23 research outputs found


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    Atopic dermatitis (AD, atopic eczema, atopic eczema / dermatitis syndrome) is a chronic inflammatory skin disease that usually begins in early childhood and may continue or recur into adulthood.The study of atopic dermatitis remains one of the most pressing problems of modern dermatology in connection with the widespread, severe course, frequent relapses, the disease of the most children. According to statistics, it occupies one of the first places in children for reasons of patients' referral to the polyclinic dermatological profile, it is caused by 30-40% of all skin diseases and 30-40% of cases of hospitalization in a dermatological hospital. The disease occurs in both sexes and in different age groups. The incidence ranges from 6.0% to 15.0%

    Synthesis of cyclocarbasiloxanes

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    Ti Group Metallocene-Catalyzed Synthesis of 1-Hexene Dimers and Tetramers

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    1-Hexene transformations in the catalytic systems L2MCl2–XAlBui2 (L = Cp, M = Ti, Zr, Hf; L = Ind, rac-H4C2[THInd]2, M = Zr; X = H, Bu i) and [Cp2ZrH2]2-ClAlR2 activated by MMAO-12, B(C6F5)3, or (Ph3C)[B(C6F5)4] in chlorinated solvents (CH2Cl2, CHCl3, o-Cl2C6H4, ClCH2CH2Cl) were studied. The systems [Cp2ZrH2]2-MMAO-12, [Cp2ZrH2]2-ClAlBui2-MMAO-12, or Cp2ZrCl2-HAlBui2-MMAO-12 (B(C6F5)3) in CH2Cl2 showed the highest activity and selectivity towards the formation of vinylidene head-to-tail alkene dimers. The use of chloroform as a solvent provides further in situ dimer dimerization to give a tetramer yield of up to 89%. A study of the reaction of [Cp2ZrH2]2 or Cp2ZrCl2 with organoaluminum compounds and MMAO-12 by NMR spectroscopy confirmed the formation of Zr,Zr-hydride clusters as key intermediates of the alkene dimerization. The probable structure of the Zr,Zr-hydride clusters and ways of their generation in the catalytic systems were analyzed using a quantum chemical approach (DFT)

    The spacial structure of dendritic macromolecules

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    A low-resolution ab initio shape determination was performed from small-angle neutron and X-ray scattering (SANS and SAXS) curves from solutions of polycarbosilane dendrimers with the three-functional and the four-functional branching centre of the fourth, fifth, sixth, seventh and eighth generations. In all cases, anisometric dendrimer shapes were obtained. The overall shapes of the dendrimers with the three-and four-functional branching centres were oblate ellipsoids of revolution and triaxial ellipsoids, respectively. The restored bead models revealed a pronounced heterogeneity within the dendrimer structure. The density deficit was observed in the central part and close to the periphery of the dendrimers. The fraction of the overall volume of the dendrimers available for solvent penetration was about 0.2-0.3. These results may help in the design of new practical applications of dendrimer macromolecules

    Detection of new two-membrane structures in native mitochondria by the method of small-angle scattering of neutrons

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    The structure of mitochondrial cristas has been studied for the first time by the method of small-angle scattering of thermal neutrons. Experiments were performed on intact functioning rat liver mitochondria. Mitochondrial cristas are usually considered as folds of the internal membrane with arbitrary nonfixed intermembrane distances. It was shown that, under particular conditions, during low-amplitude swelling of mitochondria, cristas are transformed to bimembrane structures, with the distance between the central planes of membranes of 190 E. It was found that the formation of bimembrane structures and their structural parameters do not depend on the method of induction of swelling, by placing the mitochondria into a hypotonic medium or by the opening of nonspecific pores