34 research outputs found

    Fysisk aktivitet og ensomhet blant unge studenter under koronapandemien

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    Denne studien undersøker om det er en sammenheng mellom fysisk aktivitet og ensomhet blant unge studenter, kontrollert for andre faktorer som har vist seg å ha sammenheng med ensomhet i gruppen. Undersøkelsen har utgangspunkt i at ensomhet er en følelse som kan føre til en rekke negative helsekonsekvenser og at studenter er en gruppe som kan være spesielt utsatt for ensomhet. Utvalget (N=1733) bestod av studenter mellom aldrene 18 og 34 år (M = 21,9, SD = 2,5) der 51,4% hadde høy ensomhet (M = 44,8, SD = 11,3). Resultatene viser at studenter som trener er mindre ensomme sammenlignet med studenter som ikke trener. Idrettsdeltakelse ser ut til å kunne beskytte mot ensomhet, men ikke ved tidlig frafall. Sosial kompetanse og sosiale relasjoner beskytter studenter mot ensomhet, mens sjenanse, grubling og koronapandemien bidrar til økt ensomhet. Studien viser at det er et sterkt behov for inngripende tiltak i studentpopulasjonen for å begrense følelser av ensomhet

    Supportive indoor environments for functional play in ECEC institutions: a strategy for promoting well-being and physical activity?

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    The physical environment in Early Childhood Education and Care (ECEC) institutions provide children with possibilities for play. This study describes a physical environmental intervention aiming to increase the possibilities for functional play in the indoor environment, and its influence on children’s well-being and physical activity. The intervention involved the establishment of a tumbling space with soft surfaces, mats and big construction materials. The sample consists of video observations of 65 children’s free play in seven ECEC institutions at two data points. Multilevel regression analysis indicates that children’s physical activity and functional play is strongly related to the use of a tumbling space, and that the intervention group had a higher increase in functional play following the intervention compared to the control group. The impact of the tumbling space on well-being is limited. The results indicate that targeting children’s possibilities for functional play may be beneficial form a health promotion standpoint.publishedVersio

    Ulikhet i rekruttering og frafall i den organiserte idretten i Trondheim

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    Organisert idrett blir trukket frem som en verdifull arena i en rekke sammenhenger, og anses som viktig for barn og unges oppvekst. Likevel vet vi at idretten har vanskelig for å leve opp til målsettingen om «Idrett for alle», og det blir dermed viktig å undersøke om det er systematiske skjevheter i rekruttering og frafall. Denne artikkelen undersøker ungdoms ulikhet i idrettsdeltagelse i lys av kjønn, majoritets- og minoritetsbakgrunn og sosioøkonomisk status. Resultatene viser at guttene rekrutteres til den organiserte idretten i større grad enn jentene og at jentene faller tidligere fra. Ungdom med minoritetsbakgrunn rekrutteres i mindre grad enn unge med majoritetsbakgrunn, men mønstret for frafall er likt på tvers av bakgrunn. Sosioøkonomisk status har betydning for frafall gjennom at ungdom fra familier med lav sosioøkonomisk status avslutter organisert idrettsaktivitet tidligere enn ungdom fra familier med høy sosioøkonomisk status. Dataene er hentet fra ungdomsundersøkelsen i Trondheim (UngHiT), 2009, og analysene omfatter ungdommer i første og andre klasse på videregående skole (N=1907)

    Talent Development Environments in Football: Comparing the Top-Five and Bottom-Five-Ranked Football Academies in Norway

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    Background: The aim of this study was to examine junior-elite football players’ perception of their talent development environment by comparing clubs ranked as the top-five and bottom-five in the 2017 Norwegian academy classification. Methods: In total, 92 male junior-elite football players recruited from under-19 teams from five professional football club academies took part in the study. The Talent Development Environment Questionnaire (TDEQ-5; Martindale et al. 2010) was used to measure the players’ perceptions of their team environment. Results: The subscale long-term development focus and support network had the highest score and indicated that they perceived that the environment was high quality with respect to those factors. Players from the top-five-ranked clubs perceived their development environments to be significantly more positive with respect to holistic quality preparation, alignment of expectations, communication and, compared to players from the bottom-five-ranked clubs. Conclusions: The players’ perceptions of the talent development environment seem to be in alignment of the academy classification undertaken by the Norwegian top football association.publishedVersio

    Motivational dynamics and training experiences among female Brazilian jiu-jitsu practitioners

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    This study explored achievement goal orientations, perceptions of the motivational climate, and experiences during training among female Brazilian jiu-jitsu (BJJ) practitioners. 137 active female practitioners from 26 countries were included. Our findings revealed that female BJJ practitioners shared a similar emphasis on mastery approach goals as their male counterparts. A notable difference was observed for perceptions of the motivational climate, with female practitioners perceiving the climate as more mastery-oriented than males. We also found relationships between motivational dynamics and factors such as rank, training duration and experience, instructor status, and competition participation. Overall, female BJJ practitioners exhibit a strong emphasis on mastery goals and generally perceive the training climate as mastery-orientated, suggesting an inclination towards adaptive behavior in challenging situations. These results reaffirm the compatibility between mastery goals and competitive martial arts practice and provide a novel characterization of the motivational dynamics of active female grapplers

