69 research outputs found

    Wear of Induction Cladded Coating in the Abrasive Mass at Various Speeds and Impact Angles

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    The wear of induction cladded coating during motion was investigated through the abrasive mass at a speed of 1.0 to 3.0 m/s and the impact angle of abrasive particles with a worn surface of 0Ā° to 90Ā°. Cladding was performed by using Ni-Cr-Si-B-Fe flame spraying powder. Experimental research was carried out by using the Response Surface Method (RSM) and Central Composite Design (CCD). Analysis of variance proved that both motion speed and impact angle had significant impact on the wear of coating, both individually and interactively. Motion speed had the greatest influence, and the interaction of speed and angle had the least influence. The wear rate increased along with the motion speed increase, and the influence of the impact angle depends on the wear speed. At a speed of 1 m/s, the wear increases along with the increase of angle from 0Ā° to 45Ā° and then continues to decrease up to the angle of 90Ā°. At a speed of 2 m/s, the wear increases along with the angle increase from 0Ā° to 30Ā° and then continues to decrease up to the angle of 90Ā°. At a speed of 3 m/s, the wear increases along with the angle increase from 0Ā° to 20Ā° and then decreases as the angle increases up to 90Ā°. Based on the statistical data processing, this research developed the mathematical model of wear in the form of quadratic polynomial that describes the influences of input variables in individual and interactive form


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    Ova knjiga, rezultat istraživačkog projekta "Človekove pravice in regulacija umetne inteligence vredne zastupanja," predstavlja sveobuhvatan pristup pitanjima koja proizlaze iz sveprisutne implementacije umjetne inteligencije (UI) u životnu svakodnevicu. Autori su se bavili kompleksnim i mnogobrojnim aspektima utjecaja UI na pravo, demokraciju, kazneno pravo te pitanja etičkog razvoja i uporabe UI. Knjiga, objavljena 2023. od strane izdavača "Dobra knjiga" iz Sarajeva, ima dodanu vrijednost u obliku predgovora profesorice emerite dr. Hajrije Sijerčić-Čolić. Njezin predgovor naglaÅ”ava važnost sustavnog i viÅ”edimenzionalnog pristupa temi, koji prelazi granice klasične pravne analize i uključuje socioloÅ”ko-psiholoÅ”ki i filozofsko-historijski kontekst. Jedan od ključnih doprinosa knjige je jezična prilagodba kompleksnih i internacionaliziranih termina specifičnih za UI područje. Autori su prepoznali izazove jezične prilagodbe u hrvatskoj akademskoj zajednici te istaknuli važnost stvaranja novih termina koji odgovaraju specifičnim jezičnim izričajima i pravilima prostora na kojem se knjiga obrađuje. Kroz svih pet poglavlja knjige i radove 16 autora naglaÅ”ava se važnost ozbiljnog pristupa razvoju i primjeni UI, ističući neograničeni potencijal, ali i opasne rizike koje ne smijemo zanemariti. S obzirom na brz razvoj UI i mogućnost zaostajanja pravne regulacije, postavljaju se otvorena pitanja koja predstavljaju izvrsnu polaznu točku za razmatranje odgovornih i etičkih pristupa. Kroz holistički pristup, knjiga analizira opća pitanja regulacije, utjecaja UI na pravo i druÅ”tvene procese, te etičkih implikacija. Pored teorijskih rasprava, autori se oslanjaju na analizu konkretnih sustava UI, istraživanja, regulacija, sudskih presuda i primjera, čineći knjigu prikladnom ne samo za akademsku zajednicu, već i za pravne praktičare, savjetodavna tijela, zakonodavna tijela, nevladine organizacije te zainteresiranu javnost. Ova knjiga će služiti kao vodič kroz kompleksne koncepte, regulacije i istraživanja na raskrižju prava i UI, pružajući čitateljima smjernice za suočavanje s izazovima i pridonoÅ”enje rjeÅ”enjima

    Prisustvo serotonina u embriju oraha Juglans sieboldiana Maxim.

