58 research outputs found

    Use of Organic Amendment from Olive and Wine Industry in Agricultural Land: A Review

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    Agricultural land is under severe treats as population grows, land degradation remains unabated and climate extremes increased. Globally, olive oil production and a wine industry represents important sector in the economy of Mediterranean countries. These two sectors play an important role on ecosystem stability due to considerable amount of resources used in production while organic wastes remain as threat in ecosystems. Orchards and vineyards land use are susceptible to degradation. The drivers for vineyard and orchards degradation are numerous and they are mostly triggered by human activities. Intensive management enhances soil organic matter loss, structural instability, compaction, surface crust, runoff and soil loss. Tillage and agrochemicals contribute to structural instability and act as drivers for soil erosion and degradation. Therefore, the environmentally friendly use and management of such endangered land are required, which often involves use of organic amendments into soil. The review focuses on the analyses of organic wastes use from olive and wine industry that could be a valuable source for soil improvement. Present paper shows positive aspect of organic waste on soil through increased content of soil organic carbon and nutrients concentrations, water-holding capacity and soil porosity. Olive and wine pomaces enhances soil aggregate stability and water infiltration, while decrease erosion. Olive mulch can be used as mulching material to exert good control over weeds. Overall, organic by-products increase soil quality and can be recommended for investigation at the regional level to assess its suitability for wider application in Mediterranean Croatia

    Utjecaji obrade tla na svojstva tla, eroziju tla vodom i gubitak hraniva u vinogradu (Središnja Hrvatska)

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    Eroded lands have deteriorated soil physical, chemical, and biological properties which reduces their productivity and represents a great threat to environmental safety and ecosystem stability. This study aims to investigate the soil management effect on the soil properties and conversely on soil erosion in vineyards by comparing tilled (TV) and permanently grass-covered vineyard (GCV) plots. The study vineyard is located in Sisak – Moslavina County, Croatia (45°31’ N, 16°43’ E). The fieldwork comprised of 8 rainfall simulations, soil sampling, and collection of overland flow. The results showed that TV plots had lower (P<0.05) soil organic matter content (SOM) (2.80%), mean weight diameter (MWD) (2.56 mm), and water-stable aggregates content (WSA) (53.1%) compared to GCV. Ponding time (PT) and runoff time (RT) were lower on the TV which caused longer outflow time and increased total water runoff (WR) and sediment loss (SL). The TV had 745.4 times higher SL than GCV (TV 6.87 t/ha compared to GCV 0.0092 t/ha). Higher SL resulted in higher nutrient losses on TV. Tillage is recognized as unsustainable practice on the study area and a key factor for increased soil erodibility and potential environmental hazards by high nutrient losses.Erodirana tla karakteriziraju degradirana fizička, kemijska i biološka svojstva koja smanjuju produktivnost tla i predstavljaju veliku prijetnju okolišnoj sigurnosti i stabilnosti ekosistema. Cilj ovog rada je istražiti utjecaje upravljanja tlom na svojstva tla te eroziju tla u vinogradu, uspoređujući obrađeni (TV) i trajno zatravljeni vinograd (GCV). Istraživani vinograd nalazi se u Sisačko-Moslavačkoj županiji, Hrvatska (45°31’ S, 16°43’ I). Terenski rad sastojao se od 8 kišnih simulacija, uzorkovanja tla te prikupljanja erozijskog otjecanja. Rezultati ukazuju da su TV parcele imale niže (P<0.05) udjele organske tvari (SOM) (2.80%), srednje veličine strukturnih agregata (MWD) (2.56 mm) i udjele vodo-stabilnih strukturnih agregata (WSA) (53.1%) od GCV parcela. Vrijeme do površinskog stagniranja vode (PT) i vrijeme do početka otjecanja (RT) bili su niži u TV što je uzrokovalo duže vrijeme otjecanja i povećalo otjecanje vode (WR) te gubitak sedimenata (SL). Na TV je zabilježeno 745.4 puta veći SL nego na GCV (TV 6.87 t/ha naspram 0.0092 t/ha). Viši SL uzrokovao je veće gubitke hraniva u TV. Obrada tla je prepoznata kao neodrživa praksa u području istraživanja te je ključni faktor povećane erodibilnosti tla kao i potencijalnih okolišnih opasnosti uzrokovanih visokim gubitkom sedimenata

