20 research outputs found

    All-dielectric magnetic metasurface for advanced light control in dual polarizations combined with high-Q resonances

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    Nanostructured magnetic materials provide an efficient tool for light manipulation on sub-nanosecond and sub-micron scales, and allow for the observation of the novel effects which are fundamentally impossible in smooth films. For many cases of practical importance, it is vital to observe the magneto-optical intensity modulation in a dual-polarization regime. However, the nanostructures reported on up to date usually utilize a transverse Kerr effect and thus provide light modulation only for p-polarized light. We present a concept of a transparent magnetic metasurface to solve this problem, and demonstrate a novel mechanism for magneto-optical modulation. A 2D array of bismuth-substituted iron-garnet nanopillars on an ultrathin iron-garnet slab forms a metasurface supporting quasi-waveguide mode excitation. In contrast to plasmonic structures, the all-dielectric magnetic metasurface is shown to exhibit much higher transparency and superior quality-factor resonances, followed by a multifold increase in light intensity modulation. The existence of a wide variety of excited mode types allows for advanced light control: transmittance of both p- and s-polarized illumination becomes sensitive to the medium magnetization, something that is fundamentally impossible in smooth magnetic films. The proposed metasurface is very promising for sensing, magnetometry and light modulation applications

    Magnetophotonics for sensing and magnetometry toward industrial applications

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    Magnetic nanostructures sustaining different types of optical modes have been used for magnetometry and label-free ultrasensitive refractive index probing, where the main challenge is the realization of compact devices that are able to transfer this technology from research laboratories to smart industry. This Perspective discusses the state-of-the-art and emerging trends in realizing innovative sensors containing new architectures and materials exploiting the unique ability to actively manipulate their optical properties using an externally applied magnetic field. In addition to the well-established use of propagating and localized plasmonic fields, in the so-called magnetoplasmonics, we identified a new potential of the all-dielectric platforms for sensing to overcome losses inherent to metallic components. In describing recent advances, emphasis is placed on several feasible industrial applications, trying to give our vision on the future of this promising field of research merging optics, magnetism, and nanotechnology

    Magneto-Optical Faraday Effect in Quasicrystalline and Aperiodic Microresonator Structures

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    We theoretically and numerically investigate magnetophotonic microresonators formed by a magnetic layer sandwiched between two reflective multilayers with different layer arrangements. Quasicrystals with the Fibonacci layer sequence and aperiodic structures with the Thue–Morse sequence are all compared to the conventional photonic crystal Bragg microresonators. The magneto-optical spectral properties of such magnetophotonic structures are completely different from each other and from a uniform magnetic film. In multilayered structures of various order types, microresonator modes are excited. The feature of multilayered structures with arrangements different from a periodic one is that they support the excitation of the multiple microresonator modes in a limited visible and near-infrared spectral range. The wavelengths of the two microresonator modes in a regular photonic crystal differ by more than one octave. This feature of the quasi-crystalline and aperiodic microresonators is important for applications in devices based on the Faraday effect

    Plasmonic pulse shaping and velocity control via photoexcitation of electrons in a gold film

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    We study the possibility of surface plasmon polariton (SPP) pulse shape, delay and duration manipulation on sub-picosecond timescales via a high intensity pump SPP pulse photoexciting electrons in a gold film. We present a theoretical model describing this process and show that the pump induces the phase modulation of the probe pulse leading to its compression by about 20% and the variation of the delay between two SPP pulses up to 15 fs for the incident fluence of the pump of 1.5 mJ·cm-2

    Magnetization Switching in the GdFeCo Films with In-Plane Anisotropy via Femtosecond Laser Pulses

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    Ferrimagnetic rare-earth substituted metal alloys GdFeCo were shown to exhibit the phenomenon of all-optical magnetization switching via femtosecond laser pulses. All-optical magnetization switching has been comprehensively investigated in out-of-plane magnetized GdFeCo films; however, the films with the in-plane magnetic anisotropy have not yet been studied in detail. We report experimental observations of the magnetization switching of in-plane magnetized GdFeCo films by means of the femtosecond laser pulses in the presence of a small magnetic field of about 40 µT. The switching effect has a threshold both in the applied magnetic field and in the light intensity

    All-dielectric magneto-photonic metasurfaces

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    All-dielectric metasurfaces have been attracting much attention. Low optical losses and a huge variety of optical modes provide unique possibilities for light manipulation at the nanoscale. Recent studies showed that the magneto-optical effects in such metasurfaces are enormously enhanced. Moreover, it is possible to observe novel magneto-optical effects that are absent in smooth films. Excitation of particular photonic resonances makes it possible to design the magneto-optical interaction by the metasurface design. This opens up broad opportunities for magneto-photonic metasurface applications, including optomagnetism, light modulation, sensing, magnetometry, etc