36 research outputs found

    The Effect of Microhabitat Diversity on the Similarity of Soil Insect Types at Lombok Island, Indonesia

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    Soil insects are a group of organisms whose existence is highly dependent on their microhabitat. Its presence is indispensable because of its ability to reform and decompose organic matter. The presence of soil insects illustrates the functioning of a habitat. This study aims to analyze abiotic and biotic environmental conditions in several types of soil insect habitats on the island of Lombok and securitize the level of similarity of insect species in each of these habitats. The research method used in determining the initial sample point in each habitat is purposive sampling. The parameters observed are those thought to influence the presence of soil insects, including parameters of the abiotic environment and parameters of the biotic environment. The results obtained were that the soil insects found in forest, garden, mangrove, and mining habitats had a high degree of similarity. Forest and garden habitats have a preferred micro-habitat because of the high levels of organic C, moisture, total N, and neural soil pH as environmental factors that most support the existence of soil insect


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    AbstractThe aim of this research were to study the diversity of soil Arthropods in KerandanganProtected Forest and Natural Park; and to know the influence of environmental factors(physical and soil chemistry) on the abudance of soil Arthropods. This research wasconducted in Kerandangan Protected Forest and Natural Park. Soil arthropods were gatheredby PSM (metode perangkap sumuran/pitting trap method) and PCT (metode pencuplikantanah/soil sampling method).Identification to the artrophods captured by these methods wasdetermined until ordo level of classification, while data analysis was done by the use of HillBiodiversity Index. Soil Arthropods class that obtained by using PSM method are 5 classesand by PCT method are 6 classes. The total taxa of soil arthropods that obtained by usingPSM method was 25 taxa and by PCT method was 29 taxa. Formicidae, Hymenoptera other,Colembolla, Orthtoptera, Dermaptera weresoil Arthropod groups which are the most abundantand found in almost every location with PSM method. The Taxa obtained by PCT methodwere Acari, Hexapoda larva and Coleoptera

    Uma Lengge: A Local Wisdom of Plants and Environmental Resources Utilisation in Bima Traditional House Architecture, West Nusa Tenggara

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    Uma Lengge is a traditional house of Bima tribe located at Maria Village, Sumbawa Island, West Nusa Tenggara, with main raw material consisting of species of woods, bamboos and reeds. As one of the cultural heritage in West Nusa Tenggara, a study that support theà cultural preservation efforts is needed, including the preservation on plants used in its construction. This ethnobotanical research aims to reveal the local wisdom and other ethnobotanical aspects contained in Uma Lengge architecture. This descriptive exploratory research applied qualitative and quantitative ethnobotanical research methods based on data collection carried out through observation, interviews and documentation. Informants selection used purposive sampling and snowball sampling method. Qualitative and quantitative data were analyzed descriptively based on the observations, interviews, and calculations of Reported Use (RU) and Index of Cultural Significance (ICS). The result showed that local wisdom contained in Uma Lengge architecture is still applied by the local people from generation to generation in term of plants utilisation in Uma Lengge construction, ancient habits, customs, and the preservation of annual traditions or rituals that have good values to be passed on. There are 11 species used as materials in Uma Lengge constuction, namely Bambusa vulgaris, Artocarpus heterophyllus, Dalbergia latifolia, Tectona grandis, Areca catechu, Gossampinus malabarica, Imperata cylindrica, Ficus benjamina, Cocos nucifera, Gigantochloa apus and Swietenia macrophylla. Plant utilisation in Uma Lengge is used in 10 categories: poles, floors, beams, sloofs, roofs, unifiers, rodent insulation boards, wind breakers, stairs and fences. Conservation efforts for species involved in Uma Lengge construction need to be done, especially for species with limited availability. It is recommended that this cultural site should get more attention and efforts to preserve the cultural heritage along with all local wisdom related to plants and environmental utilisation contained in it

    Pendidikan Lingkungan Sebagai Media Pengenalan Sains dan Teknologi Bagi Siswa Menegah di Kabupaten Lombok Barat

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    Abstract: Perkembangnnya sains dan teknologi akhir-akhir ini menuntut perlunya inovasi dibidang pendidikan dan pengajaran sains, agar siswa termotivasi dalam mengikuti pembelajaran. Pembelajaran sains dan teknologi dengan pendekatan pendidikan lingkungan ternyata mampu meningkatkan pemahaman siswa terhadap ilmu sains. Kegiatan ini bertujuan Memperkenalkan kepada siswa menengah khususnya yang berada di Kabupaten Lombok Barat terhadap permasalahan lingkungan yang terjadi. Meningkatkan ketertarikan siswa terhadap pembelajaran sains melalui konsep pendidikan lingkungan dan meningkatkan minat siswa menengah untuk melanjutkan pendidikan ke perguruan tinggi basic sains. Manfaat dari kegiatan ini diharapkan siswa menengah khususnya yang berada di Kabupaten Lombok Barat semakin tertarik belajar sains dan teknologi melalui pendekatan pendidikan lingkungan serta menumbuhkan kesadaran siswa terhadap permasalahan lingkungan yang terjadi dan pada akhirnya semakin banyak siswa yang tertarik untuk melanjutkan keperguruan tinggi basic sains. Metode yang digunakan untuk kegiatan pendidikan lingkungan dan pembelajaran sains dan teknologi yaitu Focus Group Discuss (FGD) yang dilakuakan di lapangan. Praktik langsung pengenalan konsep pembelajaran di lapangan. Sosialisasi perguruan tinggi dilakukan melalui seminar yang menghadirkan tokoh-tokoh inspiratif dan alumni serta kunjungan langsung ke laboratorium dan fasilitas umum yang menunjang proses pembelajaran. Luaran dari kegiatan ini diharpkan dapat meningkatnya keperdulian siswa terhadap permasalahan lingkungan yang terjadi belakangan ini, meningkatnya jumlah siswa menengah yang tertarik belajar sains dan teknologi, meningkatkan jumlah siswa yang tertaik melanjutkan ke perguruan tinggi basic sains. Kata Kunci: Pendidikan Lingkungan; Sains dan Teknologi; Siswa Menega

