46 research outputs found

    Tindak Pidana Kesusilaan pada Retardasi Mental : Kasus yang Belum Terjangkau oleh Hukum (Laporan Kasus)

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    A woman, MK (24), was taken to PKT RSCM by her parents with a visum application letter fromthe police which states that a perpetrator is suspected for sexual harassment according to article 285. Duringthe examination, an old tear was found. Sperm examination was not conducted because the intercourse hadhappened more than three days before the examination. Through anamnesis, the victim confessed to havinghad sex without being forced or threatened. About 10 days later the victim\u27s parents returned to PKT RSCMand asked to have the anamnesis part of the Visum changed into a statement that the victim was being forcedand threatened. Previously, the article that the investigator accused, article 285 on raping, is changed intoarticle 335 on unpleasant act which made the victim\u27s family unsatisfied. Furthermore, the family alsoshowed a psychiatric test result stating that the victim suffers from mental retardation. This case cannot beclassified into article 285 because there is no threat and violence. Nor can it be classified into UUPKDRTbecause the perpetrator is not a family member. The case also cannot be covered by the bill of child protectionbecause the victim is 24 years old. The paper will discuss the medicolegal aspects on the mentally retardedvictim and how far the mentally retarded victim can give consent for intercourse

    Struktur dan Sifat Optik Film Zno Hasil Deposisi dengan Teknik Spin-coating melalui Proses Sol-gel

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    STRUKTUR DAN SIFAT OPTIK FILM ZnO HASIL DEPOSISI DENGAN TEKNIK SPIN-COATING MELALUI PROSES SOL-GEL. Film ZnO telah dibuat pada substrat kaca dengan teknik deposisi spin coating melalui proses sol-gel. Pembuatan film ZnO dari prekursor zinc acetate dengan laju putaran 3.000 rpm selama 60 detik di atas pelat spin coater. Film yang diperoleh dikeringkan pada suhu ruang kemudian dilakukan annealing pada suhu 500 oC selama 3 jam. Hasil XRD menunjukkan bahwa film ZnO yang terbentuk adalah polikristal wurtzite heksagonal dengan nilai parameter kisi masing-masing adalah a = 3,290 Γ… dan c = 5,2531 Γ…. Ukuran kristal rata-rata ZnO adalah 29,554 nm. Berdasarkan morfologi permukaan hasil foto SEM menunjukkan film ZnO berbentuk lempengan-lempengan (disks) yang tidak seragamdan tidak beraturan. Karakterisasi spektroskopi UV-Vis menghasilkan karakteristik optik film ZnO, yaitu spektrum transmitansi optik dalam rentang panjang gelombang 370 nm sampai dengan 970 nm. Dari data spektrum UV-Vis tersebut ditentukan lebar celah energi ZnO sebesar 3,2 eV

    Human rights of persons with mental illness in Indonesia: more than legislation is needed

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Although attention to human rights in Indonesia has been improving over the past decade, the human rights situation of persons with mental disorders is still far from satisfactory. The purpose of this paper is to examine the legal framework for protection of human rights of persons with mental disorder and the extent to which Indonesia's international obligations concerning the right to health are being met.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>We examined the Indonesian constitution, Indonesian laws relevant to the right to health, the structure and operation of the National Human Rights Commission, and what is known about violations of the human rights of persons with mental illness from research and the media.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>The focus of the Indonesian Constitution on rights pre-dated the Universal Declaration, Indonesia has ratified relevant international covenants and domestic law provides an adequate legal framework for human rights protections. However, human rights abuses persist, are widespread, and go essentially unremarked and unchallenged. The National Human Rights Commission has only recently become engaged in the issue of protection of the rights of persons with mental illness.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>More than legislation is needed to protect the human rights of persons with mental illness. Improving the human rights situation for persons with mental illness in Indonesia will require action by governments at national, provincial and district levels, substantial increases in the level of investment in mental health services, coordinated action by mental health professionals and consumer and carer organisations, and a central role for the National Human Rights Commission in protecting the rights of persons with mental illness.</p

    Determinants of psychological morbidity in survivors of the earthquake and tsunami in Aceh and Nias