    Temporal Changes in Soil Water Content and Penetration Resistance under Three Tillage Systems

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    This study aims to evaluate the impact of different tillage systems on water conservation and penetration resistance in Stagnosols on slopes. Three tillage systems were evaluated during a long-term experiment in Central Croatia in a period from 2011 to 2014, in order to identify sustainable land management practices: control treatment (CT), ploughing and other seedbed layer preparation up and down the slope; ploughing across the slope (PA) – to 30 cm, other operations depending on the crop, also across the slope; and ploughing across the slope (30 cm) with subsoiling (SUB) to 50 cm. Penetration resistance and soil water content were measured each investigated season during five terms to a depth of 60 cm. Tillage systems significantly influence soil water content and penetration resistance, but the results showed great temporal and vertical variation in each investigated season. The results also showed that in low quality Pseudogley deep loosening is required because of the inability of these soils to recover naturally. The hardness of these soils decreases after tillage, or when the moisture content increases, so the period with potentially limiting soil impedance is shorter in systems with subsoiling than in conventionally tilled soils. Fallow has been effective in reducing soil strength in non-traffic areas and increasing soil moisture content. When comparing cropping variants it was established that only a system including subsoiling ensures higher moisture content. Results indicate that since soil water content and penetration resistance were adversely affected, subsoiling should be applied continuously in Pseudogley sites in the hills. Generally, soil resistance increased with time from the date of primary tillage. Although penetration resistance values increase after tillage, the differences were attributed to temporal variation of soil water content. In this study soil moisture condition is presented as a more important factor for soil resistance than the time between primary tillage and measurements

    Spatial Variability of Penetration Resistance on Pseudogley

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    Usually large numbers of measurements are required to describe spatial variability of soil resistance but GIS technology with interpolations methods make it possible to estimate data from unsampled locations. In this paper cone index (CI) measurements were made in two occasions in 2.88 ha field in central Croatia to present soil condition. A commonly used tillage operation consists of ploughing (about 30 cm depth) and disc harrowing (12 - 15 cm), and they are practiced on annual basis. Measurements (240) were taken according sample grid in 48 different 24 x 25 m2 fields. Cone index (CI) data were interpolated using geostatistical techniques (ordinary kriging) to produce the maps of soil resistance. These maps combined with expert knowledge can provide good direction for applying appropriate soil management. Our results demonstrate that the investigated layers had variable spatial structures in terms of their linear trends. This suggests that each layer has a unique spatial structure possibly as consequence of pedogenetic processes, tillage operations and changes influenced by drainage and leveling operations. The results presented here describe spatial variability of soil resistance of a drained Pseudogley of Central Croatia, measured as CI in a field conditions. Tillage practices caused the formation of a plow pan at a depth 30 – 40 cm where the maximum CI values were obtained. According to the values of penetration resistance the tillage practices should be changed if we consider improved conditions for plant roots development

    Impacto de los incendios forestales en la regulación de las inundaciones y la depuración del agua