    Edukasi Ramah Anak Melalui Program Pengabdian Masyarakat Universitas Mataram untuk Mewujudkan Kelurahan Gomong Sehat dan Cerdas

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    Pada Era New Normal Pandemi Covid-19 ini masyarakat masih kebanyakan melakukan aktivitasnya dari rumah. Penerapan Kerja dari rumah dan pembelajaran dari rumah merupakan hal utama pada masa pandemi ini untuk memperkecil penyebaran covid-19. Penerapan protokol kesehatan merupakan hal utama dan kewajiban masyarakat saat ini. Mencuci tangan menggunakan sabun atau hand sanitizer, menggunakan masker dan menjaga jarak harus dioptimalkan dalam menekan angka penyebaran kasus covid-19. Masyarakat dan anak-ana di Kelurahan Gomong, masih banyak yang belum optimal dalam menerapkan protokol kesehatan Covid-19. Oleh karena itu perlu adanya edukasi yang optimal dengan pendekatan humanis dan ramah anak. Selain itu dengan diadakannya pembelajaran jarak jauh maka anak-anak memiliki kebosanan dan kesusahannya sendiri dalam menghadapi pembelajaran. Melalui Program Pengabdian Masyarakat Universitas Mataram ini dilakukannya Edukasi Ramah Anak dengan membantu anak belajar dan edukasi hal lain yang bermanfaat bagi anak serta menunjang psikologis anak tetap dapat merasakan riang gembira pada masa pandemi covid-19. Hal-hal yang dilakukan berupa Edukasi melalui alat Komunikasi Informasi dan Edukasi (KIE), Edukasi melalui Spanduk, Edukasi anak-anak secara langsun, pembagian 600 masker, serta pembentukan Forum Ana


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    AbstractThe aim of this research were to study the diversity of soil Arthropods in KerandanganProtected Forest and Natural Park; and to know the influence of environmental factors(physical and soil chemistry) on the abudance of soil Arthropods. This research wasconducted in Kerandangan Protected Forest and Natural Park. Soil arthropods were gatheredby PSM (metode perangkap sumuran/pitting trap method) and PCT (metode pencuplikantanah/soil sampling method).Identification to the artrophods captured by these methods wasdetermined until ordo level of classification, while data analysis was done by the use of HillBiodiversity Index. Soil Arthropods class that obtained by using PSM method are 5 classesand by PCT method are 6 classes. The total taxa of soil arthropods that obtained by usingPSM method was 25 taxa and by PCT method was 29 taxa. Formicidae, Hymenoptera other,Colembolla, Orthtoptera, Dermaptera weresoil Arthropod groups which are the most abundantand found in almost every location with PSM method. The Taxa obtained by PCT methodwere Acari, Hexapoda larva and Coleoptera

    Ethnobotany Study of Medicinal Plants by the Mbojo Tribe Community in Ndano Village at the Madapangga Nature Park, Bima, West Nusa Tenggara

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    One of the cultural characteristics of people in developing countries is that traditional elements are still dominant in everyday life. These activities include the use of plants as medicinal ingredients by various ethnic groups or groups of people living in rural areas, one of which is the Mbojo Tribe, Ndano Village in Madapangga, Bima Regency, NTB. This study aims to identify the types of medicinal plants and to describe the local wisdom of the Mbojo Tribe in Ndano Village regarding the use of medicinal plants around the Madapangga Nature Tourism Park (TWA). The results of this study are expected to contribute to the development of medicinal plant research based on local wisdom for the sustainable management of TWA Madapangga. This research is descriptive exploratory. Data collection techniques in the field by means of observation, interviews and documentation. Selection of informants for interviews using purposive sampling and snowball sampling methods. Qualitative and quantitative data were analyzed descriptively related to the aspects that have been determined. The results obtained 26 species of medicinal plants that are best known and often used by the Mbojo Tribe, Ndano Village. Utilization of this medicinal plant is used to cure diseases which amount to 31 types of diseases. Based on the habitus group, the tree level is the most widely used as medicine. Meanwhile, the part (organ) of the plant that is most widely used is the leaf. The people of Ndano Village still use a simple way of concocting medicinal plants, namely by mashing (mashed, grated, kneaded) and boiled. The use of drugs, generally done by drinking, smeared and dripped. The results of this study are very useful for the development of medicinal plant research based on local wisdom for the sustainable management of TWA Madapangga

