83 research outputs found

    Pengaruh Penambahan Pasir Terhadap Tingkat Kepadatan Dan Daya Dukung Tanah Lempung Lunak

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    The problem of strength and resilience of soil is one of things that really need to considered in theplanning and construction work of a civilian building . This is because the land in question servesas a medium that holds the load or the action of a construction that is built on it . Stabilizationusing sand material is one way to meet the needs of the required strength . Changes in weatherand temperature in the field are factors that makes the ground unstable .The type of soil is soft clay stabilized from the Rawa Sragi village, Jabung District, East LampungDistrict. This research was conducted by using a mixture of sand with variations mixture of 5%,10% and 15%. After the CBR testing, Density, Atterberg Limits and Specific Gravity for eachsample.The more variations of a mixture of sand were added resulting in declining water levels that wouldmake the value of the soil carrying capacity increases, the value of density and plastic limitincreased, while the value of the liquid limit and plasticity index decrease

    Studi Kekuatan Pasangan Batu Bata Pasca Pembakaran Menggunakan Bahan Additive Zeolit

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    In this research the reseacher used the worst material of soil with additive materials named theash of bagasse in purpose to utilize the waste and to increase the strength of the bricks so that itcan produce cheap bricks with good quality that can be an alternative for bricks industries.Soil samples were tested in this study is derived from the silt soil region Nyunyai road,Kec.Rajabasa. Variations in the levels of the mixture used is 6%, 8%, 10%, and 12% and dryingfor 7 days, with burning treatment and without burning treatment. Based on the results of physicalexamination native land, USCS classify soil samples as fine-grained soil and belong to the CLgroup.The results showed that the brick-making post-combustion using zeolite mixture meets theIndonesian National Standard (SNI) bricks for building materials. In general, the addition ofzeolite material in the soil reduces the value of the density of the soil mixture. For the compressivestrength of bricks without combustion and combustion processes are best shown in the addition ofa mixture of 10%-12%

    Studi Sifat Fisik Tanah Organik Yang Distabilisasi Menggunakan Cornice Adhesive

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    Analysis of the data in this study is focused on a comparison of the results of direct testingdeflection field with SAP 2000 analysis and manual calculation of loading field and standard(RSNI T-02-2005) with a maximum deflection limit bridge.Based on the results obtained by calculation of loading field: percentage reduction of deflectiontest results without the GFRP reinforcement compared to after given the GFRP reinforcement ondirect testing field, SAP 2000 analysis, and manual calculation respectively, they are obtained4.934 %, 0.7097%, and -0,6804 %. Based on the results of the calculation deflection of theloading standard: percentage reduction of deflection test results without the GFRP reinforcementcompared to after given the GFRP reinforcement on SAP 2000 analysis and manual calculationrespectively, they are obtained 2,0212 % and -0.17557 %. The Values of deflection are calculatedstill below 18.75 cm as deflection limit L/240

    Hubungan Batas Cair Dan Plastisitas Indeks Tanah Lempung Yang Disubstitusi Pasir Terhadap Nilai Kohesi Tanah Pada Uji Direct Shear

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    The Clay has a low shear force properties, large density, small permeability coefficient and has alow bearing capacity. To increase the bearing capacity of the clay can be used a mixture of sand.In this study, the test is done by using the Direct Shear test, which will be a reference in relation ofliquid limit and plasticity index to the value of cohesion (c) of each soil sample that has beensubstituted with sand.Soil samples used an original soil samples and disturbed soil of clay that comes from threelocations: the area Margakaya Jati Agung South Lampung, Palputih Karang Anyar SouthLampung , and Belimbing Sari Jabung East Lampung. Clay will be mixed with sand No.40 sieve(0.43 mm) in accordance with the required percentage of the variation in sand content of 0%, 5%,10%, and 15%.Based on AASHTO classification system, the three of soil include to the class of ordinary clay soilup to bad as subgrade material. The addition of sand mixture into three types of clay causingdecreased shear strength. The greater the addition of sand content, then the value of cohesion (c),liquid limit and plasticity index of the soil will decrease and shear angle will increase

    Uji Kuat Tekan Paving Block Menggunakan Campuran Tanah Dan Kapur Dengan Alat Pemadat Modifikasi

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    Paving blocks are widely used as a public building construction, especially for paving roads,yards, sidewalks, parking lots, etc. The use of materials such as paving block the main constituentof cement and sand is relatively expensive. So in this study will provide another alternative tousing a mixture of soil and lime.Soil samples tested were from Kota Baru, South Lampung, with variations in the levels of themixture used is 0%, 5%, 10%, 15%, and 20% and the curing time for 14 days, as well as with thetreatment without burning and burning which will then be tested compressive strength and waterabsorption.The results showed that the compressive strength occurs at the most optimal mix of 15% and adecline in a mixture of 20%. The addition of lime percentage ≤15% resulted in the addition ofcompressive strength of paving blocks, while the addition of lime percentage of 20% resulted in adecrease in the compressive strength of the paving blocks. The compressive strength withoutburning still not meet the specifications of SNI 03-0691-1996, while paving blocks with burningthe lime content of 15% is already included in the classification of the quality of D. Waterabsorption test values not meet the specifications of paving blocks SNI 03-0691-1996 whichranges from 3%-10%

    Hubungan Nilai Konsolidasi Dan Nilai Kuat Tekan Bebas Pada Tanah Lempung Yang Disubtitusi Material Pasir

