22 research outputs found

    Seizmičnost Hrvatske u razdoblju 1997ā€“2001

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    During the 1997 - 2001 period seismic activity of Croatia was confined to the previously identified seismically active areas. All together 1925 earthquakes were located. Seismically the most active was the coastal part of Croatia, especially its southernmost part where the Ston-Slano epicentral area exhibited the continuation of the great earthquake sequence after the September 5, 1996 main shock. The strongest aftershock was recorded on April 26, 1997 at 07:30 (ML = 4.5, Imax = VI Ā°MSK). The earthquake with the same magnitude ML = 4.5, recorded in the Zrmanja river valley, near Obrovac, on November 9, 2000 at 03:01 (Imax = VI Ā°MSK). These two events were the strongest ones recorded in Croatia during the studied period.Tijekom razmatranog petogodiÅ”njeg razdoblja seizmičnost je u Hrvatskoj bila ograničena na poznata epicentralna područja. Ukupno je locirano 1925 potresa. Najaktivniji je bio obalni dio Hrvatske, posebno njegov najjužniji dio, gdje je nastavljena pojačana aktivnost u epicentralnom području Ston-Slano nakon velikog potresa iz 1996. godine. Njegov najjači naknadni potres zabilježen je 26. travnja 1997. u 7:30 (ML = 4.5, Imax = VI Ā°MSK). Potres jednake magnitude dogodio se i u dolini rijeke Zrmanje blizu Obrovca 9. studenog 2000. godine u 03:01 (Imax = VI Ā°MSK). Ova su dva potresa ujedno i najjača u Hrvatskoj u razmatranom razdoblju

    Seizmičnost Hrvatske u razdoblju 2002ā€“2005

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    During the 2002ā€“2005 period a total of 3459 earthquakes were located in Croatia and its neighbouring areas with 15 main events registering magnitudes from 4.0 to 5.5. Seismically the most prominent were the two strongest earthquake sequences recorded in the central part of the Adriatic Sea, near Jabuka Island (the first one with the mainshock on March 29, 2003, 17:42, ML = 5.5, and the second, weaker, with the mainshock on November 25, 2004, 6:21, ML = 5.2). In the epicentral area W and NW of the Jabuka Island 781 earthquakes were confidently located (28 events with magnitudes equal to or larger than 4.0). Seismically active coastal part of Croatia, especially its southern part exhibited the seismicity within well-known epicentral areas. The earthquake with the magnitude ML = 5.5, recorded in the Imotskiā€“Grude area, on May 23, 2004 at 15:19 (Imax = VIā€“VII Ā°MSK) was the second strongest event during the studied period. Continental part of Croatia experienced moderate seismicity during the observed period, with earthquakes of magnitudes ML ā‰¤ 3.9.U Hrvatskoj i susjednim područjima locirano je 3459 potresa u razdoblju od 2002 do 2005 godine. Zabilježeno je 15 glavnih potresa s magnitudama od 4.0 do 5.5. Seizmički najaktivnije bilo je područje u blizini otoka Jabuka u sredi{njem djelu Jadranskog mora gdje su zabilježene dvije velike serije potresa (prva s glavnim potresom koji se dogodio 29. ožujka 2003. u 17:42, ML = 5.5, i druga slabija s glavnim potresom koji se dogodio 25. studenog 2004., u 6:21, ML = 5.2). U epicentralnom području zapadno i sjeverozapadno od otoka Jabuka lociran je 781 potres (28 potresa s magnitudama većim od 4.0). Seizmička aktivnost obalnog područja Hrvatske bila je ograničena na do sada poznata epicentralna područja. Potres koji se dogodio 23. svibnja 2004. u 15:19, u seizmičkom području Imotskiā€“Grude, magnitude ML = 5.5 (Imax = VIā€“VII Ā°MSK) bio je drugi najja~i potres zabilježen u promatranom razdoblju. U kontinentalnom djelu Hrvatske zabilježena je umjerena seizmičnost u promatranom razdoblju, s potresima M ā‰¤ 3.9

    Seizmičnost Hrvatske u razdoblju 1993-1996. i potres u području Stona i Slanog iz 1996. godine

