57 research outputs found

    Potato sorts, their presence and significant characteristics in the Republic of Croatia

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    Na sortnoj listi u R. Hrvatskoj trenutno imamo 158 sorti krumpira. U proizvodnji je situacija drugačija, vodeće je desetak sorti i one zauzimaju najveće površine. Među njima su najzastupljenije sorte Desire i Jaerla, introducirane 1963. i 1971. god. Ostale vodeće sorte introducirane su u razdoblju od 1988. do1999. (Cleopatra 1988., Kondor 1992., Monalisa i Agria 1993. te Adora, Liseta i Marabel 1997.). U blagom porastu su novije introdukcije, od 2000. god. na dalje. Način trženja u malim pakiranjima diktira izbor sorti te krupnoća i rodnost sorte nisu više jedini razlozi za izbor. Traže se sorte s ujednačenim gomoljima srednje krupnoće, glatke kožice i plitkih okaca. Sorta Kondor proširila se unatoč lošijim kulinarskim osobinama od po dospijeću slične sorte Desire, samo zbog krupnoće gomolja i visoke rodnosti, što je u tom razdoblju trženja bilo presudno. U uvozu sjemena 1999./2000. Kondor je bio zastupljen s 9%, a u uvozu sjemena u 2006./07. samo s 4%. Može se očekivati da će u robnoj proizvodnji namijenjenoj supermarketima i dalje opadati površine zasađene sortama Desire i Jaerla, a rasti površine s kvalitetnim sortama kulinarski univerzalnog tipa (kulinarski tip B). Od starih sorti koje su introducirane iza Drugog svjetskog rata, tj. u razdoblju od 1960. do 1973, god. (Resy, Ostara, Primura, Sirtema, Saskia, Urgenta, Jaerla i Desire), održale su se samo još uvijek vodeće sorte Desire i Jaerla. Stara sorta Bintje, koju danas još uvijek smatramo standardom kvalitete unatoč tome što je u proizvodnji od 1910. godine (kod nas od 1938. godine), u znatnom je opadanju od 2000. do danas. Za vegetacijsku godinu 2007. uvezeno je svega 5 t sjemena. Bilo bi poželjno da se naše tržište krumpirom profilira prije ulaska u EU. U protivnom, prihvaćanjem EU liste sorti, sve te sorte bit će nam dostupne bez prethodnog provjeravanja u našim klimatskim uvjetima. Nadalje, priljev većeg broja novih sorti usporit će izbor i rajonizaciju postojećih sorti koje su prošle službene sortne pokuse u nas, kao i sorti koje su već u tijeku introdukcije.On the sort list of the Republic of Croatia currently there are 158 sorts of potatoes. In the production, the situation is different, 10 sorts are leading and they occupy the largest areas. Among them the most represented ones are Desire and Jaerly sorts, introduced in 1963 and 1971 respectively. The other leading sorts were introduced in the period from 1988 to 1999 (Cleopatra 1988, Condor 1992, Monalisa and Agria 1993 and Adora, Liseta, and Marabel 1997). Since 2000 onwards the new introductions are on the slight increase. The way of trading in small packages dictates the choice of sorts, and the size and fertility of a sort are not the only reasons for a selection. What is looked for are sorts with even tubers of medium size and smooth skin. The Condor Sort has spread despite its worse culinary characteristics than the Desire sort, similar to its ripening, but since the Condor sort has bigger tubers and high fertility, it was crucial for that period of marketing. In the seed import in 1999/00 Condor was represented by 9 %, and in 2006/07 by only 4%. It can be expected that in goods production intended for the supermarkets the areas planted with Desire and Jaerla sort will continue to decrease, and the areas with quality sorts of culinary universal type (culinary type B) will continue to grow. Out of the older sorts introduce after the World War 2, in other words in the period from 1960 to 1973 (Resy, Ostara, Primura, Sirtema, Saskia, Urgenta, Jaerla and Desire) only the leading sorts Desire and Jaerla have managed to survive on the market. The old sort of Bintje that we still consider as the quality standard even though it has been in the production since 1910 and in Croatia since 1938 has been significantly decreasing since 2000.only 5 tons of seed were imported for the vegetation year of 2007. It would be desirable that our potato market is profiled before joining the EU. Otherwise, by accepting the EU sort lists, all those sorts will be available without the prior verification in our climate conditions. Furthermore, the inflow of a higher number of new sorts will slow down the selection and rajonization of the existing sorts that have undergone the official sort experiments in Croatia as well as sorts that are in the process of being introduced

    Potato sorts, their presence and significant characteristics in the Republic of Croatia

