5 research outputs found

    Reproduction and Growth Performance of Kampung Unggul Balitbangtan (KUB) Chicken Cross

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    In Indonesia, one of the sources of regional livestock genetic diversity is the kampung chicken. This study aimed to assess the development and reproductive potential of F1 Kampung Unggul Balitbangtan (KUB) crosses (KUB roosters with different types of combs crossed to layer chickens). This research was conducted at a private chicken company in Gunungkidul regency using 40 KUB roosters and 320 layer chicks. The KUB roosters were separated into four groups based on their comb types: single, walnut, and double. Each set of ten males was housed in a single cage, with a male-to-female ratio of one to eight (male and female). Observed reproductive variables included egg weight (EW), hatch weight (HW), fertility, hatchability, number of eggs, number of day-old chicks (DOCs), and number of saleable chicks. The body weight (BW) of the offspring at ages ranging from DOC, 4, 8, to 12 weeks of age is one measure of their growth characteristics. The analysis of variance using a one-way design and the DMRT test were performed to describe the difference in growth and reproductive performance across groups. As a result, each comb type revealed a significant difference in EW, HW, fertility, hatchability, egg and chick production, DOC, and saleable chick production (P0.05), while they significantly affect BW for DOC at 4 and 8 weeks (P<0.05). The rose comb shows BW at its maximum point. In conclusion, the rose comb has the biggest body weight and the single comb has the best reproductive performance in comparison to other comb types

    Phenotypic characterizations of Indonesia Native Chicken With Different Combs

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    The study was conducted to characterize the phenotypic appearance of Indonesian native chickens with difference combs. A total forty chickens were divided onto four groups based on comb type: single, pea, rose and walnut. Qualitative data were tabulated onto head, body and tail parts, and analysed statisticaly using desciptive statistics. As a results, beak color of chicken was vary from dark yellow, light yellow, pale yelow and white. The dark yellow of beak was dominated by chicken with single comb (40%). Light yellow mostly found in chicken with rose comb and, walnut have dominantly pale yellow (50%). Only Chicken with single and pea have white beak color in a few percentage (10%). All comb types of chicken have dark eye color. Chicken with single, pea and walnut combs dominantly have red brown crown color 50%, 40% and 80%, respectively. Chickens with rose comb were most found havnig red crown color (50%). Similary in neck feather color was dominated by single, pea and walnut. Chickens with rose comb indicated yellow (50%) and red crown (40%) color. For chest feather color, chicken with single and walnut comb were dominanted black color (50% and 40%, respectively). The pea and rose comb of chicken mostly have whitebrown (40%) and red (40%) color of chest feather. For abdomen feather color, chicken with single (50%), pea (40%) and walnut (40%) were mostly have black color, but chicken with rose comb indicated mostly red (40%). Similary in back feather color, balck feather was dominated in single, pea and walnut. Both primer and seconder wing feather color were found black in all comb types. The tail feather color was vary, chicken with single comb was dominantly have black color (40%).Chicken with rose and walnut comb have black-white tail feather, 50% and 60%, respectively. Most of chicken with pea comb have black-green tail feather color. All the comb type dominantly have black thigh color. Inconclusion, this study may provide an important view for designing conservation and breeding strategies to efficiently protect and utilize the existing variation phenotypics among local chicken populations

    Phenotypic Characterizations of Indonesia Native Chicken with Different Combs

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    The study was conducted to characterize the phenotypic appearance of Indonesian native chickens with difference combs. A total forty chickens were divided onto four groups based on comb type: single, pea, rose and walnut. Qualitative data were tabulated onto head, body and tail parts, and analysed statisticaly using desciptive statistics. As a results, beak color of chicken was vary from dark yellow, light yellow, pale yelow and white. The dark yellow of beak was dominated by chicken with single comb (40%). Light yellow mostly found in chicken with rose comb and, walnut have dominantly pale yellow (50%). Only Chicken with single and pea have white beak color in a few percentage (10%). All comb types of chicken have dark eye color. Chicken with single, pea and walnut combs dominantly have red brown crown color 50%, 40% and 80%, respectively. Chickens with rose comb were most found havnig red crown color (50%). Similary in neck feather color was dominated by single, pea and walnut. Chickens with rose comb indicated yellow (50%) and red crown (40%) color. For chest feather color, chicken with single and walnut comb were dominanted black color (50% and 40%, respectively). The pea and rose comb of chicken mostly have whitebrown (40%) and red (40%) color of chest feather. For abdomen feather color, chicken with single (50%), pea (40%) and walnut (40%) were mostly have black color, but chicken with rose comb indicated mostly red (40%). Similary in back feather color, balck feather was dominated in single, pea and walnut. Both primer and seconder wing feather color were found black in all comb types. The tail feather color was vary, chicken with single comb was dominantly have black color (40%).Chicken with rose and walnut comb have black-white tail feather, 50% and 60%, respectively. Most of chicken with pea comb have black-green tail feather color. All the comb type dominantly have black thigh color. Inconclusion, this study may provide an important view for designing conservation and breeding strategies to efficiently protect and utilize the existing variation phenotypics among local chicken populations

    Pengaruh Ukuran Partikel Tepung Kerabang Telur yang Diperlakukan dengan Asam Fosfat dalam Pakan terhadap Penampilan, Kualitas Telur dan Status Plasma Darah Ayam Petelur

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    This research aims was to study the effect of particle size of egg shell waste mash which was treated with different levels of phosphoric acid as a source of minerals in laying hen on performance, eggs quality, and levels of Ca and P blood plasm diets. Eggshell waste was collected from bakery, and was separated into three treatments (K0/control) eggs shell washed with hot water of 800

    Phylogenetic Tree Analysis for Ongole Grade (Kebumen Cattle) Based on Partial SRY Gene

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    Ongole grade (PO Kebumen cattle) has been registered and regarded as a valuable animal genetic resources in Indonesia. As an initial step in assesing the genetic relationship to other breeds, therefore phylogenetic analysis and calculation of genetic distances have been conducted using partial SRY gene. To perform a phylogenetic tree, a total of 14 Kebumen cattles were fistly aligned to 43 Madura cattle and 12 genbank references (Bubalus bubalis, Bos javanicus, Capra hircus, Bos taurus, and Bos indicus) of 928 bp SRY gene sequences using MEGA ver.7.0 software and the phylogenetic tree was performed using Neighbor-Joining and UPGMA (Unweighted Pair Group Method with Arithmetic Mean) methods. All of the alignment sequences of Kebumen cattle, were in monomorphic as well as in Madura 1 and Madura 2. The main results indicated that Kebumen cattle have a close relationship to both Bos indicus and Madura cattle (Madura 1 and Madura 2) with the closest genetic distance 0.000, indicating no different sequences. Hence, it can be implied that they shared a common ancestor. Moreover, the Kebumen cattle shared a distant relationship to both Bubalus bubalis (0.030) and Capra hircus (0.065). In our suggestion, these result will provide useful information for preservation and conservation strategies for Kebumen cattle as an Indonesian animal genetic resources