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    Seismic activity in Croatia and surrounding areas in the 1993-1996 period was mostly confined to the previously identified seismically active areas. Nine events (excluding aftershocks) with the magnitude equal to or exceeding 4.5 occurred during that time. The most important earthquake sequence is the one that started on September 5, 1996 (Ml=6.0, Imax=VIII MSK) in the Ston-Slano area (greater Dubrovnik region). Microseismic locations of hypocentres of thousands of aftershocks, as well as the best double-couple CMT solution for the main-shock indicate that the earthquakes occurred on the NW-SE striking reverse fault system dipping towards NE

    Amaurosis Fugax is in the First Place, During Attack, Medical Emergency for Ophthalmologistā€™s Practice

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    This paper is focused on disease Amaurosis Fugax (AF), indicating the necessary urgent therapy in attack of illnesses. In attack, the patient represents ophthalmic case, because of vision lost, but primary process and cause exists even earlier and very often is of chronical character. Authors emphasize sequencing in therapy of AF and accentuate that in 24 hours the cause of the disease may be defined. AF is a syndrome with very different etiopathogenesis, including also big complexity in diagnosis and therapy

    Metabolic and Physico-chemical Urolithiasis Parameters in the First Morning Urine

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    The 24-hour urine is golden standard for metabolic assessment of stone formers. However, due to the difficulties in collecting almost 1/3 of the samples can not be used for the analysis. Therefore, we analyzed first morning urine and calculated different risk indexes in order to asses possibility of using it in determining urolithiasis risk. Subjects were divided into 4 groups: male patients (n=31, age 18ā€“64), female patients (n=31, age 25ā€“63), male controls (n=16, age 25ā€“64) and female controls (n=19, age 21ā€“65). First morning urine pH, concentrations of calcium, magnesium, phosphate, sodium, potassium, chloride, citrate, urate, oxalate, creatinine and glycosaminoglycans were determined. Based on them, ionic concentrations and activity products of calcium oxalate and phosphate were calculated by EQUIL 2. In addition, different risk indices were calculated. The results showed that both patients and control groups had metabolic disorders, but the frequencies of occurrence were statistically independent. Significant difference in concentration of urinary constituents between corresponding patient and control groups was observed only for glycosaminoglycans in female subjects. Ca/Cit ratio and Baggio index could differentiate between both corresponding patients and control groups. The results indicate that interplay between stone formation inhibitors and promotors is responsible for urinary stone formation and that the first morning urine could be used in assessing urolithiasis risk and its prevention

    Proizvodnja bioetanola iz kukuruznih oklasaka

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    Bioetanol je proizveden procesom istodobne saharifikacije i fermentacije (eng. Simultaneous saccharification and fermentation, SSF) s kvascem Saccharomyces cerevisiae na enzimskom hidrolizatu predobrađenih kukuruznih oklasaka. Istraživan je učinak trajanja predhidrolize kukuruznih oklasaka na učinkovitost procesa proizvodnje bioetanola te je uspoređen s konvencionalnim procesom SSF. Dvije smjese komercijalno dostupnih enzima rabljene su za hidrolizu sirovine; prva je sadržavala Celluclast 1.5L (Sigma) i Ī²-glukozidazu (Carl Roth), a druga smjesa Celluclast 1.5L (Sigma) i Viscozyme L (Sigma). Dva dana predhidrolize imala su pozitivan učinak na prinos bioetanola, dok je dulje trajanje predhidrolize smanjilo prinos bioetanola. Najveća koncentracija etanola od 41,24Ā gĀ dmāˆ’3 postignuta je u procesu SSF uz dva dana predhidrolize koja je iznosila 63,15Ā % teoretskog iskoriÅ”tenja izračunatog na neobrađeni kukuruzni oklasak. Najveća ukupna produktivnost procesa od 0,36Ā gĀ dmāˆ’3Ā hāˆ’1 postignuta je konvencionalnim SSF-om uz enzimsku smjesu koja je sadržavala Celluclast 1.5L (Sigma) i Viscozyme L (Sigma). Koncentracija etanola iznosila je 36,6Ā gĀ dmāˆ’3, Å”to je 56,02Ā % teoretskog prinosa etanola na neobrađeni kukuruzni oklasak

    Early Identification of Patients with the Risk for Postoperative Carotid Restenosis Development

