11 research outputs found

    The Factors Affecting Tourist Visits at Owabong Waterpark in Bojongsari Sub-district of Purbalingga

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    This research aimed to determine the effect of income, travel cost, distance and visitor age on the number of tourist visit to Owabong Waterpark. This research is a survey research to visitors of Owabong Waterpark using accidental sampling method. Qualitative and quantitative data was derived questionnaire based interview technique. This research used multiple linear regression analysis with double log model. The result indicated that income had a positive effect on tourist visits at Owabong Waterpark. Travel cost and distance have insignificant effect on tourist visits at Owabong Waterpark. Age had insignificant effect on tourist visits at Owabong Waterpark. The implication of this research for the management of Owabong Waterpark is to continously improve the existing facilities and infrastructures to maintain the quality of tourist attraction, always innovate various vehicles attracting the visitors, conduct promotions such as discounted ticket to reach all income groups, conduct more vigorous promotions, especially in social media to be better known by the community outside Purbalingga so that Owabong Waterpark is not only visited by local tourists, but also foreign tourists.Keywords: Income, Travel Cost, Distance, Age, Social Media

    Factors Affecting PDAM Water Demand of Household “A” Category in Purworejo Regency

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    This research aimed to analyze the effect of income, water price, number of family members, and the ownership of water source, as well as the most influential variable to PDAM demand water of household “A” category in Purworejo regency Banyuurip branch. Population in this research was PDAM subscribers of household “A” category in Banyuurip sub-district by 67 subscribers. The tecnique of data analysis used a multiple linear regression with Ordinary Least Square method (OLS). The analysis result indicated that water price and ownnership of other water source had a negative and significant effect, while the number of family member had positive but insignificant effect, and the income had insignificant effect to PDAM water demand of household “A” category in Banyuurip sub-district.Keywords: PDAM Water Demand, Income, Water Price, Number of Family Members, Ownership of Other Water Resources

    Analisis kontribusi pendapatan pengrajin batik terhadap pembentukan pendapatan keluarga di Kabupaten Purbalingga

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    Industri batik adalah salah satu industri kreatif yang saat ini mendapat perhatian pemerintah. Meski diharapkan menjadi salah satu sektor yang bisa menyerap tenaga kerja, namun luasnya peluang kerja dan bisnis di industri batik tidak menarik tenaga kerja yang ada. Generasi muda mempersepsikan profesi pengrajin batik sebagai pekerjaan yang memiliki penghasilan kecil dan tidak pasti. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis kelayakan dan kontribusi pendapatan craviker batik terhadap total pendapatan keluarga, rasio total pendapatan pengrajin terhadap standar Kebutuhan Hidup Layah (KHL) yang ditetapkan oleh pemerintah dan perbandingan dengan waktu yang dihabiskan oleh pengrajin batik. Hasil menunjukkan bahwa jumlah waktu kerja pengrajin batik di Purbalingga adalah 4,28 jam per hari, di bawah jam kerja standar sesuai dengan undang-undang tenaga kerja yang ditetapkan pada 7 jam per hari. Analisis kontribusi pendapatan pengrajin batik terhadap total pendapatan rumah tangga pengrajin batik menunjukkan nilai kontribusi sebesar 26,8%. Berdasarkan UMK dan KHL minimal Kabupaten Purbalingga, pendapatan pengrajin batik dapat dikatakan sudah layak. Kontribusi pendapatan pengrajin batik dapat memberikan signifikansi 26 persen dalam meningkatkan pendapatan rumah tangga yang tidak efisien menjadi layak.Kata Kunci: Pengrajin Batik, Kontribusi Pendapatan, Standar Hidu

    Ketimpangan Pendapatan dan Keuangan Daerah di Kabupaten Purbalingga

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    ABSTRACT The research aims to measure the inequality of income distribution of each area and regional finance in Purbalingga District. The inequality of income distribution of each area was measured by the Williamson Index and the fiscal capacity was measured by the fiscal decentralization degree.The result of this research shows that the average of economic growth per year is 5.07 percent, the average of fiscal decentralization degree per year is 16.42 percent thai it is included to a high level of fiscal dependency on the central government category, while the average of inequality of income distribution of each area per year is 0.45 that it is included to a medium inequality category.Keywords: fiscal, decentralization, inequality, income, distributio

    Ketimpangan Pendapatan dan Keuangan Daerah di Kabupaten Purbalingga

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    The research aims to measure the inequality of income distribution of each area and regional finance in Purbalingga District. The inequality of income distribution of each area was measured by the Williamson Index and the fiscal capacity was measured by the fiscal decentralization degree.The result of this research shows that the average of economic growth per year is 5.07 percent, the average of fiscal decentralization degree per year is 16.42 percent thai it is included to a high level of fiscal dependency on the central government category, while the average of inequality of income distribution of each area per year is 0.45 that it is included to a medium inequality category

    Factors Affecting PDAM Water Demand of Household “a” Category in Purworejo Regency

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    This research aimed to analyze the effect of income, water price, number of family members, and the ownership of water source, as well as the most influential variable to PDAM demand water of household “A” category in Purworejo regency Banyuurip branch. Population in this research was PDAM subscribers of household “A” category in Banyuurip sub-district by 67 subscribers. The tecnique of data analysis used a multiple linear regression with Ordinary Least Square method (OLS). The analysis result indicated that water price and ownnership of other water source had a negative and significant effect, while the number of family member had positive but insignificant effect, and the income had insignificant effect to PDAM water demand of household “A” category in Banyuurip sub-district


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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menghitung valuasi ekonomi ekonomi air Sungai Pelus yang digunakan pada sektor pertanian tanaman padi di Kecamatan Sokaraja. Selama ini lahan pertanian di sepanjang Sungai Pelus di Kecamatan Sokaraja, belum memasukan air Sungai Pelus sebagai komponen biaya produksi. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah valuasi ekonomi berdasarkan atas dasar penggunaannya (direct use value). Objek penelitian ini adalah lahan pertanian tanaman padi di desa-desa yang terlewati oleh Sungai Pelus di Kecamatan Sokaraja. Data diperoleh melalui lima narasumber yaitu ketua kelompok tani di masing-masing desa yang terlewati aliran air sungai. Hasil analisis data diperoleh nilai ekonomi air Sungai Pelus yang digunakan oleh areal pertanian tanaman padi seluas 425 ha di seluruh desa yang terlewati oleh Sungai Pelus di Kecamatan Sokaraja adalah sebesar Rp4.734.817.05 atau Rp11.140.746 per hektar

    Pengaruh Inflasi, Pertumbuhan Ekonomi dan Investasi terhadap Pengangguran di Indonesia, 2001-2010

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    The purposes of this research are to analyze the influence of inflation, economic growth and investment partially and simultaneously toward unemployment. The research is conducted with quantitative analysis based on multiple regression analysis. The result shows that by partially inflation, economic growth and investment have no influence toward dependent variables (unemployment). Based on the test result of f-test simultaneously, it can be concluded that inflation, economic growth, and investment concomitantly have not significantly effect to total unemployment rate in Indonesia. Keywords:   inflation, economic growth,investment, unemploymen