39 research outputs found
Gambaran Tingkat Pengetahuan dan Sikap Keluarga Tentang Perawatan Pasien Resiko Perilaku Kekerasan di Rumah
The aim of this study to is identify the level of knowledge and attitudes about patient care family risk of violent behavior in the home. The design of the research was description, this research was conducted at room Psychiatric Intensive Care Unit (UPIP) Handsome Provincial Mental Hospital, with sample as 33 respondents. The sampling method was accidental sampling. Measuring instrument used was a questionnaire that had been tested for validity and reliability. The research uses Univariate analysis. Based on the results of research conducted, lack of knowledge of the data obtained by 15 respondents (45.5%), insufficient knowledge by 9 respondents (27.3%) and good knowledge of as many as nine respondents (27.3%). Respondents\u27 attitudes about the care of family members with negative violent behavior at home as many as 21 respondents (63.6%) and a positive attitude as many as 12 people (36.4%). The results of this study recommend the hospital conduct health education for families to optimize the knowledge and attitude of the family in the treatment of patients for the risk of violent behavior in the home
Deskripsi Gaya Hidup Lansia yang Tinggal Bersama Keluarga dan di Pstw Khusnul Khotimah
The purpose of this research was to describe the elderly\u27s lifestyle who lived with family and live at PSTW Khusnul Khotimah. This research used descriptive design with survey approach. Sample of research in family taken by cluster sampling technique on 97 people and in PSTW with total sampling technique on 63 people. The instrument used was a questionnaire which have been tested for validity and reliability. Data analysis used univariate. The results of the research about lifestyle have shown that eating pattern of elderly were healthy (family: 57,7%; PSTW: 65,1%), physical activity and sport of elderly were active (family: 50,5%; PSTW: 58,7%), sleep and rest of elderly were enough (family: 79,4%; PSTW: 68,3%), smoking habit of elderly were high (family: 50,5%; PSTW: 50,8%), spiritual state of elderly were very good (82,5%; PSTW: 100%).This research recommended to family and the staff of PSTW for maintaining and increasing life support to elderly
Nutritional Status of Toddlers Taken Care for by Parents and by Other Than Parents
The toddler is one of the stages of children’s development in which they thrive and grow rapidly so they need good nutrition and stimulation from their parents. However, not every toddler is directly raised by their parents as the main caregivers. They are being forced to be taken care of by others such as nannies or other family members like grandparents, etc. This research aims to compare the nutritional status of toddlers with those growing up conditions. The research was a comparative study. The population was mothers who had toddlers and samples were taken by purposive sampling technique with a total of 97 mothers. This research was conducted at Payung Sekaki Health Center, Pekanbaru. Data were taken by child-care questionnaires and anthropometry observation sheet (weight per age) then data were analyzed by Chi-square test. The Chi-square test found that 56 children that were directly cared for by parents had normal nutrition and 7 were not. Meanwhile, of children whose caregivers were other than parents, 28 were in a normal nutrition state and 6 children were not (p-value 0.369; α 0.05). This study concluded that no difference was observed in nutritional status between toddlers that directly cared for by their parents and others who were not. Therefore, further research is needed regarding other factors that are predictors of nutritional status in toddlers.
Keywords: nutritional status, toddler, parent
Perbandingan Tumbuh Kembang Anak Toddler yang Diasuh Orang Tua dengan Diasuh Selain Orang Tua
Growth and development of child will be different between parent's care and other's care. The aim of this research was to determined the differences of growth and development of toddler who cared by parents and cared by others. Design of this research was analytic comparative. This research had been done in Sidomulyo Barat, Tampan district with 84 respondents, using cross sectional approach. The samples were taken by cluster sampling technique. The instruments are scales and gauges to the measure of weight and height, whereas to development of child used Denver Development Screening Test (DDST). Analysis data used univariate and bivariate analysis. Characteristic of respondents was analyzed by univariate and correlation between variables was analyzed by chi-square test. The results showed that there was differences between parent's care and other's care. Toddlers who cared by parent have better growth and development than care by others (p value < α). This research recommends to parents or child care provider to provide a good care, so the children will having growth and development optimally
Efektivitas Pemberian Jus Tomat Terhadaptekanan Darah pada Penderita Hipotensi
The aim of this research is to determinedthe effectivenessoftomato juiceonblood pressure of hypotensionpatients. The design of thisresearch is quasy experimentdesigned byNon-equivalent control groupweredivided intoexperiment groupandcontrol group. The research was conductedofhypotension patientinthe PuskesmasRumbai. The total sample are 50peoplewhowere takenby usingsimple randomtechniquesby noticing tothe inclusion criteria.Measuring instruments usedin the two groupsisthe observation sheet.The analysis usedwas univariateandbivariatealternativetestandWilcoxonMannWhitney.The results showeda significant differencebetween the meanbloodpressurebefore and afteradministration oftomatojuiceto the increase inbloodpressurep(0.000) <α (0.05).It'smeans thatin patent with hypotension effective to increase blood pressure. The results of this study recommend to apply tomato juice as an herbaltreatment to increase blood pressure
Gambaran Skor Pediatric Early Warning Score (Pews) pada Pola Rujukan Pasien Anak di Instalasi Gawat Darurat
An early warning score for children like PEWS (pediatric early warning score) has an ability to identify clinical deterioration of children and intervension can be taken before children condition become worst. The rapid response like increasing monitoring of children or transferring to intensive care unit. The aim of this research was to described PEWS of each transferring method for children in emergency department. This research used 85 respondents who admitted to the hospital in emergency department during 14 March – 14 June 2014. The respondents were taken by consecutive sampling method where children 0 – 18 years old evaluated by PEWS and then followed where the children being transferred based on doctor advice. After that the result presented by simple frequency distribution. The analysis found that children who adviced to went home have score ≤ 2, children who have score 3, 4, 5 transferred to inpatient ward and children who have score ≥ 6 transferred to NICU/PICU. This research recommended for nurses especially nurses at emergency department in a hospital to use PEWS to anticipate clinical deterioration of children in emergency department