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    The presence of serotonin has been detected in metha- nolic extracts of the mature embryo of Juglans sieboldiana Maxim. The amine from the extract was separated on the Amberlite CGā€”50 ion exchanger and detected by chromatographic, spectrophotometric and spectrofluorimetric methods. By these methods serotonin was detected in a quantity of 20 Āµg x g-1 fresh weight. The localization of serotonin was detected in the embryo by a histochemical reaction with p-dimethylaminobenzaldehyde in HCl, or with ninhydrin in acetic acid.Embriji (10 g) zrelih sjemenaka oraha Juglans sieboldiana usitnjeni su i ekstrahirani metanolom. Koncentrirani ekstrakt istraživan je kroma- tografijama na papiru i tankim slojevima. Ekstrakt je propuÅ”tan preko ionskog izmjenjivača Amberlita CG-50 u NH4+ obliku koji veže bazične supstancije ekstrakta, pa se naknadno eluiraju 1N solnom kiselinom. Solno kiseli eluat uziman je za spektrofotometrijska, spektrofluorime- trijska i kromatografska istraživanja. Utvrđeno je da supstancija u ekstraktu po svojim karakteristikama odgovara autentičnom uzorku serotonina (5-hidroksitriptamina) i nalazi se u koncentraciji od 20 Āµg x g-1 svježe tvari. Lokalizacija serotonina u tkivu utvrđena je p-dimetilaminobenzaldehidom s kojim ovaj biogeni amin daje plavo obojenje, dok s ninhidrinom u octenoj kiselini daje zelenkastoplavu fluorescenciju pod UV svjetloŔću


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    Nužno nasljedno pravo u rimskom se pravu razvijalo kao zaÅ”tita od moguće zlouporabe slobode oporučivanja. Justinijanova reforma nužnog nasljednog prava uredila je navedeni pravni institut na takav način da je njezin utjecaj vidljiv u suvremenom uređenju nužnog nasljednog prava Republike Hrvatske. Prvi dio rada bit će usmjeren na povijesni pregled razvoja nužnog nasljednog prava u rimskom pravu od trenutka uvođenja navedenog pravnog instituta sve do Justinijanovih reformi. Reformiranje je bilo dugotrajno te je nužno nasljedno pravo znatno mijenjalo svoje uređenje. Upravo zato prvi dio rada analizira povijesni razvoj kako bi se pravni institut nužnog nasljednog prava i njegovo prilagođavanje druÅ”tvenim potrebama moglo bolje razumjeti. U drugom dijelu rada analizira se suvremeno pravno uređenje nužnog nasljednog prava u Republici Hrvatskoj. Naglasak razmatranja bit će na onim dijelovima hrvatskog suvremenog nužnog nasljednog prava u kojim se vidi utjecaj Justinijanovih reformi, uzimajući u obzir druÅ”tvene prilike modernog doba. Na kraju se iznose zaključna razmatranja glede suvremenog uređenja hrvatskog nužnog nasljednog prava, važnosti navedenih reformi i očekivanih promjena pravnog uređenja nužnog nasljednog prava u budućnosti.Forced heir inheritance law was developed in Roman law as protection against a possible abuse of the freedom to make a will. The Justinianic reform of forced heir inheritance law regulated the said legal institute in such a way that its influence is evident in contemporary forced heir inheritance law of the Republic of Croatia. The first part of the paper focuses on a historical review of the development of forced heir inheritance law in Roman law from the introduction of the said legal institute to Justinianic reforms. Reforms were made over a long period of time, changing forced heir inheritance law significantly. The first part of the paper analyzes historical development so that the legal institute of forced heir inheritance law and its adaptation to social needs can be better understood. The second part of the paper analyzes the contemporary legal arrangement of forced heir inheritance law in the Republic of Croatia. The discussion is focused on those parts of Croatian contemporary forced heir inheritance law that show the influence of Justinianic reforms, taking into account social circumstances of the modern era. The final part of the paper gives concluding remarks in relation to the contemporary arrangement of Croatian forced heir inheritance law, the importance of the reforms presented in the paper and the expected changes in the legal arrangement of forced heir inheritance law in the future

    Selection of Materials for the Protection of the Hoe Blades of the Inter-Row Cultivator

