7 research outputs found

    Specifičnosti biometrijskih čimbenika oka u glaukomskih bolesnika s pseudoeksfolijativnim sindromom mjerenih optičkom niskokoherentnom reflektometrijom

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    The aim of the study was to assess biometric factor aberrations and differences among groups of eyes with cataract and pseudoexfoliative syndrome, cataract and pseudoexfoliative glaucoma, and cataract and primary open-angle glaucoma (POAG), and to determine biometric factors of the eye specific for the group of glaucomatous patients with pseudoexfoliative syndrome by use of optical low-coherence reflectometry. This retrospective study included 72 patients, and the study sample of 102 eyes was divided into the following three groups according to diagnosis: 29 eyes with pseudoexfoliative syndrome and cataract; 36 eyes with POAG and cataract; and 37 eyes with pseudoexfoliative glaucoma and cataract. Data on biometric measurements (central corneal thickness, pupillary diameter, anterior chamber depth, lens thickness, axial length, retinal thickness, astigmatism and white-to-white) obtained by use of optical low-coherence reflectometry on a Lenstar LS 900Ā® (Haag-Streit International) were collected and analyzed by thorough survey of medical documentation of patients scheduled for cataract surgery at Department of Ophthalmology, Sveti Duh University Hospital in Zagreb, Croatia. Comparative analysis of the groups yielded statistically significant differences in central corneal thickness (F2/99=7.066; p=0.001) and lens thickness (F2/96=5.133; p=0.008). The group of eyes diagnosed with pseudoexfoliative glaucoma and cataract had a significantly thinner cornea as compared with the other two groups and a significantly thicker lens as compared with the group of eyes with POAG and cataract. In conclusion, optical low-coherence reflectometry revealed differences in biometric factors among the three groups of eyes, with a statistically significantly thinner cornea and thicker lens in the group of glaucomatous patients with pseudoexfoliative syndrome.Cilj je bio optičkom niskokoherentnom reflektometrijom utvrditi odstupanja i razlike biometrijskih čimbenika između skupina ispitivanih uzoraka očiju s kataraktom i pseudoeksfolijativnim sindromom, kataraktom i pseudoeksfolijativnim glaukomom i kataraktom i primarnim glaukomom otvorenog kuta te odrediti biometrijske čimbenike oka specifične za skupinu glaukomskih bolesnika s pseudoeksfolijativnim sindromom. U retrospektivnu studiju bilo je uključeno 72 ispitanika, a uzorak su činila 102 oka podijeljena u tri skupine prema dijagnozi: 29 očiju s pseudoeksfolijativnim sindromom i kataraktom, 36 očiju s primarnim glaukomom otvorenog kuta i kataraktom, 37 očiju s pseudoeksfolijativnim glaukomom i kataraktom. Detaljnom analizom medicinske dokumentacije ispitanika predviđenih za operaciju katarakte u Klinici za očne bolesti Kliničke bolnice Sveti Duh u Zagrebu prikupljeni su i analizirani podaci biometrijskih mjerenja (centralna debljina rožnice, promjer zjenice, dubina prednje sobice, debljina leće, aksijalna duljina, debljina rožnice, astigmatizam i horizontalni promjer rožnice izmjereni primjenom optičke niskokoherentne reflektometrije na uređaju Lenstar LS 900Ā®, Haag Streit International). Usporednom analizom skupina zabilježene su statistički značajne razlike za centralnu debljinu rožnice (F2/99=7,066; p=0,001) i debljinu leće (F2/96=5,133; p=0,008). Skupina očiju s dijagnozom pseudoeksfolijativnog glaukoma i katarakte imala je značajno tanju rožnicu u odnosu na ostale dvije skupine očiju i značajno deblju leću od skupine s primarnim glaukomom otvorenog kuta i kataraktom. U zaključku, primjenom optičke niskokoherentne reflektometrije utvrđene su razlike u biometrijskim čimbenicima promatranih skupina i statistički značajno tanja rožnica te zadebljana leća u skupini glaukomskih bolesnika s pseudoeksfolijativnim sindromom

    Analysis and the results of serological testing of Croatian organ donors from 2006 to 2012

