14 research outputs found

    Макро- і мікроелементний профіль литкового м’яза білих статевозрілих щурів у нормі

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    Дослідження макро- та мікроелементного складу м’язів має велике значення для оцінки біоелементного стану організму у цілому. М’яз метаболічно активний орган, що зумовлює й швидкі зміни елементного складу. Крім того, м’язи слугують тканинним депо для багатьох хімічних елементів, вміст яких при різних фізичних станах організму, патологічних процесах, режимах водного балансу та харчування можуть значно змінюватися

    Морфофункціональний моніторинг стану органів і систем організму за умов порушення гомеостазу

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    Мета роботи – встановити загальні закономірності змін морфо-функцуіонального стану органів та систем організму і виявлення патоморфологічних закономірностей хвороб біомінералізації за умов порушень гомеостазу, викликаних комплексним впливом несприятливих факторів зовнішнього середовища

    Improvement of Skeletal Muscle Regeneration by Platelet-Rich Plasma in Rats with Experimental Chronic Hyperglycemia

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    Herein, the structural effect of autologous platelet-rich plasma (PRP) on posttraumatic skeletal muscle regeneration in rats with chronic hyperglycemia (CH) was tested. 130 white laboratory male rats divided into four groups (I—control; II—rats with CH; III—rats with CH and PRP treatment; and IV—rats for CH confirmation) were used for the experiment. CH was simulated by streptozotocin and nicotinic acid administration. Triceps surae muscle injury was reproduced by transverse linear incision. Autologous PRP was used in order to correct the possible negative CH effect on skeletal muscle recovery. On the 28th day after the injury, the regenerating muscle fiber and blood vessel number in the CH+PRP group were higher than those in the CH rats. However, the connective tissue area in the CH group was larger than that in the CH+PRP animals. The amount of agranulocytes in the regenerating muscle of the CH rats was lower compared to that of the CH+PRP group. The histological analysis of skeletal muscle recovery in CH+PRP animals revealed more intensive neoangiogenesis compared to that in the CH group. Herewith, the massive connective tissue development and inflammation signs were observed within the skeletal muscle of CH rats. Obtained results suggest that streptozotocin-induced CH has a negative effect on posttraumatic skeletal muscle regeneration, contributing to massive connective tissue development. The autologous PRP injection promotes muscle recovery process in rats with CH, shifting it away from fibrosis toward the complete muscular organ repair

    Military armed conflicts as a source of the Influx of toxic metals into the environment and the human body

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    Military armed conflicts and active combat actions are a significant factor in the influx of toxic metals into the environment and the human body (Petrushka et al., 2024). Toxic metals can enter the human body directly from the air during military armed conflicts, as large quantities of gaseous products containing toxic metals are formed during ammunition explosions. Additionally, there are likely long-term effects of accumulation of heavy metal fragments and microparticles in the soil and groundwater, which can enter the bodies of animals and humans through trophic chains (Trokhymenko et al., 2023)

    Spent lithium ion batteries as a source of incoming of lithium and heavy metals in humans and animals bodies

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    Lithium is a chemical element that, due to its unique properties has proven to be most suitable for rechargeable batteries. The industry of lithium-ion batteries is developing rapidly. New types of lithium-ion batteries are being developed. "The Nobel Prize in Chemistry 2019 rewards the development of the lithiumion battery. This lightweight, rechargeable and powerful battery is now used in everything from mobile phones to laptops and electric vehicles. It can also store significant amounts of energy from solar and wind power, making possible a fossil fuel-free society." - published on the official website of the Nobel Committee (www.nobelprize.org). Ukraine is actively importing mobile devices with lithium-ion batteries. There is no industry for collecting, processing and recycling lithium-ion batteries in Ukraine. Lithium-ion batteries are thrown to the trash. The batteries are destroyed and lithium can enter into the human and animals body through drinking water and food. Lithium is a vital element, but its excess supply can cause disease and death. This work is devoted to the study of lithium-ion batteries as one of the ways in which excess lithium is supplied into human. The applied purpose of work was to study the content of macro and microelements of organs and tissues of adult rats under the influence of lithium salt solution. Lithium salts were added to the drinking water of rats. After withdrawal from the experiment, the content of macro and microelements in the tissues and organs of rats was determined by atomic absorption and atomic emission spectrometry. Studies have shown that lithium quickly penetrates tissues and organs. It change the content and ratio of the body's major electrolytes: potassium, sodium, calcium and magnesium, which can lead to disruption of biochemical processes and diseases

