21 research outputs found


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    Abstract: As the development of globalization era, teaching English for young learner regarded as a preparation for a future generation to face it. The children regarded as the future generation are already enrolled in an English class in their early ages. Within their unique characters, the way of teaching and learning process is different from what the adults got. Task-Based Instruction, as one of the new method of communicative approach, has been used as an effective way in teaching a foreign language, especially for adult learners. The issue comes by its implementation into young learners. It is said to be a doubtful thing to apply Task-Based Instruction into young learners in learning foreign language. The characteristics of Task-Based Instruction which includes three stages; (1) Pre-Task, (2) Task-Cycle, (3) Language focus is regarded to be too much for young learners. Bedsides, it is said that implementing Task-Based in English young learner classroom can be a burden for them. Beginning by this perception, this study investigates; (1) the implementation of Task-Based Instruction in English young learner classroom (2) some adaptation that can be done in using Task-Based Instruction for young learner (3) the strengths and weaknesses of Task-Based Instruction in English Young Learner Classroom.Keywords: Task-Based Instruction, pre-task, task-cycle, young Learner

    The Role of Attitude and Subjective Norms in Influencing Students’ Purchase Intention to Halal Cosmetics

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    Halal products market is now growing in several countries. Halal concept also affect the purchase intention to buy a product. This research investigated about the role of attitude and subjective norms in influencing students’ purchase intention to halal cosmetics. The data obtained through online questionnaire and using convenience sampling. The samples were drawn from 190 female students in UNAND. The data analyzed by using SmartPLS 3.0. In this research there are three variables; there are two independent variables which are attitude and subjective norms, and the dependent variable which is purchase intention. The findings indicate that attitude and subjective norms have positive influence to purchase intention, and also subjective norms has positive influence to attitude. In this study attitude also become mediating variable between subjective norms and purchase intention


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    Writing is one of the four major skills and it is important because it needs a number of activities: setting goals, generating ideas, organizing information, selecting appropriate language, making a draft, reading and reviewing it, then revising and editing. The objective of the study was to find out whether or not there was any significant difference on students’ writing skill in recount text between the tenth grade students who were taught by using PLEASE strategy and those who were not. The population of the study was tenth grade students of SMAN 11 Palembang in the academic year 2016/2017. In doing the study, the writer did the experimental method by using quasi-experimental design to the two groups of students. The X IPA 5 class became the experimental group and the X IPS 2 became the control group. The two classes were chosen because they had the same level of competency in learning English. A test was the instrument for collecting the data. The test was administered twice, as the pre-test and post-test. The result showed that PLEASE strategy had a significant effect on the students’ writing skill. Keywords: writing skill, PLEASE Strategy


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    Reading comprehension is an active thinking process that is depended not only comprehension skill but the students’ experience and prior knowledge comprehension involves understanding the vocabulary, seeing the relationship among words and concept making judgment and evaluating. The study was aimed to find the significant correlation and contribution between reading interest and reading comprehension. Fifty four students of Undergraduate EFL students of Tridinnati University Palembang became the sample of the study. The data was gained from students’ reading interest questionnaire and their reading comprehension test. In analyzing the data, correlation analysis and regression analysis were used. The result showed that the correlation coefficient level between reading interest and reading comprehension was 0.477 with the sig. value 0.000, it means that there was a significant correlation between reading interest and reading comprehension of undergraduate EFL students Tridinanti University Palembang. Then, reading interest gave contribution to reading comprehension as much as 18.6%.Key words: reading interest, reaing comprehension


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    Vocabulary is an element of language that has function to support the use of other elements of language (grammar, pronunciation, and spelling) and also to facilitate the use of four language skills. Morphological awareness is system that expected can help students  to improve their vocabulary mastery. Objective of this study was to find out whether or not there was a significant correlation between morphological awareness and vocabulary mastery. Correlation study was used as research design. Sample of this study was fifty-six of 4th, 6th, 8th, and 10th semester undergraduate EFL students of Tridinanti University Palembang. Morphological awareness and vocabulary test were used as instruments. Morphological awareness test had 3 parts consisting of 45 items. Correlation analysis was used to examine correlation between morphological awareness and vocabulary mastery. Regression analysis was used to find out whether or not morphological awareness gave contribution to students’ vocabulary mastery. Then, vocabulary test consisted of 50 items. The result showed that there was a significant correlation between students’ morphological awareness and their vocabulary mastery but it was fair correlation. Moreover, morphological awareness contributed as much 21.9% toward  students’ vocabulary mastery. Therefore, cultivating morphological awareness could be applied as a right strategy to improve students’ vocabulary mastery.Keywords: morphological awareness, vocabulary mastery