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    Uvod: UspjeÅ”nost transplantacije i preživljavanja presatka usko su povezani s odsustvom infekcije u primatelja. Infekcija primatelja je posljedica infekcije presatkom, reaktivacije latentnih infekcija primatelja, nozokomijalnih infekcija i kasnije, zbog doživotne imunosupresije infekcija iz okoline. Hrvatski zavod za transfuzijsku medicinu (HZTM) od 2006. provodi obvezna testiranja donora organa (DO) na uzročnike krvlju prenosivih bolesti (24h/7 dana) za potrebe cijele Hrvatske. Materijal i metode: U razdoblju od 5.11.2006. ā€“ 31.12.2012. ispitano je u HZTM 642 uzoraka plazme DO pri čemu su koriÅ”teni testovi Abbott ā€“ Architect i bioMerieux ā€“ Vidas. U ovom radu analizirani su kvaliteta uzorka, brzina i rezultati testiranja na biljege infekcije virusima humane imunodeficijencije 1 i 2 (HIV), virusima hepatitisa B (HBV) i C (HCV), citomegalovirusom (CMV), Epstein-Barr virusom (EBV), T. pallidum i T. gondii. Rezultati: Seroprevalencija EBV, CMV i T. gondii očekivano je visoka i iznosi 96,8%, 92% i 71%. HIV pozitivnih među DO nije bilo, a biljege HBV infekcije, HBsAg i antitijela na HBcAg (anti-HBc) imalo je 0,5% odnosno 8,9% DO. U 1,3% ispitanih dokazan je HCV antigen, a antitijela na virus hepatitisa C (anti-HCV) bila su pozitivna u njih 1,6%. Učestalost treponemskih antitijela bila je 0,8%. 2,5% uzoraka bilo je razrijeđeno viÅ”e od 50%, a prosječno vrijeme testiranja DO bilo je 2,04 sata. Zaključak: Rezultati testiranja DO upućuju na primjerenost odabranih testova i algoritama testiranja kao i metoda selekcije DO u donorskim bolnicama, a prevalencije patogena sukladne su epidemioloÅ”kim karakteristikama opće populacije.Introduction: The success of transplantation and graft survival are closely related to the absence of infection in transplant recipients through infected graft, reactivated recipient\u27s latent infections, nosocomial infections and community acquired infections. Since 2006, the Croatian Institute of Transfusion Medicine has been providing mandatory testing of organ donors (OD) for bloodborne pathogens (24/7) for the entire country. Materials and methods: In the period from 5.11.2006. to 31.12.2012. a total of 642 organ donor plasma samples were tested by means of Abbott ā€“ Architect and bioMerieux ā€“ Vidas tests. In this paper, the quality of samples measured against rate of dilution, turnaround time and prevalence of human immunodeficiency virus (HIV), hepatitis B virus (HBV), hepatitis C virus (HCV), cytomegalovirus (CMV), Epstein-Barr virus (EBV), T. pallidum and T. gondii markers were analyzed. Results: Seroprevalence of EBV, CMV and Toxoplasma gondii was as high as expected (96.8%, 92% and 71%, respectively). There were no HIV positive OD, while in 0.5% HBsAg, in 8.9% anti-HBc, in 1.6% anti-HCV, in 1.3% HCVAg and in 0.8% T. pallidum Ab were found positive. 2.5% of the samples were diluted by more than 50% and the average testing time per OD was 2.04 hours. Conclusion: The results indicate the adequacy of organ donor selection methods in donor hospitals, appropriate tests and testing algorithms used. The prevalence of pathogens is in accordance with epidemiological characteristics of the general population

    Heat isolation of chilling chumber for food storage

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    Izvedena je toplinska bilanca za hlađenje 1850 kg treÅ”anja i 2420 kg bresaka, u rashladnoj komori, sa početne temperature 20Ā°C na konačnih 0Ā°C odnosno 2Ā°C. Uzorci hlađenog voća imaju različitu održivost u rashladnim komorama. Na temperaturama od 0Ā°C do 2Ā°C uz prosječnu vlažnost od 90%, održivost treÅ”anja je oko 14 dana, a bresaka od 14 do 42 dana. U toplinskom proračunu uzeti su u obzir svi procesni parametri i kvaliteta izolacije komore, koji utječu na ukupno toplinsko opterečenje.The heat balance for chilling of 1850 kg cherrys and 2420 kg of peaches, from starting temperature of 20Ā°C to finally 0Ā°C or 2Ā°C, in chilling chamber, was established. The samples of chilled fruits have different preservation capabilites in chilling chambers. At temperatures from 0Ā°C to 2Ā°C, with average relative humidity of 90%, duration of cherrys is about 2 weeks, and for peaches 2 to 4 weeks. In the heat balance calculation, all process parameters and quality of isolation, have been taken in to consideration