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    Wildfires are global phenomena with positive and negative impacts on ecosystems. They are a natural ecosystem element that shaped several biomes. However, for some time, they may disturb the ecosystems, reducing their capacity to supply several services. The objective of this article is to resume the impacts of wildfires on flood regulation and water purification and discuss the use of some restoration measures to mitigate the wildfire impacts. Wildfires, especially in the immediate period after, reduce the ecosystem’s capacity to regulate floods and purify water due to vegetation removal and ash that can degrade water quality. The magnitude of the impacts depends essentially on wildfire severity and post-wildfire precipitation intensity. Restoration measures must be applied, especially after high-severity wildfires and if the recurrence is high. In the context of climate change, the interval between fires is expected to be shorter, and the severity will be high. Therefore, restoration measures may be more needed.Los incendios forestales son un fenómeno global con repercusiones positivas y negativas en los ecosistemas. Estos son un elemento natural de los ecosistemas que dio forma a diversos biomas. Sin embargo, durante algún tiempo, pueden perturbar los ecosistemas, reduciendo su capacidad para suministrar diversos servicios. El objetivo de este artículo es resumir los impactos de los incendios forestales en la regulación de las inundaciones y la depuración del agua y discutir el uso de algunas medidas de restauración para mitigar los impactos de los incendios forestales. Los incendios forestales, especialmente en el periodo inmediatamente posterior al evento, reducen la capacidad del ecosistema para regular las inundaciones y depurar el agua debido a la eliminación de vegetación y cenizas que pueden degradar la calidad de ese agua. La magnitud de los impactos depende esencialmente de la severidad del incendio forestal y de la intensidad de las precipitaciones posteriores al mismo. Deben aplicarse medidas de restauración, especialmente después de incendios forestales de gran severidad y si la recurrencia es elevada. En el contexto del cambio climático, se espera que el intervalo entre incendios sea más corto y que la severidad sea mayor. Por lo tanto, las medidas de restauración pueden ser más necesarias

    Spatial Variability of Penetration Resistance on Pseudogley

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    Usually large numbers of measurements are required to describe spatial variability of soil resistance but GIS technology with interpolations methods make it possible to estimate data from unsampled locations. In this paper cone index (CI) measurements were made in two occasions in 2.88 ha field in central Croatia to present soil condition. A commonly used tillage operation consists of ploughing (about 30 cm depth) and disc harrowing (12 - 15 cm), and they are practiced on annual basis. Measurements (240) were taken according sample grid in 48 different 24 x 25 m2 fields. Cone index (CI) data were interpolated using geostatistical techniques (ordinary kriging) to produce the maps of soil resistance. These maps combined with expert knowledge can provide good direction for applying appropriate soil management. Our results demonstrate that the investigated layers had variable spatial structures in terms of their linear trends. This suggests that each layer has a unique spatial structure possibly as consequence of pedogenetic processes, tillage operations and changes influenced by drainage and leveling operations. The results presented here describe spatial variability of soil resistance of a drained Pseudogley of Central Croatia, measured as CI in a field conditions. Tillage practices caused the formation of a plow pan at a depth 30 – 40 cm where the maximum CI values were obtained. According to the values of penetration resistance the tillage practices should be changed if we consider improved conditions for plant roots development

    Soil physico-chemical properties and Organic Carbon stocks across different land use in an urban park of Vilnius, Lithuania

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    Urban areas are characterised by land use change processes. Urban and peri-urban soils degradation increase at the different land uses, and the characteristic of each land use affecting soil carbon stock and, consequently, the role of soil as a CO2 sink. The aim of this work was to assess the effect of land use and soil management practices in urban and peri-urban soils in Vilnius (Lithuania). Studied properties were: Sand, Clay, Silt, Stoniness, bulk density (BD), pH, electrical conductivity (EC) and soil organic carbon stocks (SOCS). Ten samples were collected at depths 0-10 cm in 8 different land uses and soil management practices in the urban and peri-urban areas of Vilnius. Forests – Quercus robur, Acer plantanoides, Pinus sylvestris and Picea abies, grasslands – semi-natural grasslands (SNG) and managed semi-naturalgrasslands (MSNG), both dominated by Taraxacum officinale, artificial grasslands (AG), and urban. SOC (t/ha) resulted significantly higher in Pinus sylvestris and Art. Grass than in Quercus robur, Acer plantanoides, and urban land uses. Urban land use recorded lower values of SOC (t/ha) than the other land uses except for Acer plantanoides. Land uses with high human intervention decline soil quality and affect the role of soil as a climate regulator