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    This study was conducted to determine the behavior of reduction and compressive strength in claywhich is substituted with sand material and to see the correlation between the value ofconsolidation and the compressive strength on the soil. Because the clay when getting loadingthere will be a significant reduction in soil that affects the reduction in carrying capacity orcompressive strength of the soil. In this study used clay from the village of Belimbing Sari, Jabungdistrict, East Lampung with the coordinates of 105° 39 \u2710.74 "T and 5 ° 31\u27 44.26" S.The research was done by testing on samples without a mixture of clay and the clay soil mixedwith sand with varying amounts of sand mixture of 10%, 20%, and 30%. Testing was conducted ona standard compaction test to find the optimum water content, consolidation testing to find thevalue of the coefficient of consolidation (Cv), compression index (Cc) and coefficient ofcompression (Av) and compressive strength testing are free to seek the compressive strength on thesoil.Based on the results of this study can be seen in the behavior of a mixture of clay and sand withoutonce mixed with sand material that is an increase in the value of the coefficient of consolidation(Cv), a decrease in the value of compression index (Cc) and coefficient of compression (Av) and anincrease in the compressive strength (qu) in the clay soil. Value increases and decreases that occurwithout a mixture of clay and after mixed variations mixture of 10%, 20%, and 30% tend to bestable. From this study it can be concluded that the value of consolidation and strong correlationpress substituted clay with sand material that is smaller then the consolidation of soil compressivestrength will be greater as well

    Studi Kekuatan Batu Bata Pasca Pembakaran Dengan Menggunakan Bahan Additive Serbuk Gergaji Kayu

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    The Increasing construction in Indonesia and the number of population which is increasing every year must be supported by better economy growth. Thus, the construction materials will continue to increase to support the needs of infrastructure construction. To support the development and growth, then brick as a construction material will be needed. One of the method that can be used to improve the quality of the soil material is to use mixing ingredients (additives) such as sawdust to facilitate the combustion process and as a pore-forming on bricks. Based on the explanation above , it is necessary to do an objective study of making bricks, so that sawdust can be used as an right mix alternative in the manufacture of bricks, in the hope of sawdust waste is not wasted, but it can add power to brick and can produce bricks with good quality. Soil samples were tested in this study is a fine-grained soil from the Yosomulyo village, East Metro District, Metro City. Variations in the levels of the mixture used is 5%, 10%, 15% and 20%, with a curing time of 14 days as well with post-combustion treatment on the brick. Based on the results of physical testing of the original soil, USCS classified the soil samples as fine-grained soil and included in the ML group. This study used additive materials, such as wood sawdust mixture, on the mixture of 5% level, red brick experienced an escalation compared to bricks that are not mixed with additive materials. At the levels of a mixture of 10%, 15% and 20%, bricks decreased, both in terms of compressive strength and quality of bricks. So, in a mixture of 10%, 15% and 20%, the brick is not recommended for use as a building material because it does not fit to the requirements of SNI 15- 2094-2000 and water absorption rate is only 15% the level of compliance with the standards between 14% to with 18%

    Korelasi Kuat Tekan Dengan Kuat Geser Pada Tanah Lempung Yang Didistribusi Dengan Variasi Campuran Pasir

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    This research aims to determine the compressive strength and shear strength on clay which issubstituted with a mixture of sand variations. Soil tested in this study is derived from clay ofBelimbing Sari Village, Jabung District, East Lampung. This is done because if you set up astructure on top of the clay will cause some problems, among others, the small value ofcompressive strength and shear strength of the soil.To determine the effect of mixing clay with sand on the compressive strength and shear strength, itis done by varying the mixing of sand by 10%, 20%, 30%, 40%. From the test results it is obtainedthat the increase in shear strength to a maximum of 0.7534 kg / cm2 and a decrease in cohesionvalue of 0.10 kg / cm2 at mixing the sand as much as 40%. In the compressive strength reaches amaximum value at 30% of the mixing done 4 variation is equal to 0.4996 kg / cm3. The greater thelevel of sand were added then the lesser the value of the soil cohesion, friction angle and thecompressive strength will increase although the maximum compressive strength value in mixing30% sand

    Perpustakaan Umum Kabupaten Gorontalo dengan Konsep Smart Building

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                    Pentingnya sarana pendidikan dalam upaya meningkatkan kecerdasan bangsa kiranya menjadi perhatian banyak pihak. Salah satunya adalah dukungan dari pemerintah yang memberi arah bagi pengembangan perbukuan, landasan ideal, dan jaminan yuridis seperti yang tertera dalam GBHN 1993. Dukungan dan kepedulian pemerintah tersebut kiranya berlandaskan pada keinginan untuk meningkatkan budaya membaca, tekad untuk memberantas buta huruf, dan dalam jangka panjang bertujuan meningkatkan kualitas bangsa.                 Perpustakaan Umum Kabupaten Gorontalo dengan Konsep Smart Building berlokasi di Kel. Kayubulan, Kec. Limboto, Kab. Gorontalo yang direncanakan seluas 9849,23 m2 yang terdiri dari 2 lantai.                 Penampilan bangunan secara umum menggunakan tema Arsitektur Modern yang menonjolkan kecerdasan dalam bangunan arsitektur. Hal ini tampak pada penggunaan material bangunan yang memberikan kesan modern dan ketelitian dalam desain.   Kata Kunci : Perpustakaan Umum, Smart Building, Kabupaten Gorontalo
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