166 research outputs found

    Two-dimensional model of a Space Station Freedom thermal energy storage canister

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    The Solar Dynamic Power Module being developed for Space Station Freedom uses a eutectic mixture of LiF-CaF2 phase change salt contained in toroidal canisters for thermal energy storage. Results are presented from heat transfer analyses of the phase change salt containment canister. A 2-D, axisymmetric finite difference computer program which models the canister walls, salt, void, and heat engine working fluid coolant was developed. Analyses included effects of conduction in canister walls and solid salt, conduction and free convection in liquid salt, conduction and radiation across salt vapor filled void regions and forced convection in the heat engine working fluid. Void shape, location, growth or shrinkage (due to density difference between the solid and liquid salt phases) were prescribed based on engineering judgement. The salt phase change process was modeled using the enthalpy method. Discussion of results focuses on the role of free-convection in the liquid salt on canister heat transfer performance. This role is shown to be important for interpreting the relationship between ground based canister performance (in l-g) and expected on-orbit performance (in micro-g). Attention is also focused on the influence of void heat transfer on canister wall temperature distributions. The large thermal resistance of void regions is shown to accentuate canister hot spots and temperature gradients

    A 2-D oscillating flow analysis in Stirling engine heat exchangers

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    A two dimensional oscillating flow analysis was conducted, simulating the gas flow inside Stirling heat exchangers. Both laminar and turbulent oscillating pipe flow were investigated numerically for Re(max) = 1920 (Va = 80), 10800 (Va = 272), 19300 (Va = 272), and 60800 (Va = 126). The results are compared with experimental results of previous investigators. Also, predictions of the flow regime on present oscillating flow conditions were checked by comparing velocity amplitudes and phase differences with those from laminar theory and quasi-steady profile. A high Reynolds number k-epsilon turbulence model was used for turbulent oscillating pipe flow. Finally, performance evaluation of the K-epsilon model was made to explore the applicability of quasi-steady turbulent models to unsteady oscillating flow analysis

    A Turbulence Model for the Heat Transfer Near Stagnation Point of a Circular Cylinder

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    A one-equation low-Reynolds number turbulence model has been applied successfully to the flow and heat transfer over a circular cylinder in turbulent cross flow. The turbulence length-scale was found to be equal 3.7y up to a distance 0.05δ and then constant equal to 0.185δ up to the edge of the boundary layer (wherey is the distance from the surface and δ is the boundary layer thickness). The model predictions for heat transfer coefficient, skin friction factor, velocity and kinetic energy profiles were in good agreement with the data. The model was applied for Re ≤250,000 and Tu∞≤0.07

    The 3-D viscous flow CFD analysis of the propeller effect on an advanced ducted propeller subsonic inlet

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    A time marching Navier-Stokes code called PARC3D was used to study the 3-D viscous flow associated with an advanced ducted propeller (ADP) subsonic inlet at take-off operating conditions. At a free stream Mach number of 0.2, experimental data for the inlet-with-propeller test model indicated that the airflow was attached on the cowl windward lip at an angle of attack of 25 degrees became unstable at 29 degrees, and separated at 30 degrees. An experimental study with a similar inlet and with no propeller (through-flow) indicated that flow separation occurred at an angle of attack a few degrees below the value observed when the inlet was tested with the propeller. This tends to indicate that the propeller exerts a favorable effect on the inlet performance. During the through-flow experiment a stationary blockage device was used to successfully simulate the propeller effect on the inlet flow field at angles of attack. In the present numerical study, this flow blockage was modeled via a PARC3D computational boundary condition (BC) called the screen BC. The principle formulation of this BC was based on the one-and-half dimension actuator disk theory. This screen BC was applied at the inlet propeller face station of the computational grid. Numerical results were obtained with and without the screen BC. The application of the screen BC in this numerical study provided results which are similar to the results of past experimental efforts in which either the blockage device or the propeller was used

    Analysis of an advanced ducted propeller subsonic inlet

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    A time marching Navier-Stokes code called PARC (PARC2D for 2-D/axisymmetric and PARC3D for 3-D flow simulations) was validated for an advanced ducted propeller (ADP) subsonic inlet. The code validation for an advanced ducted propeller (ADP) subsonic inlet. The code validation was implemented for a non-separated flow condition associated with the inlet operating at angles-of-attack of 0 and 25 degrees. The inlet test data were obtained in the 9 x 15 ft Low Speed Wind Tunnel at NASA Lewis Research Center as part of a cooperative study with Pratt and Whitney. The experimental study focused on the ADP inlet performance for take-off and approach conditions. The inlet was tested at a free stream Mach number of 0.2, at angles-of-attack between O and 35 degrees, and at a maximum propeller speed of 12,000 RPM which induced a corrected air flow rate of about 46 lb/sec based on standard day conditions. The computational grid and flow boundary conditions (BC) were based on the actual inlet geometry and the funnel flow conditions. At the propeller face, two types of BC's were applied: a mass flow BC and a fixed flow properties BC. The fixed flow properties BC was based on a combination of data obtained from the experiment and calculations using a potential flow code. Comparison of the computational results with the test data indicates that the PARC code with the propeller face fixed flow properties BC provided a better prediction of the inlet surface static pressures than the predictions when the mass flow BC was used. For an angle-of-attack of 0 degrees, the PARC2D code with the propeller face mass flow BC provided a good prediction of inlet static pressures except in the region of high pressure gradient. With the propeller face fixed flow properties BC, the PARC2D code provided a good prediction of the inlet static pressures. For an angle-of-attack of 25 degrees with the mass flow BC, the PARC3D code predicted statis pressures which deviated significantly from the test data; however, with the fixed flow properties BC, a good comparison with the test data was obtained