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>The goal of this study was to collect information to inform the design of a mental health response following the massive December 2004 earthquake and tsunami in Aceh and North Sumatra, Indonesia. As well as exploring the effect on mental health of direct exposure to the tsunami the study was designed to examine the effect on mental health of immediate post-disaster changes in life circumstances (impact).</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>Information was collected from a sample of 783 people aged 15 years and over in earthquake and tsunami-affected areas of Aceh and Nias, 616 Internally Displaced Persons (IDPs) and 167 non-IDPs. The structured questionnaire that was designed for data collection consisted of demographic information, measures of disaster exposure and of changes in life circumstances (impact), the extended version of the Self-Reporting Questionnaire (SRQ), and a brief measure of resilience. Group comparisons, contrasting responses of IDPs and non-IDPs, were by chi-square for frequency data and t-tests for ordinal or continuous data. Hierarchical multiple linear regression analyses were performed to examine the relative contributions to psychopathology of demographic variables and measures of exposure, impact and resilience.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>High rates of psychopathology, including symptoms of anxiety and affective disorders and post-traumatic stress syndrome, were recorded in the overall sample, particularly in Internally Displaced Persons (IDPs) who experienced more substantial post-disaster changes in life circumstances (impact). The IDP group experienced significantly more SRQ symptoms than did the non-IDP group. Demographic factors alone accounted for less two percent of variance in SRQ-scores. Higher SRQ-20 scores were observed among women, those with lower education, those with diminished resilience beliefs, those experiencing high scores on disaster impact, those experiencing direct exposures to the disaster, and due to (unmeasured) conditions related to being an IDP. The greatest effect among these was due to disaster impacts. The pattern was similar when considering post-traumatic stress symptoms separately.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>Negative changes in a person's life circumstances following a disaster appear to have as important an effect on psychopathology as the direct experience of the disaster. Ameliorating the extent and duration of post-disaster negative changes in life circumstances may play an important role in prevention of post-disaster psychological morbidity.</p

    Respons Pertumbuhan Dan Produksi Beberapa Varietas Sorgum (Sorghum Bicolor (L.) Moench)Pada Berbagai Jarak Tanam Di Lahan Kelapa Sawit TBM I

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    This research was conducted to study the varieties and various spacing on the growth and yield ofthe sorghum under the immature plants 1 of oil palm land. The research was held at Paya Robahvillage, west Binjai district, north Sumatra province from June-September 2014, using split plotdesign with varieties (numbu and kawali) as main plot and spacing (75x15, 75x20, 75x25, 75x30cm) as sub plot. Parameter observed were plant height, stem diameter, flowering time, harvestingtime, weight of panicle seed per sample, weight of panicle seed per sub plot, yield per sample, yieldper sub plot, and 1000 grains weight. The result showed that varieties significantly effect on plantheight, stem diameter, weight of panicle seed per sample, weight of panicle seed per sub plot, yield per sub plot, and 1000 grains weight. Spacing was significantly effect on plant height, stemdiameter, flowering time, harvesting time, weight of panicle seed per sub plot, yield per sub plot.There were interaction between variety and spacing for stem diameter

    Respons Pertumbuhan Kedelai Terhadap Pemangkasan Dan Pemberian Kompos Tkks Pada Lahan Ternaungi

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    Response growth of soybean by cutting and giving empty fruit bunches of oil palm compost inshaded area.Using of shaded area for soybean plantation faced trouble such yield decreasing.For that purpose cutting and giving empty fruit bunches of oil palm (EFBOP) compost aimed toincrease growth of soybean in shaded area. This research was conducted at experimental field ofFakultas Pertanian USU in January-April 2013 using factorial randomized block design with twofactor, i.e. time of cutting (no cutting, cutting in V5, cutting in R1) and dose of EFBOP compost(0, 10, 20 and 30 ton per ha). Parameter observed were plant height, summarize of leaf area, stemdiameter, and shoot root ratio. The result showed that cutting significantly decreased plant heightbut increase all parameter observed. Dose of EFBOP compost significantly increased summarize ofleaf area and stem diameter. The interaction of two factor significantly increased summarize of leafarea. The best result were showed by cutting in V5 and giving 30 ton per ha EFBOP compost