33 research outputs found

    Tau-Targeted Immunization Impedes Progression of Neurofibrillary Histopathology in Aged P301L Tau Transgenic Mice

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    In Alzheimer's disease (AD) brains, the microtubule-associated protein tau and amyloid-β (Aβ) deposit as intracellular neurofibrillary tangles (NFTs) and extracellular plaques, respectively. Tau deposits are furthermore found in a significant number of frontotemporal dementia cases. These diseases are characterized by progressive neurodegeneration, the loss of intellectual capabilities and behavioral changes. Unfortunately, the currently available therapies are limited to symptomatic relief. While active immunization against Aβ has shown efficacy in both various AD mouse models and patients with AD, immunization against pathogenic tau has only recently been shown to prevent pathology in young tau transgenic mice. However, if translated to humans, diagnosis and treatment would be routinely done when symptoms are overt, meaning that the histopathological changes have already progressed. Therefore, we used active immunization to target pathogenic tau in 4, 8, and 18 months-old P301L tau transgenic pR5 mice that have an onset of NFT pathology at 6 months of age. In all age groups, NFT pathology was significantly reduced in treated compared to control pR5 mice. Similarly, phosphorylation of tau at pathological sites was reduced. In addition, increased astrocytosis was found in the oldest treated group. Taken together, our data suggests that tau-targeted immunization slows the progression of NFT pathology in mice, with practical implications for human patients

    Lessons from Tau-Deficient Mice

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    Both Alzheimer's disease (AD) and frontotemporal dementia (FTD) are characterized by the deposition of hyperphosphorylated forms of the microtubule-associated protein tau in neurons and/or glia. This unifying pathology led to the umbrella term “tauopathies” for these conditions, also emphasizing the central role of tau in AD and FTD. Generation of transgenic mouse models expressing human tau in the brain has contributed to the understanding of the pathomechanistic role of tau in disease. To reveal the physiological functions of tau in vivo, several knockout mouse strains with deletion of the tau-encoding MAPT gene have been established over the past decade, using different gene targeting constructs. Surprisingly, when initially introduced tau knockout mice presented with no overt phenotype or malformations. The number of publications using tau knockout mice has recently markedly increased, and both behavioural changes and motor deficits have been identified in aged mice of certain strains. Moreover, tau knockout mice have been instrumental in identifying novel functions of tau, both in cultured neurons and in vivo. Importantly, tau knockout mice have significantly contributed to the understanding of the pathophysiological interplay between Aβ and tau in AD. Here, we review the literature that involves tau knockout mice to summarize what we have learned so far from depleting tau in vivo

    Mouse models of frontotemporal dementia: a comparison of phenotypes with clinical symptomatology

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    Frontotemporal dementia (FTD) is the second most common cause of young onset dementia. It is increasingly recognized that there is a clinical continuum between FTD and amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS). At a clinical, pathological and genetic level there is much heterogeneity in FTD, meaning that our understanding of this condition, pathophysiology and development of treatments has been limited. A number of mouse models focusing predominantly on recapitulating neuropathological and molecular changes of disease have been developed, with most transgenic lines expressing a single specific protein or genetic mutation. Together with the species-typical presentation of functional deficits, this makes the direct translation of results from these models to humans difficult. However, understanding the phenotypical presentations in mice and how they relate to clinical symptomology in humans is essential for advancing translation. Here we review current mouse models in FTD and compare their phenotype to the clinical presentation in patients

    Systemic perturbations of the kynurenine pathway precede progression to dementia independently of amyloid-β

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    Increasing evidence suggests that kynurenine pathway (KP) dyshomeostasis may promote disease progression in dementia. Studies in Alzheimer\u27s disease (AD) patients confirm KP dyshomeostasis in plasma and cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) which correlates with amyloid-β and tau pathology. Herein, we performed the first comprehensive study assessing baseline levels of KP metabolites in participants enrolling in the Australian Imaging Biomarkers Flagship Study of Aging. Our purpose was to test the hypothesis that changes in KP metabolites may be biomarkers of dementia processes that are largely silent. We used a cross-sectional analytical approach to assess non-progressors (N = 73); cognitively normal (CN) or mild cognitive impairment (MCI) participants at baseline and throughout the study, and progressors (N = 166); CN or MCI at baseline but progressing to either MCI or AD during the study. Significant KP changes in progressors included increased 3-hydroxyanthranilic acid (3-HAA) and 3-hydroxyanthranilic acid/anthranilic acid (3-HAA/AA) ratio, the latter having the largest effect on the odds of an individual being a progressor (OR 35.3; 95% CI between 14 and 104). 3-HAA levels were hence surprisingly bi-phasic, high in progressors but low in non-progressors or participants who had already transitioned to MCI or dementia. This is a new, unexpected and interesting result, as most studies of the KP in neurodegenerative disease show reduced 3-HAA/AA ratio after diagnosis. The neuroprotective metabolite picolinic acid was also significantly decreased while the neurotoxic metabolite 3-hydroxykynurenine increased in progressors. These results were significant even after adjustment for confounders. Considering the magnitude of the OR to predict change in cognition, it is important that these findings are replicated in other populations. Independent validation of our findings may confirm the utility of 3-HAA/AA ratio to predict change in cognition leading to dementia in clinical settings

