447 research outputs found

    Actor-network theory in consolidating collaborative web platform methodology for knowledge collaboration

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    Knowledge collaboration has been implemented in variety of ways to creates the knowledge sharing and individual knowledge, talents and information can be effectively used.Knowledge collaboration is all about relation and connection of involved actors and this cannot be separated. This relationship is translated through an Actor-Network Theory, which is a sociology theory.This research is to study how sociology theory can be used as an interpreting and solution tool in information system field, in this case for creating a collaborative web platform.This research shows how Actor-Network Theory can be embedded to system development methodology such as identifying list of requirements, analyzing current system and identifying the actor’s roles, but for the purpose of this article (at this stage) there is no research result presented

    Technology to enhance learning: The Jordanian experience

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    The rapidly growth of Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs) has changed the routine life in the world. Developing nations see the economic prosperity in developed nations by development of associated information technology and development of a knowledge society.Jordan, as one of the developing countries, highly values the importance of Higher Education Institutions (HEIs) and their role in achieving an economic prosperity through the development of human resources.Unfortunately, the adoption and usage of ICT in teaching and learning process is quite low among the academic staff in the public HEIs in Jordan.The main purpose of this study is to present the differences between academic staffs’ demographic characteristics and the usage of common technologies such as computers, Internet, mobile phone, and personal digital assistant (PDA) that affects their adoption and usage of ICT in the teaching and learning process. The results show there are some significant differences between demographic factors and such common technologies.Besides, the study presents the current status of ICT usage in public HEIs in Jordan among academicians

    Ising model on the Cayley tree of second order with left and right interactions

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    In this paper we consider Ising model on the semi-infinite Cayley tree of second order with left and right interaction and investigate the problem of phase transition for this model

    Critical success factors (CSFS) of the pre-adoption and pre-implementation plan of Customer Relationship Management (CRM) system

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    The success of Customer Relationship management (CRM) is not an easy thing to be achieved.The understanding of the main factors that could contribute in the success of CRM initiatives will make the difference toward successful CRM systems adoption and implementation.An extensive review of the literature was conducted in order to highlight the main success factors that if the organization be aware of and dealt with properly will achieve success and will gain the intended benefits of their CRM initiative or program.This paper revealed that top management support, managing organizational and cultural change, CRM understanding, organizational readiness, and users’ involvement are among the most important CRM systems success factors.In addition, this paper proposed plan of six success factors to be as a pre-adoption and pre-implementation plan for the successful adoption and implementation of CRM systems

    Principles and guidelines for developing implementation methodology of Customer Relationship Management (CRM) systems

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    The implementation of CRM systems has become very necessary for organizations in order to effectively manage their relationships with the customers.Unfortunately, it has faced various failures in different industries. Besides, the existence of implementation methodologies or frameworks that guide the successful implementation of CRM systems are still lacking. In response to that, this paper aims to critically review the methodologies of the existing implementation of CRM system and to comprehensively suggest a set of principles and guidelines for the successful implementation plan of CRM systems.In accordance, this paper compares three most famous CRM implementation methodologies; CRM-iris methodology, CRM-six sigma methodology, and Jun-Wu methodology. As a result, a set of implementation principles and guidelines are suggested to be taken into consideration in the implementation of CRM systems.These principles and guidelines could be tested empirically in the future for the generalization purposes

    User Interface and RF-Front End Design for Radio Direction Finding-Miniature Unmanned Air Vehicles (RDF-MUAV)

