117 research outputs found

    Свобода мысли, слова и выражения мнения: некоторые проблемы формулировки и определения границ в контексте влияния религиозного фактора

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    The subject of study. The article examines certain aspects to realize freedom of thought and expression, as well as the acceptable limits. Freedom of thought, speech and expression issues are considered separately in the context of the religious component, its characteristics in the Islamic religion. The provisions of the main sources in the Muslim system of law – the Holy Quran and the Sunnah of the Prophet and Messenger of Muhammad (May Allah bless him) have been studied in sufficient details. The legal analysis on the issues under consideration was carried out based on doctrinal opinions, the current Russian and international legal acts, judicial practice, including the practice of the European Court of Human Rights. The article describes extremism through the prism of freedom of thought, speech and expression. It is noted that extremist activity is one of the consequences of misinterpretation, true awareness and perception of freedom of thought, speech and expression.The purpose of the study. The main purpose of the study is to clarify the origins of conflicts in the process of realizing freedom of thought, speech and expression, and substantiate the hypothesis that freedom of thought, speech and expression should have certain boundaries, especially in context of the influence of the religious factor.The methodology of the study. The study is based on a dialectical approach to the disclosure of legal phenomena and processes using general scientific methods (systemic method, logical method, method of analysis and synthesis) and special scientific methods. Among the latter there are formal legal method, linguistic method, comparative legal method, which have found their application in the legal analysis to realize freedom of thought, speech and expression.Conclusions. As a result, it is emphasized that freedom of thought, speech and expression is the achievement of modern mankind, one of the foundations of a democratic system and an element of civil society. The state-guaranteed opportunity for individuals to exercise these freedoms in society is a guarantee of a "healthy" society in the legal sense. However, as practice shows, unlimited freedom leads to its abuse, thereby infringing on the freedoms of other individuals and therefore, freedom of speech and its expression presupposes the existence of boundaries outlined by the state in the interests of society.  The specifics of freedom of thought, speech and expression in the Muslim system of law based on the Holy Quran and the Sunnah of the Prophet (May Allah bless him), is that this freedom ends where the border line begins, designated by the law of the Most High.Предмет исследования. Исследуются отдельные аспекты реализациисвободы мысли, слова и выражения мнения, а также приемлемые границы ее ограничения. Отдельно рассматриваются вопросы свободы мысли, слова и выражения мнения в контексте религиозной составляющей, а именно ее характеристики в исламе. Достаточно подробно изучаются положения основных источников мусульманской системы права – Священного Корана и Сунны Пророка, да благословит его Аллах и приветствует. Юридический анализ по исследуемой проблематике проведен опираясь на доктринальные мнения, действующие российские и международные нормативно-правовые акты, позиции судебной практики, в том числе и Европейского Суда по правам человека. Приведена характеристика экстремизма через призму свободы мысли, слова и выражения мнения. Отмечено, что экстремистская деятельность выступает одним из последствий неверной интерпретации истинного осознания и восприятия свободы мысли, слова и выражения мнения.Цель исследования. Основной целью исследования является выяснение причин, являющихся источниками происхождения конфликтов в процессе реализации свободы мысли, слова и выражения мнения, и обоснование гипотезы о том, что свобода мысли, слова и выражения мнения должна иметь определенные границы, особенно в контексте влияния религиозного фактора.Методология исследования. Исследование построено на основе диалектического подхода к раскрытию правовых явлений и процессов с использованием общенаучных (системный, логический, анализ и синтез) и частнонаучных методов. В числе последних формально-юридический, лингво-юридический, сравнительно-правовой, которые нашли свое применение при правовом анализе проблематики реализации свободы мысли, слова и выражения мнения.Выводы. В качестве итога подчеркивается, что свобода мысли, слова и выражения мнения – это достижения современного человечества, одна из основ демократического строя и элемент гражданского общества. Гарантированная государством возможность реализации указанных свобод индивидами в социуме является залогом «здорового» в правовом смысле общества. Вместе с тем, как показывает практика, безграничная свобода приводит к ее злоупотреблению, тем самым к ущемлению свобод других индивидов, в связи с чем свобода слова и ее выражение предполагает наличие границ, которые очерчивает государство в интересах социума. Специфика реализации свободы мысли, слова и выражения мнения в мусульманской системе права, основанной на Священном Коране Сунне Пророка, да благословит его Аллах и приветствует, состоит в том, что такая свобода заканчивается там, где начинается линия границы, обозначенная посредством закона Всевышнего