    Effect of Graphite Furnace Degradation on Atomic Absorption Signals

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    The time dynamics of degradation of the working characteristics of longitudinally heated furnaces for spectrometers with electrothermal atomization of a sample in the presence of tungsten, zirconium, and palladium compounds used as chemical modifiers were studied. Visual changes in the state of the investigated furnaces are discussed. The loss of carbon material during the experiment is shown. Atomic absorption signals of silver and copper recorded at different stages of degradation of unmodified and modified furnaces are analyzed. An explanation of the reasons for the accelerated damage to the pyrographite coating and subsequent destruction of the polycrystalline graphite base of furnaces subjected to modification is suggested

    Macroelements content in white young rats' blood serum and liver in norm and under the influences of the lithium salt

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    The production and sale of lithium-ion batteries for industrial and household use is rapidly developing [1]. Currently, the recycling of lithium-ion batteries is very limited [2]. Uncontrolled penetration intake of lithium into the body with drinking water, food, air is a threat of toxic effects. Another source of lithium penetration into the human body are pharmacological drugs of lithium, which are widely used in the treatment and prevention of psychiatric disorders [3]. In the toxic doses of the lithium inhibits a number of glycolysis enzymes. It acts as a non-competitive inhibitor of the main electrolytes of the body: potassium, sodium, calcium, magnesium [4]. In the human body and animals, there are no mechanisms of lithium homeostasis, so its contents in the body should be monitored [5]

    Тhе posttraumatic regeneration of long bone diaphysis in animals with chronic hyperglycemia

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    The musculoskeletal system diseases are the most frequent cause of temporary incapacity for wolk and disabllity that leads to significant economic burden. The patients with chronic hyperglycemia have the higher risk of fractures. The present work relates to the investigation of the structure features of posttrau­matic regeneration of tibia in rats under conditions of the induced chronic hyperglycemia

    Моніторінг макроелементного складу органів та тканин щурів у нормі та за умов впливу солей літію

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    Lithium - is a vital microelement with a wide range of biological and medical effects (Robert L. Findling, 2019; Somayeh Moradi, 2019; Dania Shakaroun, 2019). It has a physiological effect if the concentration in the blood plasma from 0,14 to 1,4 mmol/L and pharmacological effect if the concentration more than 1 mmol/L. If the concentration of lithium more than 2 mmol/L the toxic effect is present, so its content in the body should monitored at the lithium therapy (Anatoly V. Skalny, 2004). Autonomous power sources based on lithium has become widespread in home use and industries (Mahmut Dirican, 2019). In the absence of recycle of lithium batteries, lithium-contaminated drinking water and food can become sources of uncontrolled lithium intake

    Спосіб комплексного визначення вмісту макро- і мікроелементів в органах лабораторних щурів у нормі і при патологічних процесах

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    Спосіб комплексного визначення вмісту макро- і мікроелементів в органах лабораторних щурів у нормі і при патологічних процесах, що включає відбір біологічного матеріалу з наступним видаленням надлишку фізіологічних рідин, кислотну мінералізацію біологічного матеріалу, розведення його бідистильованою водою і визначення у пробі макро- і мікроелементів методами полуменевої і електротермічної атомно-абсорбційної спектрометрії, який відрізняється тим, що діапазон мас біологічного матеріалу становить від 30 мг до 7000 мг, надлишок фізіологічних рідин з відібраного біологічного матеріалу видаляють знезоленим фільтрувальним папером, а кислотну мінералізацію проводять у фторопластових автоклавах з корпусами з нержавіючої сталі за допомогою 60 % нітратної кислоти при температурі 150-170 °C і тиску до 20 атм протягом двох годин і, одночасно з визначенням вмісту макро- і мікроелементів у біологічному матеріалі, додатково проводять "холосту пробу", для визначення кількості макро- і мікроелементів у реактивах і лабораторному посуді, які використовуються, а остаточний вміст макро- і мікроелементів в органах лабораторних щурів визначають як різницю між значенням вмісту макро- і мікроелементів в біологічному матеріалі і вмісту макро- і мікроелементів, визначених у "холостій пробі".The method of comprehensive determination of the content of macro- and microelements in the organs of laboratory rats in normal and pathological processes, which includes the selection of biological material followed by the removal of excess physiological fluids, acid mineralization of biological material, its dilution with bidistilled water and determination of macro- and microelements in the sample by methods of flame and electrothermal atomic absorption spectrometry, which is distinguished by the fact that the mass range of biological material is from 30 mg to 7000 mg, the excess of physiological fluids from the selected biological material is removed with deashed filter paper, and acid mineralization is carried out in fluoroplastic autoclaves with stainless steel cases using 60% nitric acid at a temperature of 150-170 °C and a pressure of up to 20 atm for two hours and, simultaneously with the determination of the content of macro- and microelements in the biological material, an additional "blank sample" is conducted to determine the amount of macro- and microelements in the reagents and laboratory dishes used, and the final content of macro- and microelements in the organs of laboratory rats is determined as the difference between the value of the content of macro- and microelements in the biological material and the content of macro- and microelements determined in the "blank sample"