14 research outputs found

    Waterborne aripiprazole blunts the stress response in zebrafish

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    Here we provide, at least to our knowledge, the first evidence that aripiprazole (APPZ) in the water blunts the stress response of exposed fish in a concentration ten times lower than the concentration detected in the environment. Although the mechanism of APPZ in the neuroendocrine axis is not yet determined, our results highlight that the presence of APPZ residues in the environment may interfere with the stress responses in fish. Since an adequate stress response is crucial to restore fish homeostasis after stressors, fish with impaired stress response may have trouble to cope with natural and/or imposed stressors with consequences to their welfare and survival

    Waterborne risperidone decreases stress response in zebrafish

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    The presence of drugs and their metabolites in surface waters and municipal effluents has been reported in several studies, but its impacts on aquatic organisms are not yet well understood. This study investigated the effects of acute exposure to the antipsychotic risperidone on the stress and behavioral responses in zebrafish. It became clear that intermediate concentration of risperidone inhibited the hypothalamic-pituitary-interrenal axis and displayed anxiolytic-like effects in zebrafish. The data presented here suggest that the presence of this antipsychotic in aquatic environments can alter neuroendocrine and behavior profiles in zebrafish

    Feeding regimen modulates zebrafish behavior

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    Here we show that the feeding regimen modulates zebrafish (Danio rerio) behavior. With regard to the time elapsed between feeding and behavioral evaluation, fish fed 3 h before behavioral evaluation in the novel tank test (NTT) showed decreased activity and a trend toward an anxiolytic reaction (increased use of the upper section of the aquarium) in comparison to fish fed 0.5, 6, 12, 24 or 48 h before testing, although differences were not statistically significant for all comparisons. Activity and use of the upper section of the aquarium did not differ significantly among the other treatments. Regarding feeding frequency, fish fed once a day showed higher anxiety-like behavior (decreased use of the upper section of the aquarium) in comparison to fish fed twice a day, but feeding four or six times per day or only every second day did not result in differences from feeding twice a day. Feeding frequency had no effect on activity level. Metabolically, fish fed once a day presented decreased levels of glucose and glycogen and increased lactate when compared to the regular feeding (fish fed twice a day), suggesting that feeding regimen may modulate carbohydrate metabolism. Mechanistically, we suggest that the metabolic changes caused by the feeding regimen may induce behavioral changes. Our results suggest that the high variability of the results among different laboratories might be related to different feeding protocols. Therefore, if issues pertaining to the feeding regimen are not considered during experiments with zebrafish, erroneous interpretations of datasets may occur

    Feeding regimen modulates zebrafish behavior

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    Here we show that the feeding regimen modulates zebrafish (Danio rerio) behavior. With regard to the time elapsed between feeding and behavioral evaluation, fish fed 3 h before behavioral evaluation in the novel tank test (NTT) showed decreased activity and a trend toward an anxiolytic reaction (increased use of the upper section of the aquarium) in comparison to fish fed 0.5, 6, 12, 24 or 48 h before testing, although differences were not statistically significant for all comparisons. Activity and use of the upper section of the aquarium did not differ significantly among the other treatments. Regarding feeding frequency, fish fed once a day showed higher anxiety-like behavior (decreased use of the upper section of the aquarium) in comparison to fish fed twice a day, but feeding four or six times per day or only every second day did not result in differences from feeding twice a day. Feeding frequency had no effect on activity level. Metabolically, fish fed once a day presented decreased levels of glucose and glycogen and increased lactate when compared to the regular feeding (fish fed twice a day), suggesting that feeding regimen may modulate carbohydrate metabolism. Mechanistically, we suggest that the metabolic changes caused by the feeding regimen may induce behavioral changes. Our results suggest that the high variability of the results among different laboratories might be related to different feeding protocols. Therefore, if issues pertaining to the feeding regimen are not considered during experiments with zebrafish, erroneous interpretations of datasets may occur

    Divergent action of fluoxetine in zebrafish according to responsivity to novelty

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    Here we show that the novel object recognition test can discriminate between high (HRN, neophobic) and low (LRN, neophilic) novelty responders in zebrafish populations. Especially when we observe the latency to the first entry in the novel object zone, zebrafish did not maintain these behavioral phenotypes in sequential tests and only the HRN group returned to their initial responsive behavior when exposed to fluoxetine. Our results have important implications for behavioral data analysis since such behavioral differences can potentially increase individual response variability and interfere with the outcomes obtained from various behavioral tasks. Our data reinforce the validity of personality determination in zebrafish since we show clear differences in behavior in response to fluoxetine

    Divergent action of fluoxetine in zebrafish according to responsivity to novelty

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    Here we show that the novel object recognition test can discriminate between high (HRN, neophobic) and low (LRN, neophilic) novelty responders in zebrafish populations. Especially when we observe the latency to the first entry in the novel object zone, zebrafish did not maintain these behavioral phenotypes in sequential tests and only the HRN group returned to their initial responsive behavior when exposed to fluoxetine. Our results have important implications for behavioral data analysis since such behavioral differences can potentially increase individual response variability and interfere with the outcomes obtained from various behavioral tasks. Our data reinforce the validity of personality determination in zebrafish since we show clear differences in behavior in response to fluoxetine