    Audio-visual speech recognition with background music using single-channel source separation

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    In this paper, we consider audio-visual speech recognition with background music. The proposed algorithm is an integration of audio-visual speech recognition and single channel source separation (SCSS). We apply the proposed algorithm to recognize spoken speech that is mixed with music signals. First, the SCSS algorithm based on nonnegative matrix factorization (NMF) and spectral masks is used to separate the audio speech signal from the background music in magnitude spectral domain. After speech audio is separated from music, regular audio-visual speech recognition (AVSR) is employed using multi-stream hidden Markov models. Employing two approaches together, we try to improve recognition accuracy by both processing the audio signal with SCSS and supporting the recognition task with visual information. Experimental results show that combining audio-visual speech recognition with source separation gives remarkable improvements in the accuracy of the speech recognition system

    Use of an approximate similarity principle for the thermal scaling of a full-scale thrust augmenting ejector

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    Full temperature ejector model simulations are expensive, and difficult to implement experimentally. If an approximate similarity principle could be established, properly chosen performance parameters should be similar for both hot and cold flow tests if the initial Mach number and total pressures of the flow field are held constant. Existing ejector data is used to explore the utility of one particular similarity principle; the Munk and Prim similarity principle for isentropic flows. Static performance test data for a full-scale thrust augmenting ejector are analyzed for primary flow temperatures up to 1560 R. At different primary temperatures, exit pressure contours are compared for similarity. A nondimensional flow parameter is then used to eliminate primary nozzle temperature dependence and verify similarity between the hot and cold flow experiments

    Computational heat transfer analysis for oscillatory channel flows

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    An accurate finite-difference scheme has been utilized to investigate oscillatory, laminar and incompressible flow between two-parallel-plates and in circular tubes. The two-parallel-plates simulate the regenerator of a free-piston Stirling engine (foil type regenerator) and the channel wall was included in the analysis (conjugate heat transfer problem). The circular tubes simulate the cooler and heater of the engine with an isothermal wall. The study conducted covered a wide range for the maximum Reynolds number (from 75 to 60,000), Valensi number (from 2.5 to 700), and relative amplitude of fluid displacement (0.714 and 1.34). The computational results indicate a complex nature of the heat flux distribution with time and axial location in the channel. At the channel mid-plane we observed two thermal cycles (out of phase with the flow) per each flow cycle. At this axial location the wall heat flux mean value, amplitude and phase shift with the flow are dependent upon the maximum Reynolds number, Valensi number and relative amplitude of fluid displacement. At other axial locations, the wall heat flux distribution is more complex

    Oscillating Flow in Channels with Sudden Change in Cross Section

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    In this paper, we have computationally examined oscillating flow (zero mean between) two parallel plates with a sudden change in cross section. The flow was assumed to be laminar incompressible with the inflow velocity uniform over the channel cross section but varying sinusoidally with time. The cases studied cover wide ranges of Remax (from 187.5 to 2000), Va (from 1 to 10.66), the expansion ratio (1:2 and 1:4) and Ar (2 and 4). Also, three different geometric cases were discussed: (a) asymmetric expansion/contraction; (b) symmetric expansion/contraction; and (c) symmetric blunt body. For these oscillating flow conditions, the fluid undergoes sudden expansion in one-half of the cycle and sudden contraction in the other. The instantaneous friction factor, for some ranges of Remax and Va, deviated substantially from the steady-state friction factor for the same flow parameters. A region has been identified (see Fig. 3) below which the flow is laminar quasi-steady. A videotape showing computer simulations of the oscillating flow demonstrates the usefulness of the current analyses in providing information on the transient hydraulic phenomena

    Oscillating Flow in Channels with Sudden Change in Cross Section

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    In this paper, we have computationally examined oscillating flow (zero mean between) two parallel plates with a sudden change in cross section. The flow was assumed to be laminar incompressible with the inflow velocity uniform over the channel cross section but varying sinusoidally with time. The cases studied cover wide ranges of Remax (from 187.5 to 2000), Va (from 1 to 10.66), the expansion ratio (1:2 and 1:4) and Ar (2 and 4). Also, three different geometric cases were discussed: (a) asymmetric expansion/contraction; (b) symmetric expansion/contraction; and (c) symmetric blunt body. For these oscillating flow conditions, the fluid undergoes sudden expansion in one-half of the cycle and sudden contraction in the other. The instantaneous friction factor, for some ranges of Remax and Va, deviated substantially from the steady-state friction factor for the same flow parameters. A region has been identified (see Fig. 3) below which the flow is laminar quasi-steady. A videotape showing computer simulations of the oscillating flow demonstrates the usefulness of the current analyses in providing information on the transient hydraulic phenomena