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    Na sortnoj listi u R. Hrvatskoj trenutno imamo 158 sorti krumpira. U proizvodnji je situacija drugačija, vodeće je desetak sorti i one zauzimaju najveće površine. Među njima su najzastupljenije sorte Desire i Jaerla, introducirane 1963. i 1971. god. Ostale vodeće sorte introducirane su u razdoblju od 1988. do1999. (Cleopatra 1988., Kondor 1992., Monalisa i Agria 1993. te Adora, Liseta i Marabel 1997.). U blagom porastu su novije introdukcije, od 2000. god. na dalje. Način trženja u malim pakiranjima diktira izbor sorti te krupnoća i rodnost sorte nisu više jedini razlozi za izbor. Traže se sorte s ujednačenim gomoljima srednje krupnoće, glatke kožice i plitkih okaca. Sorta Kondor proširila se unatoč lošijim kulinarskim osobinama od po dospijeću slične sorte Desire, samo zbog krupnoće gomolja i visoke rodnosti, što je u tom razdoblju trženja bilo presudno. U uvozu sjemena 1999./2000. Kondor je bio zastupljen s 9%, a u uvozu sjemena u 2006./07. samo s 4%. Može se očekivati da će u robnoj proizvodnji namijenjenoj supermarketima i dalje opadati površine zasađene sortama Desire i Jaerla, a rasti površine s kvalitetnim sortama kulinarski univerzalnog tipa (kulinarski tip B). Od starih sorti koje su introducirane iza Drugog svjetskog rata, tj. u razdoblju od 1960. do 1973, god. (Resy, Ostara, Primura, Sirtema, Saskia, Urgenta, Jaerla i Desire), održale su se samo još uvijek vodeće sorte Desire i Jaerla. Stara sorta Bintje, koju danas još uvijek smatramo standardom kvalitete unatoč tome što je u proizvodnji od 1910. godine (kod nas od 1938. godine), u znatnom je opadanju od 2000. do danas. Za vegetacijsku godinu 2007. uvezeno je svega 5 t sjemena. Bilo bi poželjno da se naše tržište krumpirom profilira prije ulaska u EU. U protivnom, prihvaćanjem EU liste sorti, sve te sorte bit će nam dostupne bez prethodnog provjeravanja u našim klimatskim uvjetima. Nadalje, priljev većeg broja novih sorti usporit će izbor i rajonizaciju postojećih sorti koje su prošle službene sortne pokuse u nas, kao i sorti koje su već u tijeku introdukcije.On the sort list of the Republic of Croatia currently there are 158 sorts of potatoes. In the production, the situation is different, 10 sorts are leading and they occupy the largest areas. Among them the most represented ones are Desire and Jaerly sorts, introduced in 1963 and 1971 respectively. The other leading sorts were introduced in the period from 1988 to 1999 (Cleopatra 1988, Condor 1992, Monalisa and Agria 1993 and Adora, Liseta, and Marabel 1997). Since 2000 onwards the new introductions are on the slight increase. The way of trading in small packages dictates the choice of sorts, and the size and fertility of a sort are not the only reasons for a selection. What is looked for are sorts with even tubers of medium size and smooth skin. The Condor Sort has spread despite its worse culinary characteristics than the Desire sort, similar to its ripening, but since the Condor sort has bigger tubers and high fertility, it was crucial for that period of marketing. In the seed import in 1999/00 Condor was represented by 9 %, and in 2006/07 by only 4%. It can be expected that in goods production intended for the supermarkets the areas planted with Desire and Jaerla sort will continue to decrease, and the areas with quality sorts of culinary universal type (culinary type B) will continue to grow. Out of the older sorts introduce after the World War 2, in other words in the period from 1960 to 1973 (Resy, Ostara, Primura, Sirtema, Saskia, Urgenta, Jaerla and Desire) only the leading sorts Desire and Jaerla have managed to survive on the market. The old sort of Bintje that we still consider as the quality standard even though it has been in the production since 1910 and in Croatia since 1938 has been significantly decreasing since 2000.only 5 tons of seed were imported for the vegetation year of 2007. It would be desirable that our potato market is profiled before joining the EU. Otherwise, by accepting the EU sort lists, all those sorts will be available without the prior verification in our climate conditions. Furthermore, the inflow of a higher number of new sorts will slow down the selection and rajonization of the existing sorts that have undergone the official sort experiments in Croatia as well as sorts that are in the process of being introduced

    The unused variety of potato, potato of colored flesh and the importance of antioxidants in the potato