    Heat isolation of chilling chumber for food storage

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    Izvedena je toplinska bilanca za hlađenje 1850 kg treÅ”anja i 2420 kg bresaka, u rashladnoj komori, sa početne temperature 20Ā°C na konačnih 0Ā°C odnosno 2Ā°C. Uzorci hlađenog voća imaju različitu održivost u rashladnim komorama. Na temperaturama od 0Ā°C do 2Ā°C uz prosječnu vlažnost od 90%, održivost treÅ”anja je oko 14 dana, a bresaka od 14 do 42 dana. U toplinskom proračunu uzeti su u obzir svi procesni parametri i kvaliteta izolacije komore, koji utječu na ukupno toplinsko opterečenje.The heat balance for chilling of 1850 kg cherrys and 2420 kg of peaches, from starting temperature of 20Ā°C to finally 0Ā°C or 2Ā°C, in chilling chamber, was established. The samples of chilled fruits have different preservation capabilites in chilling chambers. At temperatures from 0Ā°C to 2Ā°C, with average relative humidity of 90%, duration of cherrys is about 2 weeks, and for peaches 2 to 4 weeks. In the heat balance calculation, all process parameters and quality of isolation, have been taken in to consideration

    Analysis and the results of serological testing of Croatian organ donors from 2006 to 2012

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    Uvod: UspjeÅ”nost transplantacije i preživljavanja presatka usko su povezani s odsustvom infekcije u primatelja. Infekcija primatelja je posljedica infekcije presatkom, reaktivacije latentnih infekcija primatelja, nozokomijalnih infekcija i kasnije, zbog doživotne imunosupresije infekcija iz okoline. Hrvatski zavod za transfuzijsku medicinu (HZTM) od 2006. provodi obvezna testiranja donora organa (DO) na uzročnike krvlju prenosivih bolesti (24h/7 dana) za potrebe cijele Hrvatske. Materijal i metode: U razdoblju od 5.11.2006. ā€“ 31.12.2012. ispitano je u HZTM 642 uzoraka plazme DO pri čemu su koriÅ”teni testovi Abbott ā€“ Architect i bioMerieux ā€“ Vidas. U ovom radu analizirani su kvaliteta uzorka, brzina i rezultati testiranja na biljege infekcije virusima humane imunodeficijencije 1 i 2 (HIV), virusima hepatitisa B (HBV) i C (HCV), citomegalovirusom (CMV), Epstein-Barr virusom (EBV), T. pallidum i T. gondii. Rezultati: Seroprevalencija EBV, CMV i T. gondii očekivano je visoka i iznosi 96,8%, 92% i 71%. HIV pozitivnih među DO nije bilo, a biljege HBV infekcije, HBsAg i antitijela na HBcAg (anti-HBc) imalo je 0,5% odnosno 8,9% DO. U 1,3% ispitanih dokazan je HCV antigen, a antitijela na virus hepatitisa C (anti-HCV) bila su pozitivna u njih 1,6%. Učestalost treponemskih antitijela bila je 0,8%. 2,5% uzoraka bilo je razrijeđeno viÅ”e od 50%, a prosječno vrijeme testiranja DO bilo je 2,04 sata. Zaključak: Rezultati testiranja DO upućuju na primjerenost odabranih testova i algoritama testiranja kao i metoda selekcije DO u donorskim bolnicama, a prevalencije patogena sukladne su epidemioloÅ”kim karakteristikama opće populacije.Introduction: The success of transplantation and graft survival are closely related to the absence of infection in transplant recipients through infected graft, reactivated recipient\u27s latent infections, nosocomial infections and community acquired infections. Since 2006, the Croatian Institute of Transfusion Medicine has been providing mandatory testing of organ donors (OD) for bloodborne pathogens (24/7) for the entire country. Materials and methods: In the period from 5.11.2006. to 31.12.2012. a total of 642 organ donor plasma samples were tested by means of Abbott ā€“ Architect and bioMerieux ā€“ Vidas tests. In this paper, the quality of samples measured against rate of dilution, turnaround time and prevalence of human immunodeficiency virus (HIV), hepatitis B virus (HBV), hepatitis C virus (HCV), cytomegalovirus (CMV), Epstein-Barr virus (EBV), T. pallidum and T. gondii markers were analyzed. Results: Seroprevalence of EBV, CMV and Toxoplasma gondii was as high as expected (96.8%, 92% and 71%, respectively). There were no HIV positive OD, while in 0.5% HBsAg, in 8.9% anti-HBc, in 1.6% anti-HCV, in 1.3% HCVAg and in 0.8% T. pallidum Ab were found positive. 2.5% of the samples were diluted by more than 50% and the average testing time per OD was 2.04 hours. Conclusion: The results indicate the adequacy of organ donor selection methods in donor hospitals, appropriate tests and testing algorithms used. The prevalence of pathogens is in accordance with epidemiological characteristics of the general population