3 research outputs found
Legionella pneumophila infections in Primorsko-goranska county
Cilj: Bakterije roda Legionella značajni su uzročnici nozokomijalnih pneumonija, kao i pneumonija koje se javljaju u zajednici. U većini slučajeva klinički nije moguće razlikovati pneumonije
uzrokovane legionelama od onih nastalih ostalim atipičnim uzročnicima. Etiološka dijagnoza zasniva se prije svega na kultivaciji, detekciji antigena, serodijagnostici i molekularnim testovima.
Metode: U radu smo retrospektivno analizirali rezultate pretraga izvršenih na Mikrobiološkom odjelu Nastavnog zavoda za javno zdravstvo u Rijeci od 2003. do 2008. godine. U našim laboratorijima u većini slučajeva legioneloza je dijagnosticirana detekcijom Legionella antigena u urinu i/ili imunoenzimskim (EIA) anti Legionella IgM pretragama kao najranijim serološkim pokazateljem infekcije.
Rezultati: Sveukupno je obrađeno 97 uzoraka urina i 112 seruma
prikupljenih od bolesnika s područja Primorsko-goranske županije. L. pneumophila O1 antigen otkriven je u 5 (5 %) od 97 uzoraka urina. Serološki je EIA metodom utvrđena prisutnost IgM protutijela u ukupno 13 obrađenih uzoraka (12 %). Samo IgM detektiran je u 4 (21 %), IgM plus IgA i IgG u 5 (26 %), IgM i IgA u 3 (16 %), IgM i IgG u 1 (5 %), i samo IgG protutijela u 6 (32 %) od 19 pozitivnih uzoraka seruma. U konačnici, u razdoblju od 2003. do 2008. godine pozitivni nalazi na bakteriju L. pneumophila utvrđeni su u uzorcima od ukupno 8 bolesnika.
Rasprava i zaključci: Detekcija IgM protutijela primjenom osjetljive metode kao što je imunoenzimski test – EIA pokazala se pogodnom u kombinaciji s detekcijom antigena u urinu za dijagnostiku legioneloza. EIA za otkrivanje L. pneumophila seroskupine O1 antigena u urinu predstavlja specifičnu metodu koja je osobito značajna za brzu dijagnostiku legionarske bolesti.Aim: Bacteria of the genus Legionella are important causes of both community-acquired and nosocomial pneumonia. However, the majority of cases are clinically indistinguishable from other causes of pneumonia and it cannot be reliably diagnosed on clinical grounds alone. The etiological diagnosis depends mostly on culture, antigen detection, serological or molecular tests.
Methods: Present paper represents the results of retrospective analysis of tests performed at the Department of Microbiology the Teaching Institute of Public Health in Rijeka between 2003 to 2008. In our laboratories most of the cases were diagnosed by the detection
of Legionella antigen in urine and/or serological determination with enzyme immunoassay (EIA) test of the anti-Legionella IgM fraction as the most recent answer to infection.
Results: Overall 97 urine samples and 112 sera of patients from Primorsko-Goranska County were analysed. L. pneumophila O1 antigen in urine was detected in 5 (5 %) of 97 samples. Serologically
EIA detected IgM in overall 13 (12 %) of all samples tested. IgM only was found in 4 (21 %) samples, IgM plus IgA and IgG in 5 (26 %), IgM plus IgA in 3 (16 %), IgM plus IgG in 1 (5 %), and IgG alone was found in 6 (32 %) of 19 positive samples. Overall, from 2003 to 2008 L. pneumophila positive results were found in samples from 8 patients.
Discussion and Conclusions: Detection of IgM using a sensitive technique such as EIA seems to be a suitable complement to antigenuria detection for the diagnosis of legionellosis. EIA for the detection of L. pneumophila serogroup O1 antigen in urine specimens is a specific assay which is of great importance in providing a rapid diagnosis of Legionnaires’ disease
Conservation-restoration of the fragment of the wall paintings from the National Gallery
Diplomska naloga obravnava fragment stenske poslikave snete iz Narodne galerije in njegovo konserviranje-restavriranje v delavnici Oddelka za stensko slikarstvo in mozaike Restavratorskega centra ZVKDS. Fragment smo konservirali-restavrirali skupaj v sklopu obnove Narodne galerije – bolj natačno palače nekdanjega Narodnega doma. Prenovljeni del galerije so po zaključenih konservatorskih-restavratorskih delih leta 2016 zopet svečano odprli za obiskovalce, leta 2018 pa so priredili praznovanje za 100. letnico ustanove.
Stenska poslikava, ki jo obravnavam, se je nahajala v sprejemni sobi pri glavnem vhodu palače nekdanjega Narodnega doma. Poslikava, ki je krasila omenjeno sobo, je del obširnejše okrasitve stavbe. Ekipa Restavratorskega centra se je odločila fragmente v sobi zavarovati, sneti in prenesti v delavnico Oddelka za stensko slikarstvo in mozaike RC ZVKDS.
