13 research outputs found
Pelaksanaan Otonomi Daerah dalam Mendukung Pelaksanaan Good Governance di Indonesia
Tulisan ini bertujuan untuk melihat bagaimana pelaksanaan otonomi daerah dalam kaitannya dengan implementasi good governance di Indonesia. Pelaksanaan pemerintahan daerah yang melibatkan partisipasi masyarakat luas memungkinkan terciptanya pemerintahan daerah yang demokratis dalam rangka menuju pada pemerintahan yang baik (good governance). Dalam teori dan praktek pemerintahan modern diajarkan bahwa untuk menciptakan the good governance perlu dilakukan desentralisasi pemerintahan. Berdasarkan hasil pengamatan maka dapat dilihat bahwa terdapat beberapa elemen penting dari otonomi daerah yang perlu diperhatikan dalam kaitannya dengan upaya pencapaian kepemerintahan yang baik (good governance), diantaranya adalah: 1. Otonomi berhubungan erat dengan demokratisasi (khususnya grass roots democracy), 2. Dalam otonomi terkandung makna self-initiative untuk mengambil keputusan dan memperbaiki nasib sendiri, 3. Karena dalam konsep otonomi terkandung kebebasan dan kemandirian masyarakat daerah untuk mengambil keputusan dan berprakarsa, berarti pengawasan atau kontrol dari pemerintah pusat tidak boleh dilakukan secara langsung yang dapat mengurangi kebebasan masyarakat daerah, atau menjadikan beban bagi daerah, 4. Daerah otonom harus memiliki power (termasuk dalam sumber-sumber keuangan) untuk menjalankan fungsi-fungsinya, memberikan pelayanan publik serta sebagai institusi yang mempunyai pengaruh agar ditaati warganya, 5. Dalam pelaksanaannya, otonomi daerah tidak hanya dipengaruhi oleh faktor intern, akan tetapi juga faktor ekstern
Strategi Meningkatkan Kualitas Pelayanan Izin Usaha Perdagangan di Kota Makassar
: This research aims to understand and analyze the quality of service business license exercised by government and the city of makassar to know and to analyze strategy in improve the quality of services trading business permits that is applied by a city government makassar.tipe research used in this research was descriptive , that will provide an illustration of factual on the strategy improve the quality of services business license perdagan in the city of Makassar. This research result indicates that: 1. Kualiatas SIUP service in BPTPM city makassar has been good enough although is still not maximum . 2. To improve the quality of the siup service ,BPTPM and the local government of makassar applied some strategy ,for his strategy core ,strategy consequences , strategy customers , strategy control , and strategies culture
Akuntabilitas Pengelolaan Dana Bantuan Operasional Sekolah (BOS) dalam Penyelenggaraan Pendidikan di Kabupaten Sinjai
: operational grant School (BOSS) in the Organization of education in the District of Sinjai; (2) to find out the factors that affect accountability Fund Management Operations Masters School Ban (the BOSS) in the Organization of education in the District of Sinjai. The study lasted approximately 2 months and is located in the District of Sinjai. The methods used for this research is Qualitative, descriptive methods. Data collection techniques used is the documentation, Study Library, observation and interview. The results showed that: (1) the management of the operational grant School (BOSS) in the Kab. Sinjai, include (a) the implementation of the management of the Fund\u27S BOSS, (b) the evaluation of the olaan funds-pengel boss. (2) factors that influence the management of the Fund\u27S BOSS at the school that is the delay in the distribution of the funds of the BOSS and ICT which does not support the reporting and the delivery of the work boss
Implementasi Tugas dan Wewenang Komisi Pemilihan Umum (KPU) Kabupaten Pinrang pada Pemilukada 2013
: This writing intend for showing that generally task implementation and commission authority of general election (KPU) Pinrang Regency on pemilukada 2013 have a good progress, one of them are seen in the high level of elector participants that reach value until 79,92% based on KPU data and none of the constitutional court lodge a claim for it. Besides that, KPU have coordinating, executing and controlling based on constitutional rules. Although so cannot be deniable there are few problems and mistaken in pemilukada execution. There are some factors that support on task implementation and authority of KPU in pemilukada 2013 including : 1)government policy/ rules about pemilukada, 2) the political behavior of election participant, candidates in election, and success team, 3) the participant of people. While obstacle factors are : 1) lack of contact between KPU and Panwaslu, 2) incidentally society apathetic to all the technical stuff about pemilu, 3) lack of socialization attention that clearly and directly talk about constitutional rules and KPU rules concerning pemilukada execution to all executioner start from PPK, PPS and KPPS
Gaya Kepemimpinan Lembaga Pendidikan Kota Metropolitan dan Non Metropolitan di Sulawesi Selatan