    Problematic aspects of activity of the contract system subjects in Russia: normative-legal regulation, corrupt practices and legal liability

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    Objective: legal analysis of the activities of contractual system subjects engaged in state (municipal) procurement, including the study of sources of the contract system legal regulation, the main violations in procurement and the legal responsibility of contractual system subjects.Methods: dialectical method, which contributed to revealing the issue in its relationship with other phenomena, processes and subjects; general (synthesis, analysis, deduction) and specific scientific legal methods, such as comparative legal and formal legal methods.Results: based on the analysis of legislation, judicial practice and doctrinal provisions, the paper concludes that the problematic aspects emerging in the implementation of contract activities require the use of methodologically verifi d approaches, expressed in the signs of efficiency, quality and consistency in their resolution, taking into account the undoubtedly paramount national-wide importance of the procurement system. The elimination of legal conflicts arising in contract activities regulation, as well as the prerequisites for their formation, and the implementation of measures in the field of positive (also called prospective) legal liability (legal literacy, competence, professionalism, high legal awareness and increased self-responsibility of business entities) allow concluding that the further development of the contract system of the Russian Federation will take place against the background of consistent legislative regulation, with a decrease in the number of claims of regulatory authorities to business entities (resulting in the reduction of legal liability cases), with a cost-effective component of this process.Scientific novelty: the article for the first time presents a legal analysis of activity of the contract system subjects in terms of types of legal liability to which the subjects of these relationships are brought.Practical significance: the main provisions and conclusions of the research can be used as a basis for further study of the legal regulation of contract system subjects’ activities, as well as in pedagogical activities when training specialists (contract managers) in the field of contract relations

    The comparison of methods for anisotropic flow measurements with the MPD Experiment at NICA

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    The anisotropic collective flow is one of the key observables to study the properties of dense matter created in heavy-ion collisions. The performance of Multi-Purpose Detector (MPD) at NICA collider for directed and elliptic flow measurements is studied with Monte-Carlo simulations of heavy-ion collisions at energies sNN\sqrt{s_{NN}} = 4 - 11 GeV.Comment: 10 pages, 8 figures, to be published in the Proceedings of the Conference "RFBR Grants for NICA" (Dubna, 20-23 October 2020), Journal Physics of Elementary Particles and Atomic Nucle

    Influence of dysfunctions of family education for the formation in adolescents of deviant conduct

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    The article examines the problems associated with manifestation deviant behavior of modern adolescents, as well as the identification of the main causes of the occurrence of such phenomena in society. The authors cite the results of a specific sociological survey conducted by him to participate in family education for the formation of deviant behavior in children. The relationship between parental relationships and their influence on the formation of deviant behavior in adolescent children is analyzed. The main attention in the article is given to the study of the causes of the occurrence-occurrence of deviant behavior and the identification of the main methods of eliminating this social phenomenon.В статье рассматриваются проблемы, связанные с проявлением девиантного поведения современных подростков, а также выявлением основных причин возникновения подобного явления в обществе. Авторы приводят результаты проведенного им конкретного исследования для выявления влияния семейного воспитания на формирование у детей отклоняющегося поведения. Анализируется связь родительских взаимоотношений и их влияние на формирование девиантного поведенияу детей подросткового возраста. Основное внимание в статье уделяется изучению причин возникновения отклоняющегося поведения и выявлению главных методов устранения этого общественного явления

    Overlap of parafermionic zero modes at a finite distance

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    Parafermion bound states (PBSs) are generalizations of Majorana bound states (MBSs) and have been predicted to exist as zero-energy eigenstates in proximitized fractional quantum Hall edge states. Similarly to MBSs, a finite distance between the PBS can split the ground state degeneracy. However, parafermionic modes have a richer exchange statistics than MBSs, so several interaction terms are allowed by the underlying Z2n\mathbb{Z}_{2n} symmetry, rendering the effective Hamiltonian governing a pair of PBSs at a finite distance nontrivial. Here, we use a combination of analytical techniques (semiclassical instanton approximation) and numerical techniques (quantum Monte Carlo simulations) to determine the effective coupling Hamiltonian. For this purpose, we go beyond the dilute one-instanton gas approximation and show how finite-size effects can give rise to higher-order parafermion interactions. We find excellent agreement between the analytical results and Monte Carlo simulations. We estimate that these finite-size corrections should be observable in some of the recently proposed experiments to observe PBSs in strongly correlated systems