Stenski poslikavi so odstranili električni kabel, ki je potekal po njegovi sredini. Tako so umetnino razpolovili na dva približno enaka dela, ju skupaj sneli in prenesli v delavnico Restavratorskega centra ZVKDS. Fragment stenske poslikave je tako postal predmet konservatorskega-restavratorskega posega, pri katerem sem sodeloval tudi sam. Poseg snemanja z originalnega nosilca je pričelo osebje Restavratorskega centra ZVKDS, nadaljne posege pa sem nadaljeval v delavnici, kar je tudi glavna tema diplomske naloge. Ekipa centra je dokončala delo s popolno retušo.The subject of the thesis is the fragment of the wall painting, which was detached from the walls of the National Gallery and restored in the Restoration Center’s Painting and Mosaics Department’s workshop. National Gallery’s entire reconstruction also included the fragment, which was part of the conservation-restoration project of the National Gallery itself. Following the completion of the galleries conservation and restoration works, the gallery was again opened for visitors in 2018, for the celebration the 100th anniversary of the foundation.
The fragment of the wall painting I\u27m dealing with was in the reception room at the main entrance of the National Gallery. The fragment was part of a larger wall painting decoration that adorned this room. The staff of the Restoration Center in Ljubljana decided to secure, take down and transfer fragments in the room and take them to the workshops of the department for wall paintings and mosaics of the above-mentioned center.
Electric cable which passed approximately in the middle was removed from the wall painting, subsequently the image was divided into two approximately equal parts, which were removed from the wall and transferred to the workshop of the Restoration Center. The conservation-restoration of the fragment of the wall paintings has thus become the subject of a project, in which I participated as well. The staff of the Restoration Center started the process of removing the fragments from the original support, at which point I took over and continued the conservation-restoration. Afterwards the staff finished the restauration with a complete retouch of the fragment
Infekcije vrstom Legionella pneumophila u Primorsko-goranskoj županiji
Aim: Bacteria of the genus Legionella are important causes of both
community-acquired and nosocomial pneumonia. However, the majority of
cases are clinically indistinguishable from other causes of pneumonia
and it cannot be reliably diagnosed on clinical grounds alone. The
etiological diagnosis depends mostly on culture, antigen detection,
serological or molecular tests. Methods: Present paper represents the
results of retrospective analysis of tests performed at the Department
of Microbiology the Teaching Institute of Public Health in Rijeka
between 2003 to 2008. In our laboratories most of the cases were
diagnosed by the detection of Legionella antigen in urine and/or
serological determination with enzyme immunoassay (EIA) test of the
anti-Legionella IgM fraction as the most recent answer to infection.
Results: Overall 97 urine samples and 112 sera of patients from
Primorsko-Goranska County were analysed. L. pneumophila O1 antigen in
urine was detected in 5 (5 %) of 97 samples. Serologically EIA detected
IgM in overall 13 (12 %) of all samples tested. IgM only was found in 4
(21 %) samples, IgM plus IgA and IgG in 5 (26 %), IgM plus IgA in 3 (16
%), IgM plus IgG in 1 (5 %), and IgG alone was found in 6 (32 %) of 19
positive samples. Overall, from 2003 to 2008 L. pneumophila positive
results were found in samples from 8 patients. Discussion and
Conclusions: Detection of IgM using a sensitive technique such as EIA
seems to be a suitable complement to antigenuria detection for the
diagnosis of legionellosis. EIA for the detection of L. pneumophila
serogroup O1 antigen in urine specimens is a specific assay which is of
great importance in providing a rapid diagnosis of Legionnaires’
disease.Cilj: Bakterije roda Legionella značajni su uzročnici
nozokomijalnih pneumonija, kao i pneumonija koje se javljaju u
zajednici. U većini slučajeva klinički nije moguće
razlikovati pneumonije uzrokovane legionelama od onih nastalih ostalim
atipičnim uzročnicima. Etiološka dijagnoza zasniva se
prije svega na kultivaciji, detekciji antigena, serodijagnostici i
molekularnim testovima. Metode: U radu smo retrospektivno analizirali
rezultate pretraga izvršenih na Mikrobiološkom odjelu
Nastavnog zavoda za javno zdravstvo u Rijeci od 2003. do 2008. godine.
U našim laboratorijima u većini slučajeva legioneloza je
dijagnosticirana detekcijom Legionella antigena u urinu i/ili
imunoenzimskim (EIA) anti Legionella IgM pretragama kao najranijim
serološkim pokazateljem infekcije. Rezultati: Sveukupno je
obrađeno 97 uzoraka urina i 112 seruma prikupljenih od bolesnika s
područja Primorsko-goranske županije. L. pneumophila O1
antigen otkriven je u 5 (5 %) od 97 uzoraka urina. Serološki je
EIA metodom utvrđena prisutnost IgM protutijela u ukupno 13
obrađenih uzoraka (12 %). Samo IgM detektiran je u 4 (21 %), IgM
plus IgA i IgG u 5 (26 %), IgM i IgA u 3 (16 %), IgM i IgG u 1 (5 %), i
samo IgG protutijela u 6 (32 %) od 19 pozitivnih uzoraka seruma. U
konačnici, u razdoblju od 2003. do 2008. godine pozitivni nalazi
na bakteriju L. pneumophila utvrđeni su u uzorcima od ukupno 8
bolesnika. Rasprava i zaključci: Detekcija IgM protutijela
primjenom osjetljive metode kao što je imunoenzimski test –
EIA pokazala se pogodnom u kombinaciji s detekcijom antigena u urinu za
dijagnostiku legioneloza. EIA za otkrivanje L. pneumophila seroskupine
O1 antigena u urinu predstavlja specifičnu metodu koja je osobito
značajna za brzu dijagnostiku legionarske bolesti