21 research outputs found
Book review: Raiko Krauß: Ovčarovo-Gorata. Eine frühneolitische Siedlung in Nordostbulgarien
In the first half of the 1980s, lithic materials from the prehistoric settlement of Ovčarovo-Gorata in northern Bulgaria were studied by Vietnamese archaeologist Nguyen Van Binh. At that time, he was a doctoral student in the Department of Prehistory of the National Archaeological Institute and Museum Bulgarian Academy of Sciences. In 1985, Nguyen Van Binh completed his doctoral thesis “Prehistoric flint artifact assemblages from the Late Pleistocene and Early Holocene on the basis of materials from North East Bulgaria”, which presents the results of lithic assemblages processed from the site
Study on the Effect of Presowing Electromagnetic Treatmenton the Number and Lengths of Roots and Lengths of Sprouts of Triticale Seedsthe Cultivar Colorit
On triticale seeds the cultivar Colorit pre-sowing electromagnetic treatments with screw device were performed and established the values of laboratory parameters%253A number of roots and lengths of roots and sprouts.
There were established the equations of regression. The surfaces and lines of response of these parameters were built. On their basis there were established the values of controllable factors that could affect beneficially on the development of laboratory parameters number and length of roots and length of sprouts, namely%253A voltage between the electrodes of screw processing device (factor ) U%253D(4.3...5.4) kV, exposure duration (factor ) t %253D(28...54)s, and length of staying of seeds from treatment to their sowing (factor ) Tasymp%253B(14...22) days
Neurotoxicity of cancer agents
Невротоксичните ефекти на химиотерапията се появяват относително често и са причина за модификация на дозата на медикаментите - дозолимитираща токсичност. Рискът от развитие на невротоксичност се увеличава с повишаване на приложената доза и за разлика от миелотоксичността (основния ограничаващ фактор при повечето химиотерапевтични режими), която може да бъде преодоляна с растежни фактори или трансплантация на костен мозък, няма стандартно поведение, което да я ограничи.Противотуморните препарати водят до два типа токсичност - периферна невротоксичност, състояща се основно от периферна невропатия и централна невротоксичност, която включва от незначителни когнитивни увреждания и дефицити до енцефалопатия с деменция или дори кома.Не съществуват утвърдени алгоритми за поведения и профилактика на невротоксичността, причинена от противотуморните препарати. Поведението основно се свежда до редукция на дозата или отлагане във времето на приложението, особено при пациенти, които са с по-висок риск от развитие на невротоксични странични ефекти. На този етап не съществуват невропротективни агенти, които се препоръчват за стандартна употреба при развитие на невротоксичност.Neurotoxic side effects of chemotherapy occur frequently and are often a reason to limit the dose of chemotherapy. Chemotherapy dosing is often limited due to a frequently occurring side effect of the treatment - neurotoxic. The risk of neurotoxicity is increased by the possibility of higher dose usage, since bone marrow toxicity (the major limiting factor in most chemotherapeutic regimens) can be overcome with growth factors or bone marrow transplantation.Chemotherapy may cause both peripheral neurotoxicity, consisting mainly of a peripheral neuropathy, and central neurotoxicity, ranging from minor cognitive deficits to encephalopathy with dementia or even coma. Neurotoxicity caused by the chemotherapy can be of two types - peripheral, mainly consisting of peripheral neuropathy and central, from minor cognitive deficits through encephalopathy with dementia to even coma.Data management and neuroprotective agents are still in discussion and there are no current accepted guidelines yet. Management mainly consists of cumulative dose-reduction or lower dose-intensities, especially in patients who are at higher risk to develop neurotoxic side effects. None of the specific neuroprotective agents can be recommended in daily practice for standard use at the moment, and further studies are needed to confirm their beneficial effects
Book review: Raiko Krauß: Ovčarovo-Gorata. Eine frühneolitische Siedlung in Nordostbulgarien
In the first half of the 1980s, lithic materials from the prehistoric settlement of Ovčarovo-Gorata in northern Bulgaria were studied by Vietnamese archaeologist Nguyen Van Binh. At that time, he was a doctoral student in the Department of Prehistory of the National Archaeological Institute and Museum Bulgarian Academy of Sciences. In 1985, Nguyen Van Binh completed his doctoral thesis “Prehistoric flint artifact assemblages from the Late Pleistocene and Early Holocene on the basis of materials from North East Bulgaria”, which presents the results of lithic assemblages processed from the site
Rezultati preliminarnih laboratorijskih ispitivanja električnog tretmana semena graška pre setve
In many countries, the possibilities for stimulation of the sowing qualities and yield of cultivars after pre-sowing electric treatment of their seeds have already been identified.