    Distinction through sport consumption : spectators of soccer, basketball and ski-jumping

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    Résultats d'une étude menée à partir d'un corpus de spectateurs de football, basket-ball et sauts à ski, qui montrent d'une part une relation négative entre le capital culturel et la consommation sportive, d'autre part une relation positive entre pratique sportive et consommation sportive. S'inspirant des théories de Bourdieu, cette étude vient contredire en partie des résultats d'études similaires antérieures

    The impact of flipped learning on cognitive knowledge learning and intrinsic motivation in Norwegian secondary physical education

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    The purpose of the present study was to examine if and how the introduction of a flipped learning (FL) framework in Norwegian lower and upper secondary school physical education (PE) could affect student situational motivation and health-related fitness knowledge (HRFK). 206 Norwegian students (48% girls) from secondary and upper secondary schools were included in a three-week-long intervention. 85 students were assigned to an intervention group and 121 students to a control group, with the intervention aimed at integrating information communication technology (ICT) through the use of online videos. The results showed a negative motivational change for male students unless the activity changes were placed within an explanatory rationale through FL. The application of FL caused more cognitive knowledge learning, resulting in higher levels of HRFK among both girls and boys. The current research provided valuable insights into Norwegian students’ motivation for PE and that cognitive knowledge learning can be affected when integrating the use of ICT in PE

    Ulikhet i rekruttering og frafall i den organiserte idretten i Trondheim

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    Organisert idrett blir trukket frem som en verdifull arena i en rekke sammenhenger, oganses som viktig for barn og unges oppvekst. Likevel vet vi at idretten har vanskelig forå leve opp til målsettingen om «Idrett for alle», og det blir dermed viktig å undersøke omdet er systematiske skjevheter i rekruttering og frafall. Denne artikkelen undersøkerungdoms ulikhet i idrettsdeltagelse i lys av kjønn, majoritets- og minoritetsbakgrunn ogsosioøkonomisk status. Resultatene viser at guttene rekrutteres til den organiserte idretteni større grad enn jentene og at jentene faller tidligere fra. Ungdom med minoritetsbakgrunnrekrutteres i mindre grad enn unge med majoritetsbakgrunn, men mønstretfor frafall er likt på tvers av bakgrunn. Sosioøkonomisk status har betydning for frafallgjennom at ungdom fra familier med lav sosioøkonomisk status avslutter organisertidrettsaktivitet tidligere enn ungdom fra familier med høy sosioøkonomisk status.Dataene er hentet fra ungdomsundersøkelsen i Trondheim (UngHiT), 2009, og analyseneomfatter ungdommer i første og andre klasse på videregående skole (N=1907)

    Ulikhet i rekruttering og frafall i den organiserte idretten i Trondheim

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    Organisert idrett blir trukket frem som en verdifull arena i en rekke sammenhenger, og anses som viktig for barn og unges oppvekst. Likevel vet vi at idretten har vanskelig for å leve opp til målsettingen om «Idrett for alle», og det blir dermed viktig å undersøke om det er systematiske skjevheter i rekruttering og frafall. Denne artikkelen undersøker ungdoms ulikhet i idrettsdeltagelse i lys av kjønn, majoritets- og minoritetsbakgrunn og sosioøkonomisk status. Resultatene viser at guttene rekrutteres til den organiserte idretten i større grad enn jentene og at jentene faller tidligere fra. Ungdom med minoritetsbakgrunn rekrutteres i mindre grad enn unge med majoritetsbakgrunn, men mønstret for frafall er likt på tvers av bakgrunn. Sosioøkonomisk status har betydning for frafall gjennom at ungdom fra familier med lav sosioøkonomisk status avslutter organisert idrettsaktivitet tidligere enn ungdom fra familier med høy sosioøkonomisk status. Dataene er hentet fra ungdomsundersøkelsen i Trondheim (UngHiT), 2009, og analysene omfatter ungdommer i første og andre klasse på videregående skole (N=1907)

    “You’re Not Born with Talent” Talented Girls’ and Boys’ Perceptions of Their Talents as Football Players

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    Generally in sports, there is a strong assumption of a connection between skill level in young age and adulthood. Studies have mainly focused on the coaches’ understanding and role in identifying and developing talent. In this article we turn our attention towards the athletes’ perspectives, interviewing talented young football players (five boys and five girls) about their perceptions of their own talent and development. The objective of the article is to investigate how boys and girls perceive their talent and to discuss how various perceptions influence coaching practice in talent development. We introduce the following questions: (a) do the players use a static or dynamic perception of their own talent and (b) do the players consider specific or general skills to be most important in their skill development? Results show that the boys have a more static perception of talent compared to the girls. Furthermore, the boys in this study stress the importance of highly specified skills. The girls have a more balanced view on what is important, but tend to stress the importance of basic skills. The study suggests two potential implications. First, the coaches should be aware of the possible vulnerability following players’ static perception of talent. Second, an exclusive focus on specified skills might make for less optimal preparation for the changing demands young players meet when moving through the different levels of play on their way to high level football. In future research it would be interesting to investigate how players with a lower skill level, not yet regarded as talent, perceive their talent and skill development