59 research outputs found

    HVSR and MASW seismic survey for characterizing the local seismic response: A case study in Catania area (Italy)

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    Many recent researches show that the site seismic response is strongly influenced by stratigraphic and topographic features. Site response can reduce or amplify the earthquake induced ground motion. An integrated approach based on passive (HVSR) and active (MASW) seismic surveys, was carried out at the Garibaldi Hospital, located in Catania downtown, in order to evaluate the seismic site response. Fourteen environmental noise records, located near some previously mechanical drillings, were carried out and processed by using the Horizontal to Vertical Spectral Ratio (HVSR) technique. Successively, two MASW prospections were performed at the northern and the southern sides of the Hospital building, following the information deduced from the stratigraphic characteristics of soil drillings. The data obtained from this coupled analysis, method and the information derived by mechanical drillings previously performed, allowed us to obtain the site transfer function which can be related to the H/V average spectrum. Such integrated approach, based on passive and active seismic prospections, showed to be a reliable and quick method to obtain information for a site seismic characterization. According to Italian code a Vs30 profile was achieved and the soil type category was determined

    Correlazioni tra le velocit\ue0 ultrasoniche e le caratteristiche petrografiche in ceramiche archeologiche: un primo approccio metodologico

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    L\u2019analisi delle velocit\ue0 degli ultrasuoni permette di investigare i caratteri tessiturali e strutturali e di individuare la presenza di eventuali difetti localizzati all\u2019interno del campione. La loro diffusione negli studi archeometrici \ue8 legata alla non distruttivit\ue0 e alla possibilit\ue0 di fornire risultati accurati in tempo reale. In questo lavoro sono state effettuate numerose analisi petrografiche in sezione sottile e misure di velocit\ue0 di propagazione degli ultrasuoni su reperti ceramici di interesse archeologico. In particolare sono stati selezionati ed analizzati ceramiche preistoriche ed anfore da trasporto del V-IV sec. a.C., caratterizzati da differente granulometria, composizione e struttura. Da questo primo approccio \ue8 stato possibile evidenziare che il parametro petrografico che influenza maggiormente la velocit\ue0 degli ultrasuoni \ue8 la forma e la disposizione spaziale dei pori, e la dimensione media degli inclusi, mentre correlazioni poco significative si ottengono prendendo in considerazione la percentuale e il tipo di inerte presente nell\u2019impasto ceramico

    Accurate hypocentre locations in the Middle-Durance Fault Zone, South-Eastern France

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    A one-dimensional velocity model and station corrections for the Middle-Durance fault zone (south-eastern France) was computed by inverting P-wave arrival times recorded on a local seismic network of 8 stations. A total of 93 local events with a minimum number of 6 P-phases, RMS<0.4 s and a maximum gap of 220° were selected. Comparison with previous earthquake locations shows an improvement for the relocated earthquakes. Tests were carried out to verify the robustness of inversion results in order to corroborate the conclusions drawn from our findings. The obtained minimum 1-D velocity model can be used to improve routine earthquake locations and represents a further step toward more detailed seismotectonic studies in this area of south-eastern France

    Geophysical surveys integrated with rainfall data analysis for the study of soil piping phenomena occurred in a densely urbanized area in eastern Sicily

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    AbstractThe occurrence of strong and abrupt rainfall, together with a wrong land use planning and an uncontrolled urban development, can constitute a risk for infrastructure and population. The water flow in the subsoil, under certain conditions, may cause underground cavities formation. This phenomena known as soil piping can evolve and generate the surface collapse. It is clear that such phenomena in densely urbanized areas represent an unpredictable and consistent risk factor, which can interfere with social activities. In this study a multidisciplinary approach aimed to obtain useful information for the mitigation of the risks associated with the occurrence of soil piping phenomena in urban areas has been developed. This approach is aimed at defining the causes of sudden soil subsidence events, as well as the definition of the extension and possible evolution of these instability areas. The information obtained from rainfall data analysis, together with a study of the morphological, geological and hydrogeological characteristics, have allowed us to evaluate the causes that have led to the formation of soil pipes. Furthermore, performance of 3D electrical resistivity surveys in the area affected by the instability have allowed us to estimate their extension in the subsoil and identifying the presence of further areas susceptible to instability

    Characterization of decay in the wooden roof of the S. Agata church of Ragusa Ibla (southeastern Sicily) by means of sonic tomography and Resistograph® penetration tests

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    We describe the results of a sonic tomography survey and penetration tests carried out inside the S. Agata church of Ragusa Ibla, in southeastern Sicily (Italy). The purpose of this work was to evaluate the extent of decay in some of the ancient wooden trusses of the nave's roof, in view of possible strengthening interventions. Sonic tomography is entirely non-invasive and is suitable to investigate large portions of a structure, although in a qualitative way, while penetration tests are little invasive, point measurements that enable high-resolution detection of wood decay and cracks. We combined the two techniques to investigate the internal condition of 4 trusses that looked most deteriorated at a preliminary visual inspection. Results showed that decays occur mainly next to the walls, due to rainwater infiltration, and on the side of the timbers facing the rear of the nave; in general, chords have worse mechanical properties than rafters

    A preliminary study of the subsoil of the Roman Amphitheatre of Catania (Sicily) through integrated geophysical and stratigraphic data