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    This study tried to find out the correlation between motivation and English proficiency of EFL learners. The sample consisted of two hundred and six students of the fourth semester of Law Faculty of Sriwijaya University. This study used correlational study. The instruments to collect the data were questionnaire of English learning motivation and TOEFL Test The result showed that: 1) there was no significant correlation between students’ motivation and their English since the significant level (sig. 0.071) was higher than 0.05, 2), students’ motivation did not contribute significantly to their English proficiency, the contribution was only 0.2% because the students had different motivation to join English classes. Theresults of this study can be used by lecturers, learners of English, and other concerned parties to concern more about motivation in relation to English proficiency


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    Writing is one of the important skills in learning English, writing can provide useful information for other people who need it. This study aimed to investigate the difficulties faced by eighth grade students in one of State Junior High school in Palembang in writing recount texts. It outlines the qualitative research approach, specifically a case study design, used to explore the difficulties faced by eighth farde students in writing recount texts. Homogenous sampling method was employed to select participants from the eighth grade class, four students were selected as participants who have difficulties in writing recount texts. Data collection involved interviews. Thematic analysis technique was used in analyzing the data. The result of this study showed that students encountered difficulties when writing recount texts such as lack of understanding of recount texts generic structure, lack of grammar mastery, lack of vocabulary, lack of undestanding mechanics use. Improvement from teachers and proactive efforts of students will help contribute to enhanced writing skills and solve students’ difficulties in writing recount texts

    The Effect of Directed Reading Thinking Activity (DRTA) Strategy on Students' Reading Comprehension

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    The study aimed to investigate the notable impact of the Directed Reading Thinking Activity (DRTA) approach on the students' reading comprehension. The study was carried out at MAN 2, Palembang. The present study employed a quasi-experimental design utilizing quantitative research methodology. The researchers employed the convenience sampling method to gather data. The data were obtained via a reading comprehension test administered to students in the two classes, experimental and control. The study's findings examining the impact of implementing DRTA before and after utilizing a paired sample t-test indicate that the calculated T value of 27.797 exceeds the t-table value of 3.030. Thus, implementing the DRTA approach enhanced the students' reading comprehension in the experimental group. An independent sample t-test was conducted to examine the outcomes of the disparity between individuals who utilized the Directed Reading-Thinking Activity (DRTA) and those who did not. The findings showed that notable disparities in reading comprehension existed among students who received instruction via DRTA and those who did not. The DRTA technique offers advantageous outcomes for students as it fosters active and critical reading practices. Students enrolled in reading courses that engage in prediction and active reading demonstrates a proactive approach to learning, effectively harnessing their cognitive abilities to acquire knowledge on unfamiliar subjects. Furthermore, DRTA mandates that students maintain a record of their understanding of the text while reading

    Analisis Perbandingan Penggunaan Magnet Roycer dan 9power Terhadap Penghematan BBM Sepeda Motor Konvensional

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    Dengan bertambahnya kebutuhan bahan bakar timbullah pemikiran untuk membuat suatu alat yang dapat menghemat pemakaian bahan bakar baik berupa peralatan, cairan atau pun tablet. Salah satu cara penghematan bahan bakar adalah memberikan perlakuan terhadap bahan bakar sebelum memasuki ruang bakar atau sebelum mengalami proses pembakaran. Penggunaan magnet roycer, 9power dan mencoba menggabungkan magnet roycer dan 9power, dapat mengurangi pemakain bahan bakar yang digunakan pada sepeda motor konvesional.Pengujian dilakukan secara diam (engine stand) dengan waktu yang sudah ditentukan 10 menit pada motor suzuki R 125 cc dengan kecepatan rpm 1500, 2000, 2500 dan 3000 rpm. Dari hasil pengujian yang telah dilakukan, pemakaian magnet roycer dan 9power terjadi penghematan bahan bakar namun bila digabungkan magnet roycer dan 9power penghematan yang terjadi lebih besar lagi. Penghematan terjadi pada setiap kecepatan tetapi penghematan yang paling signifikan terjadi pada kecepatan 2500 rpm. Penggunaan magnet roycer dengan kecepatan 2500 rpm menghasilkan penghematan sebesar 3,3 ml, penggunaan 9power dengan kecepatan yang sama menghasilkan penghematan sebesar 5 ml. Penggabungan magnet roycer dan 9power menghasilkan penghematan yang lebih besar lagi 21,7 ml, karna hasil pembakaran yang sempurna dan pengapian yang lebih baik