3 research outputs found

    Social-Economic Aspects of the Regional Development Within Transform Economics - Regional Development in CR After Year 1990.

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    In the beginning of the transformation CR i.e. after year 1990, with started always expressive display in plant regional differences resulting from transformation process and transition Czech economies on market conditions. It was been and still is endeavour these disparities measurably equalize by regional policy state supports structurally depressed and economic weak regions. Regional disparity solving, and with it closely related well-balanced development regions, together constitute long - term process pointing to restraint disequilibrium in mutual relations among economic, environmental and social pillar sustainability and economic growth. For the safeguard development regions is therefore possibly to create conditions for lessening negative regional disparity and utilize inner potential particular regions at respected principles maintainable development Regional disparity and their solving will have out of doubt of principle impact on strategic orientation regional development CR in years 2007 - 2013. Authors in their article deal with identification disparity between eligible regions in CR, analyze development regional policy and her influence over elimination or deepening disparity over the last 15 years. Last but not least think of over strategy hers next development for the next period.

    Regional E-Government - Some Problems With Data Sharing

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    The e-government should start with electronic collaboration of governmental departments. Several services, like email, video conference, discussion forums, use of shared documents, etc. should be supported for assisting the efficient and productive collaboration of remote governmental departments. Since the functionality of the provided services is well known, no detailed description of each service phase is provided. The services for citizens are offered through so called governmental portals. The typical use of a governmental portal is to provide information to the citizens and to support several types of citizen–government transactions (e.g. issuing birth certificates, submitting tax forms, conducting electronic payments, etc.). These services open security requirements for an e-Government platform. Their compilation has been based on the security requirements derived for each independent service suite, for the Authentication processes.

    Impact of waste deposition fees on enterprises in the Czech republic

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    This article presents the partial results of the most extensive analysis focused at environmental fees ever made in the Czech Republic performed by Jan Evangelista Purkyne University in Usti nad Labem in collaboration with the Czech Statistical Office. The current paper is focused at describing the impact of both current and newly proposed waste deposition fee rates on the set of enterprise economic performance indicators. The first part of the paper provides a description of history as well as the current situation in the field of waste deposition fees in the country. The second part of the paper shortly describes the applied methodology of data collection and analy- sis. Such indicators as a) share of waste deposition fee in total revenues of an enterprise; b) share of waste deposition fee in consumption from operation; c) share of waste deposition fee in value added were calculated. The analysis consisted of the two consequent steps. The first was focused at quantifying the share of fees in selected economic indicators of enterprises in the year 2006. The second step consisted in quantification of the potential impact of the fee rates newly proposed by the Ministry of the Environment on economic agents in 2010 given an assumption that neither productivity nor economic performance of the companies would change. The final part of the pa- per presents the general conclusions about the stimulative potential of current and updated fees used as economic tools of environmental policy