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    To reconstruct the stratigraphy of the subsoil and the geometry of the lava deposits beneath the Roman Amphitheatre located within the city of Catania (Sicily) we performed non-invasive geophysical prospections (seismic and electric tomography). In urbanized contexts this kind of surveys represents the best support to following more specific studies aimed at the conservation of monuments. Seismic tomography allowed us to reconstruct seismostratigraphic sections by imaging the distribution of seismic waves velocity in the internal ambulatory wall and its substrate and outside the Amphitheatre. Electric tomography allowed us to image the resistivity distribution outside the Amphitheatre and to locate anomalies related to the possible presence of cavities, water table and waste waters. The stratigraphic data obtained from mechanical drillings carried out in the study area were used to calibrate the information obtained from the geophysical surveys

    New Geological, seismological and geodetic evidence of active thrusting and folding south of Mt. Etna (eastern Sicily): revaluation of “seismic efficiency” of the Sicilian Basal Thrust

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    New geological, seismological and geodetic data indicate that a NNW-SSE compressive regime occurs in the southern and western sector of Mt. Etna, accommodated by aseismic folding at the front of the chain. In particular, a large WSW-ENE trending anticline (the Catania anticline) is growing west and north of Catania within a middle-late Pleistocene fold system. For its location, geometry and growth rate, it is consistent with detachment fold models. We exclude that this structure have developed in response to volcanic spreading, as proposed by previous authors. Looking at the earthquakes distribution , an interesting finding is a clear trend of the seismic events deepening from very shallow hypocenters, in the area south of Etna, down to a depth of about 35 km, towards the NNW. Moreover, most of the events are clustered. We computed the focal mechanisms for the major and best recorded earthquakes occurring in the area. One cluster located at few kilometers north-west of the summit craters shows fault mechanisms of the deeper events with nearly horizontal P-axes striking NNW-SSE. A segment of the Sicilian Basal Thrust, located at crustal depth under the northwestern sector of the volcano, could be the seismic source. We propose the occurrence of detachment folding at the chain front, as response of a surface frontal propagation of this regional structure, migrating within the clayish middle-late Pleistocene foredeep deposits or at the top of the buried Hyblean foreland sequence. Geological and morphometric analyses suggest a maximum up warp deformation along the anticline axis of 40 m in the last 6000-7000 yrs, with a vertical slip-rate of 5 - 7 mm/yr. These values are consistent with the growth rate of 9 - 10 mm/yr estimated by interferometric data and the horizontal shortening of 5 mm/yr obtained by GPS measurements. Our analysis confirms that, besides the activity related to the volcanic feeding system, the seismic pattern under Mt. Etna edifice can be certainly related to the regional dynamics. The compressive stress is converted into elastic accumulation and then in earthquakes along the ramps to the rear of the chain, whereas along the frontal detachment it is accommodated by aseismic ductile deformation. In fact, despite the high rates of convergence, the seismicity is moderate at the front of the chain and the “seismic efficiency" of the Sicilian Basal Thrust is greater in correspondence of ramps at the rear, where strong earthquakes can occur.Publishedhttp://www.geoscienze2014.it/1T. Geodinamica e interno della Terraope

    Geological, seismological and geodetic evidence of active thrustingand folding south of Mt. Etna (eastern Sicily): Revaluation of “seismicefficiency” of the Sicilian Basal Thrust

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    tGeological studies and morphological analysis, compared with seismological and geodetic data, suggestthat a compressive regime currently occurs at crustal depth in the western sector of Mt. Etna, accommo-dated by shallow thrusting and folding at the front of the chain, south of the volcanic edifice. In particular,a large WSW-ENE trending anticline, interpreted as detachment fold, is growing west and north of Cata-nia city (the Catania anticline). Geological data suggest that during the last 6000 years the frontal foldhas been characterized by uplift rates of ∼6 mm/yr along the hinge, consistent with the interferometricdata (10 mm/yr) recorded in the last 20 years. Moreover, a NNW-SSE oriented axis of compression hasbeen obtained by seismological data, consistent with GPS measurements over the last 20 years whichhave revealed a shortening rate of ∼5 mm/yr along the same direction. Besides the activity related to thevolcanic feeding system, the seismic pattern under the Mt. Etna edifice can be certainly related to theregional tectonics. The compressive stress is converted into elastic accumulation and then in earthquakesalong the ramps beneath the chain, whereas on the frontal area it is accommodated by aseismic defor-mation along an incipient detachment within the clayish foredeep deposits. The high rate of shorteningat the aseismic front of the chain, suggests a greater “seismic efficiency” in correspondence of ramps atthe rear.Published32-412T. Tettonica attivaJCR Journalrestricte

    Ground Penetrating Radar Survey Inside the S. Agata Cathedral of Catania (Eastern Sicily)

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    This article presents the results of a ground penetrating radar survey carried out in 2003 inside the S. Agata Cathedral of Catania (eastern Sicily). The aim was to reconstruct the subsurface conditions of the central nave floor to assess the load-bearing capacity of the vauable pavement in view of restoration interventions. Data was acquired with a multi-antenna array along a grid of transversal and longitudinal profiles, for a total length of approximately 700 m. Georadar images of the subsoil were used to locate anomalies probably associated with crypts, some of them unknown before the present study, and strengthening elements beneath the pavement. A three-dimensional model of the subsoil in a portion of the study area has been obtained from the interpretation of the ground penetrating radar images.Published188–1971.8. Osservazioni di geofisica ambientaleJCR Journalrestricte