Potato sorts, their presence and significant characteristics in the Republic of Croatia


Na sortnoj listi u R. Hrvatskoj trenutno imamo 158 sorti krumpira. U proizvodnji je situacija drugačija, vodeće je desetak sorti i one zauzimaju najveće površine. Među njima su najzastupljenije sorte Desire i Jaerla, introducirane 1963. i 1971. god. Ostale vodeće sorte introducirane su u razdoblju od 1988. do1999. (Cleopatra 1988., Kondor 1992., Monalisa i Agria 1993. te Adora, Liseta i Marabel 1997.). U blagom porastu su novije introdukcije, od 2000. god. na dalje. Način trženja u malim pakiranjima diktira izbor sorti te krupnoća i rodnost sorte nisu više jedini razlozi za izbor. Traže se sorte s ujednačenim gomoljima srednje krupnoće, glatke kožice i plitkih okaca. Sorta Kondor proširila se unatoč lošijim kulinarskim osobinama od po dospijeću slične sorte Desire, samo zbog krupnoće gomolja i visoke rodnosti, što je u tom razdoblju trženja bilo presudno. U uvozu sjemena 1999./2000. Kondor je bio zastupljen s 9%, a u uvozu sjemena u 2006./07. samo s 4%. Može se očekivati da će u robnoj proizvodnji namijenjenoj supermarketima i dalje opadati površine zasađene sortama Desire i Jaerla, a rasti površine s kvalitetnim sortama kulinarski univerzalnog tipa (kulinarski tip B). Od starih sorti koje su introducirane iza Drugog svjetskog rata, tj. u razdoblju od 1960. do 1973, god. (Resy, Ostara, Primura, Sirtema, Saskia, Urgenta, Jaerla i Desire), održale su se samo još uvijek vodeće sorte Desire i Jaerla. Stara sorta Bintje, koju danas još uvijek smatramo standardom kvalitete unatoč tome što je u proizvodnji od 1910. godine (kod nas od 1938. godine), u znatnom je opadanju od 2000. do danas. Za vegetacijsku godinu 2007. uvezeno je svega 5 t sjemena. Bilo bi poželjno da se naše tržište krumpirom profilira prije ulaska u EU. U protivnom, prihvaćanjem EU liste sorti, sve te sorte bit će nam dostupne bez prethodnog provjeravanja u našim klimatskim uvjetima. Nadalje, priljev većeg broja novih sorti usporit će izbor i rajonizaciju postojećih sorti koje su prošle službene sortne pokuse u nas, kao i sorti koje su već u tijeku introdukcije.On the sort list of the Republic of Croatia currently there are 158 sorts of potatoes. In the production, the situation is different, 10 sorts are leading and they occupy the largest areas. Among them the most represented ones are Desire and Jaerly sorts, introduced in 1963 and 1971 respectively. The other leading sorts were introduced in the period from 1988 to 1999 (Cleopatra 1988, Condor 1992, Monalisa and Agria 1993 and Adora, Liseta, and Marabel 1997). Since 2000 onwards the new introductions are on the slight increase. The way of trading in small packages dictates the choice of sorts, and the size and fertility of a sort are not the only reasons for a selection. What is looked for are sorts with even tubers of medium size and smooth skin. The Condor Sort has spread despite its worse culinary characteristics than the Desire sort, similar to its ripening, but since the Condor sort has bigger tubers and high fertility, it was crucial for that period of marketing. In the seed import in 1999/00 Condor was represented by 9 %, and in 2006/07 by only 4%. It can be expected that in goods production intended for the supermarkets the areas planted with Desire and Jaerla sort will continue to decrease, and the areas with quality sorts of culinary universal type (culinary type B) will continue to grow. Out of the older sorts introduce after the World War 2, in other words in the period from 1960 to 1973 (Resy, Ostara, Primura, Sirtema, Saskia, Urgenta, Jaerla and Desire) only the leading sorts Desire and Jaerla have managed to survive on the market. The old sort of Bintje that we still consider as the quality standard even though it has been in the production since 1910 and in Croatia since 1938 has been significantly decreasing since 2000.only 5 tons of seed were imported for the vegetation year of 2007. It would be desirable that our potato market is profiled before joining the EU. Otherwise, by accepting the EU sort lists, all those sorts will be available without the prior verification in our climate conditions. Furthermore, the inflow of a higher number of new sorts will slow down the selection and rajonization of the existing sorts that have undergone the official sort experiments in Croatia as well as sorts that are in the process of being introduced

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