    Diversity of Vegetable Types Typical to Lombok Island in an Effort to Support Food Security in the Community

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    The island of Lombok with the majority of its original inhabitants, namely the Sasak tribe, has known and used a number of plants as typical food or vegetables to complement the main menu. Typical vegetables are vegetables that are only found in an area, at a certain season and processed in a special way. Currently, the existence of vegetables typical of the island of Lombok is rarely found and some of them are starting to become extinct. This study aims to obtain data related to the diversity of species, economic value and distribution of typical vegetables on the island of Lombok. The information obtained is very much needed in building a data base that can be used as important information in the process of plant conservation and domestication. The research method used was an exploratory survey with a qualitative approach through a structured interview technique using a questionnaire that was presented orally. The research locations were all districts on the island of Lombok. The results showed that there were 53 types of vegetables typical of the island of Lombok. Trees are the most common types of habitus (17 species), then shrubs (16 species), herbaceous species (14) and 10 creeping types. Young leaves are part of the plant that is most widely used as a vegetable. Most of these vegetables are not traded and grow wild in forests or cultivated areas. The districts of East Lombok and Central Lombok are the areas where the most of these types of vegetables are found, while the city of Mataram is the area with the least. The small area and the lack of green open space are suspected to be the cause of the reduction in the typical vegetables found in the city of Mataram

    Potensi Nilai Gizi Tumbuhan Pangan Lokal Pulau Lombok Sebagai Basis Penguatan Ketahanan Pangan Nasional

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    Di pulau Lombok terdapat beberapa jenis tumbuhan lokal yang dahulunya sering dimanfaatkan oleh masayarakat sebagai pangan alternatif. Pengetahuan masyarakat tentang tumbuhan pangan tersebut biasanya berasal dari pengalaman hidup, pengetahuan dari turun temurun dan kearifan lokal masyarakat yang perlu mendapat perhatian dalam upaya pemanfaatan yang berkelanjutan. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui kandungan nilai gizi beberapa jenis tumbuhan pangan lokal yang dikenal dan sering dimanfaatkan oleh masyarakat sebagai pangan alternatif. Penelitian ini merupakan salah satu upaya pelestarian tumbuhan pangan lokal untuk penguatan ketahanan pangan nasional. Penelitian ini menggunakan enam jenis tumbuhan pangan lokal yang dipilih berdasarkan  nilai skor dan bobot tertinggi terhadap pengetahuan serta aktifitas pemanfaatan tumbuhan pangan tersebut oleh masyarakat setempat. Metode yang digunakan untuk mengetahui kandungan gizi pada tumbuhan lokal tersebut diantaranya yaitu pemanasan untuk uji kadar air (AOAC, 1970, Renggana 1979), Kjeldhal untuk uji kandungan protein, spectrometri untuk uji karbohidrat, titrasi Yodium (Jacobs) untuk uji vitamin C dan AAS flame untuk uji Ca (kalsium). Hasil yang diproleh bahwa buah Juwet/Jamblang (Syzygium cumini) memiliki kadar air yang paling tinggi diantara keenam jenis tumbuhan lokal yang diuji, kondisi ini menyebabkan buah Juwet/Jamblang (Syzygium cumini) memiliki daya simpan yang paling rendah. Kandungan karbohidrat dan vitamin C tertinggi ditemukan pada buah Bune/Buni (Antidesma burnius), karbohidrat yang tinggi diduga berasal dari kadar glukosa hal ini ditandai dengan rasa yang sangat manis pada buah tersebut. Umbi sabrang (Coleus tuberosa) memiliki kadar protein dan kalsium yang paling tinggi sehingga umbi sabrang (Coleus tuberosa) sangat baik dikonsumsi sebagai cemilan maupun pengganti nasi.Kata kunci : Nilai gizi, pangan lokal, pulau Lombo

    Meningkatkan Kesejahteraan Perekonomian Masyarakat Melalui Kelompok Usaha Bersama (KUBE) Di Desa Batuyang Kecamatan Pringgabaya Kabupaten Lombok Timur

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    West Nusa Tenggara is one of the provinces in Indonesia in which the poverty rate is still high. This condition requires the government to group the community in every village such that the community can be easily controlled and trained to enhance their skills. This group is known as KUBE. Batuyang is one of the villages which was effected by the Lombok earthquake in 2018. This condition causes an economic decline in the village. Approaches should be executed to improve the welfare of the community's economy through the KUBE program in Batuyang village. The efforts of the team to achieve these goals were identifying potentials, forming KUBE, and conducting counseling and training events. Based on the identification results, the team initiated a joint business group of Tobacco and Coffee. The counseling, training, and mentoring activities carried out by the team had a positive impact which is increasing the skills of the community, especially KUBE members, in processing, packaging, and marketing their products. As an outcome, they have a high selling value which is ultimately expected to improve their economy and welfare