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    Radio direction finding perform better at high altitude due to greater line of sight coverage. In this paper, the radio direction finding-miniature unmanned air vehicles (RDF-MUAVs) platform able to localize the beacon by accessing the direction of signal and report it back to the ground station immediately, improving search and rescue operations. RDF-MUAV system divided into four major part; RF front end design; RF software design; ground station design; and user interface (UI). This paper focuses on two out of the four major parts, which designing a good UI and RF front end to be integrated into the system. The UI is designed using Linux, Apache, MySQL, PHP (LAMP) architecture in Raspberry Pi platform that can display accurate data obtained from RDF-MUAVs. The UI is based on HTML which is lightweight, modifiable and can be accessed through smartphone, tablets, or personal computer. In the antenna design, phase direction finder method is chosen. The rotation of antenna can be done by moving the UAV to obtain the bearing to the source signal. Proposed type of antenna is Yagi-Uda antenna due to its high gain and relatively small size. The folded dipole is chosen as the driven element of the antenna due to its bandwidth characteristics and directivity. Result shows the function-al bandwidth is 200MHz which can accept electromagnetic waves from 500MHz to 600MHz and 900MHz to 1000MHz. Overall, the design implementations provide a feasible system in search and rescue operation

    Empowering wakaf (Islamic endowment) for economic development: an insightful value of Nazir waqf in Indonesia

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    Productive waqf, which are one of the instruments of economic development for the people in Indonesia, have not yet materialized. Even though the legislation regarding waqf (Islamic endowment) has been ratified and enforced by the Indonesian Government, especially Law No. 1 of 2004 concerning Endowments. The main cause is assumed to lie in the end of waqf that has not been effective. Therefore, this study is focused on talking about Nazir (appointed administrator) under the position in managing productive waqf. The qualitative data used is sourced from books and statutory regulations on waqf in Indonesia, then analyzed by the opinions ulama especially those related to Nazir waqf, whether individuals, organizations or legal entities. Based on the studies conducted, the development of waqf is still a lot of obstacles or obstacles, such as the community’s understanding of waqf is still weak, public trust in Nazir is still not lacking, and Nazir itself is still a lot of professionals. Therefore, the solution is to develop Nazir waqf, both moral, managerial, business knowledge, and raising Nazir that is not yet a full timer, not just part time work. When such obstacles have been overcome, God willing, productive endowments will develop in Indonesia, and finally the productive endowments can truly be an element of empowerment and economic development of the people

    SOC UUM lebar sayap kepakaran ke Indonesia

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    PUSAT Pengajian Pengkomputeran(SOC) Universiti Utara Malaysia (UUM) melebarkan sayap kepa­karannya ke persada antarabangsa dengan menjalinkan kerjasama penyelidikan bersama Universitas Komputer Indonesia (UNIKOM) dan Universitas Telkom (TEL­KOM), Indonesia

    Issues and Challenges in Applying Computer-Based Distance Learning system as an alternative to traditional training methods

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    Many scholars have listed the problemsthat prevent organizations’ employees to attend face toface training methods. Additionally, they havepresented Information and Communication Technology(ICT) especially distance learning system as importantway to overcome these obstacles. However, they did notdepend on empirical studies to mention those problemsand to compare between traditional training methodand applying computer-based distance learning system.Therefore, this survey aims to distinguish between thetraditional training methods and computer-baseddistance learning system as an important way toovercome employees’ problems with traditionaltraining, including the challenges and some issues


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    QRS kompleks adalah bentuk umum dari sinyal EKG yang normal dan berhubungan dengan deplarisasi ventrikel. QRS kompleks dapat mendeteksi kelainan frekuensi, keteraturan, tempat asal atau kondisi impuls listrik pada jantung. Namun, pendeteksian QRS kompleks saat ini masih dilakukan manual oleh dokter. Pada Tugas Akhir ini, Dataset yang digunakan diambil dari Fantasia Database MIT Arrythmia. Puncak gelombang R di deteksi menggunakan algoritma Pan and Tompskins lalu dari hasil deteksi data ECG di ekstrak menjadi dataset QRS dan nonQRS yang ditandai dengan kelas 1 dan kelas 0. Dataset ini kemudian diolah dengan metode Deep Learning menggunakan algoritma Convolutional Neural Network. Hasilnya, dengan 2410 dataset dengan komposisi 50% QRS dan 50% non QRS serta membagi data training sebanyak 70% dan data test sebanyak 30%, hasil akurasi yang diperoleh mencapai 99.58%. Kata kunci : Sinyal ECG, QRS Kompleks algoritma Pan and Tomskins, Convolutional Neural Networ