Seizmičnost Hrvatske u razdoblju 2002–2005


During the 2002–2005 period a total of 3459 earthquakes were located in Croatia and its neighbouring areas with 15 main events registering magnitudes from 4.0 to 5.5. Seismically the most prominent were the two strongest earthquake sequences recorded in the central part of the Adriatic Sea, near Jabuka Island (the first one with the mainshock on March 29, 2003, 17:42, ML = 5.5, and the second, weaker, with the mainshock on November 25, 2004, 6:21, ML = 5.2). In the epicentral area W and NW of the Jabuka Island 781 earthquakes were confidently located (28 events with magnitudes equal to or larger than 4.0). Seismically active coastal part of Croatia, especially its southern part exhibited the seismicity within well-known epicentral areas. The earthquake with the magnitude ML = 5.5, recorded in the Imotski–Grude area, on May 23, 2004 at 15:19 (Imax = VI–VII °MSK) was the second strongest event during the studied period. Continental part of Croatia experienced moderate seismicity during the observed period, with earthquakes of magnitudes ML ≤ 3.9.U Hrvatskoj i susjednim područjima locirano je 3459 potresa u razdoblju od 2002 do 2005 godine. Zabilježeno je 15 glavnih potresa s magnitudama od 4.0 do 5.5. Seizmički najaktivnije bilo je područje u blizini otoka Jabuka u sredi{njem djelu Jadranskog mora gdje su zabilježene dvije velike serije potresa (prva s glavnim potresom koji se dogodio 29. ožujka 2003. u 17:42, ML = 5.5, i druga slabija s glavnim potresom koji se dogodio 25. studenog 2004., u 6:21, ML = 5.2). U epicentralnom području zapadno i sjeverozapadno od otoka Jabuka lociran je 781 potres (28 potresa s magnitudama većim od 4.0). Seizmička aktivnost obalnog područja Hrvatske bila je ograničena na do sada poznata epicentralna područja. Potres koji se dogodio 23. svibnja 2004. u 15:19, u seizmičkom području Imotski–Grude, magnitude ML = 5.5 (Imax = VI–VII °MSK) bio je drugi najja~i potres zabilježen u promatranom razdoblju. U kontinentalnom djelu Hrvatske zabilježena je umjerena seizmičnost u promatranom razdoblju, s potresima M ≤ 3.9

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