    Chronic cannabidiol (CBD) treatment did not exhibit beneficial effects in 4-month-old male TAU58/2 transgenic mice

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    Copyright © 2020. Published by Elsevier Inc. Alzheimer\u27s disease (AD) is a neurodegenerative disease characterized by progressive cognitive decline, motor impairments, and accumulation of hallmark proteins, amyloid-beta (Aβ) and tau. Traditionally, transgenic mouse models for AD have focused on Aβ pathology, however, recently a number of tauopathy transgenic models have been developed, including the TAU58/2 transgenic model. Cannabidiol (CBD), a non-toxic constituent of the Cannabis sativa plant, has been shown to prevent and reverse cognitive deficits in Aβ transgenic mouse models of AD. Importantly, the therapeutic properties of CBD on the behavioural phenotype of tauopathy mouse models have not been investigated. We assessed the impact of chronic CBD treatment (i.e. 50 mg/kg CBD i.p. administration starting 3 weeks prior to behavioural assessments) on disease-relevant behaviours of 4-month-old TAU58/2 transgenic males in paradigms for anxiety, motor functions, and cognition. TAU58/2 transgenic males demonstrated reduced body weight, anxiety and impaired motor functions. Furthermore, they demonstrated increased freezing in fear conditioning compared to control animals. Interestingly, both sociability and social recognition memory were intact in AD transgenic mice. Chronic CBD treatment did not affect behavioural changes in transgenic males. In summary, 4-month-old TAU58/2 transgenic males exhibited no deficits in social recognition memory, suggesting that motor deficits and changes in anxiety at this age do not impact on social domains. The moderate increase in fear-associated memory needs further investigation but could be related to differences in fear extinction. Future investigations will need to clarify CBD\u27s therapeutic potential for reversing motor deficits in TAU58/2 transgenic mice by considering alternative CBD treatment designs including changed CBD dosing

    Tau-targeting passive immunization modulates aspects of pathology in tau transgenic mice

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    Immunization is increasingly recognized as a suitable therapeutic avenue for the treatment of neurological diseases such as Alzheimer's disease and other tauopathies. Tau is a key molecular player in these conditions and therefore represents an attractive target for passive immunization approaches. We performed such an approach in two independent tau transgenic mouse models of tauopathy, K369I tau transgenic K3 and P301L tau transgenic pR5 mice. The antibodies we used were either specific for full-length tau or tau phosphorylated at serine 404 (pS404), a residue that forms part of the paired helical filament (PHF)-1 phosphoepitope that characterizes tau neurofibrillary tangles in tauopathies. Although both pS404 antibodies had a similar affinity, they differed in isotype, and only passive immunization with the IgG2a/κ pS404-specific antibody resulted in a lower tangle burden and reduced phosphorylation of tau at the PHF1 epitope in K3 mice. In pR5 mice, the same antibody led to a reduced phosphorylation of the pS422 and PHF1 epitopes of tau. In addition, histological sections of the hippocampal dentate gyrus of the immunized pR5 mice displayed reduced pS422 staining intensities. These results show that passive immunization targeting tau can modulate aspects of tau pathology in tau transgenic mouse models, in an antibody isotype-specific manner

    Chronic cannabidiol (CBD) treatment did not exhibit beneficial effects in 4-month-old male TAU58/2 transgenic mice

