166 research outputs found

    Age and origin of enigmatic megaherbs from the subantarctic islands

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    Biogeographic relationships in the southern hemisphere have puzzled biologists for the last two centuries. Once joined to form the supercontinent Gondwana, Africa, Antarctica, Australia, New Zealand and South America are widely separated by the Pacific and Indian oceans. Sir Joseph Hooker was the first to suggest that Antarctica served as a corridor for plant migration not unlike the land-bridges in the northern hemisphere. While the Antarctic flora was largely erased by glaciation during the Pleistocene, at least some of these Antarctic plant communities found refuge on the subantarctic islands. Here we provide support for the hypothesis that giant herbs persisted in the subantactic islands prior to the onset of Pleistocene glaciation, then dispersed northward in response to glacial advance. Our findings provide further evidence that Antarctica has played a pivotal role in shaping southern hemisphere biogeography


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    HIDAYAT,T.; ITO, M.; YUKAWA, T. 2008. The phylogenetic position of thePapuasian genus Sarcochilus R.Br.(Orchidaceae: Aeridinae): evidence from molecular data. Reinwardtia 12(4).281 – 284. –– The taxonomic status of the Papuasian orchid genus Sarcochilus R.Br. remains unresolved. Represented by Sarcochilus chrysanthus Schltr.,a phylogenetic analysis to evaluate relationships between the Papuasian species and those from Australia was conducted using molecular characters.Parsimony analysis using DNA sequences of the internal transcribed spacer (ITS) region showed that this Papuasian species, is in a distant position from the so-called the true Sarcochilus sensu stricto.These results provide additional evidence for the establishment of a new genus Monantochilus

    Expression patterns of class I KNOX and YABBY genes in Ruscus aculeatus (Asparagaceae) with implications for phylloclade homology

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    金沢大学大学院自然科学研究科生物多様性動態学金沢大学理学部STM (RaSTM) and YAB2 (RaYAB2) homologues were isolated from Ruscus aculeatus (Asparagaceae, monocots), and their expressions were analyzed by real-time polymerase chain reaction (PCR) to assess hypotheses on the evolutionary origin of the phylloclade in the Asparagaceae. In young shoot buds, RaSTM is expressed in the shoot apex, while RaYAB2 is expressed in the scale leaf subtending the shoot bud. This expression pattern is shared by other angiosperms, suggesting that the expression patterns of RaSTM and RaYAB2 are useful as molecular markers to identify the shoot and leaf, respectively. RaSTM and RaYAB2 are expressed concomitantly in phylloclade primordia. These results suggest that the phylloclade is not homologous to either the shoot or leaf, but that it has a double organ identity. © Springer-Verlag 2007

    台湾・韓国産トリカブト Aconitum bartletii, A. napiforme, A. jaluense の系統学的位置

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    [論文] Articl

    Integrative analysis of RUNX1 downstream pathways and target genes

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    Background: The RUNX1 transcription factor gene is frequently mutated in sporadic myeloid and lymphoid leukemia through translocation, point mutation or amplification. It is also responsible for a familial platelet disorder with predisposition to acute myeloid leukemia (FPD-AML). The disruption of the largely unknown biological pathways controlled by RUNX1 is likely to be responsible for the development of leukemia. We have used multiple microarray platforms and bioinformatic techniques to help identify these biological pathways to aid in the understanding of why RUNX1 mutations lead to leukemia. Results: Here we report genes regulated either directly or indirectly by RUNX1 based on the study of gene expression profiles generated from 3 different human and mouse platforms. The platforms used were global gene expression profiling of: 1) cell lines with RUNX1 mutations from FPD-AML patients, 2) over-expression of RUNX1 and CBF[Beta], and 3) Runx1 knockout mouse embryos using either cDNA or Affymetrix microarrays. We observe that our datasets (lists of differentially expressed genes) significantly correlate with published microarray data from sporadic AML patients with mutations in either RUNX1 or its cofactor, CBF[Beta]. A number of biological processes were identified among the differentially expressed genes and functional assays suggest that heterozygous RUNX1 point mutations in patients with FPD-AML impair cell proliferation, microtubule dynamics and possibly genetic stability. In addition, analysis of the regulatory regions of the differentially expressed genes has for the first time systematically identified numerous potential novel RUNX1 target genes. Conclusion: This work is the first large-scale study attempting to identify the genetic networks regulated by RUNX1, a master regulator in the development of the hematopoietic system and leukemia. The biological pathways and target genes controlled by RUNX1 will have considerable importance in disease progression in both familial and sporadic leukemia as well as therapeutic implications

    Application of a Simplified Method of Chloroplast Enrichment to Small Amounts of Tissue for Chloroplast Genome Sequencing

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    Premise of the study: High-throughput sequencing of genomic DNA can recover complete chloroplast genome sequences, but the sequence data are usually dominated by sequences from nuclear/mitochondrial genomes. To overcome this deficiency, a simple enrichment method for chloroplast DNA from small amounts of plant tissue was tested for eight plant species including a gymnosperm and various angiosperms. Methods: Chloroplasts were enriched using a high-salt isolation buffer without any step gradient procedures, and enriched chloroplast DNA was sequenced by multiplexed high-throughput sequencing. Results: Using this simple method, significant enrichment of chloroplast DNA-derived reads was attained, allowing deep sequencing of chloroplast genomes. As an example, the chloroplast genome of the conifer Callitris sulcata was assembled, from which polymorphic microsatellite loci were isolated successfully. Discussion: This chloroplast enrichment method from small amounts of plant tissue will be particularly useful for studies that use sequencers with relatively small throughput and that cannot use large amounts of tissue (e.g., for endangered species)

    Molecular Adaptation of rbcL in the Heterophyllous Aquatic Plant Potamogeton

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    Heterophyllous aquatic plants show marked phenotypic plasticity. They adapt to environmental changes by producing different leaf types: submerged, floating and terrestrial leaves. By contrast, homophyllous plants produce only submerged leaves and grow entirely underwater. Heterophylly and submerged homophylly evolved under selective pressure modifying the species-specific optima for photosynthesis, but little is known about the evolutionary outcome of habit. Recent evolutionary analyses suggested that rbcL, a chloroplast gene that encodes a catalytic subunit of RuBisCO, evolves under positive selection in most land plant lineages. To examine the adaptive evolutionary process linked to heterophylly or homophylly, we analyzed positive selection in the rbcL sequences of ecologically diverse aquatic plants, Japanese Potamogeton.Phylogenetic and maximum likelihood analyses of codon substitution models indicated that Potamogeton rbcL has evolved under positive Darwinian selection. The positive selection has operated specifically in heterophyllous lineages but not in homophyllous ones in the branch-site models. This suggests that the selective pressure on this chloroplast gene was higher for heterophyllous lineages than for homophyllous lineages. The replacement of 12 amino acids occurred at structurally important sites in the quaternary structure of RbcL, two of which (residue 225 and 281) were identified as potentially under positive selection.Our analysis did not show an exact relationship between the amino acid replacements and heterophylly or homophylly but revealed that lineage-specific positive selection acted on the Potamogeton rbcL. The contrasting ecological conditions between heterophyllous and homophyllous plants have imposed different selective pressures on the photosynthetic system. The increased amino acid replacement in RbcL may reflect the continuous fine-tuning of RuBisCO under varying ecological conditions