    Use of Organic Amendment from Olive and Wine Industry in Agricultural Land: A Review

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    Agricultural land is under severe treats as population grows, land degradation remains unabated and climate extremes increased. Globally, olive oil production and a wine industry represents important sector in the economy of Mediterranean countries. These two sectors play an important role on ecosystem stability due to considerable amount of resources used in production while organic wastes remain as threat in ecosystems. Orchards and vineyards land use are susceptible to degradation. The drivers for vineyard and orchards degradation are numerous and they are mostly triggered by human activities. Intensive management enhances soil organic matter loss, structural instability, compaction, surface crust, runoff and soil loss. Tillage and agrochemicals contribute to structural instability and act as drivers for soil erosion and degradation. Therefore, the environmentally friendly use and management of such endangered land are required, which often involves use of organic amendments into soil. The review focuses on the analyses of organic wastes use from olive and wine industry that could be a valuable source for soil improvement. Present paper shows positive aspect of organic waste on soil through increased content of soil organic carbon and nutrients concentrations, water-holding capacity and soil porosity. Olive and wine pomaces enhances soil aggregate stability and water infiltration, while decrease erosion. Olive mulch can be used as mulching material to exert good control over weeds. Overall, organic by-products increase soil quality and can be recommended for investigation at the regional level to assess its suitability for wider application in Mediterranean Croatia

    Servicios ecosistémicos en áreas de montaña: beneficios y amenazas

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    Mountain areas have a substantial impact on climate dynamics and are one of the most critical water sources. Mountains were key in human evolution throughout history and supplied essential biotic and abiotic ecosystem services (ES), key for human living. This perspective article will study the importance of mountains to ES supply and the impacts of the different drivers of change, namely habitat change, climate change, overexploitation, pollution, and invasive species. Mountain areas have a high capacity to supply an important number of regulating (global and local climate regulation, air quality regulation, natural hazards regulation, pollination), provisioning (crops, livestock, wild food and fish, biomass for energy and timber, freshwater renewable energy - hydropower, wind, solar and geothermal - and mineral resources) and cultural (recreation and tourism, landscape aesthetics and inspiration, cultural heritage and cultural diversity and knowledge systems). However, changes imposed by habitat change, climate change, overexploitation, pollution, and invasive species can increase the tradeoffs between ES and trigger environmental degradation. Overall, there is a need to balance mountain ES exploitation and reduce the effects of the different drivers of change.Las áreas de montaña tienen un impacto importante en las dinámicas climáticas y son una de las fuentes de agua con condiciones más críticas. Las montañas fueron claves en la evolución histórica del ser humano y suministraron servicios ecosistémicos (SE) bióticos y abióticos esenciales para la vida humana. Este artículo de perspectiva estudiará la importancia de las montañas para el suministro de SE y los impactos de los diferentes factores de cambio, a saber, cambios en el hábitat, el cambio climático, la sobreexplotación, la contaminación y las especies invasoras. Las zonas de montaña tienen una gran capacidad para suministrar un número importante de recursos reguladores (regulación del clima global y local, regulación de la calidad del aire, regulación de los riesgos naturales, polinización), de aprovisionamiento (cultivos, ganado, alimentos y pesca silvestre, biomasa para energía y madera, energía renovable de agua dulce -hidroeléctrica, eólica, solar y geotérmica- y recursos minerales) y culturales (ocio y turismo, estética e inspiración del paisaje, patrimonio cultural y diversidad cultural y sistemas de conocimiento). Sin embargo, los cambios impuestos por la modificación del hábitat, el cambio climático, la sobreexplotación, la contaminación y las especies invasoras pueden aumentar los intercambios entre los SE y desencadenar la degradación del medio ambiente. En general, es necesario equilibrar la utilización de los SE de montaña y reducir los efectos de los distintos factores de cambio