At the University of Ruse, Bulgaria, for more than 20 years studies have been conducted on the pre-sowing stimulation of the sowing qualities of seeds of various agricultural crops that are subjected to pre-sowing electromagnetic treatment.
This article discusses the preliminary results of pre-sowing electric (electromagnetic and electrostatic) treatment of pea seeds.
It has been established that after electro-magnetic or electrostatic pre-sowing treatment it is possible to obtain a stimulant effect on pea seeds. This effect takes place after 14 days of rest from treatment to sowing, and with the other controllable factors has following values:
- for the three-step electromagnetic treatment initial value of the applied voltage is U1 = 4 kV, and duration of treatment 1 = 5 s;
- for the electrostatic treatment voltage is U = 6 kV, and duration of treatment = 70 s.
The treatment applied to pea seeds leads to an increase in the germination capacity by 2,6%, in the length of the sprouts by up to 5,5% and of the rootlets by up to 18,6%, and increase in the mass of the plants by 6,9% as compared to the reference specimen.U mnogim zemljama su već identifikovane mogućnosti za stimulisanje setvenog kvaliteta i prinosa sorti posle električnog tretmana semena pre setve.
Na Univerzitetu u Ruse, Bugarska, više od 20 godina se sprovode istraživanja stimulacije kvaliteta semena, elektromagnetnim tretmanom pre setve, kod raznih poljoprivrednih kultura.
Ovaj rad predstavlja preliminarne rezultate električnog (elektromagnetnog i elektrostatičkog) tretmana semena graška.
Utvrđeno je da je posle elektro – magnetnog ili elektrostatičkog tretmana pre setve moguće postići stimulativni efekat na seme graška. Ovaj efekat se ispoljava 14 dana posle tretmana za setvu, a drugi kontrolisani faktori imaju sledeće vrednosti:
- za tro-stepeni elektromagnetni tretman inicijalna vrednost primenjenog napona je U1 = 4 kV, a vreme trajanje tretmana 1 = 5s;
- za elektrostatički tretman napon je U = 6 kV, a vreme trajanje tretmana = 70 s.
Tretman primenjen na seme graška dovodi do povećanja kapaciteta klijanja od 2,6%, dužine klijanaca do 5,5% i korena do 18,6% i povećanje mase biljaka od 6,9 %, u poređenju sa referentnim uzorkom
An ENDF-6 Compatible Evaluation for Neutron Induced Reactions of 232Th in the Unresolved Resonance Region
An evaluation for neutron induced reactions of 232Th has been performed in the unresolved resonance region from 4 to 100 keV. A generalized single-level representation compatible with the energy-dependent options of the ENDF-6 format has been used. The average partial cross sections have been expressed in terms of transmission coefficients by applying the Hauser-Feschbach statistical reaction theory including width-fluctuations. The evaluation is based on a combined analysis of experimental average cross section data (including the most recent capture cross section data obtained at the time of flight facilities GELINA and n_TOF), and results of optical model calculations. Experimental data on transmission and self-indication measurements as well as integral benchmark calculations have been used for validation. The evaluation also includes covariance information.JRC.D.5-Neutron physic
Nuclear data activities at GELINA
Over the last decade, efforts were made to improve the performance of the experimental set-ups at the Geel Electron Linear Accelerator (GELINA) neutron time-of-flight facility of the European Commission Joint Research Centre (EC-JRC). These efforts, which result in an improved quality of neutroninduced cross section data for many reaction channels like elastic, inelastic, capture, fission, etc., relate to the accelerator, the measurement setups and the data reduction and analysis procedures. This paper presents a summary of the data produced in the last years at GELINA for nuclear energy applications. Most of the work has been performed as part of the EUFRAT open-access program
Development of Nested PCR for SARS-CoV-2 Detection and Its Application for Diagnosis of Active Infection in Cats
SARS-CoV-2 emerged in 2019 and found diagnostic laboratories unprepared worldwide. To meet the need for timely and accurate virus detection, laboratories used rapid Ag tests and PCR kits based on costly multi-channel real-time techniques. This study aimed to develop a conventional nested PCR based on the SARS-CoV-2 N gene, validate it against some approved assays, and apply it to samples from six cats with respiratory symptoms obtained in early 2020 during the first COVID-19 wave in humans in Bulgaria. The nested PCR technique showed 100% sensitivity and specificity; it could detect extracted SARS-CoV-2 RNA at concentrations as low as 0.015 ng/μL. The results identified the six tested cat samples as positive. Sequence analysis performed in two of them confirmed this. The presented technique is reliable, easy to implement and inexpensive, and can be successful in strategies for the prevention and control of SARS-CoV-2 in humans, cats and other susceptible species