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    Alzheimer's disease (AD) is a neurodegenerative disease characterized by progressive cognitive decline, motor impairments, and accumulation of hallmark proteins, amyloid-beta (Aβ) and tau. Traditionally, transgenic mouse models for AD have focused on Aβ pathology, however, recently a number of tauopathy transgenic models have been developed, including the TAU58/2 transgenic model. Cannabidiol (CBD), a non-toxic constituent of the Cannabis sativa plant, has been shown to prevent and reverse cognitive deficits in Aβ transgenic mouse models of AD. Importantly, the therapeutic properties of CBD on the behavioural phenotype of tauopathy mouse models have not been investigated. We assessed the impact of chronic CBD treatment (i.e. 50 mg/kg CBD i.p. administration starting 3 weeks prior to behavioural assessments) on disease-relevant behaviours of 4-month-old TAU58/2 transgenic males in paradigms for anxiety, motor functions, and cognition. TAU58/2 transgenic males demonstrated reduced body weight, anxiety and impaired motor functions. Furthermore, they demonstrated increased freezing in fear conditioning compared to wild type-like animals. Interestingly, both sociability and social recognition memory were intact in AD transgenic mice. Chronic CBD treatment did not affect behavioural changes in transgenic males. In summary, 4-month-old TAU58/2 transgenic males exhibited no deficits in social recognition memory, suggesting that motor deficits and changes in anxiety at this age do not impact on social domains. The moderate increase in fear-associated memory needs further investigation but could be related to differences in fear extinction. Future investigations will need to clarify CBD's therapeutic potential for reversing motor deficits in TAU58/2 transgenic mice by considering alternative CBD treatment designs including changed CBD dosing

    The behavioural phenotype of 14-month-old female TAU58/2 transgenic mice

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    Frontotemporal dementia (FTD) and Alzheimer's disease (AD) exhibit intracellular inclusions [neurofibrillary tangles (NFT's)] of microtubule-associated protein tau that contributes to neuronal dysfunction and death. Mutations in the microtubule-associated protein tau (MAPT) gene leads to tau hyperphosphorylation and promotes NFT formation. The TAU58/2 transgenic mouse model expresses mutant human tau (P301S mutation) and exhibits behavioural abnormalities relevant to dementia in early adulthood. Here we comprehensively determined the behavioural phenotype of TAU58/2 transgenic female mice at 14 months of age using test paradigms relevant to FTD and AD. TAU58/2 females showed a significant motor deficit and lower bodyweight compared to WT littermates. Transgenic females failed to habituate to the test arena in the light-dark test. Interestingly, transgenics did not exhibit an anxiolytic-like phenotype and intermediate-term spatial learning in the cheeseboard test was intact. However, a significant learning deficit was detected in the 1st trial across test days indicating impaired long-term spatial memory. In addition, the preference for a previously rewarded location was absent in transgenic females during probe trial testing. Finally, TAU58/2 mice had a defective acoustic startle response and impaired sensorimotor gating. In conclusion TAU58/2 mice exhibit several behavioural deficits that resemble those observed in human FTD and AD. Additionally, we observed a novel startle response deficit in these mice. At 14 months of age, TAU58/2 females represent a later disease stage and are therefore a potentially useful model to test efficacy of therapeutics to reverse or ameliorate behavioural deficits in post-onset tauopapthy-related neurodegenerative disorders

    Novel behavioural characteristics of male human P301S mutant tau transgenic mice : a model for tauopathy

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    Alzheimer’s disease (AD) is a neurodegenerative disease characterized by progressive cognitive decline and the accumulation of two hallmark proteins, amyloid-beta (Ab) and tau. Traditionally, transgenic mouse models for AD have generally focused on Ab pathology, however, in recent years a number of tauopathy transgenic mouse models have been developed, including the TAU58/2 mouse model. These mice develop tau pathology and neurofibrillary tangles from 2 months of age and show motor impairments and alterations in the behavioural response to elevated plus maze (EPM) testing. The cognitive and social phenotype of this model has not yet been assessed comprehensively. Furthermore, the behavioural changes seen in the EPM have previously been linked to both anxiety and disinhibitory phenotypes. Thus, this study assessed 4-month-old TAU58/2 males comprehensively for disinhibitory and social behaviours, social recognition memory, and sensorimotor gating. TAU58/2 males demonstrated reduced exploration and anxiety-like behaviours but no changes to disinhibitory behaviours, reduced sociability in the social preference test and impaired acoustic startle and prepulse inhibition. Aggressive and socio-positive behaviours were not affected except a reduction in the occurrence of nosing and anogenital sniffing. Our study identified new phenotypic characteristics of young adult male TAU58/2 transgenic mice and clarified the nature of changes detected in the behavioural response of these mice to EPM testing. Social withdrawal and inappropriate social behaviours are common symptoms in both AD and FTD patients and impaired sensorimotor gating is seen in moderate-late stage AD, emphasising the relevance of the TAU58/2 model to these diseases