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    Multiple randomized trials over the last decade for both symptomatic and asymptomatic carotid stenosis have proven the efficacy of carotid endarterectomy (CEA) in reducing the risk of stroke. The aim of this prospective non-randomizing cohort study was to determine the incidence of carotid arteries restenosis after CEA as well as to ascertain the clinical and etiological characteristics for the development of restenosis. Treatment data from 178 KBC Rijeka patients that had undergone CEA in the period 1. 09. 2005ā€“30. 8. 2009 has been processed. All patients are monitored trough our Neurosonology laboratory algorythm ā€“ first Doppler ultrasound examination within the first week after CEA and the following after 1, 3, 6 and 12 months. After this time once a years. The average monitoring time was 21 month (1ā€“36 months). In the stated period 27 restenosis was diagnosed (15.16%). Only four of them were symptomatic (14.81%). Patient survival rate is 98% in the first 12 and 92% in the first 36 months. Carotid restenosis is usually asymptomatic. Non-invasive postoperative carotid arteries color Doppler screening is essential in the early identification of patients with the risk for the development of restenosis

    Seizmičnost Hrvatske u razdoblju 2006ā€“2016

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    During the ten-year period from 2006 to 2015 a total of 36 733 earthquakes were located in Croatia and its surrounding areas, with 37 main events registering magnitudes from 4.0 to 4.9. Seismically the most active was the coastal part of Croatia confined to two seismically distinguished areas. The NW domain was seismically less active, with almost 10000 located events (seven were of magnitude ML ā‰„ 4.0), among which were the three strongest events that occurred in Croatia during the observed period. Two of them occurred in the Senj picentral area, the first one on 5 February 2007 at 8:30 UTC (ML = 4.9, Imax = VII Ā°MSK) and the second one on 30 July 2013 at 12:58 UTC, (ML = 4.8, Imax = VI Ā°MSK). The third event occurred near Kornati Islands on 18 July 2007 at 10:54 UTC (ML = 4.8). The SE domain experienced the highest number of earthquakes (over 19 000 located events, with 24 events of magnitude ML ā‰„ 4.0, among which the strongest one was of magnitude ML = 4.9 with the epicentre in Bosnia and Herzegovina near the Croatian border). The seismicity in the continental part of Croatia was weak-to-moderate, with earthquakes of magnitudes ML ā‰¤ 4.1. Focal mechanisms were obtained for 31 earthquakes with magnitudes ML ā‰„ 4.0, and individual earthquakes have also been macroseismically analysed. Low current moment release rates for both regions (continental and coastal) as compared to long-term averages, indicate the regions are currently in the strain accumulation phase.Tijekom desetogodiÅ”njeg razdoblja od 2006. do 2015. godine u Hrvatskoj i okolnim područjima locirano je 36 733 potresa, od toga 37 glavnih potresa s magnitudama u rasponu od 4,0 do 4,9. Seizmički najaktivniji je bio priobalni dio Hrvatske karakteriziran s dva različita područja seizmičke aktivnosti. U sjeverozapadnom priobalnom odručju, koje je u odnosu na ostatak obalnog područja bilo slabije seizmički aktivno, locirano je gotovo 10000 potresa, od čega je sedam potresa bilo magnitude ML ā‰„ 4,0, a među njima su i tri najjača potresa koja su se dogodila u Hrvatskoj tijekom promatranog razdoblja. Dva potresa imala su epicentar u Senjskom epicentralnom području. Prvi potres se dogodio 5. veljače 2007. u 8:30 UTC (ML = 4,9, Imax = VII Ā°MSK), a drugi 30. srpnja 2013. u 12:58 UTC, (ML = 4,8, Imax = VI Ā°MSK). Treći potres se dogodio u Kornatskom arhipelagu 18. srpnja 2007. u 10:54 UTC (ML = 4,8). U jugoistočnom obalnom području dogodio se značajno najveći broj zabilježenih potresa (viÅ”e od 19000 lociranih potresa, od čega 24 potresa magnitude ML ā‰„ 4.0, među kojima je najjači bio magnitude ML= 4,9 s epicentrom u Bosni i Hercegovini u blizini hrvatske granice). Seizmičnost u kontinentalnom dijelu Hrvatske bila je slaba do umjerena s potresima magnitude ML ā‰¤ 4,1. ŽariÅ”ni mehanizmi potresa izračunati su za 31 potres s magnitudama ML ā‰„ 4,0. Potresi su makroseizmički analizirani. U usporedbi s dugoročnim prosjekom, trenutna relativno niska seizmička aktivnost mjerena oslobođenim seizmičkim momentom u jedinici vremena ukazuje da se oba dijela Hrvatske nalaze se u fazi akumuliranja tektonskih deformacija