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    The paper presents the results of comparative wearing of cultivator hoes protected with two different materials with regard to the lifespan of the blades. During the operation of the hoes outside the track of the tractor wheels with protected blades of materials M1 and M2, equal wear of mass and surface was recorded. The hoes lost an average of 0,563 g/ha cultivated area or an average of 119,46 g with a standard deviation of 2,876 when working with both blades in compacted soil (in the tracks of tractor wheels) protected by M1 material. For hoes protected by M2 material, the average loss was 0,566 g/ha of cultivated area or an average of 120,10 g for the research period with a standard deviation of 4,609. Both materials in the most difficult working conditions showed equal resistance to wear and retention of the initial shape of the hoe

    Pain therapy after lumbar discectomy

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    Cilj: Svrha istraživanja utvrditi je moguću prednost primjene Tramadoluma, Diclofenacuma i Dexamethasonuma u liječenju postoperacijskog bola nakon lumbalne discektomije u odnosu na uobičajenu postoperacijsku primjenu Tramadoluma i Metamizolum Natricuma. Metode: Istraživanjem je obuhvaćeno 46 ispitanika prosječne životne dobi od 45.29 Ā± 14.06 godina. U svih ispitanika učinjena je otvorena lumbalna discektomija. U prvoj skupini od 23 bolesnika postoperacijski su primjenjivani Tramadolum i Metamizolum Natricum, a kod druge skupine od 23 bolesnika Tramadolum, Dexamethasonum i Diclofenacum. Obrazac za praćenje postoperacijskog bola sastojao se iz dva dijela: prvog, koji je ispunjavao liječnik i koji je sadržavao podatke o kliničkom nalazu, dok je drugi dio obrasca ispunjavao bolesnik i bilježio podatke o preoperacijskom bolu te bolne smetnje dva dana i osam dana nakon operacije, stupnjujući ih prema skali od 0 do 10. U statističkoj obradi rabljen je program Statistica 5.0. Značajnost razlika određivana je Studentovim t-testom za nezavisne uzorke, dok se značajnost razlika između pojedinih uzoraka s obzirom na bolnost i vrijeme anketiranja utvrđivala Studentovim t-testom za zavisne uzorke. Rezultati: Rezultati istraživanja neovisno o mjerenju preoperacijskog bola govore da skupina ispitanika tretirana Tramadolumom, Dexamethasonumom i Diclofenacumom ima značajno manju bolnost u području noge (p < 0.01), dok je bolnost u križima neÅ”to manja, joÅ” uvijek u području statističke značajnosti (p = 0.03; p = 0.01) u odnosu na skupinu ispitanika tretiranih Tramadolumom i Metamizolum Natricumom. Rasprava: Rezultati istraživanja potvrđuju učinkovitost i prednost kombinirane primjene Tramadoluma, Diclofenacuma i Dexamethasonuma u kupiranju postopercijskog bola nakon lumbalne discektomije u odnosu na primjenu Tramadoluma i Metamizolum Natricuma.Aim: The aim is to determine possible advantage of application of Tramadolum, Diclofenacum and Dexamethasonum in therapy of postoperative pain after lumbar discectomy in relation to standard postoperative application of Tramadolum and Metamizolum Natricum. Methods: The research covered 46 patients with mean age of 45.29 Ā± 14.06. All patients underwent open lumbar discectomy. The first group, consisting of 23 patients, was treated with Tramadolum and after the surgery , and the other one, also with 23 patients, was treated with Tramadolum, Dexamethasonum and Diclofenacum. The VAS questionnaire of postoperative pain consisted of two parts: the first one, filled in by a surgeon, included clinical findings, and the second one, filled in by a patient, contained data entered by the patient on postoperative pains and painful discomforts two and eight days after the surgery, with the scale from 0 to 10. Statistical 5.0 programme was used in statistical analysis. Statistical significance of differences was determined by Studentā€™s independent samples T-test, while significance of differences between individual samples in respect of pain and time of filling in the questionnaire was determined by Studentā€™s dependent samples T-test. Results: The research results, not considering measurement of preoperative pain, show that the group treated with Tramadolum, Dexamethasonum and Diclofenacum experienced significantly lower pain in the leg area (p< 0.01), while pain in sacral area was somewhat lower but still with statistical significance (p = 0.03; p = 0.01) compared to the group receiving Tramadolum and Metamizolum Natricum. Conclusion: The research results confirm efficiency and advantage of combined therapy with Tramadolum, Diclofenacum and Dexamethasonum in coping with postoperative pain after lumbar discectomy compared to the therapy with Tramadolum and Metamizolum Natricum