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    Na iznenađenje mnogih, antioksidansi su obilno sadržani i u krumpiru obojenog mesa (mekote). Općenito uzevši, u krumpiru kao antioksidansi djeluju različiti bioflavonoidi koji meso (mekotu) krumpira boje crveno, ljubičasto, plavo. Gomolji obojenog mesa izvorne su divlje forme u pradomovini krumpira i domaće stanovništvo troši ih od pamtivijeka do danas. Nažalost uglavnom se uzgajaju sorte žutog i rjeđe krem-bijelog i bijelog mesa, a vrlo su rijetke sorte obojenog mesa čije prehrambene vrijednosti moderni svijet postaje tek danas svjestan. Za žutu boju mesa (mekote) gomolja krumpira odgovorni su karoteni, ali ne alfa i beta karoten koji su provitamini A (oni se nalaze u mrkvi i u tikvama kojima također daju žutu boju). Krumpir krem boje mesa ima ga manje, a krumpir bijeloga mesa neznatno. Kako u nas prevladavaju sorte žutog mesa, jedenjem krumpira unosimo i zdravstveno poželjan karoten. Otuda je krumpir plavo, ljubičasto ili crveno obojenog mesa nutricionistički daleko vredniji i kulinarski interesantniji. Krumpirom obojenog mesa možemo obogatiti našu gastronomsku ponudu, a onima koji polažu više pažnje na “zdravu prehranu” dati priliku da i jedenjem jela od krumpira obogate unos antioksidansa.To surprise of many, antioxidants are abundantly contained in potato of colored flesh (pulp). Speaking generally, different bioflavonoids as antioxidants function in potato to color the flesh (pulp) of potato red, purple, blue, etc. Tubers of colored flesh are original wild species in potato habitat and local inhabitants have been using them from times immemorial to this day. Unfortunately, the modern world has mostly grown the species of yellow, and rarely, cream-colored white and white flesh. The species of colored flesh are very rare, because the modern world has just begun to be aware of its nutritional value. Carotene is responsible for yellow color of flesh (pulp) of potato tubers, but not alpha and beta carotene, which are the provitamine A (they are contained in carrot and pumpkin, to which they also give yellow color). There is less of it in potato of cream-colored flesh and insignificant quantity in the white one. Since the species of yellow flesh prevail here, by eating potato we take in carotene which is recommendable regards health. That makes potato of blue, purple or red colored flesh more valuable in nutritionist terms and more interesting in culinary art. We can enrich our gastronomic offer with colored flesh potatoes, and to those who pay more attention to healthy diet, we can give an opportunity to enrich taking in antioxidants by eating potato dishes


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    The paper presents the results of two-year model experiments on four soil types (red soil, pseurdogley, brown soil on calcareous and alluvial soil), the aim of which was to study the effects of soil compaction and fertilizing on the yield of winter wheat and soybean. The results obtained for winter wheat are shown in Tables 2, 3 and 4, and those for soybean in Tables 5, 6 and 7. The results show that the increased compaction (above 1. 6) of pseudogley and brown soil on calcareous loss leads to a significant yield decrease in both winter wheat and soybean, the latter responding more drastically to the compaction increase. On the other hand, neither crop, when grown on red and alluvial soils, responded with any significant changes of the yield to changed soil compaction. With the exception of pseudogley in case of soybean, fertilizing had a significant effect on both crops on all the other soil types. Increased fertilizer doses resulted in higher yields. The less favourable effect of fertilizing on soybean grown on pseudogley, although there was a tendency to increased yields at higher fertilizer doses, can be explained by unfavourable physical properties of pseudogley for the development of the soybean root system. When evaluating the interaction of compaction and fertilizing on the yield of winter wheat and soybean, the prevailing effect of fertilizing becomes evident. This also applies to their individual effects. The results also indicate that excessive compaction cannot be compensated by intensified fertilizing. However, the combination of less compaction and higher fertilizer doses brings out their full interaction on the yields of winter wheat and soybean. Soil compaction is one of the acute problems of modern agriculture, so that there is an increasing need to determine optimal compaction for particular crops. This may be achieved by model experiments, both under controlled conditions and in the field, which enable measurable regulation of different degrees of compaction

    The Effect of Tobacco Monoculture and Crop Rotations on Tobacco Leaf Composition

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    This paper presents the long-term results relating to the influence of different crop rotations and tobacco monoculture upon the chemical composition of flue-cured tobacco leaf. As a key crop, tobacco is included in all crop rotations. Considering the obtained results in the particular year’s tobacco growing in monoculture or in crop rotation mainly had significant effect on nicotine content in tobacco leaf including a 10-year average. A similar trend was also determined for the content of proteins. The content of total nitrogen and reducing sugars was mainly affected significantly by crop rotation as regards the particular years. Calcium and potassium ratio was also unfavorable, although both of them were significantly influenced by crop rotation. The same is true for magnesium in the particular years