This study aimed to describe, analyze, and interpret how different leadership styles between educational institutions functional and non-functional, and how different leadership styles on educational institutions in metropolitan and non-metropolitan cities. The location of this research in South Sulawesi with sample locations in the metropolitan city in Makassar and Non-Metropolitan Cities in Sidrap, Sinjai, and Takalar. Type of this research can be categorized as research organizations (institutes), the research to locus of educational institutions, and the focus of analysis is variable institutions, with the leadership style variable at the institution. The final results of this study illustrate that the style of leadership in educational institutions is more likely to democratic. It is supported by the spread of information that are in the current category, and the level of authority of leadership in providing the needs are in the focus category. While the style of leadership on school education institutions are more likely autocratic. Leadership style seen on the kind of city then Sidrap, Sinjai and Takalar as non-metropolitan cities belonging to the democratic leadership style. It was built by the pattern of interaction between leaders and subordinates communicative. While Makassar as metropolitan cities tend autocratic.Keywords: leadership style, metropolitan city, and educational institution Abstrak: Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mendeskripsikan, menganalisis, dan menginterpretasikan bagaimana perbedaan gaya kepemimpinan antara lembaga pendidikan fungsional dan non fungsional, dan bagaimana perbedaan gaya kepemimpinan pada lembaga pendidikan di kota metropolitan dan kota non metropolitan. Lokasi penelitian ini adalah Sulawesi Selatan dengan lokasi sampel untuk Kota Metropolitan adalah Kota Makassar dan Kota Non Metropolitan adalah Kabupaten Sidrap, Kabupaten Sinjai, dan Kabupaten Takalar. Jenis penelitian ini dapat dikategorikan sebagai penelitian organisasi (lembaga), yaitu penelitian dengan lokus pada lembaga pendidikan, dan fokus analisisnya adalah variabel lembaga, dengan variabel gaya kepemimpinan pada lembaga. Hasil akhir dari penelitian ini memberikan gambaran bahwa gaya kepemimpinan pada lembaga pendidikan yaitu dinas pendidikan lebih cenderung demokratis. Hal ini didukung oleh tingkat penyebaran informasi yang berada pada kategori lancar, dan tingkat kewenangan pimpinan dalam memberikan kebutuhan yang berada pada kategori terarah. Sedangkan gaya kepemimpinan pada lembaga pendidikan sekolah lebih cenderung pada otokratis. Gaya kepemimpinan dilihat dari jenis kota maka Sidrap, Sinjai dan Takalar sebagai kota non-metropolitan tergolong pada gaya kepemimpinan yang demokratis. Hal ini dibangun oleh pola interaksi antara pimpinan dengan bawahan yang komunikatif. Sedangkan Makassar sebagai kota metropolitan cenderung otokratis.Kata kunci: gaya kepemimpinan, kota metropolitan, dan lembaga pendidikanAbstractThis study aimed to describe, analyze, and interpret how different leadership styles betweeneducational institutions functional and non-functional, and how different leadership styles oneducational institutions in metropolitan and non-metropolitan cities. The location of thisresearch in South Sulawesi with sample locations in the metropolitan city in Makassar and Non-Metropolitan Cities in Sidrap, Sinjai, and Takalar. Type of this research can be categorized asresearch organizations (institutes), the research to locus of educational institutions, and thefocus of analysis is variable institutions, with the leadership style variable at the institution. Thefinal results of this study illustrate that the style of leadership in educational institutions is morelikely to democratic. It is supported by the spread of information that are in the currentcategory, and the level of authority of leadership in providing the needs are in the focuscategory. While the style of leadership on school education institutions are more likelyautocratic. Leadership style seen on the kind of city then Sidrap, Sinjai and Takalar as non-metropolitan cities belonging to the democratic leadership style. It was built by the pattern ofinteraction between leaders and subordinates communicative. While Makassar as metropolitancities tend autocratic
Analisis Pelaksanaan Mutasi Jabatan di Pemerintah Kabupaten Luwu Utara
: This study aims to obtain a description or explanation of the implementation of positions of mutations in Luwu Utara District Government is already in line with the competence of civil servants in their respective fields and what are the implications of political, governmental, and administrative positions in the implementation of mutations in Luwu Utara District Government. The results of this study are expected to be input or evaluation for local governance institutions in the implementation of the District Forestry office mutations in Luwu Utara. In terms of academic, results from this study are expected to be useful for the development of the repertoire of the science of government, especially the study of mutation positions. The results showed that the mutation positions in Luwu Utara District Government held in order to refresh the organization in order to avoid saturation for civil servants as well as for career advancement of civil servant
Analisis Pelaksanaan Program Gerakan Makassar Ta\u27 Tidak Rantasa di Kota Makassar
: This paper is about the design of the Movement Program Makassar Ta \u27No Rantasa and effective implementation of the program. The method used qualitative research methods, namely by outlining and explaining the results in writing. Based on the research that has been done, Makassar Movement Program is not Rantasa (Gemar MTR) is a program that aims to change the mindset of people to live clean. The goals of this program are used jargon such support LISA (See Sam-pah Take), MABELO (Makassar Clean hallways), Mabasa (Makassar Free Trash) and Me And My School Not Rantasa. In addition, some activities that are used to change the mindset of people to live clean is Lorong Garden (Loose), Work Activity, Dissemination, and Exchange Trash Movement Rice