73 research outputs found

    Indole-3-acetic acid regulates the central metabolic pathways in Escherichia coli.

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    The physiological changes induced by indoleacetic acid (IAA) treatment were investigated in the totally sequenced Escherichia coli K-12 MG1655. DNA macroarrays were used to measure the mRNA levels for all the 4290 E. coli protein-coding genes; 50 genes (1-1 %) exhibited significantly different expression profiles. In particular, genes involved in the tricarboxylic acid cycle, the glyoxylate shunt and amino acid biosynthesis (leucine, isoleucine, valine and proline) were up-regulated, whereas the fermentative adhE gene was down-regulated. To confirm the indications obtained from the macroarray analysis the activity of 34 enzymes involved in central metabolism was measured; this showed an activation of the tricarboxylic acid cycle and the glyoxylate shunt. The malic enzyme, involved in the production of pyruvate, and pyruvate dehydrogenase, required for the channelling of pyruvate into acetyl-CoA, were also induced in IAA-treated cells. Moreover, it was shown that the enhanced production of acetyl-CoA and the decrease of NADH/NAD+ ratio are connected with the molecular process of the IAA response. The results demonstrate that IAA treatment is a stimulus capable of inducing changes in gene expression, enzyme activity and metabolite level involved in central metabolic pathways in E. col

    Influence of the area per player in non-professional soccer players: A pilot study focused on positional roles

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    This study analyses the influence of different area per player (AP; 75, 98 and 131 m2 ) on the average metabolic power (MP) and other soccer-related performance variables in relation to the positional roles. We recruited 19 non-professional male soccer players (25.2 ± 6.3 y; 23.7 ± 2.3 kg/m2; 16.4 ± 6.3 y soccer experience) to play three different small-sided games (SSGs): SSG1 (5 vs. 5; 30 × 30 m; 5 min), SSG2 (5 vs. 5; 35 × 45 m; 5 min) and SSG3 (7 vs. 7; 35 × 45 m; 8 min). Specific playing rules were applied. GPS-assessed soccer-related variables were: average MP (AMP), distance covered in 1 min (DIS); % time spent at high speed (v > 16 km/h; % hst) or MP (>20 W/kg; % hmpt); % distance covered at high positive/negative speed (2 < v < 4 m/s2, % ACC; −6 < v < −2 m/s2, % DEC); and number of actions at high MP (hmpa). All recorded variables differed when each SSG was compared to the others (p < 0.05), but for hmpa for attackers. Most performance variables were positively associated with increasing AP (p < 0.05), but for % ACC and % DEC, and differed among positional roles within the same SSG (p < 0.05). Here the general applicability of SSGs, regardless the physical/technical skills of the group of players, to enhance performance is confirmed; furthermore, quantitative advices on AMP and other performance variables are provided to achieve significant improvements in all soccer players of the team

    Regular football training down-regulates miR-1303 muscle expression in veterans

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    Purpose: Regular exercise affects the expression of several genes, proteins and microRNAs (miRNAs) in time- and intensity-dependent manner promoting longevity. We previously identified from GeneChip Array analysis several differentially expressed genes and miRNAs in muscle from veteran football players (VPG) compared to active untrained elderly subjects (CG); here we focussed on miRNA-1303 (miR-1303). The aims of the present research were: to analyse the effects of football training on the expression of miR-1303 and to identify its putative target involved in the longevity pathways in skeletal muscle from VPG compared to CG. Methods: RNA samples from 12 VPG and 12 CG muscle biopsies were used to validate miR-1303 expression. Crossing four different bioinformatic algorithms, we identified 16 putative targets of miR-1303; from these, BAG-2, KLHL7 and KBTBD6 were chosen for further validation by Western blot analysis in LHCN-M2 human myoblasts transiently transfected with miR-1303. Results: Football training down-regulates miR-1303 expression in muscle from VPG compared to CG and the expression of BAG-2, a chaperon protein involved in the autophagy pathway, inversely correlated to overexpression of miR-1303 in a time-dependent manner, indicating that it is a miR-1303 potential target. Conclusions: This is the first report, to our knowledge, describing miR-1303 regulation in skeletal muscle by football training and the identification of a target protein, BAG-2, involved in the autophagy pathway. This result contributes to the enlargement of knowledge on the molecular mechanisms linking football training, autophagy and longevity

    Raw data-Label-free quantitative proteomics in a Methylmalonyl-CoA Mutase-Silenced Neuroblastoma Cell Line

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    Secretome Proteomic Approaches for Biomarker Discovery: An Update on Colorectal Cancer

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    Searching for new cancer-related biomarkers is a key priority for the early detection of solid tumors, such as colorectal cancer (CRC), in clinically relevant biological fluids. The cell line and/or tumor tissue secretome represents a valuable resource for discovering novel protein markers secreted by cancer cells. The advantage of a secretome analysis is the reduction of the large dynamic range characterizing human plasma/serum, and the simultaneous enrichment of low abundance cancer-secreted proteins, thereby overcoming the technical limitations underlying the direct search in blood samples. In this review, we provided a comprehensive overview of recent studies on the CRC secretome for biomarker discovery, focusing both on methodological and technical aspects of secretome proteomic approaches and on biomarker-independent validation in CRC patient samples (blood and tissues). Secretome proteomics are mainly based on LC-MS/MS analyses for which secretome samples are either in-gel or in-solution trypsin-digested. Adequate numbers of biological and technical replicates are required to ensure high reproducibility and robustness of the secretome studies. Moreover, another major challenge is the accuracy of proteomic quantitative analysis performed by label-free or labeling methods. The analysis of differentially expressed proteins in the CRC secretome by using bioinformatic tools allowed the identification of potential biomarkers for early CRC detection. In this scenario, this review may help to follow-up the recent secretome studies in order to select promising circulating biomarkers to be validated in larger screenings, thereby contributing toward a complete translation in clinical practice

    Altered brain protein expression profiles are associated with molecular neurological dysfunction in the PKU mouse model

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    Phenylketonuria (PKU), if not detected and treated in newborns, causes severe neurological dysfunction and cognitive and behavioral deficiencies. Despite the biochemical characterization of PKU, the molecular mechanisms underlying PKU-associated brain dysfunction remain poorly understood. The aim of this study was to gain insights into the pathogenesis of this neurological damage by analyzing protein expression profiles in brain tissue of BTBR-PahEnu2 mice (a mouse model of PKU). We compared the cerebral protein expression of homozygous PKU mice with that of their heterozygous counterparts using two-dimensional difference gel electrophoresis analysis, and identified 21 differentially expressed proteins, 4 of which were overexpressed and 17 underexpressed. An in silico bioinformatic approach indicated that protein underexpression was related to neuronal differentiation and dendritic growth, and to such neurological disorders as progressive motor neuropathy and movement disorder. Moreover, functional annotation analyses showed that some identified proteins were involved in oxidative metabolism. To further investigate the proteins involved in the neurological damage, we validated two of the proteins that were most strikingly underexpressed, namely, Syn2 and Dpys12, which are involved in synaptic function and neurotransmission. We found that Glu2/3 and NR1 receptor subunits were overexpressed in PKU mouse brain. Our results indicate that differential expression of these proteins may be associated with the processes underlying PKU brain dysfunction, namely, decreased synaptic plasticity and impaired neurotransmission
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