    Politika suzbijanja kriminaliteta: perspektive izvršenja kaznenopravnih sankcija

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    Cilj je ovog rada, na temelju pokazatelja o stanju u zatvorskom sustavu, nekim obilježjima zatvorske populacije te razini praktične primjene alternativnih sankcija, procijeniti aktualnu situaciju glede izvršavanja kaznenih sankcija s penološkog motrišta i dati određeno promišljanje o perspektivi izvršenja kaznenopravnih sankcija na temelju vjerodostojnih pokazatelja sadržanih u godišnjim izvješćima Uprave za zatvorski sustav za razdoblje od 2000. do 2005. godine. S obzirom na prenapučenost zatvorskog sustava i stoga veću izraženost objektivnih nedostataka institucionalnog tretmana, na znatan udio povratnika i ovisnika, kao i na tendenciju jačanja retributivne filozofije kažnjavanja, osnovano se može pretpostaviti da će se trend porasta izvršavanja kazne zatvora i dalje nastaviti. Tome u prilog ide i činjenica što je pravosuđe opterećeno brojnim neriješenim predmetima, dugotrajnim postupcima i slično, što oslabljuje kvalitetu ostvarivanja i zaštite vladavine prava. Razmatrajući stajališta domaćih i stranih autora te iskustva u nas i u Europi glede izvršavanja kazne zatvora i primjene alternativnih sankcija, može se ustvrditi da u nas te potonje još uvijek nisu zaživjele u dovoljnoj mjeri iz niza razloga. Osim varijante prokušavanja vezane uz koncept uvjetne osude, odnosno probacije ili zaštitnog nadzora i rada za opće dobro na slobodi, valja razmotriti opravdanost i svrsishodnost primjene nepravih alternacija, odnosno uopće izricanje kazne (inačice uvjetne osude), uzimajući pritom u obzir do sada poznate nedostatke i ograničenja tih kaznenopravnih mjera. Uvažavajući svrhu izvršenja kaznenopravnih sankcija, u većoj bi se mjeri poštovalo načelo ekonomičnosti kaznenog prava, a u stanovitoj mjeri smanjila bi se zatvorska populacija i represivna dimenzija kaznenog pravosuđa

    Occurrence of Celery Mosaic Virus in Parsnip in Yugoslavia

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    A filamentous virus 740 nm in length and 13.5 nm in width was isolated from parsnip (Pastinaca sativa) showing mosaic symptoms. The virus was easily transmissible by sap and also by aphid Myzus persicae in a non persistent manner. It had a restricted host range, infecting systemically only members of the Umbelliferae (except Ammi majus). In the leaf cells of Anthriscus cerefolium it induced the formation of pinwheel structures. According to its properties in vitro, its host range, particle morphology and the serological reactions obtained it was identified as a strain of celery mosaic virus related to but not identical with the isolates from England, Italy and East Germany. The purification treatment by chloroform clarification followed by polyethyleneglycol precipitation and concentration by differential centrifugation produced preparations free of host material although containing somewhat fewer virus particles. For obtaining a good yield of virus it was necessary to use buffers containing substances which prevent the oxidation of sap and the aggregation of virus particles. This is the first report of celery mosaic virus in Yugoslavia


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    The paper presents the results of preliminary investigations into the effects of apparent specific gravity and the soil moisture interval, and also of their combinations, upon the yield of winter wheat and the nitrogen content in the grain. The investigations were carried out on for different soil types in greenhouse model experiments: on red soil, pseudogley, brown soil on carbonate less and alluvial soil. For each soil type three different apparent specific gravities were tested - 1.2,1.4 and 1.6 kg/cu. dm, and there different moisture intervals - 0.33 to 1.00, 0.33 to 6.25 and 0.33 to 15.00 atm, as well as their combinations. Before the experiment was set up, the main physical and chemical properties of the soil were determined (Tables 1, 2 and 3). The results relating to the grain and straw yields and the nitrogen content in wheat grain are presented accoRding to soil types and the investigated factors in Tables 4-8 and in Graphs 1-9. It can be generally stated that the apparent specific gravity of the soil had various effects upon the grain and straw yields of winter wheat and that the medium or highest apparent specific gravity was regularly better than its low value. The effects of the soil moisture interval on the grain and straw yields was less variable, for in almost all cases there was a tendency of highest efficiency at the lowest moisture interval. The combinations of the apparent specific gravity and the soil moisture interval, though showing some interactional effect, did not give enough elements for drawing a firm conclusion about their reciprocal compensation or their optimal effect. The effect of the investigated factors on the nitrogen content in winter wheat grain varies considerably, both as regards their individual and mutual effects. There was no effect of the moisture interval, while the effect of the apparent specific gravity was felt only in an indirect way. Although the investigations were only orientational, they enabled, from the aspect of the investigated factors, to determined the interrelation of the more important physical properties in relation to the grain and straw yield and the accumulation of nitrogen in wheat grain. They also give the guidelines for further investigations, particularly those to be carried out in the field