    Zadovoljstvo rodilja epiduralnom analgezijom tijekom poroda: analiza ankete u jednom bolničkom centru

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    Epidural analgesia is one of the most common methods of relieving labor pain. The objective of this study was to examine the effectiveness of epidural analgesia, maternal satisfaction and relationship between the effectiveness of epidural analgesia and various factors. Data were analyzed retrospectively and collected during 2022. A total of 60 parturients participated in the study. Data were collected through a questionnaire before the parturient was discharged from the hospital. The mean assessment of pain on a 1ā€“10 numeric rating scale before epidural analgesia was 7.7 and 3.4 after administration of epidural analgesia. The median assessment of pain before epidural analgesia was 8 (7Ā¬Ā¬ā€“8), and the median assessment of pain after epidural analgesia was 3 (2ā€“5). The average satisfaction with epidural analgesia on a 1ā€“10 scale was 8.11, and the median satisfaction was 10 (7ā€“10). Total of 35 (58.3%) parturients rated satisfaction with 10. Statistically significant association between the effectiveness of epidural analgesia and parity, dilution of administered levobupivacaine, fentanyl administration, and level of education was not found. Childbirth pain is significantly alleviated by the application of epidural analgesia and the satisfaction of parturients is very high.Epiduralna analgezija jedna je od najčeŔćih metoda ublažavanja porodne boli. Cilj ovog istraživanja bio je ispitati učinkovitost epiduralne analgezije, zadovoljstvo rodilja i povezanost između učinkovitosti epiduralne analgezije i pariteta, razrjeđenja primijenjenog levobupivakaina, primijenjenog fentanila te razine obrazovanja. Podatci su analizirani retrospektivno, prikupljeni su tijekom 2022. godine. Ukupno 60 rodilja sudjelovalo je u istraživanju. Podatci su prikupljani pomoću anketnog upitnika prije otpusta rodilje iz rodiliÅ”ta. Prosječna procjena boli na numeričkoj skali od 1 do 10 prije primjene epiduralne analgezije iznosi 7,7, a nakon primjene epiduralne analgezije 3,4. Medijan procijenjene boli prije primjene epiduralne analgezije iznosi 8 (7 ā€“ 8), a nakon primjene epiduralne 3 (2 ā€“ 5). Prosječno zadovoljstvo epiduralnom analgezijom na skali od 1 do 10 iznosi 8,11, medijan zadovoljstva je 10 (interkvartilni raspon od 7 do 10). 35 rodilja je zadovoljstvo ocijenilo sa 10, Å”to čini 58,3% uzorka. Statistički značajna povezanost između učinkovitosti epiduralne analgezije i pariteta, razrjeđenja primijenjenog levobupivakaina, primjene fentanila i razine obrazovanja nije pronađena. Porodna bol je značajno umanjena primjenom epiduralne analgezije i zadovoljstvo rodilja je vrlo visoko

    The effect of salinity and osmotic stress on duckweed Lemna minor L.

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    The response of duckweed (Lemna minor L.) to salinity and osmotic stress was evaluated by monitoring growth and peroxidase activity every second day, for a period of 17 days. The nutrient medium was supplemented with isoosmolar concentrations of NaCl and mannitol (50 mM and 100 mM NaCl, 100 mM and 200 mM mannitol). Growth decreased markedly with increasing concentrations of NaCl and mannitol. The lower concentrations of NaCl (50 mM) and mannitol (100 mM) started to reduce growth significantly in the second week of the experiment, while the higher concentrations (100 and 200 mM) reduced growth from the beginning. Protein concentrations and peroxidase activity fluctuated during the growth period but, most of the time, they were increased in plants treated with NaCl and mannitol. These results suggest that Lemna minor is sensitive to both salinity and osmotic stress. However, the continued growth, and also the increase in peroxidase activity and protein concentration, during the NaCl and mannitol treatments, demonstrate its potential for adaptation to long-term stress. Although salinity and osmotic stress have similar overall effects on Lemna minor, consistent minor differences in growth, protein concentration and peroxidase activity between plants grown on NaCl and those grown on mannitol suggest overlapping, rather than identical, mechanisms of adaptation to salinity and osmotic stress
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