1,232 research outputs found

    Order-by-disorder in classical oscillator systems

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    We consider classical nonlinear oscillators on hexagonal lattices. When the coupling between the elements is repulsive, we observe coexisting states, each one with its own basin of attraction. These states differ by their degree of synchronization and by patterns of phase-locked motion. When disorder is introduced into the system by additive or multiplicative Gaussian noise, we observe a non-monotonic dependence of the degree of order in the system as a function of the noise intensity: intervals of noise intensity with low synchronization between the oscillators alternate with intervals where more oscillators are synchronized. In the latter case, noise induces a higher degree of order in the sense of a larger number of nearly coinciding phases. This order-by-disorder effect is reminiscent to the analogous phenomenon known from spin systems. Surprisingly, this non-monotonic evolution of the degree of order is found not only for a single interval of intermediate noise strength, but repeatedly as a function of increasing noise intensity. We observe noise-driven migration of oscillator phases in a rough potential landscape.Comment: 12 pages, 13 figures; comments are welcom

    Stable isotopes in cave ice suggest summer temperatures in east-central Europe are linked to Atlantic Multidecadal Oscillation variability

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    The climate of east-central Europe (ECE) is the result of a combination of influences originating in the wider North Atlantic realm, the Mediterranean Sea, and the western Asian and Siberian regions. Previous studies have shown that the complex interplay between the large-scale atmospheric patterns across the region results in strongly dissimilar summer and winter conditions on timescales ranging from decades to millennia. To put these into a wider context, long-term climate reconstructions are required, but, largely due to historical reasons, these are lacking in ECE. We address these issues by presenting a high-resolution, radiocarbon-dated record of summer temperature variations during the last millennium in ECE, based on stable isotope analysis of a 4.84 m long ice core extracted from Focul Viu Ice Cave (Western Carpathians, Romania). Comparisons with both instrumental and proxy-based data indicate that the stable isotope composition of cave ice records the changes in summer air temperature and has a similar temporal evolution to that of the Atlantic Multidecadal Oscillation on decadal to multidecadal timescales, suggesting that changes in the North Atlantic are transferred, likely via atmospheric processes towards the wider Northern Hemisphere. On centennial timescales, the data show little summer temperature differences between the Medieval Warm Period (MWP) and the Little Ice Age (LIA) in eastern Europe. These findings are contrary to those that show a marked contrast between the two periods in terms of both winter and annual air temperatures, suggesting that cooling during the LIA was primarily the result of wintertime climatic changes

    Information fusion of GNSS sensor readings, field notes, and expert's a priori knowledge

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    Documenting machinery movements by using positioning technologies, such as global navigation satellite systems (GNSS), is essential to understand and further improve construction processes. However, before measurements can be meaningfully analysed the documented movements should be filtered to exclude outliers. Eliminating outliers manually is a time-demanding process, while automatic filtering can be inaccurate. In particular, path elements may get lost if machine-specific movements are misconceived as noisy data. As a trade-off, we propose an information fusion approach to filter paths of construction machines in a semi-automatic way. The approach allows an expert to relate “hard” sensor and “soft” field records with his or her expectations about how machines can move in real construction projects. Specially developed open-source software illustrates the proposed approach for filtering the documented paths of machines involved in road paving projects. The initial testing of the developed software showed its suitability to filter outliers in GNSS data and identified possibilities for further improvements

    Vanishing river ice cover in the lower part of the Danube basin – signs of a changing climate

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    Many of the world’s largest rivers in the extra tropics are covered with ice during the cold season, and in the Northern Hemisphere approximately 60% of the rivers experience significant seasonal effects of river ice. Here we present an observational data set of the ice cover regime for the lower part of the Danube River which spans over the period 1837–2016, and its the longest one on record over this area. The results in this study emphasize the strong impact of climate change on the occurrence of ice regime especially in the second part of the 20th century. The number of ice cover days has decreased considerably (~28days/century) mainly due to an increase in the winter mean temperature. In a long-term context, based on documentary evidences, we show that the ice cover occurrence rate was relatively small throughout the Medieval Warm Period (MWP), while the highest occurrence rates were found during the Maunder Minimum and Dalton Minimum periods. We conclude that the river ice regime can be used as a proxy for the winter temperature over the analyzed region and as an indicator of climate-change related impacts

    Antibacterial nanocomposites based on Ag NPs and HMDSO deposited by atmospheric pressure plasma

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    The development of new multifunctional coatings with antimicrobial properties has a special interest in several applications for pharmaceutical and medical products. This work reports on the deposition of antimicrobial coatings based on silver nanoparticles (Ag NPs) embedded in an organosilicon film onto woven and nonwoven textiles. The Ag nanoparticles admixed with hexamethyldisiloxane (HMDSO) vapours are introduced by means of an atomizer system in the remote discharge of an atmospheric pressure plasma source operating in argon. The chemical properties and the surface morphology of the coatings with antimicrobial potential are discussed.This work was performed within the M-ERA-NET project PlasmaTex, contract 31/2016/ UEFISCDI. The financial support from the Ministry of Research and Innovation under the Nucleus contract 4N/2016 is gratefully acknowledged.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Coupled insights from the palaeoenvironmental, historical and archaeological archives to support social-ecological resilience and the sustainable development goals

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    Many governments and organisations are currently aligning many aspects of their policies and practices to the sustainable development goals (SDGs). Achieving the SDGs should increase social-ecological resilience to shocks like climate change and its impacts. Here, we consider the relationship amongst the three elements�the SDGs, social-ecological resilience and climate change�as a positive feedback loop. We argue that long-term memory encoded in historical, archaeological and related �palaeo-data� is central to understanding each of these elements of the feedback loop, especially when long-term fluctuations are inherent in social-ecological systems and their responses to abrupt change. Yet, there is scant reference to the valuable contribution that can be made by these data from the past in the SDGs or their targets and indicators. The historical and archaeological records emphasise the importance of some key themes running through the SDGs including how diversity, inclusion, learning and innovation can reduce vulnerability to abrupt change, and the role of connectivity. Using paleo-data, we demonstrate how changes in the extent of water-related ecosystems as measured by indicator 6.6.1 may simply be related to natural hydroclimate variability, rather than reflecting actual progress towards Target 6.6. This highlights issues associated with using SDG indicator baselines predicated on short-term and very recent data only. Within the context of the contributions from long-term data to inform the positive feedback loop, we ask whether our current inability to substantively combat anthropogenic climate change threatens achieving both the SDGS and enhanced resilience to climate change itself. We argue that long-term records are central to understanding how and what will improve resilience and enhance our ability to both mitigate and adapt to climate change. However, for uptake of these data to occur, improved understanding of their quality and potential by policymakers and managers is required
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