. Rezultati so pokazali, da študenti zaznavajo dokaj visoko stopnjo spodbude pri aktivnem študiju, še zlasti pri povezovanju novih vsebin z njihovim predznanjem, spodbujenosti k samoorganizaciji učenja ter vključevanju raznolikih primerov, ki so v pomoč pri osmišljanju znanja. Med študenti prve in druge stopnje smo ugotovile nekaj manjših razlik v zaznavah visokošolskega pouka, pri čemer študenti prve stopnje visokošolski pouk zaznavajo ugodneje. Prav tako smo ugotovile nekaj razlik v zaznavah študentov različnih usmeritev

    Schulleitung und Bildungsqualität: Gemeinsamkeiten und Unterschiede in ausgewählten EU-Ländern

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    The paper focuses on different methods of school leadership and management styles. Effective school leadership is identified as crucial to students’ outcomes, second only to the quality of the teacher (Augustine et al., 2009 in OECD, 2012). In the paper the results of secondary empirical research based on TALIS data (2008) are presented. The predictive value of selected variables (such as school size, principals’ gender etc.) for different types of principals\u27 leadership and management styles were evaluated with multiple regression analyses. The results of the analysis are placed in the international context since the paper focuses on comparison of data from principals questionnaires for Austria, Hungary, Slovak Republic and Slovenia. The analyses indicate that the predictors for different leadership and management styles are mostly country specific and only years of experience have significant influence in most indexes. The answer to what are the best school management and leadership styles isn’t straightforward. Based on our research it is not possible to introduce or improve a specific indicator in order to achieve such school leadership.Članak se fokusira na različite metode vođenja škole i stilove (načine) upravljanja. Efikasno vođenje škole pokazalo se kao ključno za uspjeh učenika, odmah nakon kvaliteta učitelja (Augustine i dr., 2009 u OECD, 2012). U članku su predstavljeni rezultati drugog empirijskog istraživanja, koji se temelje na podacima iz projekta TALIS (2008). Predviđene vrijednosti izabranih varijabli (kao što su veličina škole, spol ravnatelja škole itd.) za različite vrste vođenja i stilova upravljanja škole bile su analizirane višestrukom regresijskom analizom. Rezultate analize možemo primijeniti u međunarodnom kontekstu (prostoru), pošto smo usporedili podatke upitnika za ravnatelje škola iz Austrije, Mađarske, Slovačke i Slovenije. Analizom je utvrđeno da su pokazatelji (prediktori) za različite vrste vođenja i stilove upravljanja školom pretežno zavisni odspecifike pojedinih država, značajan utjecaj na većinu indeksa imaju jedino godine radnog iskustva ravnatelja. Odgovor napitanje koje su najbolje vrste vođenja i stilovi upravljanja školom nije jednoznačan. Na temelju našeg istraživanja nije moguće izdvojiti neki posebni indikator za postizanje dobrog upravljanja.Der vorliegende Beitrag befasst sich mit verschiedenen Schulleitungsmethoden und Verwaltungsstilen. Eine effektive Schulleitung erweist sich nach der Qualität des Lehrers als zweitwichtigster Faktor für den Erfolg der Schüler (Augustine et al., 2009 in OECD, 2012). In diesem Beitrag werden die Resultate einer sekundären empirischen Untersuchung vorgestellt, die auf TALIS Daten (2008) basiert.Der prädikative Wert von ausgewählten Variablen (wie z. B.: Schulgröße, Geschlecht des Schulleiters etc.) für verschiedene Typen der Schulleitung und der Managementstile wurde mittels der multiplen Regressionsanalyse festgestellt. Die Resultate der Analyse wurden in den internationalen Kontext eingebettet,da sich der Beitrag auf den Vergleich der Fragebögen von Schulleitern aus Österreich, aus Ungarn, aus der Slowakei und aus Slowenien konzentriert. Die Analyse zeigt, dass die Prädikatoren für verschiedene Schulleitungs und Managementstile meistens länderspezifisch sind und dass in den meisten Indexen nur die Jahre der Erfahrungeine signifikante Rolle spielen. Esgibt keine eindeutige Antwort darauf, welche die besten Schulmanagement- und Schulleitungsstile sind. Unsere Untersuchung zeigt, dass es nicht möglich ist, einen Indikator einzuführen oder zu verbessern, um eine solche Schulleitung zu erreichen